Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 134: I just want to come and see you


Opening the door was Chen Jiu. First, I greeted the old lady and Yu Lan respectfully, and then said: "Mu Shao, Beichuan’s customer Xiao Jinyu is here, and Mr. Xu is waiting for you with him."

Mu Beicheng raised his eyebrows. Nothing is more suitable than this time! "I see. Let them wait for me for two minutes, and I'll be here right away."

"Yes." Chen Jiu nodded and went out again.

Mu Beicheng looked at the two elders a little sorry. Said: Xiao Jinyu, the president of MY company, is here, and I have to meet him in person. The old lady stood up with her bag, "Since there is business to be busy, we don't stay anymore."

"Mom, things haven't been clear yet." Yu Lan was a little anxious about this.

The old lady glanced at her, "This matter is not in a hurry. Let's go."

Mu Beicheng calmly patted his mother on the shoulder, and asked, "Have you brought the driver over? If not, I will arrange it."

"No, the driver is waiting downstairs." The old lady said.

Mu Beicheng nodded and personally sent the two elders downstairs. Before getting into the car, Yu Lan helped the old lady to go in, and then said to Mu Beicheng, "Beicheng, Mom is not afraid to tell you, because of our generation, I don’t want you to marry that girl from the Mo family and come in. Don’t take Mom’s words to heart, since ancient times, couples who divorced because of their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have never been less!

After all, without waiting for him to say anything, Yu Lan got into the car. Seeing the car drifting away, Mu Beicheng's eyes fell.

Suddenly wanted to hear her voice.

I took out the phone and dialed home. I was slightly disappointed when I heard Sister Chen's voice. Maybe she is sleeping again. However, before he could speak, her voice was already heard on the other side of the phone.

"Hey." Gentle and slowly, like a spring breeze. Mu Beicheng raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and suddenly raised his lips and smiled. The moment I heard her voice, the depression in my heart seemed to be swept away. Just listening to her voice makes me feel so satisfied.

As long as she is willing to go all the way with herself, then... he really can't find a reason to let her go!


If even she wants to let go, can't wait to leave her

"Mu Beicheng? Why don't you speak?" Mo Xiaoguo asked suspiciously without hearing a voice.

Only then did Mu Beicheng return to his senses, "I am here. I will go back early tonight and let Sister Chen cook one more person's meal."

"Are you coming back for dinner?"

"Yeah." Mu Beicheng didn't say anything more, only said: "I'm going up to accompany the client, and I'll talk later."

I hung up the phone and didn't want to think about other unnecessary things. I opened the revolving door and re-entered the company to devote myself to work.

In the afternoon, Mo Xiaoguo was chatting with Sister Chen in the kitchen.

"Do you want to order these recipes?" Sister Chen asked as she ordered the dishes.

"Well, it's rare for him to come back for a meal, so he will cook more." Mo Xiaoguo glanced at the fresh dishes, most of which are Mu Beicheng's favorite foods.

Sister Chen laughed, "You have a very good relationship now. It is estimated that when this child is born, you should really put the marriage on the agenda."

When it comes to getting married, Mo Xiaoguo's complexion is slightly condensed. Looking at Sister Chen, she shook her head, "No..."

She dreamed again last night.

In my dream, there is a father and a mother...

I called Mo Xiaona today, and Mo Xiaona was still asking her when to take the exam, urging her to go to the United States as soon as possible. She didn't even have the courage to tell Mo Xiaona that she is now pregnant with Mu Beicheng's child. Thinking of this, she only felt guilty, and her heart became more and more heavy.

Actually, she knows how... she is already deep in the mud and unable to extricate herself...

It’s not easy to go in the future...

In a daze, the doorbell rang. Sister Chen thought it was Mu Beicheng who was back, and hurried to open the door. After a while, Mo Xiaoguo heard Sister Chen calling her outside, "Miss Mo, it's a gentleman."

Mo Xiaoguo walked out suspiciously and saw Mu Haoyu standing at the door. Seeing him, she was taken aback. Where is Mu Haoyu at this time like before? The originally energetic handsome face didn't smile a little at this moment, and the whole person looked a bit decadent and tired.

Mo Xiaoguo asked distressedly, "Did something happen?"

During this period of time, he didn't contact her much, and every time the two people talked on the phone, they picked up the voice in short or two.

Mu Haoyu shook his head and changed his shoes at the hallway, "I just want to come and see you."

After all, he just sat down on the sofa and leaned against the sofa with a bit of fatigue. Mo Xiaoguo instructed Sister Chen to pour the tea, walked up to him and sat down, and looked at him with concern for a long while, "I haven't slept much recently?"

There are still bloodshot eyes in those eyes!

"... Hmm." Mu Haoyu replied vaguely, looked down at her, his gaze fell on her stomach, and forced a smile, "I'm fat."

"You have lost weight." He really lost a lot of weight.

Mu Haoyu nodded, unscrewed the shirt button at the neckline, and exhaled heavily, as if he wanted to exhale all the pressure accumulated during the recent period.

"It feels like I haven't eaten much in the past few days, and my stomach is empty." He said, and looked at Mo Xiaoguo deeply, "It's rare to be free today, so I will come here to take a look."

Mo Xiaoguo didn't know what happened to him, but it was obvious that he didn't want to tell herself, so she had no choice but to keep asking. Just stood up and said, "Then you wait, I will let Sister Chen cook a bowl of noodles for you?"

Mu Haoyu shook his head, "Don't bother, I have no appetite."

"Just stay there and stop talking nonsense."

Mu Haoyu smiled, "Suddenly miss the things Aunt Jin made."

Speaking of her mother, Mo Xiaoguo's expression dimmed for a while, and then said: "Wait, I'll make it for you."

Mu Haoyu's deep gaze stayed on Mo Xiaoguo's back for a long time, until her figure turned into the kitchen, and he couldn't see it anymore, then he lonely withdrew his gaze.

When he was the most tired, he still couldn't help but think of her, so he couldn't control it here whenever he had time. Once I was standing in the position of a good friend or even a brother, I dared not show my thoughts for a long time. I was afraid that the window paper would be pierced and I would never be able to sew it again. However, he didn't know until this moment that if he missed the opportunity, he would never have another chance.

When Mo Xiaoguo came out of the kitchen carrying the noodles, he saw that Mu Haoyu had fallen asleep on the sofa. What is entangled with him lately? Make him frown tightly even in his dream.

Sighing, Mo Xiaoguo moved the blanket from the room to cover him. He was half asleep and half awake, and subconsciously grabbed her hand. Hold it tightly and refuse to let it go.

"Mu Haoyu?" Mo Xiaoguo called out cautiously, struggling tentatively.

Mu Haoyu shouldn't, and never let go.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened. After Mu Beicheng got off work, he stepped into the door. I changed my shoes and came in, and I saw the picture in the hall at a glance.

The tall figure was slightly startled, his eyes floated. Mo Xiaoguo raised his eyes, just touching his line of sight, catching the fleeting darkness in his eyes, and then seeing what he and Mu Haoyu look like at the moment, only feeling embarrassed and a little guilty.

Actually, this kind of behavior between myself and Mu Haoyu is not too much, but now...

In front of Mu Beicheng, it was like doing something wrong.

She struggled again, but fortunately, at this time Mu Haoyu obediently withdrew his hand.

With a sigh of relief, she could sense that Mu Beicheng's gaze was still fixed on her, and she whispered: "I'm back? Sister Chen is still cooking. You can wash your hands first and you can eat later."

Mu Beicheng nodded slightly, took off his jacket and set it aside, and glanced at Mu Haoyu who was sleeping on the sofa with his eyes closed, "Why did he come here?"

He looks tired.

After such a big event, one can imagine how hard he has been.

"I said it's rare to be free, so I came over and have a look." Mo Xiaoguo replied, and looked down at Mu Haoyu, and asked, "Do you know what happened to him? He seems very tired."

Mu Beicheng looked at her with an expression of worries and concerns, and pressed her thin lips lightly before saying, "Don't worry about it, even if something happens, it will be resolved smoothly."

Mo Xiaoguo remembered how Mu Miao cried on the phone last time, and vaguely guessed that it might be related to Mu Haoyu's father. She didn't ask any more, because... She's just an outsider...

"What is this?" Mu Beicheng swept the steaming noodles on the table.

"Just cooked. He said that he missed my mother's craftsmanship, so I cooked it for him, but he fell asleep in a blink of an eye."

Mu Beicheng Nu Nu's mouth, his eyes darkened slightly, meaningless, "You... seem to be more familiar with you than me and you."

Mo Xiaoguo was startled slightly. , Looking up at him, he stood at the table and waved at her, "Come here."

She walked over obediently, and he suddenly reached out and hugged her. Thinking of Mu Haoyu who was still asleep on the sofa, and sister Chen who looked at them smiling straight, her face was slightly red, struggling to take a step back. But the tighter he closed his arms, he hugged her firmly.

"No withdrawal!"

The strong, short command made her move to a halt. He leaned over slightly and glanced at her, that Zhang Junyan was very close, making her feel a little dizzy.

Mu Beicheng stared at her deeply, "You haven't cooked in a long time."

Moreover, he hasn't tasted her cooking in a long time. He was a little jealous of Mu Haoyu.

Looking at his eyes, Mo Xiaoguo's heart was slightly astringent. I used to think that she would wash her hands and make soup for this man. She thought it would be a feeling of happiness.

"Do you want to eat? Then eat the bowl of noodles while it's hot, and then put it down for batter." As if not understanding, Mo Xiaoguo pulled the bowl away from his arms and pulled the bowl in front of him.

He darkened his eyes, "Can't you see that I'm jealous?"

"..." She rolled her eyes, without answering him. Mu Beicheng pulled her: "From now on, when the child comes out, you will cook two bowls of noodles. One is large and the other is small."

She was taken aback.

In a daze, as if seeing such a picture appeared before my eyes. Mu Beicheng led the child to sit at the table, waiting for her to come out of the kitchen. The child has a scarf around his neck. He or she may not speak smoothly, and he is not very flexible with chopsticks. He is a little clumsy. As a father, he patiently teaches the child to grasp chopsticks and pick noodles...

The scene, just thinking about it, feels very warm.


Between them, is there a future

She was not sure at all.

Since having dinner with Mu Beicheng that day in the'Shengshi Dynasty', Lu Ying has called Mu Beicheng several times. However, what made her helpless was that every time she called to Mu Beicheng's company, the secretary picked him up, and the answer to him was either Mr. Mu was not there or Mr. Mu was in a meeting.

This made her extremely frustrated!

She couldn't bear it after all, and went directly to his company today.

"Shao Mu, Miss Lu has come to the company." Chen Jiu opened the door and reported. Hearing Lu Ying, Mu Beicheng couldn't help frowning, and didn't even lift his head, "No."

Chen Jiu was about to go out, thought about it again, and paused. "Mu Shao, it's not that I'm talking too much. It's a special time now, so don't just refuse it like this. Or, let's find a more euphemistic reason?"

Mu Beicheng paused while flipping through the copy, then he nodded, "Just say that I'm not in the company. Others, you are free to play."

"it is good."