Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 436: Obviously it is a fake show


Li Ye, is this fucking called acting? !

This is obviously, the fake drama is really done! !

The spotlight is very strong, and most people will never deliberately stare at the spotlight, and the spotlight will be shot down. It is difficult to find such a hidden place without very careful observation.

But he found it as soon as Lu Liye walked in.

Xiang Qing somewhat admired his meticulous observation ability, and became more and more curious about his identity.

The camera was successfully taken down, and Xiang Qing put on clothes for the first time and got out of bed.

Two people, standing face to face, the atmosphere was embarrassing.

Lu Liye's deep black eyes calmly grabbed her, "Today's accident, I will do my best to compensate you!"

His voice is very strong and very magnetic, like the melody of a cello, soft and deep.

Xiang Qing took a deep breath, trying to make herself seem as indifferent as possible, "Just don't forget the promise you made to me."

"I'm going to the deck to breathe."

After she finished speaking, she went out.

The chest cavity seemed to be pressed by something, making her completely breathless.

She even had some doubts, and if she continued to toss like this, sooner or later she would suffocate and die.

Lu Liye didn't stop her, only instructed Azu, "You just follow her and don't let her get into trouble."


Xiang Qing stood on the deck, blowing the salty and wet sea breeze.

Under the night sky, the sea screamed, black clouds pressed on top, and heavy rain was approaching, as if she wanted her to swallow it at any time.

Under the body, the tearing pain was not relieved at all.

It hurts, it hurts...

And his fingers stroked her sensitive belt, and the cold left behind seemed to be still there.

Jiao body can't help but shake...

Close your eyes and try to stop yourself from thinking about useless things.

Jing Xiangqing is already a woman of the new era in the 21st century, why bother about that film again

She soothed herself!

In the end, I felt a little better.

When they were about to fold back and walk back, suddenly, a large wave a few meters high struck their cruise ship without warning. Then, Xiang Qing didn’t wait for Xiang Qing to hold onto the cruise ship’s handrails, and the waves rushed wildly. come-"

The strong sense of turbulence made Xiang Qing's center of gravity unstable, and almost made her plunge directly into the sea from the gap in the guardrail.

Suddenly, a big powerful hand clasped her arm.

Before she could react, she was pulled into a stranger's chest in the next second.

His head hit a solid wall of flesh, which hurts a bit.

The bodies of the two people swayed fiercely with the huge waves, and their center of gravity was extremely unstable, but suddenly they staggered, and they fell to the deck in embarrassment at the same time.

Xiang Qing tightly hugged the man's waist.

And the man, stretched out his hand, firmly buckled the guardrail.

After a few minutes, the wind stopped and the waves stopped.

But when Azu, who had been waiting at the door, was about to step forward to help Xiang Qing, he did not expect that someone had already extended a helping hand in front of him, and that person was not someone else. The buyer they negotiated-Morrill.

The youngest and most famous godfather in the Asia-Pacific region! !

When the wind stopped and the waves were calm, Xiang Qingshi took the frightened heart, picked up his head, and went to see the great benefactor who had saved him.

Don't look up, it doesn't matter.

As soon as he raised his head, he was completely embarrassed, and for a moment, his small face flushed with suffocation.