Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 442: I don't believe what you say


Lu Liye let her soak in the middle of the mist, and he went out and called.

While talking on the phone, he was leaning against the bathroom door, looking at her in the bathtub.

Lest she slept too deep, slipped into the water and drowned.

"When can you get her out?"

Lu Liye asked the person on the other end of the phone.


"Could you change your rhetoric to something else? You just do things with this efficiency?"

Lu Liye looked extremely impatient, "Intentionally, right?"

The middle-aged man on the other end of the phone smiled and cursed, "You guys don’t get cheap and you are good! The second lady of the Jing family is a famous beauty. Anyway, you guy is also single. If something really happened, you should be a bad guy. Will it be the blame? It's cheaper for you!"


Lu Liye replied uncomfortably, "Don't give me sloppy eyes, and quickly get me out of this trouble!"

"Sure! Don't really get it out then, and you can't bear it again!"

"Stop talking nonsense! When?"

"In two days you find an excuse to come out, meet in the old place, and discuss it again."


Lu Liye nodded, "Hang up."

"and many more."


The middle-aged man on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds.

"Just the girl you like..."


Lu Liye groaned.

After he came here, he reminded Uncle Tong on the other end of the phone to occasionally help pay attention to that girl, and when something happened and needed someone to take care of him, he would help.

"She seems to be married!"


On the phone, there was a long period of silence.

long time…

"The marriage partner is her brother?"

Lu Liye's voice was a bit hoarse.


Uncle Tong responded.

"Okay, I get it, let's take it up first."

After Lu Liye finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Moran's black eyes were as dark as night and as deep as a black hole, unable to see the bottom, nor could he understand his emotions at the moment.

He smoked a cigarette, lit it, and took a sip.

The throat is a bit dry.

The chaotic smoke clouded his enchanting peach eyes.

Across the green smoke, in a daze, he saw Yun Xiaoguai's immature face again... That year she was eighteen and he was twenty.

He kissed her, but she got a deep bite.

Suddenly, I thought of the out-of-control kiss in the pool just now.

He laughed.

No wonder he always has the illusion that they are so similar...

Even the definition of a kiss is the same!

Treat it, bite!

The cigarette butts burned out, threw them in the ashtray, and strode towards Xiangqing in the bathtub.

The next day, early morning—

Xiang Qing woke up from the sofa, looking at the clean nightgown on her body, she was still a little bit overwhelmed.

Knocked on her dizzy head, she couldn't remember when her clothes were changed!

Of course, for what happened last night...

In fact, she almost forgot about it!

At this time, Lu Liye was already neatly dressed, with long legs folded, sitting calmly on the independent sofa opposite, reading today's morning paper.

As if he had noticed her scrutiny gaze, he just raised his eyelid and glanced at her faintly, then his gaze fell back to the newspaper again.

"What are you looking at?"

he asks.

There are no unnecessary ups and downs in the tone.

"my clothes… "

Xiang Qing pointed to the nightgown on her body, her cheeks flashed a little uncomfortable ruddy.

I didn't feel embarrassed to say it later.

"I changed it for you."

Lu Liye accepted the conversation calmly.

Xiang Qing was startled, looked at him, bit her lip, and said nothing.

"You passed away drunk and fell into the pool."

Lu Liye Shi raised his head, put the newspaper in his hand to his side, raised his eyebrows and continued, "I picked you up from the water! Is there a problem?"


Did she fall into the pool

Why is she not impressed at all? !

Xiang Qing scratched the messy long hair on her head, frowned, remembering hard.

But no matter how hard she recalled, her mind was blank all the time.

She shrugged in frustration, "I forgot!"

Lu Liye locked her eyes deeply, "Forgot what?"

"Forgot about you changing my clothes..."

"I even took a shower for you."

Before Xiang Qing finished speaking, Lu Liye added another sentence.


Xiang Qing really didn't know what to do for a while.

anger? angry? ? Embarrassed? ? ? Or thank you? ? Thanks to his family! !

Xiang Qing lifted the quilt and got up from the sofa, and walked towards him barefoot, feeling a little excited, "Master Li, you should have heard of whether men and women are giving or not getting married, right?! You took advantage of my drunk time. , Give me... a bath, change my clothes, these... you... have you got my consent?? Ah?"

Lu Liye leisurely picked up the newspaper next to him again and flicked it casually. Then he said quietly, "Okay, next time you fall into the water, I will definitely stand by the pool and watch, never intervene."

"Don't misunderstand me deliberately, I mean you should ask my opinion about the things that happened after you rescued me!"

Xiang Qing felt that she was just talking about it.


Lu Liye nodded lightly, did not look up at her, only asked her, "Do you remember those things that happened in the water?"

"Something else happened in the water?"

Xiang Qing opened her mouth in astonishment.

Then, he fell into a bitter thinking and meditation.

"What can happen in the water? At most, I was choked by the water?"

Xiang Qing racked his brains, but she didn't think of anything.

She and her brother have one problem, that is, they tend to forget things as soon as they drink.

"I can't remember."

Finally, Xiang Qing declared that she had failed to fight her own thinking.

Master Lu's charming face completely sank.

"Master Li, you... don't be angry first..."

Xiang Qing swallowed nervously, "I can explain the matter."

She stretched her hands and put them between the two people, trying to keep him the safest distance from herself.

That appearance, as if he was afraid that he would turn into a lion, taking her apart and eating her at any time.

is not that right? Last night, I confessed to him by drinking! !

Lu Liye narrowed his eyes dangerously, "You said."

He wanted to see what she could explain!

"It's like this..."

Xiang Qing took a deep breath and retracted her hands that were in front of him. "Although I don't remember the whole thing clearly, you can rest assured that there is one thing Young Master Li. If I really kiss you, I must, It must not be meant for you, and definitely not meant for you..."

Lu Liye's eyes darkened completely.

The light in his eyes was as cold as extreme ice, without the slightest temperature, staring at Qing steadily.

"go on-"

The thin lips lifted, and the cold words popped out between the teeth, making Xiang Qing a little bit afraid.

Xiang Qing courageously continued, "Did you not help me a lot yesterday? I have always been grateful, but... Maybe, after being drunk, people are more open, so... So just use such a kiss to come. Let me show my gratitude to you! This is actually just an ordinary kiss, absolutely without any dirty thoughts! You can rest assured."

Yes, yes, I definitely didn't have any thoughts about him.

Xiang Qing paralyzed herself like this in her heart.

"But you didn't say that yesterday!"

Lu Liye approached Xiang Qing with one step, leaned over and leaned close to her, and stopped just half an inch away from her lips.

Xiang Qing was taken aback.

The curled eyelashes fluttered nervously, and his sudden approach made her dare not get out of the air. His little hands grasped her heart-beating chest, and she leaned back subconsciously, her eyes flickering. For a while, he was so flustered that he didn't know what to do.

She leaned back and he leaned forward...

The distance of half an inch has never been stretched far.

"me… "

Xiang Qing hesitated, her cheeks flushed, "I really forgot!"

His scorching gaze stayed on Xiang Qing's slightly opened red lips, and his sexual/sensory Adam's apple rolled, "Remember it? Huh?"

"I... I... Impossible! I don't believe it!!"

Xiang Qing shook her head, her little face was so red that it could almost ooze blood!