Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 16: How are you together?


"Ye... I'm sorry! Shao Mu, are you okay? I'll call you a doctor right away!" The waiter was completely stupid. Mu Mu Shao is a VIP guest of their store. The manager usually confessed him like a Buddha. Today, he was burned. Do you want to hang around here

"Small things, it doesn't matter." Mu Beicheng's quiet words wiped away the other's panic.

The injured right hand was hanging in the air, and her left hand was still holding her. She has a soft body, made of cotton, and is very comfortable to hold. The entanglement of the fragrance and the body fragrance reminded him uncontrollably of the moment six years ago.

At that time, they were still just as young.

Perhaps, they, who have been washed by society now, can no longer find the ignorance of the past.

Heart, sway slightly. He lowered his eyes and asked, "Is it all right?"

Being protected by him, Mo Xiaoguo was still really dazed. She didn't expect that this man who can only be regarded as a stranger would rush out like this, blocking all this for herself.

"Thank you, I'm okay." Mo Xiaoguo's cheeks flushed, and she hurriedly got out of his arms, keeping a certain distance.

Maybe it's heart disease, she is not used to getting too close to strange men.

Returning to his senses, his gaze fell on his soiled shirt sleeve, his pupils fluctuated, and his tone was slightly slow, "Let me see your injury."

Lifting his eyes to look at her, without evading, he handed his arm over. Mo Xiaoguo carefully peeled off the delicate buttons on his cuffs and rolled them up layer by layer.

The chopped pepper fish head was just out of the pot, and the soup was too much, almost all of it poured on Mu Beicheng's right hand. At this time, the back of the hand and the arm were scalded, and hot bubbles were emerging from the red skin Coming out, shocking.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The waiter was still apologizing again and again, not knowing what to do.

"Go and get some syrup." Mo Xiaoguo turned her head and told him, adding: "Trouble, hurry up!"

"Okay, right now!" The other party didn't dare to neglect, and trot away quickly.

For a while, only the two of them were left in the entire corridor. Mo Xiaoguo eased his emotions a bit, did not look up, but inexplicably felt that his gaze was staring at him.

Heart, a little flustered. She held his arm, her fingertips trembled, and she didn't know if she should let go or hold it like this.

"I'm sorry..." After all, she let go of him, lowering her eyebrows and apologizing softly.

He raised his eyebrows, "You all only say these three words?"

The injured area was quite large, and he reached out and held it by himself.

"You got hurt because of me. Thank you." She thanked her sincerely. Originally based on the friendship between them, he could completely ignore her just now.

Mu Beicheng stared down at her.

Her skin is white and snowy. Compared with the last two meetings, today she does not use powder and daikon, and her whole small face is more and more clean and spotless. It seems to be incompatible with this flashy world, but also fits just right.

As if he was aware of his gaze, Mo Xiaoguo said in embarrassment, "It should be much better if you spend a while with sugar water. Don't touch the water again at night."

"Tang Shui? This is the first time I have heard of this method." Mu Beicheng felt quite novel.

"My mother is a Chinese medicine doctor, she taught me. This method is very effective."

"Come, here, Mu Shao!" The waiter brought the sugar water over. Just as Mo Xiaoguo was about to take it, the box in Yanyu Xiaolou was pulled away from it.

"Brother-in-law, Xiaoguo, why are you together?" Lu Feng looked at them with some surprise.

Mo Xiaoguo was about to talk about what happened just now, but saw that Mu Beicheng had quietly put down his sleeves and buttoned the buttons quietly, "Nothing, just happened to meet him."

Lu Feng looked at Mo Xiaoguo, all her words were crushed by Mu Beicheng's understatement.

"Mu Shao, then this syrup..." the waiter chuckled aside.

"Send it to my box." Mu Beicheng ordered, and then took another look at Lu Feng, "You are busy, I will go now."

Mo Xiaoguo was a little worried about his injury, and originally wanted to exhort him, but Mu Beicheng was so alienated that he didn't even look at her from the beginning to the end. Obviously, he wanted to avoid suspicion, so she had to stop talking.

"Little fruit! Lu Feng!" Mo Xiaona's voice came from the other side of the corridor. She is wearing an orange silk shirt, a white knee-length skirt, and 8 cm stilettos on her feet. She is graceful. Seeing Mo Xiaoguo, he ran forward a few steps and hugged her, "Congratulations, little girl!"

"Sister, you go back a little! There is a lot of oil here, beware of slipping." Mo Xiaoguo pulled her away worriedly.

"How did this happen?" Mo Xiaona frowned slightly, "This colorful Jiangnan is also an upper-class famous store anyway, how can it be such a virtue?"

"It's just an accident, someone will come to clean it soon." Mo Xiaoguo explained.

"Hey, I saw you were talking to someone just now, so who?" Mo Xiaona turned to look at someone's back.

Only then did Mo Xiaoguo realize that he had walked away quietly.

Lu Feng returned to her, "My brother-in-law, happened to meet here."

Mo Xiaona shrugged and was not interested in exploring further, "Let's go in quickly, mother should talk about me again later."

"It's too late, I'm already talking about it." Mo Xiaoguo stretched out his hand to embrace Lu Feng, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, and followed Mo Xiaona into the box.

Mu Beicheng turned back to the box again, and Xu Lei compared a bowl of sugar water on the table, "What's the situation?"