Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 387: I'll help you


Yun Jing's small arms hugged his waist, very tightly.

"Jing Xiangyang, you are going to leave me here tonight. I swear that I will never care about you again in my life!!! I can do what I say!!!"

Yun Jing lay on his back, acting coquettishly.

Jing Xiangyang's back is as rigid as a fossil.

"I didn't pity you..."

Yun Jing's small hands encircled his strong waist, "I am not pitying you! I am worried about you! If you leave like this tonight, have you thought about it for me? This night, can I still sleep well? ? You just deliberately made me feel bad!!"

Yun Jing cried and complained, and opened her mouth to chew on Jing Xiangyang's back.

Regardless of whether you can gnaw his muscles or not, you just want to bite him anyway.

In the end, he didn't bite him, but he was itchy, and even her shirt got wet with her saliva.

"Yun Xiaosan, you are really a dog by nature!!"

Jing Xiangyang caught Yun Jing behind him, "The clothes are so dirty, I bit into my mouth!"

He stretched out his hand to wipe off the halazi left from the corner of his mouth for her.

"You are not allowed to go!"

Yun Jing raised his head high, stubbornly staying.

"Have you ignored me forever?"

Jing Xiangyang reached out and squeezed her little cheek.

His fingers are still cold.

On his forehead, the big beads of sweat soaked his short hair, and his thin lips were a little pale. Yun Jing was even more anxious when he saw it, "Sit down and let me look at your legs..."

Seeing Yun Jing's appearance, Jing Xiangyang didn't hesitate anymore.

With a helpless sigh, he sat down on the sofa.

Yun Jing was about to lift his trouser legs, but was stopped by Jing Xiangyang, "Go and get the hair dryer first, and let your hair dry."

"I want to look at your legs first!!"

"I'll help you blow..."


Yun Jing replied, and quickly went into the bedroom to look through the hair dryer.

Soon, when he came out with a hair dryer, Jing Xiangyang had already put the prosthetic aside.

Yun Jing gave him a hair dryer and sat beside him, making a gesture to roll up his trouser legs for him.

Jing Xiangyang held his little hand and asked her in a deep voice, "Are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

Yun Jing pinched the fingers of his trouser legs, a little stiff.

She is not afraid, nor pity, but distressed.

"good… "

Jing Xiangyang let go of Yun Jing's little hand.

The trouser legs were slowly rolled up by Yun Jing, and her fingers were still faintly trembling.

But when he saw his knees, Yun Jing couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath, and his eyes were flushed instantly.

"You stupid!!! You are all inflamed, why wear a prosthesis? Are you not a doctor yourself? I don't know that this will only make the inflammation worse?"

Yun Jing complained angrily, her voice choked.

Put his leg down, "Wait, I'll get the medicine."

Fortunately, she has the habit of preparing medicine at home.

Probably this is the benefit of being born in a medical family.

Jing Xiangyang sat on the sofa, plugged in the hair dryer, and looked at the figure busying himself in the hall, the cold heart, the warmth was quickly returning to the cage.

I don't know since when, they have reached the point of mutual dependence, and it is no longer what she felt when she regarded herself as her brother.

This subtle change is just like his thoughts on her...

Once, thought of her as a younger sister who would never grow up.

But now, she just treats her purely as a woman, her own woman! !

Yun Jing took the medicine box, moved his leg and placed it on his own, and warned him righteously, "Jing Xiangyang, you are not allowed to wear prostheses until the legs are not well!!"

"Then I am really lame!"

Jing Xiangyang turned on the hair dryer, broke her little head, and wetted her hair.

"What if you don't have a cane tomorrow?"

Yun Jing thought for a while, "I'll buy it for you later!!"


Jing Xiangyang frowned, "Do you know what time it is?"

"You need to use it tomorrow!"

No matter what time it is! Can't he let him go out tomorrow with the prosthesis enduring the pain, right

"okay… "

Jing Xiangyang rubbed Yun Jing's little head, stopped the hair dryer in his hand, "Yun Xiaosan..."


Yun Jing was lowering his head, carefully searching for cotton wool.

"Actually I am teasing you."


Yun Jing looked up at him and raised the anti-inflammatory medicine in his hand, "Does this medicine work? Take a look."

Jing Xiangyang glanced, "Okay. Also, I actually brought a walking stick..."


Yun Jing stared at him dryly.

Jing Xiangyang knew that looking like this, this little Nizi is definitely going to go crazy!

Just when she opened her mouth to scold someone, he bowed his head and grabbed her slightly opened mouth, "Don't be angry!"

Yun Jing became angry, cheeks bulged, and he opened his mouth and bit his thin lip fiercely, "You lied to me, don't you allow me to be angry?!!! I actually stand in the bathroom every day, silly to you Make crutches..."

The more Yun Jing thought about it, the more angry she became. She was so angry that she ballasted Jing Xiangyang onto the back of the sofa, approaching him like a madman, and shouted angrily, "Jing Xiangyang, you... gangster!!! /Beast!!! You are so... You are helpless!!!"

Jing Xiangyang took her small waist with one hand and put it in his arms, "Yes! I am a gangster, I am a beast/beast, I am hopeless, but you, the culprit, the little yao fine? Do some introspection? Who kept me so hungry?"

"you… "

This guy, obviously he is too bad, he was actually embarrassed to knock him down.

Yun Jing pinched the bridge of his nose and warned him, "Jing Xiangyang, if it wasn't for your leg inflammation, I would have thrown you out a long time ago!! You big liar!!! Waiting for your legs. Come, get me back to the hotel in minutes!!!"

What this means is that if his legs are not good, he can stay in her room forever

Yun Jing faded from him.

He was angry, but his legs were inflamed, which is also true.

She feels sorry for him, that is also true.

Sit back to her original position and began to administer medicine for her cautiously.

Jing Xiangyang was blowing her wet hair.

Two people seem to be right.

But no one thought about it, two simple things, clearly you can do it yourself... He gave himself medicine.

She blows her hair...

However, he wets her hair for her; she put medicine on his injured leg.

This picture is full of indescribable warmth.

Probably, between couples, that's it!

However, Jing Xiangyang's love came too late.

Yun Jing gave him medicine carefully, always asking him from time to time, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

Jing Xiangyang shook his head.

But his eyebrows frowned slightly unconsciously, and a faint sweat leaked from his forehead.

Yun Jing's hand on the medicine became stiff.

Suddenly, a kind of pain rushed up in her heart. She bit her lower lip and didn't dare to move anymore.

Jing Xiangyang captured her strangeness, "What's wrong?"

Yun Jing shook her head, a tear still rolled out of her eye sockets, but she quickly wiped it dry and refused to speak.

Seeing her like this, Jing Xiangyang felt distressed, "What's the matter?"

As soon as he reached out his hand, he fished her, put her in his arms, and sat down.

Just as it was two years ago.

"Your leg… "

"I didn't touch the wound, it's okay, tell me, why did you shed tears again?"

Jing Xiangyang wiped her tears away.

It's okay not to ask. When asked, Yun Jing's tears fell even more anxiously, "You are actually in pain, right?"


He said.


Jing Xiangyang sighed and hugged her in his arms, tightening a little bit tighter.

One hand is holding her small waist, the other is holding her soft little hand, resting in her palm, playing with each other, "Occasionally there will be a little pain, especially in summer..."

Holding it up will be particularly uncomfortable.

Sometimes, if the new prosthesis doesn't adapt to the running-in of his legs, there will be layers of blisters, and the skin is often broken. Repeatedly, it will not be too comfortable.

In fact, he got used to conditions like inflammation today.

"Don't cry! I didn't cry, why are you crying!"

Jing Xiangyang wiped away her tears with a soft finger pad, "Yun Xiaosan, I'm Jing Xiangyang a big man! This pain is really nothing to me! You know?"

Yun Jing whimpered, stretched out his hand, hugged his neck tightly, buried it in his neck, and couldn't help crying.

How could it be nothing? He has already lost half of his leg, and God still has to torture him again and again... Yun Jing's tears damp his skin in an instant.

The scalding hot thing fell between his erect neck, penetrated through the skin, and almost burned his heart.

He patiently coaxed her in his arms, just like two years ago.

Gently stroked her back with a big hand, and gave her a little breath, "Don’t cry, okay? Wearing a prosthesis is actually not as painful as you think, and I have very few inflammations. Really ,Do not lie to you!"

His custom-made prostheses are of the best quality in the world, so there is basically no rejection. Like the inflammation this time, it is really a small accident.

"All right… "

Yun Jing withdrew her little face from his neck, "Then you promise me that if you have any problems in the future, you must tell me as soon as possible, and you can't hide it from me like just now!! You think it's good for me, but it's all about it. Torture me to death!"

Jing Xiangyang hooked his mouth and raised his eyebrows, "Tortured to death? Are you so worried about me?"

"I have been tossed like this by you, you are still laughing!!"

Yun Jing was still a little angry when she thought about it. As soon as she lowered her head, she opened her mouth and bit Jing Xiangyang's ear.

Shell teeth were really hard, and Jing Xiangyang yelled out in pain.

What he shouted was not pain, it was...

"So comfortable..."


Jing Xiangyang, do you dare to be more cheap

Finally, Yun Jing finally prescribed Jing Xiangyang's medicine.

Her hair was also blown dry.

Supplely scattered in Jing Xiangyang's big hands, he tilted his head to admire her, "Why did you want to straighten your hair?"

Yun Jing's lovely curly head was actually not deliberately curled, but was born like this.

Jing Xiangyang likes to see her as she is now, but misses Xiao Yunsan with curly hair even more.

"Not why... Change your hairstyle, change your mood!"

In fact, Yun Jing didn't like her hairstyle much now.

Two years ago, after suffering a severe trauma, he ran to the United States to heal.

Sitting in the barbershop, she asked the stylist to give herself a straight bald head. As a result, the stylist was reluctant to cut her. In the end, she made a straight hair for her, and then every time a new hair grows, Jing will habitually straighten her hair.

She seems to have a kind of obsession, as if she can put aside all the past in this way.