Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 152: unbelievable


Xu Lei's secretary led Mrs. Ning into the conference room, and was taken aback when she saw Mo Xiaoguo. Mo Xiaoguo smiled at her slightly before the other party recognized him, "Is it really you?"

"Long time no see." Mo Xiaoguo shook hands with her politely.

The two walked to the meeting room together. Mo Xiaoguo looked around intentionally or unintentionally, but did not see Mu Beicheng or Chen Jiu.

"Mrs. Ning, our boss is already waiting for you in the conference room." Xu Lei's secretary said.

Madam Ning nodded gracefully and pushed open the door of the meeting room, only to see that Xu Lei and the others were already waiting there. Seeing them coming in, Xu Lei immediately stood up.

First, he shook hands with Madam Ning, and then turned to Mo Xiaoguo. Only then did he see her, and his eyes popped up in surprise.

"Mo Xiaoguo? It's you!"

It turned out that it was not Mu Beicheng who received them... but Xu Lei...

Mo Xiaoguo smiled and bowed, "Mr Xu."

Xu Lei looked at her with a smile, looked at her, and sighed: "It has changed."

Mature, but adds a bit of charming charm. Such a Mo Xiaoguo, thinking about coming, Mu Beicheng will become more and less resistant when he sees it.

It’s just a pity...

Xu Lei looked at Mo Xiaoguo's eyes and couldn't help but laugh, "Seeing me, you seem a little disappointed."

Mo Xiaoguo was taken aback for a moment.

Did you act so obvious? She has tried very hard to suppress her emotions.

"Don't laugh, I'm here for work." She turned on the computer pretending not to understand, putting on a professional attitude. Xu Lei is also professional, and after the greeting, he talked with Mrs. Ning in detail. Mo Xiaoguo sat aside and gave appropriate suggestions. After making precise judgments on the content of the plan, Mrs. Ning strived for the greatest rights and interests.

After the meeting, it was already past five o'clock. Xu Lei said goodbye to Mrs. Ning, and Mrs. Ning said: "If there is anything you can do with my consultant in the future, I have given her full authority to handle this case."

"Okay, you must be satisfied." Xu Lei responded and asked the secretary to send Mrs. Ning out. Then he looked at Mo Xiaoguo, who was collecting things, and smiled: "Miss Mo, it's really unkind for you to be a consultant."

Mo Xiaoguo held the computer in her hand, and asked with a smile, "How do you say?"

"Anyway, we are also your original boss, and now we are really not merciful when we help the new boss fight for rights and interests. Are you taking revenge?" Xu Lei joked.


Mo Xiaoguo was startled slightly, her expression slightly changed.

Xu Lei saw this subtle change and turned to the subject, "Forget it, I won't mention the past."

Mo Xiaoguo grinned reluctantly, and walked out of the meeting room with Xu Lei. At this moment, everyone was preparing to leave work, and Mo Xiaoguo walked towards the elevator, his steps slowing subconsciously. She doesn’t know what she’s doing, or... who she hopes to meet...

As if seeing her intentions, Xu Lei said, "Actually, Mu Beicheng is not in the company today."

Mo Xiaoguo looked embarrassed, "I... I didn't ask this."

Xu Lei smiled, "You didn't ask me to be clear. It is really unfortunate that he happened to be on a business trip as soon as you joined the company."

"Oh... Really?" Try to make her tone sound plain, but Xu Lei's sullen smile has let her know that she has failed.

"Let me call him and let him come back?" Xu Lei asked very'interestingly'.

"Ah! No need..." Mo Xiaoguo shook her head, "Since it's a business trip, there must be a lot of things over there."

Although she had fantasized about the possibility of meeting countless times, she still couldn't avoid the tension in her heart when she was about to meet. No one is sure what kind of changes they have experienced in the past two years...

"Yes, there are indeed a lot of things over there." However, no matter how many things, in Mu Beicheng's heart, it is not more important than a Mo Xiaoguo.

Xu Lei didn't say this, but he believed that Mu Beicheng would prove it by himself.

"I'm back this time, do you still plan to leave?" Xu Lei asked.

She nodded slightly, followed him into the elevator, and said: "Mrs. Ning has most of the business in Europe and the United States. After the case with you is over, I will return to City A."

"With your current ability, you can completely establish a foothold in any domestic financial company. Why do you have to develop in City A?" Xu Lei worked very hard to help someone keep her.

She was silent for a while before saying: "Actually, I haven't fully decided yet."


That means...

Someone has a chance.

"Where do you live, I will take you away?" Gentleman Xu Lei said as he walked out of the company building.

"No, I can just take a taxi." Mo Xiaoguo reached out for a taxi, and Xu Lei opened the door for her. Before bending in, she did not forget to remind, "I hope to see your complete plan as soon as possible. If you have any questions, or where I am not sure, I will contact you at any time. I hope you don’t bother me."

Xu Lei smiled, "I can't ask for it."

After getting in the car, Mo Xiaoguo leaned on the back seat, keeping her eyes on the rear-view mirror in front of her. She slowly closed her eyes until the building disappeared from the mirror.

The dusk shrouded.

Mu Beicheng hurried out from the airport and stood on the sky bridge, looking down at the bustling city. The wind was blowing, and it was slightly cool. At this time, I often feel very confused, and I can't even find a goal when I struggle.

"Mr. Mu, Chen Jiu is calling." Chen Qian's voice pulled his thoughts back.

He silently took it and stuck the phone to his ear. Before he could speak, Chen Jiu over there was already yelling excitedly, "Mr. Mu! Great! Come back soon!"

Mu Beicheng frowned slightly, "What happened?"

He just arrived.

"Something happened!" Chen Jiu was happy for him, "Miss Mo is back!"

Mu Beicheng was startled, and he couldn't believe it, "Who are you talking about?"

"Miss Mo! Mo Xiaoguo! As Mr. Xu said, the customer in City A turned out to be Miss Mo's boss!"

Mo Xiaoguo...

She has come back…

The haze that had just stayed between the eyebrows had completely dissipated at this moment, and the smile on the corners of her lips that could not help but made Chen Qian amazed.

He was already excited, but his tone was extremely suppressed. Only said: "I know."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Facing Chen Qian's suspicious eyes, he didn't answer immediately, just put his hands on the railing of the overpass, inhaled deeply, and breathed smoothly. The smile in his eyes is getting deeper and deeper, and I can't hide it.

"Mr. Mu, is there something good?" Chen Qian still couldn't hold back, looking at his side with a deeper smile, just thinking that he was like a child who suddenly got candy at the moment.

This made her both surprised and curious.

Over the past year, he has never seen such an effect.

He turned around and didn't answer, just instructed, "You hurry up and book me a plane ticket. I'll go tonight! No, I have to go now!"

After that, he turned around and walked into the airport.

"Leave now? But, there will be a meeting tomorrow morning..." Chen Qian was too surprised, which is too strange. They had just arrived, less than a minute from the airport.

"You heard that right, I want to leave immediately, not staying for more than a minute!" Mu Beicheng repeated, "You stay and pick up Xu Lei here."

When he said this, the smile on his face was also completely puzzled. There was even more wind under the feet, and they walked extremely fast. Chen Qian was struggling to follow, so she had to trot to follow, "Oh, okay. I'm going to help you consult the flight status now."

Fortunately, in the airport, it is very convenient to consult the situation.

Mu Beicheng sat in the VIP waiting area, waiting for the ticket. Thinking of what Chen Jiugang said, his brows were flying.

She... still came back...

Two years, neither long nor short, was enough to make him suffer. Too much, he can't hold on...

"Mr. Mu." Chen Qian came back, her face not very good. Mu Beicheng stood up, "What's the matter?"

"Tonight's tickets have been sold out, and the latest one is tomorrow morning. So..."

Mu Beicheng carried his luggage and walked out, "I will go straight back by high-speed rail."

"However, the high-speed train has to change trains in the past. It is already early in the morning when I get home." Chen Qian hurriedly followed behind.

"You don't need to worry about me. Let's take a taxi back to the hotel, and I will arrange the schedule myself."

"Mr. Mu, why on earth do you have to go back? Just getting off the plane is already tired, and if you go back in this way, your body will not be able to stand it." Chen Qian was also a little unbearable. It took more than ten hours to go back and forth.

"I have a sense of measure." Mu Beicheng walked quickly, stopped suddenly, looked at Chen Qian with a look of incomprehension, and smiled: "She's back!"

The smile between the eyebrows is so vivid, warm and clear. As if for an instant, the sunlight penetrated through the layers, illuminating the entire morning. Even Chen Qian looked a little lost. Then, he also smiled, "Then I won't follow you, be careful on the road."

Mu Beicheng didn't say anything, exchanged glances with her, and hurriedly left with his luggage.

Looking at the figure walking away against the twilight, Chen Qian smiled comfortedly. For the first time in more than a year, he did not see the shadow of loneliness from him.

The sun, will it never set again? From this moment on...

After eating and returning to the house in the community, Mo Xiaoguo squatted on the ground and started cleaning. The house that has not been back for two years has accumulated a thick layer of dust. From mopping the floor to cleaning the furniture, every little detail is neatly done, and then the family portrait is turned out from the luggage and placed on the bedside.

After finishing her clothes again, she lay back on the bed and called Mo Xiaona on the other side of the earth to report her safety. Turn on the computer and organize the plan.

After everything was done, I looked up and saw that the time turned out to be more than 3 in the morning.

Not sleepy at all...

The jet lag has not yet been exchanged.

She tried very hard to sleep by herself, but when she closed the computer and lay on the bed, there was another figure in her mind wandering.

Now, he is still in Hong Kong... I'm afraid he has already fallen asleep deeply...

Thinking of him, he couldn't sleep anymore, so he got up from the bed and poured himself a cup of hot milk. He opened the curtains and stood at the window, looking confused from top to bottom.


Two strong beams of light came in from the gate of the community, and then a car slowly entered.

Is it a... Hummer

The lights downstairs are not too clear, but the Hummer model is too recognizable, or... such a car is too recognizable in her mind...

Therefore, she could easily recognize it at the first moment.

The heart tightened, and the hand holding the curtain tightened. Obviously knowing that it cannot be him, at this time, he is still in Hong Kong, but...

She even walked out of the room impulsively and went downstairs.

Just treat it as if you can't sleep, come down and breathe!

Go downstairs and stand in the courtyard of the community. It was only two meters away from that car. The license plate can be seen in the dim room.

The familiar four words shocked her suddenly, and she was almost unbelievably stunned.

Is she dazzled? Or... Is she dreaming at all

Thinking about this, the car door was suddenly pushed open.

She even held her breath.