Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 422: Want children



Who doesn't want a child at home

However, for them, the topic of'children' is inevitably a bit heavy.

It’s not that I don’t want it, but that I don’t want to...

Jing Xiangyang's body has just recovered, and the toxins in his body obviously cannot be eliminated in one or two years, at least four to five years.

So if they want children, they have to wait at least three or four years.

As for Yun Jing's last ectopic pregnancy, he almost lost his life. Jing Xiangyang still has lingering fears when he thinks about it. How dare Yun Jing become pregnant easily!

So these days, both people have taken contraceptive measures.

Every time I bring/set Jing Xiangyang, I find it troublesome. Of course, I am reluctant to let my wife take medicine, so after discussing it for a while, I finally decided to go to the hospital for a pregnancy injection.

This kind of injection was put into his body, and it did not have any side effects on the body and conception.

One injection per month. When you want a child, you can stop the injection for three months.

Jing Xiangyang felt that it was a lot of convenience, and it didn't hinder the feeling of two people being fucked. It was so good.

The wedding came as scheduled.

This is almost an unprecedented wedding feast.

Pure lilies, blooming in the entire church, delicate roses, laid out into a natural red carpet, symbolizing the romantic road of love... The bride and groom, the real voice of "I am willing" stirs everyone's heart... Twenty-three years of love, finally, at this moment, has been completed and kept together! !

The moment the bell of blessing rang...

The groom lifted the veil of the beautiful bride, raised her pretty face, lowered her head... Softly and piously, she pressed her soft red lips.

"I love you my wife!!"

Jing Xiangyang truly made the most affectionate confession with his wife, "From now on, no matter whether our ending is perfect or not, my world, you will never be allowed to disappear!!"

The ape's arm tightened her small waist, and in front of all the relatives and friends, extended the kiss that symbolizes love... Just like, their marriage road in the future! !

In the guest seats of the church, the two mothers couldn't help wiping tears when they saw this touching scene.

The two young people walked all the way, but they really had all the hardships, and now it is not easy to be able to be together hand in hand...

The night is already deep.

All the guests left one after another.

Yun Jing and Jing Xiangyang were almost exhausted and collapsed on the new bed.

On the bed/on there are all kinds of delights.

Red dates, peanuts, longans, lotus seeds...

Give birth to your son early! !

The two of them held hands, slumped on them weakly, resting, and neither of them wanted to move.

"Jing Xiangyang, if I knew that getting married was so tiring, I won't get married! Anyway, getting a certificate is the same, right?"

Yun Jing's slumped mouth was really exhausted.

Jing Xiangyang stood up and covered Yun Jing's body.

But I didn't let myself press her as much as possible, with arms on both sides of her, condescendingly at her, "Exhausted?"


Yun Jing acted like a baby and hooked his arm around his arm, "Aren't you tired?"

"I'm okay."

"After standing for so long, my leg must be very painful, isn't it? I'll put some water in and give you a bath. After the shower, I will give you a massage, okay?"

As Yun Jing said, she was about to get up to release water for him.

"Wash together..."

Jing Xiangyang smiled ambiguously, picked up Yun Jing and walked to the bathroom.

In the huge bath, two tired people leaned against each other, soaked in the warm rose bath, enjoying the rare warmth at this moment, slowly letting the warm water drive away all the tiredness on their bodies.

so comfortable…

Yun Jing was soft and soft in Jing Xiangyang's arms, "Husband, you said that in the future, relatives and friends will ask us questions about having children, how should we answer them?"

Jing Xiangyang gently stroked her wet hair on her shoulders, and asked her in a dumb voice, "Do you really want children now?"

"No… "

Yun Jing shook his head, "I didn't think about it. Now your body is not suitable for conceiving. If you force it, it will be irresponsible for us or your child. I won't want it."

"good… "

Jing Xiangyang kissed gently on the edge of her ear.

"Actually, I am not worried about this..."

Yun Jing sighed, her eyes darkened a little, "I am actually worried about my own body."

"have a bee in one's bonnet."

"I heard that it took me a long time before my mother gave birth to me. You see that I had an ectopic pregnancy before. I am worried that my physique may not be suitable for pregnancy..."

"No matter how hard it took for me to have you back then, but the final result is still there? Because of you, I can marry such a good wife, right? So, don't think about it anymore. ! Besides, in fact, in many cases of childbirth, we rely on fate, and if we don’t have fate, none of us can force it! If we really don’t have a relationship with a child, we don’t force it. We can only live if we have children, right?"

"Without children, wouldn't you feel lost? Wouldn't you blame me?"

Yun Jing looked back at him, her mouth squashed, "But I want to have a baby with you!"

"Even if there are no children, I will not force it! I marry you back, not for you to give birth to me in the future. I want to marry you because I love you and like you! What's more, even if your body really can't If you have a baby, then you can’t blame you? This has nothing to do with you! This is not what you think. On the other hand, if my body is not suitable for childbearing in the future, will you also complain about it? And me?"

"of course not!"

Yun Jing answered him without hesitation, turned around, squatted in the bathtub, held his handsome face, and branded a kiss on his thin lips, "Even if your body can't have children in this life, I will I won't blame you!"

"So, we do the same..."

Jing Xiangyang hugged her tightly and laughed, "From now on we are not allowed to say complaints or complaints, you know? You are welcome if you come, and don't force it if you don't come! None of this affects our work together for a lifetime..."

"Hmm, I promise you!!"

Yun Jing finally smiled knowingly.

Suddenly, I was a little moved, and my heart seemed to be flooded with heating, "husband, you are so kind! You are so kind to me..."

"That's also because you deserve to be nice to you!"

"I love you! Love you... love you..."

Yun Jing kept shouting coquettishly in his arms, shouting Jing Xiangyang heartily, the final result was... the bathtub became a pool of joy/love between them again!

Time, four years passed in a flash.

The toxins in Jing Xiangyang's body have been eliminated, and the avoiding/pregnancy needle has stopped injections several months ago.

However, Yun Jing's stomach still didn't respond.

Yun Jing didn't dare to mention this to her husband, lest it would cause him pressure, so she quietly went to see a Chinese medicine doctor and found a few Chinese medicines for health and blood.

Yun Jing secretly drank Chinese medicine every time when Jing Xiangyang was not at home.

However, no matter how careful, he still caught the bag.

"What medicine are you drinking?"

"Ah... Why did you come back so early? Isn't there an operation at four o'clock?"

Yun Jing was caught in the bag, and hurriedly stuffed the medicine bag behind his back, "No...nothing, just some medicine for irregular menstruation."

"Irregular menstruation?"

Jing Xiangyang squinted his eyes, "When did you have irregular menstruation? Why don't I know?"

Calculated by time, her menstruation is quite normal, every month comes as scheduled.

"Show me the medicine! If you really have any physical discomfort, you have to ask your husband me first!"

"This is a gynecological problem, how can I ask you first? You are not a gynecologist!"

Yun Jing was still stern, and refused to give him the medicine package.

Jing Xiangyang straightened his face with a serious expression on his face, spread his hand, and stretched out to her, "Bring it!"

"But… "

"Yun Xiaosan!!!"


Yun Jing had to obediently hand the medicine packet to Jing Xiangyang.

Jing Xiangyang took it over and smelled it.

I heard Yun Jing say, "These are just some medicine for health and blood, nothing."

Jing Xiangyang took a deep look and put the medicine on the counter. "For no reason, why do you want to eat these things?"

His tone was obviously much softer than just before.

It's not hard to hear the distress inside.

"I... Actually nothing, just... Look, you haven't given birth control injections for several months, and neither of us has any measures, but my stomach... It seems that there has been no response. Even if you are not in a hurry, I will do it myself. You are in a hurry!"

Yun Jing squashed her mouth, she felt a little depressed when she wanted to come to her unbelievable belly.

"What are you worrying about? I haven't had enough of the two worlds, so you just want to make us a naughty egg?"

Jing Xiangyang walked over, hugged her small waist, high nose, and gently rubbed her forehead, "Baby, don't put such a lot of pressure on yourself, okay? You have to pay attention to your mood when you are pregnant. The more stressed you are, the harder it will be for children to come and find you! Besides, we are not in a hurry, are we?"

"You are not in a hurry! If you don't have children, you are really old enough! Are you afraid that when you go to a parent-teacher meeting for your children, your children think you are too old?"

Yun Jing laughed and teased him.

Jing Xiangyang bit her nose badly, "He has me such a young, handsome, handsome and golden father, but that is the blessing he has cultivated in a few lifetimes, dare he dislike it?"


"Okay, don't drink that medicine anymore."

"That's just a medicine to replenish blood..."

"If it's medicine, it's three-point poison. Obedient, okay? Let's just let it go. Haven't we all gone to the hospital for an examination? The body is all fine. Why do we have to drink medicine for no reason?"

"But… "

"No but!!"

Jing Xiangyang upholds his domineering style.

"… All right."

Yun Jing never said about her husband.

If Yun Jing's menstrual delay is slightly delayed every month, she will habitually test it with a pregnancy test stick, but the result is always just after the test, and it's a good thing.

This time, it was slightly different from usual.

After the test, the result showed no, and the menstruation has been delayed for three days, but the delay has not meant to come.

Three days, it wasn't actually a postponement, Yun Jing didn't have much feeling, but Jing Xiangyang was scared.

As soon as she woke up, she asked about Yun Jing's physical condition, and then clamored to take her to the hospital for examination.

"Xiangyang, it's just three days without coming. You don't need such a laborious examination? If you are not pregnant, wouldn't it be... shameful?"

Yun Jing was embarrassed to go to the hospital for an examination.

"It's good if you are not pregnant!"

Jing Xiangyang couldn't help but broke up and hugged Yun Jing from the bed/getting up, "Come on, hurry up, go to the hospital."

"Xiang Yang—"

Yun Jing knelt on the edge of the bed and put her small arms around his neck, "Are you... afraid of my ectopic pregnancy?"

Jing Xiangyang was taken aback.