Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 144: Is there still a chance?


"Ah—" Suddenly, a weeping moan sounded. Broken and tragic, it grabbed his heart all at once. Looking down at her, the piece of paper in his hand suddenly loosened, floated twice in the air, and fell to the ground.

She held Xiao Fu and groaned in pain. I only felt that a rush of enthusiasm was slowly coming out of her body, and she cried bitterly right away.

The baby is going... still going...

Do not!

Do not! Don't be so cruel to her...

"Mo Xiaoguo, how is it? Forbearance! I'll take you to the hospital!" Mu Beicheng's expression is not much better than hers, and she has been beaten up and hugged.

Seeing the blood flowing down her body, her complexion was as pale as dead gray. He forced himself to stop thinking, and only strode out. She was so painful that she was being drilled out of her body, unable to speak a word, she only held him weakly and wept bitterly.

The blood and tears all over her face messed up his heart, causing pain. At this moment, he even felt that the child was actually not that important. It didn't matter whether she stayed or not. As long as she is happy, as long as she is healthy!

Whatever she wants, no matter where she wants to go! !

He carried her into the car, covered in blood, and he deeply impressed her with a deep kiss on her pale face, "Xiaoguo, be strong! And..."

"I love you!"

She closed her eyes trembling, and her eyelashes were wet again.

Outside the operating room, he hugged his head in pain and squatted down on the ground. The doctor's voice echoed back and forth in his mind, tugging every nerve in him.

"The fetus has no fetal heart!"

"The patient is bleeding heavily, and now his life is in danger at any time!"

He regrets it!

The child has no fetal heart, what a painful torture and suffering for her! At that time, he was not by her side. Now... I even stupidly sprinkled salt on her bloody wounds!

How could he blame her for cruelty without knowing anything

What a bastard!

Guilt and heartache made him go crazy. Urgently needed to vent his emotions at the moment, he slammed a fist against the wall, but the pain accumulated in his heart only grew more and more intense...

He smashed hard with one punch, as if he was punishing himself.

The lights in the operating room dimmed suddenly.

He was startled, his body straightened, holding his breath and staring at the door.

The door was opened, and Doctor Baipao took the lead to walk out of it. He ran over quickly, "Doctor, how is the situation? How about her? Is she okay?!"

Asking hastily, his voice has changed.

The doctor took off the mask and said with a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, my mother's situation is okay, but the child... I believe you also know that there is no way to keep it."

Mu Beicheng had mixed feelings in his heart, and couldn't tell what it was like. The bitterness in his throat made him unable to speak a single extra word, and in the end he just nodded heavily. At this moment, there was a grunting rolling sound in the operating room. He and the doctor heard a sound, and then walked closer.

She was lying there with blood all over the sheets, and her cheeks were so pale that she couldn't bear to see it. Because of the anesthesia, I still closed my eyes at the moment, but the tears in the corners of my eyes never stopped. It was so fragile and pitiful, so that the nurses on the side were embarrassed.

His heart was like a knife, and he stretched out his hand to hold her cold little hand, and cherished it to his lips, as if to convey his warmth to her, but in exchange for her more tears.

Now, no amount of warmth... can no longer warm her heart...

Doctors and nurses, come in and go out. Changed bottle after bottle. She kept her eyes closed all the time, as if she did not dare to face such a reality. She finally opened her eyes after lying quietly for two days. But the eyes are not godless, and his eyes are dizzy.

Sister Chen made porridge and came over, and she felt sorry for her now. Only after pouring the porridge out of the thermos, Mu Beicheng has taken it over, "I'll feed it."

This kind of thing should have been done by her own man, and Sister Chen didn't rush to do it. She only helped Mo Xiaoguo shake up the hospital bed, and carefully added two pillows behind her.

Looking distressed at her thinner face, she took a spoonful of porridge and gently placed it on her lips, "Come on, have a taste."

Looking at him, she tilted her cheek slightly, her pale lips avoiding the spoon. The fragrant porridge gave her no appetite at all. Mu Beicheng didn't give up, and patiently coaxed her: "Don't you appreciate Sister Chen's craftsmanship very much? Only by eating a little will your body get better."

She bit her lip lightly, but still did not move or speak. Sister Chen sighed, "If you can't eat it, just forget it. It's the same if you put it here and eat it later."

Looking at Mu Beicheng, Sister Chen said again: "It's no wonder that she is so sad. Miss Mo was taken to the hospital by ambulance that day. She kept calling Mr. Mu on your phone, but she couldn't get through anyway."

When Chen Jie said this, she was a bit aggrieved. As a woman, I know what a woman needs best. Mo Xiaoguo's chill at this moment is completely understandable.

The hand holding the porridge shook severely, and Mu Beicheng looked at her with pity. She never said anything to herself...

"Sister Chen, don't talk anymore..." Mo Xiaoguo's voice was choked up, as if she didn't want to see Mu Beicheng again, she turned her face away, and only faced him with the back of her head. Tears, dripping wet on the pillow.

"Xiaoguo, listen to me, that day was actually..." Mu Beicheng put down the porridge and wanted to explain.

"Forget it..." Mo Xiaoguo had already interrupted him when he was halfway through. The voice was weak and trembling, "Forget it, Mu Beicheng, I don't want to listen at all..."

She was exhausted and closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembling slightly, "No matter how many reasons it is, it will be useless... The child is gone, it is gone..."

She is so tired.

She believed that he was also tired...

None of them is better than anyone...

Mu Beicheng closed his lips, suddenly unable to defend himself. No matter what the difficulties, he did not take good care of their mother and child, did not show up when they needed themselves the most, this kind of mistake can no longer be forgiven.

After five days of recuperation, Mo Xiaoguo will be discharged from the hospital. Sister Chen couldn't stop it no matter what. Mu Beicheng hurried to the hospital from outside, and saw that she had changed into her clothes and got off the bed.

His complexion sank, without saying anything, he immediately picked her up and put her on the bed again.

"Mu Beicheng!" She tried to struggle, but Mu Beicheng forcefully pressed her on the bed and warned in a low voice: "Don't move, save the wound. You will have to stay in the hospital. It will be longer!"

"Leave me out of the hospital! I still have a lot of important things to do!" Mo Xiaoguo stood up.

"This tossing, do you want to have any more children in the future?" Mu Beicheng was a little annoyed that she didn't know to take care of her body, and her tone couldn't help but aggravate a bit. "Is there anything important that is more important than your own body? "

"..." Feeling Mu Beicheng's stern eyes, she only bit her lip, lowered her head, and did not answer.

"Why didn't you say it? What's the important thing? Huh?" Mu Beicheng continued to press, she just didn't say it, but avoided his eyes with a guilty conscience.

He descended from the top, looking down at her. The tall body enveloped her weak. Seeing her twinkling eyes, there was a slight pain in his eyes.

"Lie down in the hospital, your business... I'll take care of it for you!"

She was taken aback and looked up, "Do you know what I'm going to do?"

Mu Beicheng did not answer immediately, but slowly straightened up and took out the admission notice from his pocket. The dark eyes were fixed on the sheet of paper, and the fingers were stretched stiff and straight. As if he was afraid of repentance, he pressed the paper heavily under her pillow and quickly made a promise, "I will help you with the visa and passport you want to apply for. Please stay in the hospital and rest."

Looking at him, Mo Xiaoguo remained speechless.

Is he still willing to let himself go...

This seems to be their only way out...

She thought she would breathe a sigh of relief, but at this moment, she felt as uncomfortable as she was pressing on a boulder. Fumbled her hand, reached under the pillow, and touched the notice. She held it tightly without letting go of her fingers.

"Lie down and rest at ease." Mu Beicheng pulled the quilt and carefully covered her.

She curled up, closed her eyes, spread her arms around herself.

The old man has not been discharged yet. Compared to when he fainted that day, his condition is a little better now.

Mu Beicheng handed the newly bought flowers to Mu Xin, who took them apart to help insert them. Turning his head and glanced at him, seeing him in a daze, he couldn't help frowning.

After leaving the old man's ward, Mu Xin said, "I heard that the little girl Mu Miao said that you were locked in Huanyu Villa by the old man a few days ago, so you must take Lu Ying?"

"... Hmm." He only faintly responded, and his dull voice revealed his deep fatigue.

Mu Xin snorted, "The elders of the two elders are unreasonable one by one. I think you can simply tell the old man and the old lady that Xiao Guo is pregnant with their little great-grandson. They have long wanted to have their little great-grandson."

Mu Beicheng's heart was tingling, and he only pressed his lips for a long while, and remained silent. Only then did Mu Xin realize that something was wrong with him, squinted his eyes and examined him with beautiful eyes, "What's the matter?"

"Sister, I'm tired and want to go back to rest." He didn't answer.

Mu Xin frowned and pressed his shoulders. Sensitively asked: "What happened to the child?"

"Yes, no more."

Mu Xin's expression changed, "Who did it? How could a good child disappear for no reason? Have you checked it out?"

Mu Beicheng took off her hand on his shoulders, looked at her directly, spoke, but his voice changed, "She is low in progesterone and the child is malnourished, so... in almost five months, it was gone. Fetal heart."

He has tried very hard to downplay and keep his emotions calm.

Mu Xin didn't feel great in his heart, and encouraged him, "Don't worry, you still have opportunities... There will always be in the future."

Is there still a chance

I'm afraid, it's difficult...

He didn't say, just barely lifted his lip.

"I want to go to the hospital to see her, where does she live?" Mu Xin asked.

"Don't go anymore." Mu Beicheng rejected her kindness. "She is very uncomfortable now. You will only arouse her sad emotions when you pass."

"You are right." Mu Xin sighed and patted his brother encouragingly. "About Lu Ying, I will help you to persuade mom and grandpa. Even if they can really tie you to the auditorium, there is no way to chop off your hand for you to sign at the Civil Affairs Bureau."

Mu Beicheng didn't say anything, but looked out the window from a distance, thoughtfully.

Twenty days later, she was discharged from the hospital, and Mu Beicheng drove to pick her up.

In the car, he still bent over to fasten the seat belt for her like every time in the past. She did not refuse, nor did she avoid it. When he looked down at her, the two of them were very close to each other, and their eyes met. At that moment, there was only each other in his eyes, but...

But it all became so fuzzy...