Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 414: A solution to lovesickness


The thin shoulders trembled, making Jing Xiangyang who was holding her distressed.

Pulling the car door, he simply hugged Yun Jing into the passenger seat and closed the door.

Only when I really hugged her did I know that she was much slenderer than what I saw on TV... Yun Jing was lying on his body, crying completely.

The small arms circled his neck, very hard, it felt like lest he would disappear again at any time.

Jing Xiangyang's powerful arm also hugged her tightly.

The arm strength was so heavy that she almost crushed Yun Jing.

The handsome face was buried in her soft hair, feeling deeply the taste that belongs to her, her temperature.

This feeling, he missed for two whole years...

Now, I have it truly, but it seems so unreal...

Jing Xiangyang pulled her out of his arms a little bit, held her petite face with big hands, fixed her gaze, softer and more charming... In the next moment, he lowered his head and wanted to kiss her.

Unexpectedly, Yun Jing said little face and avoided his kiss.

She did it on purpose.

There was still a sigh of relief in my heart, but it didn't come out!

Feeling her resistance, Jing Xiangyang picked his eyebrows slightly, and in the next second, he directly strangled her chin without giving her any chance to move, bowed his head and kissed deeply/lips... Yun Jing did not resist any more and took the post. Let him recklessly.

And she, can't help it, catered to his kiss...

Two people, indulging in this long-lost deep kiss together, for a long time, they were reluctant to let go of each other.

It wasn't until the breathing of the two of them became smooth that Jing Xiangyang was reluctant to release Yun Jing.

The big/hand squeezed her small chin, and stared at her urgently, "When did you learn to smoke?"

When he asked this suddenly, Yun Jing felt a little guilty.

He waved his hand, pursed his lips/petals, and refused to say.

Jing Xiangyang slapped Yun Jing's fart. On the stock, "Let me see this kind of thing again in the future, see once and fight once!!"

"Why are you teaching me!!"

Yun Jing was struggling to get off his body, but was held by Jing Xiangyang with one hand.

The next second, the whole person fell back into his arms.

"You let me go! You are not mine..."

Yun Jing tossed about going out, but was stunned by Jing Xiangyang.

"I am your husband! If I am not qualified to teach you, who else has it?"

Jing Xiangyang couldn't say that his face was not red and his heart beat.

Yun Jing was ashamed/ashamed for him, and scorned him, "Damn husband!! Jing Xiangyang, don't you blush when you say this? Where did you buy the two fake certificates? The train station or the subway? stand?"

Jing Xiangyang stared at her with deep eyes.

Yun Jing was a little uncomfortable when he saw him, and gave him a push, "Why don't you speak? Is there nothing to say?"

"train station… "


Depend on! !

Yun Jing was angry and reached out to open the door, but was locked tightly by Jing Xiangyang.

"My wife, I haven't seen each other for two years. Can we stop worrying about my anger and let me take a good look at you first?"

Jing Xiangyang hugged her and refused to let her move.

He held her cheek with the other hand and forced her to raise her cheek. He was condescending and looked at her seriously.

His eyes became darker, and he murmured distressedly, "Lost a lot..."

"Who is your wife, don't shout arrogantly!"

Yun Jing is like a little hedgehog covered with thorns.

"Have you ever received a marriage certificate, but did you get it to the train station?!! Have you ever seen a newlywed husband missing for two years for no reason? Even if the marriage certificate of the two of us really got back from the Civil Affairs Bureau, we Now that the two have been separated for two years, it is no longer a husband and wife relationship!!! So, don't call me your wife anymore, I'm not your wife!!!"

Jing Xiangyang knew that Yun Jing was really angry this time.

"I'm sorry, my wife! How about we immediately go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the marriage certificate back!"

Jing Xiangyang took La Yunjing's little hand and coaxed her.

"Jing Xiangyang, do you still treat me as a child?"

Yun Jing hadn't eaten this set for a long time, "Look at the time, what time is it? It's a little bit, you think I will believe you like last time, do you think the Civil Affairs Bureau is still open at 1 o'clock in the morning? Ghost knows , Did you prepare two more marriage certificates and hold them in your arms!!"

After talking with him for so long, Yun Jing was almost certain that the man before him should have gone through all the pains!

If he is still sick, he will not come back!

If he is still ill, now he will not ask himself to re-obtain a marriage certificate with him.


The more this happened, the more Yun Jing couldn't forgive him easily! !

If he is still ill, he might still be softhearted, but now he is better, why not teach him well, and solve the two years of lovesickness

Yun Jing struggled in his arms, "Go drive and take me back. I'm going to bed, and I have to get up early for a blind date tomorrow!"

"Blind date?"

Jing Xiangyang narrowed her charming eyes, and a dangerous cold light burst into her eyes, "Yun Xiaosan, you dare to give me a blind date to try!!"

"Why don't I dare? Do I need to repeat it again? Mr. Jing, I am single now!! And a noble single!! You don't know it yet? Just today, I entered the International Molecular Cuisine Competition. Top ten!! You must not know that Yun Xiaosan, who is worth nearly ten million, is now a goddess recognized by many young men, right?!"

Jing Xiangyang liked Yun Jing's arrogant appearance, which was so funny that he couldn't help but chuckle.

Yun Jing glared at him, "Why are you smiling? Do you think what I said is false?"

"Really! I know, and I also know... You told all the otakus in the world on the TV show, telling them that the super goddess in their minds is already a married woman! Am I wrong? ?"

"... You... Did you see it?"

"Yes, live on TV, I happened to see it on the plane..."

"It's just a play, do you believe it too?"

Yun Jing was still dead with a hard duck's mouth.

Jing Xiangyang raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I am also very happy to do the show!"

Yun Jing hated his heartless smile, and snorted, "Are you driving or not? I'll take a taxi back if I don't drive!"

Jing Xiangyang then let go of Yun Jing.

Exited from the car, walked around the body, and returned to the driver's seat.

Jing Xiangyang tilted his head and glanced at her affectionately, then started the bodywork.

To Jing Xiangyang's hot gaze, Yun Jing pretended not to see, pulled the seat down, closed his eyes lightly, and fell asleep.

Face, deliberately facing the window...

There was a slight smile on the corners of his lips unconsciously.

For the first time...

My tense days finally relaxed.

The heart also hung down...

Calm down...

And she can finally get a good night's sleep...

The next day—

Yun Jing was awakened by his body's biological clock.

The thin autumn light came in through the window and fell on her on the bed.

Yun Jing frowned uncomfortably, rolled over, and the next moment, he paused.

In front of me, there is a familiar and long-lost handsome face...