Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 14: Did she approach you on purpose?


Speaking of six years ago, Mu Beicheng couldn't help but think of the cries and cries of grievance she had made.

In the past six years, he has not had a woman. It was only later that I learned that that day and her were nothing at all. They only have a beginning, but no process, let alone an end. However, he remembered the events of that day clearly, inexplicably.

"Then what do you mean now? Allow her to join the company?" Xu Lei stared at him.

"Didn't you want her?" Mu Beicheng regained his senses, his eyes still warm.

"Yes, this girl is quite talented. It won't be bothersome to bring her out. However, it is really in our company, which is like a time bomb. Who knows if she approached you on purpose? Although she hadn't seen it that day You, can you be sure that Jiang Ling really never leaked any of your news back then?"

Xu Lei paused, then cautiously asked, "How many companies has she invested in this resume?"

"Only one."

Xu Lei raised his hand and threw the resume into the trash can without hesitation, "Whether she approached intentionally or not, her appearance is suspicious. We can't take this risk!"

Once there is any problem in Mubei City, the problems that IG Finance will face are hard to imagine.

Mu Beicheng didn't speak for a while, just stared at the trash can. His eyes are like clear springs, but they don't see the bottom, and they can't distinguish between happiness and anger.

After a long while, he walked over, took out his resume, and threw it to Xu Lei, "give her a chance."

When receiving the notice of the interview, Mo Xiaoguo just jumped out of joy. She didn't tell Mo Xiaona, or Lu Feng, let alone inform Mu Haoyu of this kind of good news. Instead, she compiled a message and sent it to the'owner'.

He has done the most!

However, this time he did not return to himself in time. If you want to come, the other party should be very busy! Mo Xiaoguo didn't take it seriously either.

Early in the morning, she put on the suit Mu Haoyu sent over, put on a light makeup, and Mo Xiaoguo and Mo Xiaona went out together.

The spring sun shines through the clouds, as if even the air smells of vanilla, making people feel refreshed.

After waving goodbye to her sister, she took the subway and went directly to IG Finance.

When Mu Beicheng came out of the conference room, he turned his head and told Chen Qian, "Send Manager Xu to come over."

"Mr. Xu should be in the personnel department now, saying that he will personally select people for the interview today."

He paused and turned to look at Chen Qian, "Today's interview?"

"Hmm. How about I go down and find him?"

"No need." Mu Beicheng put the information in Chen Qian's hands, "Just put things on my desk."

After all, he stepped out of the administration department and entered the elevator.

There are not many people at the interview venue. After several levels of screening, there are very few who can walk to the 15th floor, and Mo Xiaoguo is one of the few.

When Mu Beicheng arrived, she was sitting in front of the interviewer for the test. The ostentation of interviews has always been quite big, with black suits and white shirts sitting in majestic rows one by one, with a forceful aura. Xu Lei sits in the middle. In the past, he was close to people close to him, but now he is also serious and meticulous.

Mu Beicheng did not go in, but stood quietly at the back door with his hands in his pockets. From his perspective, only her tight and thin back can be seen. The hair was tied behind his head, clean and fresh, revealing a white neck with elegant lines.

It can be seen that she is somewhat nervous for such an interview, even if she is well prepared.

After all, he is still an inexperienced child!

Mu Beicheng was about to leave, and her interview came to an end at this moment. She got up, bowed properly to the interviewer, and walked out embarrassedly.

At the door, the nervous Mo Xiaoguo almost slammed into a man's chest. He looked up in a panic, but came across a pair of deep eyes.

For a moment, she took a step back subconsciously, and greeted her politely: "Mr. Mu."

Mu Beicheng was silent.

Today, he is in a formal suit, noble and serious.

Compared with the last time I saw it in Lu's family, he seemed more aloof. At a glance, the sense of distance between them has spontaneously emerged.

Of course Mo Xiaoguo would not think that they were all related to Lu Feng, so they also had a relationship. Without waiting for a response, she murmured softly and avoided him to leave.

Mu Beicheng is much harder to get close to than Lu Feng, really a serious man!

Just as he was passing by, his slender elbow was suddenly caught.

She turned her head and looked at the man who was holding her with a bit of astonishment.

what's happenin

"Good performance." He looked at her faintly, and said something called Mo Xiaoguo's stunned.

After hesitating, he seemed to be thinking about his intentions. After a while, she squeezed out two words in a strange manner, "Thank you..."

Mu Beicheng let go and looked at her directly, "As for whether you can join the company, it is up to me. I hope you understand this."

He works in business, his tone is flat, without a trace of ups and downs.

Mo Xiaoguo was quite uncomfortable when dealing with such a person, and he couldn't help becoming cautious.

"I understand. However, no matter what the result is, thank you Mr. Mu for giving me this interview opportunity!"

"Yeah." He nodded faintly, which was an acceptance.

Mo Xiaoguo was slightly cramped, "Then... If it's okay, I'll go first."

This time, he didn't speak any more, it was acquiescence.

Mo Xiaoguo turned around and walked a few meters away before daring to breathe a sigh of relief secretly.

Although Lu Feng said that he was only one year older than himself, his aura was already calm and compelling.