Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 383: Break in


Jing Xiangyang glanced at the various ingredients scattered around her feet, "Just right, I'm hungry!"


Yun Jing couldn't recover at all.

She sat down next to Jing Xiangyang, "You answer me first, why did you come to the United States, why did you know that I live here? And, how did you come into my house?"

After a few questions, Jing Xiangyang frowned.

"You came to see me? You came here to find me?"

Yun Jing can only think so.

And this thought hovered with certainty in her mind.

Jing Xiangyang spread out the Times in his hand and continued to read, "I came to the United States on business."

Seeing Yun Jing's expression of disbelief, he added faintly, "Aunt Shan heard that I was coming here, so she told me your address, saying that she was worried about you, so I have to come and have a look. ."

Ha ha! A hungry wolf came to see an innocent and innocent sheep, which is indeed quite worrying!

Yun Jing seemed to believe it a little.

"Then where is the key to my house? Where did you get it?"

Yun Jing pointed to his entrance door.

She couldn't think of breaking her head, how could he get the key in.

"Are you embarrassed to mention your door?"

Jing Xiangyang put aside the newspaper in his hand, and then took a long needle and threw it in front of Yun Jing, "This thing can easily open your door! Yun Xiaosan, if not I helped you test the lock of your home, and I don’t know the day when you were caught by someone!"


The implication is that his own door was'easy' opened by him with this needle?


If it took two full hours to open, it would be a breeze... "Thank you so much! Do you think everyone has this bad habit like you? Besides you, who else would pry others? Door, who is always strong/J others?!"

Yun Jing scolded him annoyedly, and threw the thin needle into the trash can in an angry manner.

However, annoyed to annoyed, but Jing Xiangyang's appearance really surprised and delighted her, but she would not let herself show it!

Jing Xiangyang ignored Yun Jing's complaint at all, glanced at her, and hurriedly turned away from her face, "I'm hungry, go cook."


Yun Jing was speechless.

He got up and looked at the Jing Xiangyang that seemed to fall from the sky on the sofa. Then he took the ingredients on the ground and went into the kitchen.

Even so, she still did not digest the sudden appearance of Jing Xiangyang.

Yun Jing entered the kitchen, Jing Xiangyang threw the newspaper in his hand.

Only then did he realize that his heart seemed to be holding a rabbit, and he was jumping wildly, causing him to breathe in a chaotic rhythm.

Yun Jing was busy ping-pong in the kitchen, and Jing Xiangyang could no longer sit still in the hall.

He had never seen Yun Jing cook, let alone thought that the little girl who didn't even know how to use an oven two years ago could actually take the lead.

Of course, even more unexpectedly, she actually had a dream in life.

Moreover, he had no idea that her dream was to become a master of molecular cooking.

These seem to have never been related to him.

He didn't understand, he had never even heard of it from her.

In these days after leaving him, she has become so autonomous and independent.

To tell the truth, Jing Xiangyang felt a little flustered in his heart.

He hugged his chest, leaned lazily on the door frame, squinted, watching the busy figure in the kitchen.

In the past, he always hoped that the little girl who was behind him could grow up, but now, he has really grown up, grown up, and become independent, but he feels sour.

Has she used to be like this, busying herself in the kitchen for Chen Chumo

Was it because of him that he learned to be a chef

A series of self-questioning and self-answering questions made Jing Xiangyang's dark eyes tighten.

Even if Yun Jing didn't look behind her, she could clearly feel that sharp gaze projected on her body urgently, as if she was about to pierce her for life.

She turned her head to look at him.

"What are you doing?"

The gaze fell into his deep eyes.

My heart was in a daze.

Still a little shocked at his sudden appearance.

Jing Xiangyang didn't answer, he just stood there staring at her, his eyes arrogantly.

Dense sweat oozes down her white forehead, dyeing her straight long hair soaked.

The hair sticks to her tender/white cheeks, and enters his eyes, there is a strange style/sentiment that can't be said.

Jing Xiangyang's eyes darkened a bit, and he walked in.

He pulled some paper towels on the counter.

"Yun Xiaosan, what do you do when you train yourself to be so capable? Waiting to be a virtuous wife for others?"

There is a bit of irony in Jing Xiangyang's words.

Standing beside her, holding a tissue, wiping randomly on her pink cheeks.

The movements seem not gentle at all, and even a little rude.

Yun Jing frowned, "You lighten it! It hurts..."

It really is.

The brushed area became red in a flash.

Xu is because her muscles/skins are really too tender, Jing Xiangyang thinks, it's probably nothing more than that.

His eyes darkened a bit, and the strength in his hands was a bit lighter without knowing it.

Yun Jing did not expect that he would suddenly come over to wipe off the sweat for herself. The heat on his fingertips rubbed/pasted her skin through a thin tissue, and it was a little hot/hot.

As if to burn her muscles/skin, it penetrated the cells, penetrated the blood, and directly burned to the apex of her heart, causing her heart to jump abruptly following his movements.

Because of the wandering god, the fish in the pan was scorched without even noticing it.

Until Jing Xiangyang faintly reminded her, "The fish is burnt!"


Yun Jing was startled.

Then, after realizing it later, he whispered, "Oh!"

Hastily turned the fire down, picked up the spoon and turned the fish over, curled his mouth depressedly, "I guess I can't eat it anymore."

Blame him, let her be distracted at this time!

To be honest, Yun Jing's meal was made with extra care and care. After all, it was the first time that he cooked for him. If he said that he was not nervous, it must be a fake.

I especially hope to get a good comment from him.

But now it seems...

She is really off-standard! Want to become a master chef? It seems that there is still a long way to go!

Jing Xiangyang threw the paper towel in his hand into the trash can, his tall figure leaned back, circled his chest, squinted at her, and asked, "Where is Chen Chumo?"

Yun Jing bent down to lower the flame a little bit, and returned to him, "Not here."

"You came here alone?"


For some reason, Jing Xiangyang suddenly felt a little bit happy in his heart.

He straightened himself, and immediately felt a sense of physical and mental comfort.

The corners of his mouth were tilted upwards unconsciously.

"I will live here for the past few days on business."

The tone is domineering, not to be beaked.

After speaking, he turned around and went out of the kitchen.

Yun Jing hadn't reacted at first, and she was taken aback before she realized that she hurriedly shoveled the cooked fish out of the pan, and then she left the kitchen.

Jing Xiangyang was leaning against the bar, and the familiar man poured himself a glass of water and drank it leisurely.

"Why do you want to live with me? Can't you stay in a hotel?"

Yun Jing stood in front of him, raising his small head to question him.

The attitude is not particularly good.

Jing Xiangyang lowered his head, looked at her, and retorted in disapproval, "Why can't you live here?"

At the end, I added another sentence, "Didn't you live well before?"


"It's different now? Huh?"

Jing Xiangyang raised his sword eyebrows.

Put the water glass down easily.

In the last re-examination, he deliberately raised the pitch, with some sexual/feeling bewitching.

Yun Jing pursed her lips uncomfortably, but answered him pretendingly, "Of course it's different now. I used to be ignorant and didn't understand what the difference between men and women is, but now I understand, we both naturally I can’t just live together..."

Jing Xiangyang's dark eyes fell heavily on her slightly flustered face, and chuckled, "The ship list is all gone, come and talk to me about the difference between men and women, don't you think it's too late?"

"you… "

Yun Jing was angry, knowing that he could not rely on him, and bluntly said, "Anyway, you are not allowed to live here. If you don't live in a good hotel, why do you have to stay with me! Besides, I am usually very busy and don't have time to take care of you. ! I’m over five o’clock after class, and I have to cook for you when I come back, and the clothes you changed and wash, I don’t have time to wash with you. So, you go to a hotel, don’t bother me here!"

Yun Jing spoke very directly and decisively.

"What are you afraid of?"

Jing Xiangyang asked her suddenly.

Yun Jing was startled.

He stared at her condescendingly, and asked with a cold face, "I'm afraid I will eat you anytime and anywhere?"


Yun Jing thinks this bastard can really do such a mess!

His cheeks flushed, and they were hot immediately.

"In short, you are not allowed to live here..."

After Yun Jing whispered a word, he turned around and went into the kitchen.

Soon, the food was on the table.

Except for the scorched fish, the other dishes taste really good.

After eating, Yun Jing walked back and forth between the dining room and the kitchen, tidying up the dishes.

Jing Xiangyang, a big idler, simply roamed in Yun Jing's bachelor apartment.

He unscrewed a bedroom door casually, looked inside, and asked Yun Jing, "Which room do I sleep in?"

Yun Jing wiped his hand at the dining table, looked up at him, and answered him, "Hotel!"

Jing Xiangyang seemed to turn a deaf ear, looked into the room for a while, and asked with his eyebrows, "Have Chen Chumo stayed in this room?"


Yun Jing didn't know what he was going to do, so he replied truthfully.

Jing Xiangyang nodded, closed the door and walked out, of course, "Then I want this room!"


Yun Jing felt that this guy's face seemed to be thicker than before!

She raised her head to look at him.

Thinking in her heart, such a big guy, she wanted to throw him out... She was dreaming!

Yun Jing felt that she should have a good talk with him.

And she didn't let Jing Xiangyang live here, naturally there was her own reason.

She has not forgotten the words she accidentally heard that day... Sex without responsibility!

In one sentence, the relationship between the two of them was clear and clean.

He is clear, but what about her? Is her heart really as she said on her lips

You can fool others, but you can't fool yourself!

The closer you get to him, the deeper she will fall...

"Why do you have to live with me?"

Yun Jing asked him.


Jing Xiangyang replied.

"The hotel is more convenient."

"My legs are more convenient!"

Jing Xiangyang looked at her straightforwardly.

Yun Jing was taken aback.