Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 13: I want to test it myself


She thought she was dazzled, clutching the phone and staring at the serial number carefully.

That's right! It's the owner!

Looking at the screen in shock, Mo Xiaoguo was dumbfounded for only a second, and then immediately recorded it seriously. These materials are precious to her.

After a while, the phone vibrated again.

"Can I help you?" It was the same person.

Mo Xiaoguo was so grateful that she immediately went back to the past excitedly, "There is absolutely! Every word is a reward for me, thank you so much!"

Her surprise and excitement were clearly expressed in her words.

"Originally, I should thank you in person."

"That's just a trivial matter." She thought for a while, and added a few more words, "Are you also in the financial sector?"

"Read about finance."

Mo Xiaoguo held the phone against his jaw, hesitated for a while, but still mustered up the courage to type a few words, "After that...I have other questions, can I still ask you?"

I hope the other party will not think she is too abrupt!

Mo Xiaoguo carefully grasped the phone, waiting for the other party to respond.

"of course."

The generous and straightforward words made her couldn't help but smile. It was too in a hurry, and he couldn't be polite. I immediately picked out some things I didn't understand, and sent it to him.

Unexpectedly, he patiently answered every question.

This person is a living dictionary at all!

He didn't express his opinions much, but the one or two that he occasionally mentioned casually was unique and sharp enough to make Mo Xiaoguo feel amazing.

God, she really seems to have picked up the baby!

Mo Xiaoguo banged in front of the computer, and a report was written smoothly like never before.

They didn't chat, and occasionally encountered problems, she would ask each other for advice. I thought it was late and he should go to bed, but every time he sent a message, he would get his reply in time.

When the report came to a close, I grabbed my phone to check the time and realized that it was already two o'clock in the morning.

"Are you asleep?" She was annoyed that she didn't pay attention to the time and dragged others to this point. Damn it!

"No, waiting for a document."

"Oh, I'm done, thank you very much today." Mo Xiaoguo said sincerely.

"No." His answer was still short.

Mo Xiaoguo thought for a while, and still replied the word'good night', and then the phone went quiet, and he did not reply any more messages.

She happily sorted out the report, added her resume, and sent it directly to Mu Beicheng's business mailbox.

With the help of the owner, she was very satisfied with the report. If you want to come, Lu Feng's brother-in-law will also be satisfied!

Mo Xiaoguo turned off the computer and mobile phone with good wishes, and after washing up, he happily climbed into bed.

Today’s gain is not only this report, but also...

The'Bai Xiaosheng' on the other end of the phone! This surprised her.

the other side.

He did not fall asleep immediately.

First, I briefly browsed her personal resume, glanced over the inch photo, and then fell on her resume after high school.

They are all famous universities.

Mu Beicheng's heart was slightly relieved. The incident six years ago did not seem to have left too much shadow on her life trajectory.

She seems to be doing pretty well now.

Lovers, family, she already owns, and next will have a career.

The next day.

As soon as Mu Beicheng entered the office and threw his coat on the sofa, Xu Lei did not invite him in.

"Who wrote the report you sent me last night? Show that person to me, I want it!"

Mu Beicheng didn't answer right away, but reached out and pressed the internal phone number and instructed the secretary: "Chen Qian, send in the resume that you just printed out."

"Yes, President." Immediately, Chen Qian sent her resume in with her pregnant belly.

Mu Beicheng languidly sat in the swivel chair and didn't move, only screaming at Xu Lei. Xu Lei stretched out his hand and drew it over, glanced at him hesitantly before turning it over.

"Graduate students?" Xu Lei was surprised. "No wonder her report has strong theoretical knowledge and slightly insufficient practical experience."

But even so, this is a very heavy report.

"It's up to you to decide whether you want her or not." Mu Beicheng does not intend to participate in this matter. In IG, it is based on strength.

Xu Lei took a closer look at her resume, pondered, and nodded: "This person, I want to test it myself."

Mu Beicheng raised his eyebrows, "Are you so idle?"

"It's not idle, it's the lack of manpower recently. The better ones were transferred to Country Z by the guy Liangchen."

Both Xu Lei and Wei Liangchen grew up with Mu Beicheng. The three of them have been crazy together since childhood. Later, the three of them resolutely abandoned the family business and founded IG Finance together. Now they are each other's right-hand man, and no one can do without the company.

"However, why does the girl in this photo look so familiar?" Xu Lei's gaze stopped at that inch photo.

Mu Beicheng's eyes floated, and his thin lips lifted slightly, "Well, I probably saw it here."

"Where you are?" Xu Lei tilted his head for a moment. The next second, he knocked on his head with his resume, and he suddenly realized, "That girl! Yes, that's the girl! Why? Did she come to you?"

Xu Lei was so excited that he was lying on the desk.

Mu Beicheng pushed him away, "No, she didn't know it was me."