Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 402: She doesn't want this wedding


"Xiao Jing, I checked your classmates at your home in the afternoon, and invited some of your classmates who are close to you to come to our wedding..."

"and many more… "

Chen Chumo's words were cut off by Yun Jing before they were finished.

"Chu Mo, why are you inviting my classmates?"

Moreover, it is still calling the shots without authorization.

Seeing Yun Jing's unhappiness, Chen Chumo explained hurriedly, "I think you have few friends present, so you are good at advocating. I thought you would really want to meet them. After all, you need classmates and friends to get married. It’s more lively to witness together, isn’t it?"

"Etc., etc… "

Yun Jing suddenly felt a headache, "Chu Mo, did you forget? Let's say yes, this wedding is just a scene, have you forgotten?"

Chen Chumo laughed, "I didn't forget, I know this is just a scene, I just thought, take this opportunity to let you get together with your friends, it's that simple, don't think too much. ."

In fact, Chen Chumo has his own selfishness.

He was anxious that all of Yun Jing's relatives and friends would come forward to witness their'wedding'.

The more people witnessed, the more real the wedding...

He selfishly wanted to use gossip and so-called reputation to tie her to him.

Although the means seemed a bit despicable, he was just because he wanted to fight for it, but didn't want to lose!

Obviously, Chen Chumo didn't understand her Yun Jing's personality.

What kind of person is Yun Jing

She is a girl who never cares about anyone's opinions and opinions, but lives her life well.

What is gossip? What is fame

She doesn't care! !

And yes, I never cared about it! !

"When I was studying, I was just a friend! But he definitely didn't have time to participate."

What Yun Jing said was naturally the young Huahua who had entered the army, Lu Liye.

"No one else is my friend."

At this time, Yun Jing still thought of her deskmate, Qin Lili.

Since I went to the United States, I have never seen her again!

That woman, Yun Jing couldn't say how she felt about the friendship between herself and her. In short, it was weird!

Just like her, the yin and yang are weird, making her particularly uncomfortable.

"But this invitation has already been sent out, and then it's taken back, it seems a bit impolite."

Chen Chumo was a little embarrassed.

Yun Jing thought about it, and it seemed to be the same.

"never mind… "

Yun Jing tugged at his clothes meaninglessly, "Anyway, I sent them an invitation letter, they might come! I haven't contacted them for so many years."

"Well, that's good! Next time I have a problem, I will discuss it with you first."

"good… "

"Where are you now? I called Aunt Shan just now, and Aunt Shan said you were not at home?"

Chen Chumo seemed to ask casually.

Yun Jing spread out on the bed again and slept well, "I am nestling in my new home."

She looked around...

The thin moonlight shone through the glass window, shining on the furniture she was familiar with, her heart was a little surprised, "Brother Chu Mo, let's stop talking, I'll sleep again..."

"Okay! Then you have a good rest and see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Yun Jing hung up the phone, turned off the phone directly, hugged the pillow on the side, and fell asleep again.

She had a dream...

Dreamed of Jing Xiangyang.

He sat next to him, leaning her head against his arms.

And his big hands, which were cocooned by holding the scalpel all the year round, brushed her long hair again and again, gently and slowly... Yun Jing couldn’t even figure out whether his movements were love or Family affection... Slender fingers crossed her cheeks, moved across her white shoulders, and finally, gently landed on her beautiful butterfly bones... once, again, gently, like a greedy stroke.

Today, Jing Xiangyang went to the hematology department for a re-examination.

When he came back, he drove the car to this villa.

And even more unexpected...

As soon as I pushed the door, I saw Yun Jing sleeping on the bed.

Seeing her delicate sleeping face, for a moment, Jing Xiangyang almost mistakenly thought that she was a sleeping beauty who had slept for a thousand years... Uncontrollably, as soon as she bowed her head, she grabbed her lips.

It seemed that her lips still had a faint milky scent lingering in his breath, which was extremely seductive.

He is not her prince, so he didn't kiss the sleeping beauty who woke up on the bed.

After taking a breath, he was unwilling to move away from her lips...

Looking at her beautiful sleeping face up close, she felt a panic in her heart.

Obviously right in front of him, but out of reach.

The words of the hematologist still rang in his ears.

"Now your condition is at high risk. The white blood cell is very high and it is of mixed type. If possible, it is best to arrange bone marrow transplantation as soon as possible..."

In fact, Jing Xiangyang had foreseen this situation early in the morning, but if he heard the doctor say this, he would inevitably still be a little unacceptable in his heart.

"Doctor, if it is drug chemotherapy, will it have a certain impact on the future birth of a child?"

"That's for sure."

The doctor nodded, "But you are still young, and after you recover, wait another six or seven years, and it won't have much impact on the child."

"Six or seven years..."

Not to mention whether his illness can be cured, in just six or seven years, can he really afford it

Now that he has been in existence, in six or seven years, he will be thirty-seven or eighteen years old. By then, whether he can give birth to a child may be a problem.

Now that the matter is over, he has no right to lock the girl in his arms anymore!

She is still young, she should have a clear life, instead of staying with herself in this endless pain, suffering from gains and losses every day... When Jing Xiangyang withdrew from the room, Yun Jing was still asleep.

Yun Jing in his dream did not even notice his appearance and departure.

She only felt that her dream...

Too real!

As a result, when I woke up early in the morning, I opened my eyes and looked at the empty bedside, and my heart seemed to be hollowed out all of a sudden, feeling lost.

The wedding, after all, came as scheduled.

Obviously it was just a form, but it gave Yun Jing an extraordinarily realistic feeling.

The wedding scene was extremely luxurious and all the relatives and friends of the Chen family were there.

Fortunately, there were four elders on her side. Jing Xiangyang didn't come, and Xiang Qing was said to be still investigating in the field and couldn't come back.

Yun Jing naturally didn't care, because in her opinion, it was just a fake wedding.

In the bride's dressing room—

The makeup artist is focusing on putting makeup on her.

Yun Jing stared at herself in the mirror...

Wearing a white wedding dress, exquisite makeup on her beautiful face, white curtains inlaid between her black hair.

Everything is not like a show, but more like a carefully prepared wedding.

For some reason, Yun Jing suddenly became a little flustered.

This scene was so real, it really made her a little scared, and some wanted to escape.

She thought that the so-called fake marriage might just be a form to show her grandma.

Without the presence of relatives, without congratulations from friends, there will be no such white wedding dress!

Yun Jing took a deep breath of discomfort, with a strong consciousness, wanting to escape! !

This is very different from the situation she envisioned at the beginning!

This is not a show at all, but... a real wedding! !

She doesn't want it! !

"Miss Yun, are you okay?"

The makeup artist saw that Yun Jing's expression was slightly wrong, and asked with concern.

Yun Jing looked up at the makeup artist and fell into a low ebb, "You go out first! I'm not feeling well, take a rest, and I will call you later."

"this… "

The makeup artist glanced at the time on his wrist. There were still two and a half hours before the wedding. "Well, well, I will come back in half an hour."


The makeup artist was out of the dressing room.

Suddenly, I heard someone ask at the door, "Is this the bride's dressing room?"

This voice seemed familiar.

Yun Jing frowned.

Why does it sound like Qin Lili's voice

Yun Jing looked through the makeup mirror, and sure enough, he saw Qin Lili standing at the door, asking the makeup artist who had just left the house.

"Yes, that's it."

The makeup artist answered truthfully.


Qin Lili thanked him, and when he turned his head, he saw Yun Jing, who was looking at him with his head open.

"Little Jing!!"

Qin Lili was surprised and delighted when he saw Yun Jing, and hurriedly greeted him into the dressing room.

"Wow! So beautiful..."

Looking at Yun Jing wearing a white wedding dress, Qin Lili couldn't help but exclaimed, and then said, "When I received your husband's invitation, I still couldn't believe it! You would get married so early..."

Qin Lili was like a little sparrow, active beside Yun Jing, chatting non-stop.

"Why are you here?"

Unlike Qin Lili, Yun Jing was not as amiable as Qin Lili, and there was still no superfluous expression on his delicate face.

She thought Qin Lili would not show up at her wedding.

"How could I not come to your wedding!"

Qin Lili sat down beside Yun Jing, "When did you come back from the United States? I didn't see you contact me! I thought you forgot me!"

Yun Jing didn't answer her words.

Reaching out to pull the white veil on his head, Qin Lili saw it, and quickly pressed her action, "Hey, hey, what are you doing! The bride pulls the veil before she gets married. This is not a good sign." !"


Yun Jing took away her hand and stubbornly tore off the veil.

Suddenly, I felt a lot lighter on my head, and I felt a lot more comfortable.

"That... Xiao Jing..."


Seeing that Qin Lili had something to say, Yun Jing couldn't help but glanced at her twice.

"Have you not contacted Shao Lu in the past two years? Why haven't you seen him come to your wedding?"

When Qin Lili asked this, his face couldn't help but blush.

Yun Jing looked at her amusedly, and said with a grin, "I said why did you come so far to attend my wedding! It turned out to be here to see him... But I'm going to disappoint you, he really hasn't come! "


Qin Lili expressed curiosity, and then deliberately joked, "Is he afraid that he is too sad?"


Yun Jing glanced at Qin Lili, "Qin Lili, what do you think I have to do with him?"

"Didn't he always like you?"

Qin Lili blinked at her and answered truthfully.

"He likes me?"

Yun Jing suddenly laughed, "Obviously you knew him earlier than I did, but I found that you don’t know him at all! Let’s not say that Master Lu Huahua rarely treats a woman with sincerity, so I’ll just say he With that kind of domineering personality, do you think that a man like him, if he is really tempted by a woman, would not tie her to him like a bandit? But what about him? Except when he said when he started making trouble with me Once asked me to be his girlfriend, and after that, I never said anything like that again! I realized that now, he has never said to me that he likes me! Not only did he never say that, he helped me chase after him. My brother..."