Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 388: Each heart belongs to each other


But don't know, this is just a little comfort to my wounded soul.

Can it actually be thrown away? Can't put it away!

"Change your hairstyle, change your mood?"

Jing Xiangyang whispered, and then asked, "What mood did you bring to the United States two years ago?"

Yun Jing massaged his legs. Hearing his question, she raised her head to look at him, and asked instead, "What do you think? What do you think I would leave?"

Speaking of the injuries and pains two years ago, Yun Jing was still a little angry.

I also thought of his attitude towards this place, just as it is now... When you like it, tie her to your side, and when you don’t like it, push her away so hard that she will never have a heart for her. He is hanging, sometimes happy, sometimes painful... "Forget it, it's meaningless to say too much about the past, I don't want to mention it!"

As Yun Jing said, she got up, "I'm going to bed first, so you should wash and sleep as soon as possible. Your legs should not get wet."

She confessed, and didn't care how he would wash later so that he wouldn't touch the water, so she hurried into her bedroom and went to sleep.

Two weeks passed almost in the blink of an eye.

Jing Xiangyang was about to leave for the plane the next afternoon.

Yun Jing was a little bit unwilling to go to class all day, thinking about his leaving, fantasizing about his lonely days after he left... The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable it is, and the more uncomfortable it is, the more unwilling to give up. .

How can two weeks pass so fast


While she was wandering away, she suddenly received a major news from Teacher Pitt.

He will return home tomorrow! !

It is said that a wealthy businessman in China has spent 30 million yuan to ask him to return to China to teach.

And she, as the retreat of Teacher Pitt, naturally had to follow him back to study in China.

Yun Jing couldn't believe this fact.

After finishing school in the afternoon, she went home, Jing Xiangyang was already waiting for her at home.

She was as happy as a little magpie, and kept walking around Jing Xiangyang, chirping and talking a lot.

"Do you know that Teacher Pitt is going home suddenly too!! I can finally go home too, it's great, I miss my parents!! Jing Xiangyang, I can go home tomorrow too..."

Yun Jing was extremely happy.

Suddenly, I thought of a headache, "I haven't had time to book the plane ticket..."

Thinking of this, his head drooped for an instant, his mouth slumped, "Do I have to leave by myself tomorrow?"

Jing Xiangyang poured himself a glass of water, his chin was a little longer than the one in the hall, "Ticket, table!"



Yun Jing walked over suspiciously.

There was a ticket lying on the table. She picked it up and took a look, surprised.

"My ticket? When will you book it for me?"

Jing Xiangyang'gulugulu' drank his mouth water, "two days earlier."


Did she say that she was going back

"You made an appointment for me two days earlier. What if I can't go back tomorrow?"

Jing Xiangyang twitched at the corner of his mouth, "Do you think this is possible if this is true?"


Does this guy have to be so domineering every time

Jing Xiangyang twitched at the corner of his mouth, "Do you think this is possible if this is true?"


Does this guy have to be so domineering every time

Yun Jing didn't know that the rich businessman in his teacher Pitt's mouth was the domineering doctor Jing Da in front of her!

Before boarding the plane, Yun Jing received a text message from Chen Chumo.

Very simple text message: "I will pick you up at the airport."

With this text message, Yun Jing was flustered from the time he boarded the plane to the time he got off the plane.

With her six gods and no masters, Jing Xiangyang naturally took all her eyes into her eyes without leaving any trace.

But he didn't say much.

After getting off the plane, an assistant took the luggage for Jing Xiangyang.

The inflammation in his knee is still recovering, so he is not suitable for prostheses and can only walk on crutches.

Yun Jing has been waiting by his side, walking slowly following his footsteps.

I didn't dare to help him, for fear that he would think too much.

Suddenly, Jing Xiangyang's footsteps stopped.

Turning his head to look at her, his handsome face seemed to be slightly unhappy, and raised his eyebrows, "Don't plan to help me?"


Yun Jing thought to herself, this man is really hard to serve.

Of course, she didn't think too much, and hurriedly took his arm, "Help you before, and you said you can't help me! Now I didn't help you, you have opinions again!"

Jing Xiangyang simply took her fragrant shoulder with one arm, and intimately locked her into his armpit, "I am disabled, can't you let me have a little self-esteem as a man?"

Is this self-ridicule? !

Yun Jing sneered, "You are a hypocritical arrogant jealousy at all!"

Jing Xiangyang squeezed her little face without pity as a punishment.

Two people walked into the airport elevator together.

As soon as they entered, the people outside swarmed in like a bee, squeezing the two of them into the corner in an instant.

Upon seeing this, Yun Jing quickly stepped forward and squeezed towards Jing Xiangyang, spread his arms, propped on both sides of his figure, and blocked him with a tender body, struggling to squeeze out some comfortable space for him, "Don't squeeze!! People are going to be squeezed out!!"

Yun Jing was naturally afraid that others would squeeze into Jing Xiangyang.

As soon as the words were finished, Yun Jing's delicate waist was slammed into Jing Xiangyang's arms at the moment of the'PIA'.


She whispered.

In the next moment, Jing Xiangyang caught her delicate body, brought her into his arms, and hugged her tightly.

"What are you doing?"

He lowered his head and asked her with a soft voice.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yun Jing lifted his head from his arms and asked him sadly, "I didn't knock you down, did I?"

Jing Xiangyang leaned over and leaned close to her, "Do you think I'm really that vulnerable? I'm already weak enough to need you to protect me? Huh?"

His sudden approach made Yun Jing's breathing a little uneasy.

"Fool… "

As he said, he fished with one hand, turned around, and the two of them instantly changed positions.

Jing Xiangyang locked Yun Jing's small waist with one arm, and put his other hand on the elevator wall behind her, and he could hear him covering her ears. He lowered his voice and said softly, "Even if you lose half of your leg, you need to protect it. Your own woman, that's more than enough!"

As soon as the words fell, Yun Jing's cheeks instantly dyed a thin layer of crimson.

Heart, also because of his phrase "own woman", scurried and ran unruly.

Jing Xiangyang put his arms around her big hand around her waist and tightened her points even more.

Yun Jing's blushing face was pressed against his chest, and through the shirt, feeling the warmth of his skin, she dyed her cheeks red and hot.

The frequency of his heartbeat seemed to be a little unstable, "Boom, dong, dong—" with a sound, knocked on Yun Jing's ears, composing a string music that made her fascinated.

Yun Jing was buried in his arms. At that moment, I wished the elevator would be so still... Then, they could be like this, without any worries, holding on forever.

Walking out of the airport, Yun Jing saw Chen Chumo who was waiting at the door at a glance.

Xu was because of a guilty conscience, she held the small hand of Jing Xiangyang's arm and put it down suddenly.

Jing Xiangyang tilted his head to look at her.

Following her gaze, she saw Chen Chumo who was approaching them.

The steep face instantly cooled down.

And he, without saying anything, leaned on crutches, took a steady step, led the doctor and assistant, and left by himself.

Yun Jing looked at the back of him leaving, but he couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Chen Chumo stood next to her and smiled faintly, "I don't seem to be here at the right time."

As he said, he passed the luggage beside her smoothly.

"Chu Mo!"

Yun Jing stood there without moving, looking at Chen Chumo in front of him, full of guilt, "I..."

"Okay, don't say anything..."

Chen Chumo sighed, put one hand in his trouser pocket, glanced at the security check area, "I just sent her on the plane..."

Yun Jing was stunned for a while, "Is that the girl you like?"


Chen Chumo nodded, smiled faintly, said nothing more, "Let's go!"

Yun Jing followed her step by step, "Why did you let her go?"

"She is married!"

"But… "

"You don't think I should break up their marriage, do you?"

"No, no! Of course not!"

Yun Jing shook his head in a hurry.

"Xiao Jing, when we two entered into a marriage contract, one of the reasons was to make the sick grandma feel more comfortable, and the other was that both of us were actually trying to break off the obsession that shouldn't have in my heart. In fact, we both knew in our hearts that neither of us had disconnected from the obsession..."

Yun Jing didn't say a word, lowered his head, and followed his footsteps.

"Our engagement... What do you think?"

He suddenly asked Yun Jing.

Yun Jing looked up at him, "What about you? What do you think."

Chen Chumo smiled, "Are you getting your birthday soon?"

"Ah... yes!"

Without mentioning this, Yun Jing almost forgot!

"That's good! Take advantage of your birthday, let all the family members come out for a meal, and also make it clear to the elders about our marriage, and they will understand it."

Hearing Chen Chumo's words, Yun Jing was a little moved, and he also felt relieved.

She thanked him in her heart, "Chu Mo, thank you! But grandma over there..."

"Grandma is in much better health now, don't worry! I think her elders will also understand. I have to admit that we used to treat marriage too much as a child's play, didn't we?"

Yun Jing pursed her lips, "Then what about you? What are you and her...what are you going to do?"

"I don't want to, pay attention to fate! Let's go, Aunt Shan made a lot of delicious food waiting for you at home!"

"Great, when you say it, I really feel hungry!"

When Jing Xiangyang got home, he threw the suitcase aside.

He pulled the tie around his neck irritably, put it on the sofa, and took off his suit again. His chest was agitated and fluctuating.

"Master, what's the matter with you? I just came back from the United States and looked like I was in a bad mood!"

Sister Li could see Jing Xiangyang's depression at a glance.


Jing Xiangyang denied it.

At this moment, the third child arched his legs very ignorantly, and he directly pushed it away irritably.

After walking for half a month, the gadgets became fat.

"Master, the Yun family just called and said that your phone couldn't get through and asked you to go to dinner tonight. I heard that Miss San has also returned from the United States!"

Jing Xiangyang was taken aback.

After a while, nodded, "Okay! I get it!"

Later, he must grab the little girl's film and give it a lesson! !

"I'll change my clothes and go there!"