Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 35: It doesn't matter at all


Mo Xiaoguo bit her lip and said nothing. Even with her head down, she felt clearly, and the surrounding air suddenly became cold.

The two had just stepped out of the elevator and were about to walk towards the lobby. Only when I came out, I heard a familiar voice.

"Check it again and make sure there is no room record for Mu Beicheng?"

It's Lu Ying.

Lu Feng stood beside her.

"Yes, Miss Lu, I can be sure that Master Mu Mu did not rest with us last night." The hotel receptionist answered patiently.

"Sister, I said they couldn't be together." Lu Feng patted Lu Ying on the shoulder, "Let's go, let's go back first, and then contact my brother-in-law again."

Lu Ying didn't give up and asked, "Then, please help me check if there is a room record called Mo Xiaoguo."

Mo Xiaoguo was startled for a moment.

Subconsciously, he looked sideways at Mu Beicheng, only to see that his face was dull, and he was about to step out.

"Don't!" Mo Xiaoguo hurriedly grabbed him by the arm and took him back.

Unprepared, Mu Beicheng took a step back and slammed his back against the wall. Mo Xiaoguo stretched out his hand to help him, but he fell into his arms densely with him.

"Don't go out..." Mo Xiaoguo grabbed his sleeve and looked at him pleadingly.

It would only embarrass her to run into it head-on like this.

"Afraid of Lu Feng's misunderstanding?" Mu Beicheng locked her eyes darkly.

She nodded and shook her head again.

Not only was he worried that Lu Feng had misunderstood him, but also that Lu Ying had misunderstood him.

She didn't want to cause trouble to him for no reason, and she didn't want to be the'third party' in Lu Ying's eyes.

"With me, you are so guilty?" Mu Beicheng felt that this feeling was especially bad.

He frowned, staring at Mo Xiaoguo not loose.

"No." Mo Xiaoguo bit her lip and glanced at Mu Beicheng, "Miss Lu is your fiancee. If she knew that we were... last night, she would definitely be angry."

"So..." Mu Beicheng didn't know why he suddenly asked the next words, but at this moment, he just blurted out instinctively, "If I break the marriage contract with Lu Ying, would you like to be with me?"

As soon as he said this, Mo Xiaoguo only felt a hum, and there was a long blank in his mind.

After returning to his senses, he found that he was still staring at him stubbornly, his eyes burning.

Her heart tightened, she pulled her lips awkwardly, but couldn't laugh.

"Let's... Go from the stairs to the underground garage! Avoid them."

With that, she walked quickly to the top of the stairs, ignoring his question just now.

"Mo Xiaoguo!" Mu Beicheng opened the heavy door of the safety exit to follow. The mellow voice echoed in the secluded corridor.

She walked in a hurry, but she couldn't avoid his footsteps. He was easily caught by his long arm.

After a spin, she was fixed on the wall.

"Don't run away!" The big palm directly clasped her jaw, forcing her to meet her own eyes.

His breath was like a net of heaven and earth, covering her round and round.

Mo Xiaoguo only felt that even breathing was very difficult. His hands gripped the skirt tightly, and a thin layer of sweat appeared in the palms of his hands.

Before he could think, he only found that his eyes were getting hotter and shimmering.

At this moment, I was approaching myself inch by inch.

They are getting closer and closer, and even the tips of their noses are about to touch each other.

His breath was seductive and sexy, which made it difficult for her to hold on to herself.

At such a close distance, Juejun's facial features appear more three-dimensional and refined. The string in my heart is so tight that it seems to break at any time.

He, want to kiss yourself

Yes, he really wants to kiss her!

Thinking crazy! From last night to now, or in other words, for the past six years, he has been wanting to taste her again all the time!

"No!" Just when his lips were less than one centimeter away from hers, she took a deep breath, not knowing where the strength came from, and pushed him away.

He shook his head indiscriminately and looked at him fixedly, "You can't do this to me! We can't do this!"

Eyebrows, clenched.

It was rejected for the first time.

It was also the first time I knew that it was so bad to be rejected.

It was so bad that he wanted to lose his temper!

"Even if you want to dissolve your marriage contract with Miss Lu, it has nothing to do with me..."

She was a little panicked.

Obviously, he is only the relationship between the boss and the subordinates, and I don't know how to get to this point. How can she ruin other people's feelings for no reason

His eyes tightened, his thin lips pressed into the word "one".


What a'no relation at all'!

"Are you sure?" faintly, spit out three words.

"Yes... I'm pretty sure, I can't be more sure! I have a boyfriend, and I love him very much!" These words tell him as well as myself. "Lu Feng and I may also get married in the future. So... I hope Mr. Mu will respect himself and not ruin our lives."

Her words became more and more serious, and more and more determined. It's like trying to convince yourself and remind yourself in this way.

Mu Beicheng stared at her blankly, his tall figure became stiff.

She only felt that her chest was pressed like a boulder, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"I'm leaving first, then...bye." After saying the last sentence, she turned around and was about to leave.

"Mo Xiaoguo!" Mu Beicheng said in a deep voice behind her, calmly.

She didn't stop, but he didn't care. He just put his hands in his pockets and continued quietly: "My words just now are just temptations. It's best if you don't take it seriously."

Temptation? What do you mean

Mo Xiaoguo stopped.

His words continue: "I hope my secretary will not have any thoughts about me. Obviously, you passed the test!"

She looked back at him in surprise.

His gaze did not stop on her again, he just stepped sideways, brushed shoulders with her blankly, and strode downstairs.

Back, stiff and indifferent. It seemed that all his tenderness and warmth last night came from her illusion.

The tall figure walked to the corner and disappeared and disappeared.

She stood there blankly, only feeling a deep sense of loss, slowly rising from her heart uncontrollably.

Inch by inch, grabbing her heart.

From the underground garage to the road, Mo Xiaoguo didn't dare to stand on the side of the road to block the car. She was afraid that Lu Ying and Lu Feng, who had been folded for a while, would be caught upright, so she endured the pain of waist and back and walked forward.

It was still very cold in this morning.

She hugged herself tightly.

A familiar Hummer appeared on the road.

She stopped and looked sideways subconsciously.

In the driver's seat, is the familiar person. However, at this moment, he looked straight ahead as if he hadn't seen her at all.

As soon as she stepped on the accelerator, there was a bang, and the car quickly passed by her without stopping for a moment.

Watching the car enter the traffic stunnedly, Mo Xiaoguo exhaled for a long time, but couldn't spit out the haze accumulated in his heart.

Just beyond that figure, Mu Beicheng's line of sight has fallen to the rearview mirror.

He locked the lonely figure heavily, until she got into the taxi and the car drove to the viaduct, his eyes finally turned away.

The eyes are light and dull.

This is their distance...

One goes up, one goes down...

There is no intersection.

Maybe, there will never be.

When he got home, Mo Xiaoguo felt that she was going to collapse.

Because of the wind blowing all night, I have a headache now.

Wrapped in his coat last night, and still held so tightly by him, he still has such a virtue now, thinking about it, his situation may be even worse.

Thinking of him, she shook her head again, forcing herself to wave him away.

"Mo Xiaoguo! What did you do all night?!" When the door opened, Mo Xiaona's questioning voice slammed her head over her face. Obviously she was very angry, and she even called her by first name and last name.

"Sister!" She greeted tiredly, seeing her mother also sitting on the sofa at the moment. There were red blood streaks in the eyes of both people, and it was obvious that they hadn't slept all night last night.

She was terribly guilty, "Mom, I'm sorry, you didn't sleep all night."

"What the hell is going on, I went out to attend the company's annual meeting in a good way. I didn't even have a shadow all night. I didn't answer the phone!" Lu Tianhui's worry all night, until this moment, she relaxed a little.

"My mom and I are dying in a hurry! Do you know, I ran to find you at your company's annual meeting last night, but you weren't there at all. Honestly, where did you mess around all night?" A big rock When she fell to the ground, Mo Xiaona became more angry.

How could this damn girl be so impassive

"Sister, I'm really not foolish, I want to call you too, but I was locked up on the roof of the hotel. The mobile phone is still stored in the hotel at the moment, and I haven't had time to get it."

"Being locked up on the roof? What's the matter?" Lu Tianhui asked hurriedly.

Mo Xiaoguo didn't dare to say that he and Mu Beicheng were locked up on the top of the building. He only dared to say vaguely: "I went up to watch the fireworks with a colleague, but I was fascinated by it. The hotel locked the door. No, it blows The wind all night. Now I have a terrible headache!"

"Why are you so careless like a child?" Although Lu Tianhui was scolding, she hurriedly reached out and probed her forehead distressedly, "Fortunately, she doesn't have a fever. You have to take a bath, what can you say? Come back and ask again."

Mo Xiaona glanced at her, saw her face ugly, and grabbed her hand again. The cold temperature made Mo Xiaona frown.

It's pity on earth, where can I blame her anymore? I had no choice but to snorted: "Hurry in! Next time I'm going to do something like this one night without answering the phone, I'll turn your face on you!"

"Sister, please forgive me, this time is really an accident, there will never be another time." Mo Xiaoguo hurriedly promised.

Mo Xiaona was angry and helpless, and pushed her, "Hurry up and change your dress. It looks so cold!"

"Then I'll go in first." Mo Xiaoguo hugged Lu Tianhui again, leaning her head coquettishly on her shoulder, "Mom, you should hurry to sleep too. I'm sorry, you still have to worry about it when you are so old. ."

"You guys, even the aunt has to worry about this. You go to the bath, and Mom will make you a bowl of ginger soup, and you will go to bed after drinking the soup."

"Don't be busy, I'll be fine." Where is Mo Xiaoguo willing, the mother who hasn't slept all night is still busy for herself? But Lu Tianhui didn't care and went into the kitchen.

Watching her mother enter, Mo Xiaona turned her head and pushed Mo Xiaoguo, "Guozi, enter the room, I have something to tell you."

"What?" She was mysterious and solemn, and Mo Xiaoguo became more and more curious.

After entering the room, Mo Xiaona immediately closed the door.

He lowered his voice and asked Mo Xiaoguo, "Were you really with Lu Feng last night?"

"... Well, no." After hesitating for a moment, Mo Xiaoguo nodded calmly.

If you tell your sister that she spent the night with a man who already has a fiancée last night, and it is still so ambiguous, maybe even your sister will find it unacceptable, right

"Then do you know who Lu Feng is with?" Mo Xiaona's focus is not on her at all.

"I don't know." Mo Xiaoguo shook her head, "But, why do you ask this?"