Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 439: Will count


Xiang Qing began to eat dinner comfortably, but he heard him vomit, "This phone is really fine."


Xiang Qing was a little bit eager to cry without tears.

"I use this phone to call the police, will the police come to rescue me?"

She didn't give up and asked him.

"Of course! The police are not the people's public servants? They don't save people, who will save them?! Think about it, if your phone didn't hang up before, maybe you're already sitting at home at this moment, eating from your mother to you It’s a delicious meal!"


Xiang Qing suddenly had the urge to kill the man in front of him.

He must be deliberate! !

"Then you return the phone to me!!"

Xiang Qing said, flew over and grabbed the phone in his hand.

Lu Liye hurriedly avoided, held the phone high, deliberately teased her, and clicked on her forehead, "I gave it all, do you want to take it back?"

Xiang Qing's eyes were red with anxiousness, she was so regretful that she hadn't, especially thinking about the delicacies of mountains and seas from her mother's sacred hand, Xiang Qing even had the urge to cry.

She jumped up to grab the phone in his hand.

But helplessly, the man in front of her was too tall, she was too short, and she caught it several times, but she still couldn't reach it.

Xiang Qing stood in front of him, her mouth squashed, and staring at him with a bewildered look.

Seeing her aggrieved appearance, Lu Liye stopped teasing her anymore, took her little hand and walked into the hall, "Come here."


Xiang Qing's mood can be described as extremely bad.

Lu Liye didn't answer her words, took her and sat down on the sofa.

He turned to bring a set of toolboxes, rolled up his trouser legs and long legs, and sat down at random just a few days ago.

The movements, even though they are very casual, are not elegant, but they seem to be a dazzling scenery in every move.

And those straight and slender legs are even more sexual/feeling utterly indignant.

He spread the phone on the long table, desk, holding the tool, and took the phone apart.

There are too many parts in the mobile phone, except for the electric board, Xiang Qing can't recognize one.

Suddenly, Lu Liye was holding a pair of tweezers, picking a very small part out of the small parts.

That thing is about the size of a grain of rice, stuffed into a pile of parts, if you don't look at it carefully, it's really easy to be overlooked.

"what is this?"

Xiang Qing blinked curiously and asked him.


Xiang Qing opened her mouth and frowned, "What does she want to do?"

Lu Liye didn't answer, and quickly repaired the phone completely.

Seeing his skilled hands, Xiang Qing couldn't help but sigh, "I found out that you really know everything!"

She tilted her head, admiring his serious side face, "Why do I think you can always guess people's minds easily?"

Lu Liye picked up his eyes to look at her, and said disapprovingly, "You can guess something that I can't guess, Young Master Li, shouldn't it be justified?"


Compliment him, he still kicked his nose and cheek! !

"Then you said, what does she want to do with this bug?!"

Lu Liye quickly assembled the mobile phone, and with a thunderous momentum, he also solved the digital password of the mobile phone.

"Do you know the password?"

Xiang Qing asked him in astonishment.

"Guess it."


Xiang Qing was dumbfounded, "Is the password her birthday?"

Lu Liye kept silent, studying his mobile phone intently.

"Could it be your birthday?"

Lu Liye looked up at her with a look of dissatisfaction, "Could the imagination be a little more advanced?"


"This kind of pediatric digital password can be recognized by a glance at the fingerprint on the screen, and you don't even need to think about it!"

He disdainfully explained.

Xiang Qing was dumbfounded.

This thing, you can guess the password at a glance?

Is her IQ too low, or does this man know too much? !

Her respect for him has risen in every minute!

Lu Liye threw the phone on the couch at will, got up, sat on the sofa, leaned back on the sofa with his hands behind his head, and leaned lazily on the sofa cushions, and put his long legs on the couch at will, orderly in the same direction as Qingjing. Analyzed, "If I'm not mistaken, this is a big set that the woman gave you! Tonight Li Wei invited the seller to talk about the transaction. It is said that dozens of ocean-going blonde girls came over there. Level, if you want to call the police at this time, you can’t handle the entire hotel, but Li Wei’s deal will definitely fall apart! And you, don’t even want to escape, she has installed the positioning system in this phone early. As soon as you call the police, she receives the eavesdropping information and immediately asks someone to catch you. My group of guards will hear that you have called the police, so they must immediately approach the little demon and give you every minute. Caught, the police want to find you, it's almost impossible! But when the police disperse, do you know who is in luck?"

Xiang Qing swallowed, and for her own dangerous situation, she felt cold in her back and palms of her hands.

In addition to her, who else would fall into this bad luck? !

"Now that the supply is tight, I have to let Li Wei lose this order tonight, and you can't eat it! Even if you can't kill you, you have to abandon your legs! But, still you Smart, it's always out of that woman's plan."

When Xiang Qing heard this, she felt lingering in her heart, her face was pale, and her forehead was already cold and sweaty.

"Let's go! Let's eat!"

Lu Liye pulled Xiang Qing away.

Xiang Qing tightened Lu Liye's hand and looked up at him. After a long while, he asked him seriously, "Who makes you hate me or that woman?"

Lu Liye was stunned.

She seemed a little surprised by this question.

"Who makes you hate more?"

Xiang Qing urged him to answer.


Without thinking about it, he gave her the answer.

Xiang Qing's eyes flashed a little bit of sadness, but suddenly, he heard him add, "However, between you and that woman, the person I like better is still you."

When I hate her, I really hate it, and when I like it, I feel pretty good.

And the woman named Xiao Yao...

Doesn't deserve to influence Lu Liye's emotions

Hearing what he said, Xiang Qing was taken aback for a moment, and for the next moment, there was a dash of obvious joy in his eyebrows.

"how do you want to do it?"

Lu Liye seemed to see through her mind at a glance, and asked her.

"Are you helping me?"

Xiang Qing asked him kindly.

"Can consider it."

He gave her room for maneuver.

Ring/Chest, condescendingly staring at her, "Tell me!"

"You said, what would happen if Li Wei knew about this?"

Xiang Qing asked Lu Liye.

"He hates being used by others! Especially women!"

Lu Liye answered her earnestly, "Especially those who dare to use his supply as a bet, he can't afford it!"

When Xiang Qing heard what he said, her eyes started to light up, "Then guess, if he knew about this, how would he deal with the bad woman who took advantage of him?"

Lu Liye squinted his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "A few slaps will definitely not escape, maybe there are still a few small colors in other places... However, Jing Xiangqing, will your excited expression be too much? point??"

Lu Liye said, and stretched out her hand to pull at her small mouth, which was almost grinning behind her ears, "Give me a little bit! So happy, how will you play a tragic drama later on?"

"You promised?"

Xiang Qing smiled happily all at once.

"Pump my young master on the back, feed a few mouthfuls of food, wait for it to be cool, and then think about it."

"Alright! Master Li, please..."

Xiang Qing looked like a father-in-law, with a humble cat with a waist and a small hand, helping Young Master Li to go to the restaurant.

In the restaurant—

Lu Liye was like a second uncle, sitting lazily on the dining table and chairs, and not too lazy to raise his hands, so he let Xiang Qing feed him steak in his mouth.

"Come on, Master Li, open your mouth!"

Lu Liye narrowed his eyes, opened his mouth, and swallowed the steak that was brought to him.

After chewing, he opened his eyes lazily, and said in dissatisfaction, "Daddy Jing, cut the steak into smaller pieces!"


Xiang Qing thought that she would be able to fix that bad woman later, so she couldn't even mention it!

Don't say let her be the father-in-law, even if you let her be the servant/sleeper... Then she is still not happy!

"Hands are a little sore..."

"The little one helps you pinch..."

"Legs are also sore!"

"Small will help you hammer..."

Sitting on the chair, Xiang Qing catted herself, and seriously knocked on Lu Liye's legs.

Hammer and beat, and squeeze gently...

Don't mention much skill in small movements.

A cerebellum is running fast, thinking carefully, and what kind of tragic and terrifying scene will be staged in front of Li Wei later

At least you have to be tearful, and you want to cry, right

Is it necessary to pretend to be pitiful and to sell heartfelt

Alas, this play is really hard to act! !


How come the legs in this hand become harder and harder? !

Xiang Qing glanced suspiciously at his leg...

In the next second, her little hand seemed to be stained with poison, and she pulled away in an instant, her face turned red and white, she hurriedly got up and waved her hands again and again, "I... I didn't mean it!!!"

damn it! !

How can she be so connected with men's stuff? ! !

Lu Liye's face was naturally not much better.

His eyes were gloomy, he glanced at Xiang Qing deeply, then looked down at the toy she was playing with... After a long time, he picked up his eyes to see her, and asked in a dumb voice, "This young master wants you to serve it now. Are you happy?"


Depend on! !

Xiang Qing almost spat out old blood from her throat.

His cheeks were flushed, and the next moment, like a wind, he ran back into the room hurriedly, and with a "bang—" the door was closed to death.

Leaning on the door panel, patting his chest/chest, panting anxiously.

The cheeks were rolling/hot as if they were about to burn in an instant, and the little heart was beating wildly.

Strange to say, it is not the first time that Xiang Qing has felt this thing about a man.

I've seen it, and I've knocked my forehead, but why is that feeling completely different from the one I touched with my hand this time

The frequency of this heartbeat is obviously unusual.

And the small hand board core is still hot.

She rushed into the bathroom again, turned on the cold water, and kept washing her little hands.

Downstairs, Lu Liye sat motionless in the dining room.

Ten minutes have passed, but the tent has not disappeared!

damn it! !

That woman got him angry, but was not responsible for putting out the fire? ! !

Lu Liye really wanted to go up and beat her up! !