Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 116: gift


When I woke up, I heard a hoarse and tired voice outside the door of the ward.

"Is the situation very bad?" Anxiously.

"Well, the mother's progesterone is relatively low, coupled with the strong mental stimulation, it has a great impact on the fetus. If you want to keep the child, we recommend that you stay in the hospital for temporary protection."

"What is the chance of keeping it?" Obviously nervous.

The doctor regrets, "We can't be sure for the time being. It depends on the results after receiving a period of treatment."

"Okay, I will trouble you!"


Are you talking about yourself

Mo Xiaoguo lashed her eyelashes, and wet tears fell on her cheeks. She moved her hands with difficulty and put her palms on her lower abdomen.

Here... There is a baby

It's incredible.


is his…

Thinking of this, her fingers trembled.

His child... How can she stay

If she was born, how would she explain to her dead father

"Xiaoguo, are you awake?" Mu Haoyu was pleasantly surprised. He had already come over and took the lead in holding her hand.

"How? Where is it?" Mu Xin held her other hand nervously.

The door of the ward was pushed open from outside.

Seeing her weak on the hospital bed, he saw a heavy pain in his eyes, but he did not approach.

As if afraid of the destructive hatred and despair in her eyes. She looked at her eyes, so strange, so strange that it made him timid.

Standing at a short distance, staring at her, "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Her pale lips trembled. The godless eyes looked at him for a long while, and only squeezed a word from his lips, "This child... I don't want it."

As soon as the words fell, the three people in the ward were all trembling.

Knowing that Mu Beicheng looked surprised after she was pregnant, Mu Xin and Mu Haoyu still remember clearly.

He wants to be a father.

Especially, the child is still hers.

If you really don't want this child, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to him.

"Xiaoguo, don't be impulsive..." Mu Xin couldn't help but said: "You are the first child. A miscarriage is very harmful to a woman."

"I don't want it!" She stubbornly said, gritting her teeth and staring at Mu Beicheng bitterly, "I don't want it! I don't want to have your baby!"

Mu Beicheng shook severely again. Her hatred, so clearly visible, like a nail, nailed his heart inch by inch.

He glanced at her griefly, pursed his lips, and said stiffly: "You calm down first. These things will be discussed when you get better."

What else did Mo Xiaoguo want to say, but he didn't have the courage to listen anymore.

He only turned sullenly, took a deep step, and walked out of the ward.

He believed that with Mu Xin and Mu Haoyu, they would take good care of her...


He never left.

He just leaned against the door, stiff against the cold wall.

Let that chill penetrate into his heart inch by inch...

The whole person was gradually covered by gloom.

I don't know how long it took, Mu Xin came out of the ward and couldn't bear to see Mu Beicheng depressed.

"Would you like to go in and see her?" Mu Xin asked hardly.

He then raised his head, his eyes gloomy, "Are you asleep?"

"... Hmm. So tired, I fell asleep again."

He didn't go in, but stood at the door, staring deep inside through the window.

She slept there quietly. Only at this time, the hatred in her eyes will be restrained, and will not open to stab him.


The two are obviously so close, but...

Between each other, it is clear that a huge gap has been born, and no one can cross it.

Just like this, keep each other farther and farther away...

He pressed his forehead painfully against the door panel and closed his eyes.

Mu Xin patted him on the shoulder, "You two will have a good talk for a while, and she will understand if you love her so much."

"... What did she say about the child?" Mu Beicheng asked, still standing at the door.

Mu Xin paused and looked at him with some regret, "It's still that way. Beicheng, if she really doesn't want this child, then... let's talk to the doctor."

"Impossible!" Mu Beicheng rejected her proposal without thinking.

She frowned, "Why do you force her? The more you force it, the farther you will go. Don't you understand? Now she is getting angry!"

Mu Beicheng opened his eyes and looked at her. Those tired eyes were full of grief, "If the child is gone, she and I will be completely broken... Sister, in this life, maybe we really will never again. Maybe..."

The voice was sad, weak, and more helpless. Mu Xin felt sour and hugged him with pity, "... I understand your feelings, and I will persuade her again."

Mu Beicheng didn't speak, just pursed his lips and said nothing.

As the time passed, and night gradually approached, she slept very restlessly, occasionally pulling her eyebrows, and layers of cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

Mu Haoyu patiently twisted the towel to wipe her sweat. Looking at the busy figure, Mu Xin sighed and glanced sideways at Mu Beicheng. After all, she pushed the door in and patted Mu Haoyu on the shoulder, "Haoyu, we should go now."

"Sister, I want to stay."

Mu Xin glanced at Mu Beicheng who had already walked in, then turned around and said, "Give them some time and space. No matter what, we are just outsiders."


Mu Haoyu was startled slightly.

The hand holding the towel tightened. Looking down at the pale little face on the hospital bed, he finally put down the towel and paused before looking up at Mu Beicheng, "Second brother, she is my buddy, don't bully her again!"

His thin lips opened, and he nodded, "I know."

Mo Xiaoguo woke up in the middle of the night. Sit up from the bed due to nightmares.

She hasn't had such a nightmare for a long time-since being with Mu Beicheng, she has an unprecedented sense of stability. He seemed to be the protector who fell from the sky, and easily dispelled all the haze in her heart-she was so lucky to have him!

However, he never expected that it turned out that he was the one who had suffered nightmares and panic for so many years, but he dared to appear in his own world so grandly.

"Have a nightmare again?" The cold hand was grasped by a big one. His body temperature, like himself, was as cold as if there was no temperature.

Gradually, the line of sight had a focus.

To the last pair of worried eyes.

She trembled, and she almost immediately wanted to withdraw her hand, but he stubbornly held it tightly.

"You let go!" Her voice choked up.

The pain and hatred that had been suppressed for a long time in the body was like a fierce beast, violently tearing her heart, cruelly torn her to pieces.

"Good... Calm down!" Not only did Mu Beicheng not let go, but instead he firmly embraced her struggling body. His jaw lightly touched her head, and he arduously coaxed her out of control, "Relax, I won't hurt you anymore, trust me... Xiaoguo, trust me!"

He repeated the last three words, firm and persuasive, just wanting to let her understand what he wanted at the moment.

But, where is she who is completely immersed in her emotions? In her eyes, he is a demon! Grim and terrifying!

"You let me go!" she cried.

"I won't let go! Never will!" Mu Beicheng said solemnly, his tone could not be beaked, "Mo Xiaoguo, listen carefully, not only will I not let go of you, but also our children... I will neither compromise!"


Her eye sockets became more and more sore.

It's like venting anger, but also like being angry, "I don't want children! I won't have children!"

"I can't help you!" He also became domineering.

Mo Xiaoguo became more annoyed and punched him with a fist. He stayed still and let her vent.

However, the more so, the more frustrated and powerless she felt. Suddenly he burst into tears, opened his lips and bit his shoulder severely.

She spoke without mercy at all, and the sharp pain was not relieved by the shirt.

He trembled, but still did not let go.

As long as she is still there, she can vent whatever she wants.

These are all punishments he deserved when he was young and frivolous.

He deserves...

Seemingly tired of biting, she finally loosened her teeth slowly.

Blood soaked the shirt.

Bloody smell, a little pungent.

However, he never even frowned.

In the next instant, what she uttered, but he was shaken to ashes...

"Mu Beicheng, even if you force me... I won't give birth to a kid who is guilty..."

He was shocked.

His face was as pale as paper.

Even the big palm holding her started to tremble.

Strong J committed...

This is her definition of herself, without any trace of emotion.

He wanted to refute, but the facts made him unable to say a word.

Her lips moved, and after all, she couldn't break away from the chains of sin she brought to herself.

As if unable to see him overstrike, she continued to harden her heart, mocking and mocking, without a trace of emotion, "Will the child be born... I want to tell him that we are starting with you and me." Do you want him to know what kind of person dad is? How can you make him and me feel so embarrassed?"


Why is the love

He is just a heinous sinner, who would be willing to give birth to children for sin

and so…

He deserves to see his child just leave...

These are all punishments he should bear...

Big palm, one inch, one inch, loosen from her...

He looked at her with ashen eyes, his lips moved, and finally squeezed out a few words, "You are right... You are not worthy of children..."

His compromise made her startled.

There was a soreness in my chest, and it surged upwards inexplicably.

She bit her lip, refusing to let the mist in her eyes rise again.

He stood up straight and kept a distance from her. Obviously they were very close, but Mo Xiaoguo felt in a daze that they were so far away...

"If there is an operation tomorrow, then... I will start to take a good rest now. I will talk to the doctor about the operation."

He, holding back Shiran, finished in one breath.

However, every word is so heavy and miserable.

It is not easy to bury one's own child by hand...

He turned around and left.

The door was taken.

With a soft sound, it felt like a whip was slammed in his heart, and the pain caused Mo Xiaoguo's tears to fall down.

She doesn't know what's wrong, but...

Suddenly, like a child who has suffered a great grievance, he choked under the quilt.


The crying is getting louder and louder and sadder...

They have come to an end...

This is their only choice.


In her mind, she began to think about their past uncontrollably...

At the annual meeting, on the roof of the building, they raised their heads indulgingly at the bright fireworks...

He wrapped her with his clothes, lovingly, approached her cautiously, hugged her...

In the community, he kissed her so hard and decisively...

and also…

On his wrist, he tried his best to give his gift...

Mo Xiaoguo clutched the white jade bracelet on her wrist tightly. I obviously want to take it off, but...