Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 450: Task? !


He bowed his head and stared at her with stern eyes, his eyes seemed to make her alive.

"Obviously gone? Why come back?!!!"

He gritted his teeth and asked her.

Xiang Qing's heart clicked...

Looking at the man in front of him for unknown reasons, doubts arose in his heart.

"you know?"

"Answer me first! Why are you back again if you can go out?!"

Lu Liye insisted on his own question.

Xiang Qing glanced at his bleeding wounds, and didn’t want to grind with him anymore, she just made a long story short, “I could have gone out yesterday, and I went to rescue people with the police in the dark alley, but when I came back suddenly I was knocked out by a policeman, and when I woke up, I was hung from the balcony!"

When Xiang Qing finished speaking these words, a flash of spirit flashed in her mind, "The person who stunned me was a policeman, and I was tied up when I woke up... Is there any of your people in the police?"

Lu Liye's icy eyebrows frowned deeper, and in his deep dark eyes, the wind and rain were raging, and the complicated dark glow was gleaming. After a long while, he heard him whisper, "Do not rule out this possibility!"

"you do not know?"

Xiang Qing was surprised.

Lu Liye turned over from Xiang Qing's body, softly lying on the bed, "Go, call Dr. Chen over!"

"Yes, right now!!"

Xiang Qing quickly bounced from the bed/on the bed, watching his gradually pale lips, a little anxious, "Wait for me!! Come soon—"

Soon, Xiang Qing called Doctor Chen over.

Dr. Chen performed the operation to take out the bullet for Lu Liye. Fortunately, the bullet did not hurt his muscles and bones. After the bandage, he could rest in bed for a while.

Xiang Qing was in charge of the fight.

The end of a pot of clear water was sent in, and when it came out, it became a pot of red blood.

The guilt in her heart became deeper and heavier as more and more blood came out from this end.

"Shao Li’s wound should not be exposed to water in the future to prevent infection. In addition, change the medicine every other day. If you have any discomfort, please contact me in time. I will also come to see the situation every half day! Li Shao, you These days, it’s best to stay in bed first and do less activity."

Doctor Chen carefully instructed to land and leave the field.

He closed his eyes and lay on the bed, as if he was asleep, and did not answer Dr. Chen's words.

Xiang Qing listened carefully to the side and remembered.

It was already the morning of the next day to take Dr. Chen away.

Xiang Qing didn't close her eyes all night.

On the bed/on, Lu Liye was dizzy and still had a high fever.

Xiang Qing looked for Li Wu and took the ice pack, and patiently changed him out of the ice pack time and time again to reduce the fever.

Looking at the bed, Lu Liye, who was pale, Xiang Qing's heart was more dull than ever.

Even when he was just caught in and hit all over his body, he wasn't as uncomfortable as he is now.

At that time, the pain was in the body, but now...

It's heart, it hurts!

The scene on the balcony, like a screening, constantly flashed through Xiang Qing's mind.

That piece of blood, splashed on her cheek, is so warm!

In her heart, she was moved, tender, and apologetic.

And palpitations...

This is the first time she has met a man who is so willing to sacrifice for her!

She even had doubts for so many seconds...

Is this extraordinary man moved by himself

If not, how could he try his best to save her again and again

What about yourself? Although he always said that he would never deal with men in the underworld, what happened in the end? Did he feel really moved towards this man

But, for such a high-quality man, is it realistic to not be tempted by him

Xiang Qing glanced affectionately at Lu Liye on the bed, and her heart pool was suddenly disturbed by him. After a long time, she couldn't calm down... She stretched out her hand and probed the temperature on his cheek.

I found myself a little nervous for no reason.

The warmth on his face passed to the palm of her hand, as if it had penetrated into the tip of her heart within a second, it was so hot and hot... it made her blush involuntarily.

Just as he was about to withdraw his hand, suddenly his wrist tightened, and without warning, it was held tightly by Lu Liye's big iron-like hand.

Xiang Qing's heart throbbed...

Her cheeks became hot and her breathing was a little unstable.

Lu Liye didn't wake up, holding the strength of her small hand, slowly turning soft... The palm, moved from her wrist to her small palm, and finally, gently and shallowly held it.

Xiang Qing's heart obviously missed a beat.

On his cheeks, he was scorching hot as if being scorched by a fire.

Breathe, tight.

In the palm of his hand, due to tension and unconsciously, layers of fine sweat ooze out... Suddenly, his big hand forcefully carried her, and it fell into his firm chest.

Xiang Qing whispered in astonishment, lest she might touch his wound, "Shao Li..."

She whispered to him tentatively.

He didn't wake up, fell asleep groggyly, perhaps because of pain, or he was having a nightmare, his beautiful sword eyebrows were frowned, and his sexy thin lips seemed to be whispering something.

At first, Xiang Qing didn't hear clearly...

Later, Xiang Qing heard clearly! !

What he whispered, nothing else...

It's a person's name, a girl's name!

"Yun Jing..."

"Yun Xiaosan, don't go..."


Xiang Qing lay down in his arms in a daze, listening to him whispering this familiar name, for a long time, she couldn't recover.

Yun Jing...

Yun Xiaosan! !

Familiar name, familiar nickname...

Staring at the man before her, suddenly, a name flashed through her mind!

Li Ye, Li Ye...

Lu Liye? !

Xiang Qing's brain was running fast, searching for the handsome and dull face she had ever seen.

Two years, two years, the change in this man is so great!

Two years ago, he was chic, bold, and dude, a typical rich man.

But now, he is cold and charming, deep and full of aura, his facial features are significantly stronger than before, his complexion has also changed, and his figure is much stronger.

Xiang Qing really couldn't connect the Lu Liye, who had only had a relationship with him, with the current Li Ye.

As far as she is concerned, this man has changed a little bit! !

However, I heard Saner said that he has gone to serve as a soldier? Why is it now reduced to such a place of right and wrong? !

Also, why did he change his name

Could it be...

A bold idea flashed through Xiang Qing's mind.

"Cloud Little Monster..."

In a daze, Lu Liye was still muttering Yun Jing's nickname.

Holding Xiang Qing's hand, she couldn't help tightening her strength, as if she was afraid that she would suddenly escape.

He had a dream, in which Xiaoguai Yun squatted by the road alone, crying helplessly.

That cry, like a sharp knife, stuck in his heart, making him feel painful for a while.

Suddenly, that face changed. It was no longer her Yun Xiaoguai, but... Jing Xiangqing

Lu Liye suddenly woke up from his dream.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw the face that suddenly appeared in my dream.

It was only half an inch away from him.

She did not cry.

Just stared at him blankly, as if searching for something.

It's just that, between her bright water eyes, there is a touch of sadness at the moment.

Seeing him open her eyes, she straightened up slowly, and her little hand stole away from his big hand dumbly.

"Are you just dreaming?"

She asked.

The tone is inexplicable, somewhat alienated.

Lu Liye's gloomy eyes fell deeply, "What?"


Xiang Qing shook her head.

For some reason, my mood suddenly plummeted.

She even lost the strength to speak.

Knowing that he is Lu Liye, shouldn't she be happy? Shouldn't it be confirmed by him in the first place

However, she did not!

She was unhappy, obviously, very unhappy, and even at this moment, she was still hoping that she was actually the wrong person.

That feeling...

Very complicated!

Who is Lu Liye

It's the man who has always regarded Yun Xiaosan as a friend, but has sent his heart to Yun Xiaosan!

When he first saw Xiang Qing, he tried every means to protect her. Until now, he has eaten a bullet for her... All of this can finally make sense!

It's not that she thought that ridiculous and naive, that this bad man was touched by herself... In fact, he was just because of her Yun Jing!

Because he is a friend of the woman he loves, he has to save it, right

Thinking of this, Xiang Qing only felt terrible.

She didn't dare to see him again, only took the thermometer and put it under his armpit, "You can take the temperature again. Tell me if you feel uncomfortable."

Xiang Qing said, took the ice pack from his head, and went to the refrigerator to get a new one.

From beginning to end, he didn't meet his eyes again.

I don't know if I dare to, or... If I am afraid of being in a couple, I will feel distressed.

After that, the two of them remained silent.

The atmosphere seemed a bit awkward.

Xiang Qing lowered his head, never said a word or looked at him.

Although she didn't look at Lu Liye, she could clearly feel that there was an urgent gaze falling on her face, so sharp that it was difficult for her to ignore it.

"What's wrong?"

Suddenly, Lu Liye asked her.

Jian eyebrows were slightly narrowed, "Why are you arguing with me?"

Xiang Qing pursed her lips, looked up at him, and pulled the corners of her mouth far-fetched, "What's the trouble? I thank you for saving me, it's too late!"


Lu Liye raised his eyebrows, "Why don't I feel your gratitude at all?"

"No, I really appreciate you!"

Xiang Qing straightened up and thanked him very cautiously, "Li Ye, thank you!"

Lu Liye lifted his thin lips and took it as a response.

However, Xiang Qing felt a little flustered in her chest.

I wanted to ask him too many words, but he didn't dare to ask.

I'm always afraid, the answer is not what she wants!

"What do you want to say, say it!"

Lu Liye saw Xiang Qing's thoughts at a glance.

Xiang Qing hesitated for a while, and finally said, "You are San'er's friend, Lu Liye."

What she used was not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence.

Lu Liye looked at her fixedly, without answering.

After a long time, he sneered and laughed, "Hai-Mu's brain finally remembered this young master?!"

This is tantamount to acquiescing to Xiang Qing's questioning.

My heart couldn't help but sink.


Xiang Qing continued to ask in the most concise words.

Lu Liye didn't hesitate anymore and nodded.

Xiang Qing took a breath, trying to digest the series of news she had received.

Lu Liye did not conceal his identity too much with Xiangqing, because... it is no longer necessary!

She guessed it too!

"Help me sit up!"

He doesn't like this way of talking with women on the top and men on the bottom.

"Slower… "

Xiang Qing supported him and sat up.

He carefully added a pillow behind his back.