Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 145: Bye now


He suddenly remembered that night when he was drunk, she pretended to be a car boy and sat in the driver's seat mischievously to pick him up. At that time, she smiled brilliantly, just like dazzled eyes in the dark night.

He wanted to keep that splendor in his life forever, but...

Now, he thought, the only thing that can last forever is memory...

"Go back to me first?" He buckled his seat belt and asked lowly. Try to suppress the turbulent emotions in my heart. She nodded lightly, and it was rare to say'OK' in a cute manner.

Two people walked into the building side by side, and it happened that there was a power outage at this moment. The elevator didn't work, so two people had to use the stairs. She was still very weak, and she was out of breath after walking for a while. In the quiet and slightly dim corridor, her breathing was unusually clear. Mu Beicheng is satisfied with this kind of space. There are only two people here. He can comfort himself. In her world... there is also him...

"I'll carry you." After two tight steps, Mu Beicheng's tall body squatted down in front of her. Mo Xiaoguo was stunned for a while, and for a while, he could only stare at the generous back in a daze, with various feelings entangled in his heart.

Turning his face back and realizing she was still in a daze, Mu Beicheng smiled and urged her, "Come on. Hurry up!"

With a sigh of relief, she lightly took a step and bent over to lie on his back.

The temperature of each other is connected together. At this moment, both of them were slightly stiff, as if they were recording this moment, both of them had a moment of silence. Until Mu Beicheng broke the silence: "Hold my neck to avoid falling."

The voice was deep and sounded in the empty space, especially nice.

"...Oh." With a soft response, she obediently spread her arms around his neck.

Hanging his head, hair spilt into his neck. The tip of his nose, against his hot skin, can smell his body as clear as mint. Mo Xiaoguo couldn't help but feel feverish in her eyes. She thought... Many years, many years later, she would never forget that there was a man like this who carried her upstairs step by step...

For a long time, I could only hear each other's footsteps and each other's breathing. They all seem to be enjoying this moment, and they are not willing, or rather, not willing to break the rare tranquility at this moment.

"When do you plan to leave?" This time, Mu Beicheng spoke first.

"... Five days later."

"... Hmm. I asked Chen Jiu to prepare the ticket for you."

"no need."

"Don't refuse me." Mu Beicheng's voice was slightly astringent, and he paused for a moment before saying: "That's all I can do for you."

Feeling sour, she couldn't help but put her arms against the back of his neck. After a while, he said softly: "Okay..."

The sound is a bit muffled.

However, the emotions of both people are so calm. After the vigor, everything returned to tranquility, maybe, this is life.

Mo Xiaoguo couldn't help but think of what her mother had warned him, that the long flowing water in life is always more comforting than vigorous. Back then, if she had not met Mu Beicheng, and she had married Lu Feng, what would it be like now

Mo Xiaoguo didn't bring anything here, except for his computer and the books he bought later. She had already packed these in the suitcase.

However, when I opened the closet, looked at the cabinet full of maternity clothes, and touched my already flat lower abdomen, my heart was still aching with needles. Take out the baby supplies that Mu Xin bought from New York one by one, read them again, and carefully put them away again.


She touched the beautiful brocade box under the cabinet, her eyes blushed. Pick them up, drag their luggage, and walk out of the room together.

Mu Beicheng had already waited at the door, and when he saw her coming out, he stood up straight and smiled reluctantly. She also gave him a slight smile.

"...Is it all packed?" Mu Beicheng asked quietly when he glanced at the suitcase in her hand.

Will it be too fast? It seems a few minutes...

"Well, nothing, I have already put away it before." She replied with a light smile. Before leaving, her face was full of calm after the big wind and waves.

Taking a deep glance at her, Mu Beicheng wanted to say something, but he didn't seem to know where to say it. I had to nod, stooping to drag the suitcase in her hand, "... let's go."

"Right, this..." Mo Xiaoguo said.

He turned around, lowered his eyes slightly, and saw the brocade box in her hand. It was the jade bracelet she had worn every day before.

"Return to the original owner." Mo Xiaoguo said bitterly, and solemnly handed the box back.

With a trace of sorrow and grief in his eyes, Mu Beicheng reluctantly lifted his lips and looked up at her, "This is the second time you want to return it to me."

Her fingers trembled slightly, but did not take it back. After all, Mu Beicheng reached out and took the brocade box, opened it and glanced at it, "Don't plan to stay with me as a memorial?"

She shook her head, "No more..."

He nodded, "Yes, actually... there is nothing to commemorate."

As if that was a very unimportant thing, he slapped it on and threw it on the far sofa. The brocade box drew an arc in the air, and Mo Xiaoguo was stunned, until she saw the brocade box lying safe and sound in the cracks of the sofa, she secretly relieved.

"Let's go." Without saying anything to each other, Mu Beicheng has turned around and walked out of the apartment first.

Mo Xiaoguo paused when he walked to the hallway. However, he didn't even have the courage to look around here.

Starting today, everything is over...

Mo Xiaoguo returned to the house left by her parents and lived alone quietly. On the next day, I got my ticket. It was not Mu Beicheng who sent here, but Chen Jiu. Chen Jiu didn't stay long, and left without saying anything.

On the penultimate day before leaving, Mo Xiaoguo came out of the vegetable market, wearing big-frame glasses with empty frames, wide T-shirts and trousers, his hair tied high, carrying a large bag, and looking casual and casual. lazy. When I was approaching the gate of the community, I saw a familiar car parked there. The window was lowered, and she could see the person she knew better than she was sitting in the back seat.

He just sat there flipping through the documents in his hand, earnestly and attentively, and didn't notice her existence.

Without thinking, she walked over. Fingers, knocked on the door. He was still focused on the file, and did not immediately raise his head. Chen Jiu in front of him cried out, "Shao Mu, it's Miss Mo."

He seemed to return to his senses, looking up at her from the document. The sun shone, and there was a flickering golden light in his eyes.

"Did I disturb you?"

Mu Beicheng closed the documents and put them aside, "Of course not."

Push the car door and get out of the car. She glanced at her outfit at the moment, couldn't help but chuckle. Mo Xiaoguo was a little embarrassed by his smile, and she tucked her hair and said, "It's been too busy these days, so... no one recognizes it anyway, it's just like this."

He looked at her deeply, smiled, and put his hands in his pockets, "... It's good."

As if afraid that she would not believe it, he solemnly added: "Really!"

At least, it has a lot more vitality than before. Seeing her like this, he can rest assured that she will go to New York alone...

"Will you leave the day after tomorrow?" Mu Beicheng asked.

"... Yes." Time flies so fast...

"Neither Mu Xin nor Mu Haoyu know that you are leaving. If you want to get together with them, I can help you get in touch."

Mo Xiaoguo shook her head, "No need."

Mu Beicheng tilted his head and looked at her with a smile, "Sometimes you are actually quite ruthless."

Mo Xiaoguo grinned reluctantly, and did not answer the topic of him again, but just asked casually, "Why are you here? Is there anything going on here?"

"Well, something is wrong."

As he was talking, not far away, Xu Lei's voice rang, "Hey! I'm here!"

Looking sideways, he saw Xu Lei standing across the road, waving at him and Chen Jiu.

It seems that I am waiting for Xu Lei...

Mo Xiaoguo took the lead to draw back his gaze and smiled, "If you have anything to do, do it first, and I will go back first."

Mu Beicheng looked at her deeply, then nodded, "Okay."

Parting, she said hello before turning around. The moment he turned around, his hands subconsciously clenched the various shopping bags in his hands.

"Mo Xiaoguo!" Behind him, Mu Beicheng spoke again and stopped her. She took a deep breath and another breath before turning her head back slowly, with a slight smile on her face.

In the sun, his expression was so pale, "I happened to be on a business trip the day after tomorrow, so... I can't send you off."

"... Okay, it doesn't matter."

So, at this moment... it's their farewell...

He smiled slightly, pulled the door and got into the car. The car drove slowly in the direction of Xu Lei. For a long time, she just stood there blankly, until the car completely disappeared, she realized that her face was cold.

Bye now! Mu Beicheng!

Bye now! She once had a vigorous love!

Mu Beicheng's sight was pulled away from the rearview mirror until he could no longer see it. He didn't say a word, seemed to have a headache, and closed his eyes.

Xu Lei sighed helplessly, "You are so awkward! You tell her honestly that you are here for her, you just want to see her, want to hear her voice, want to say goodbye to her, what's wrong? Yes? You have to bring me and Chen Jiu over to perform this play for you."

"Be quiet, I have a headache." He frowned, rubbing his eyebrows with his hands.

Xu Lei snorted and poked his chest with a long finger, "It hurts more here."

Mu Beicheng slapped his hand away and ignored him. Just cast his eyes far out of the window. Looking at the rapidly retreating scenery, what was in his mind was all hers.

At the annual meeting, under the fireworks on the roof of the building, she was timid but intoxicated.

When she was in the hot spring, she was weak and weak when she was carried to bed by him after fainting.

When she was engaged to Lu Feng, she was forced by him to hesitate.

She was bright and brave when she retired and ran into his arms.

Every one of her overlapped in his mind, and was torn apart again, causing severe pain in his brain. He closed his eyes again and tried to drive it all away.

On the last day of the trip, Mo Xiaoguo drove to the suburban cemetery early in the morning.

The weather today is a bit gloomy. In the quiet cemetery, it was even more deserted. Holding a fresh white chrysanthemum, she walked towards her mother's cemetery.

From a distance, I saw a lot of white chrysanthemums on the lonely cemetery, all of which hadn't withered yet, but it was obvious that the freshness was not the same. It seems that people come here to see mom every day.

No need to guess, Mo Xiaoguo already knew who it was. Apart from Uncle Mu, there will never be a second person.

She smiled slightly, placed the flower she had brought aside, and then moved the other flowers to the center.

Gently stroked the photo on the tombstone, "Mom, you shouldn't be angry with Uncle Mu anymore? You see, he will visit you every day, and he is afraid that you will be alone..."