Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 451: She is jealous! ?


"Now tell me, what are the main characteristics of the face of the person who knocked you out?"

Lu Liye asked her seriously.

Xiang Qing thought hard for a while, "The person is quite white, with no features on his face. If he is tall, he looks a head taller than me! You give me a photo, and I will definitely recognize him!"

Lu Liye narrowed his eyebrows and expressed doubt, "If he is really a powerful undercover agent, then he will easily let you see what he looks like?"

"No! He attacked me from behind. If it weren't for the water trail on the ground, I wouldn't see his face at all! I don't think he would have thought that I would see him."

"If he knew that you met him, then you would have died two hundred times long ago! Jing Xiangqing, you would be thankful for your luck!"

While talking, Lu Liye lowered his head and shook the phone in his hand.

Deciphered quickly and sent a secret email.

The content of the email is very simple, "Send me the pictures of everyone who participated in the operation last night, there are ghosts, secret operations!"

"Yes, I'm so lucky..."

Xiang Qing nodded and let out a deep sigh.

The tone was a little bleak, "If it wasn't for luck, how could I just meet you?"

Lu Liye didn't look up at her, just lowered his head and continued to fiddle with the phone, waiting to collect the documents, "Jing Xiangqing, is it my illusion? Why did you not express any happiness after you knew I was a friend of Xiaoguai Yun?"

Lu Liye was really puzzled.

He raised his head and cast a deep glance at Xiang Qing, "At this time, shouldn't you be so excited to see someone you are familiar with? But why are you so calm so unusually?"

"You were injured, and I didn't succeed in escaping. Is there anything worthy of my happiness?"

Xiang Qing refuted him.

The reason is very valid.

Lu Liye nodded, "I found a good excuse."

"Li Ye..."

Xiang Qing didn't call him Lu Liye.

It's not unaccustomed, but I'm afraid I accidentally yelled, exposing his identity in front of others.

Therefore, it is better to be cautious.

"You helped me in the beginning because I was Saner's friend?"

For some reason, Xiang Qing still asked these questions.

Lu Liye didn't answer bluntly, but instead asked her, "If Xiaoguai Yun knows that I'm not saving you, do you think she will care about me in the future?"

In a word, he didn't get a positive answer from him, but Xiang Qing already understood it.

She hardly knows what words to use to describe her state of mind at this moment.

Lost? Uncomfortable? disappointment

Probably all of them!

The feeling of gap in her heart, as if her heart was tightly wrapped in a thin film, made her breathless at all.

She pretended to smile casually, and bend her eyes, "So this bullet was actually suffered for San'er?"

Lu Liye Yaomei's peach blossom eyes flicked a few dark lights, and he straightened the pillow behind him, "The same can be said."

In fact, Lu Liye said so, but he didn't want Xiang Qing to bear too much guilt for him.

It's okay for her to think so!

Xiang Qing took a breath without a trace...

Exhaling again, my chest still hurts a bit.

But her smile remained.

Fortunately, she knew the truth a long time ago, otherwise, she would really make a joke.

Fortunately, she knew it early...

Before I fell too deeply, I knew the truth!

"After I go back, I will definitely say a few words to you in front of San'er."

"That's not necessary."

Lu Liye smiled, with a vague expression, "Those who don't know thought you were going to chase your sister-in-law for this young master!"

Xiang Qing is funny, thinking about the girl he likes that the two people talked about before, she shook her head, "My sister-in-law, don't think about it, let's change another person in the future! She is destined to belong to our Jing family! No one is allowed. Fight with my brother!"


Lu Liye snorted slightly, and said, "Is there you who are so to the savior?"

The voice fell and the phone rang.

Lu Liye opened the email quickly, and dozens of photos popped out clearly.

He handed the phone to Xiang Qing, "Look at the photo and recognize it!"


Xiang Qing took her cellphone, bowed her head, and looked at each photo carefully, but couldn't help but ask him, "Why did you tell me when I asked about your identity? You are not afraid Will I leak it to others?"

"Do you know?"

Lu Liye asked her back.

He probed and clicked on her forehead, "If the young master has such a bad vision to see people, if you sell him, then he deserves it!"

Xiang Qing smiled, somewhat comforted, "Thank you for your trust."

When the words were over, I clicked on the phone to block, "It's him!"

Xiang Qing handed the phone to Lu Liye.

Lu Liye took it over and took a look, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure! It must be him. The first policeman I saw at the time was him, so I was very impressed!"


Lu Liye nodded.

Xiang Qing asked him carefully, "Inside ghost?"

"What do you think?"

Lu Liye asked her seriously.

Xiang Qing shook her head, "I don't know. But your job sounds particularly dangerous."

Lu Liye ignored Xiang Qing's words and dialed out directly.

Soon, the other end was connected.

"The inner ghost found it, and the photo was sent to your mailbox. Try him first! Also, what did you do yesterday? I brought a group of people over and asked you to save someone. What happened? You almost played her. die!!"

Lu Liye angrily yelled at Officer Tong on the phone.

"This incident is indeed a mistake in our work! The search warrant above has also come down, and I will bring her out again in two days!"

"OK! What more accidents will happen, I think your police uniform can also be removed!"

After speaking, Lu Liye hung up the phone directly.

"I will have a chance to go out soon?"

Xiang Qing asked Lu Liye.

The mood is very complicated.

"I said, I will let you out as soon as possible!"

He said it and did it.

"What about you? Will you go out with me?"

This may be the issue that Xiang Qing is most concerned about.

Lu Liye shook his head, "I still have a mission."

Xiang Qing bit her lip for a long time without saying a word.

"Why? Still reluctant to leave?"

Lu Liye teased her deliberately.

Xiang Qing shook his head and said nothing.

long timeā€¦

"After I go out, the police officer will give me a confession, right?"

"Yeah. Tell me the truth then, don't you need me to teach you?"

"Then what happened that night, do I want to talk about it?"

Xiang Qing hesitated for a while, and asked him seriously.

Lu Liye had a meal.

His eyes darkened for a while, before nodding, "Account truthfully."

Xiang Qing also followed in a daze.

"Will it be punished?"

"The above will deal with it as appropriate."

If he really wants to be punished, then he has nothing to say.

Xiang Qing said nothing more.

During the days when Lu Liye was injured and cultivated, he found that Jing Xiangqing seemed to have changed a little.

Suddenly she became less talking, and no longer joked with him.

She seemed to avoid him deliberately. He was in the room and she was in the bedroom. When he came to the bedroom, she would simply go to the lower theater to hide. When he came to the theater, she would just soak in the study room.

Xiang Qing is obviously reducing the time that two people spend alone, consciously or unconsciously.

Not only Lu Liye discovered this, but even the gossip Li Wu discovered this weird phenomenon.

On this day, seeing Lu Liye wandering boringly in the hall alone with his injured arm, Li Wu couldn't help stepping forward and asking him with concern, "Shao Li, are you looking for Sister Xiang Qing?"

"Where is she?"

Li Wu pointed to the study room in the basement, "I guess it's still soaked in the pile of books! But..."

"But what?"

Lu Liye was about to walk to find her, when he heard Li Wu's words, he paused suspiciously.

"I think you would go down in vain. In less than five minutes, Sister Xiang Qing will move out of the study."

Li Wu told the truth.

"What does this mean?"

Lu Liye's face sank.

"Can't you see it?"

Li Wu carefully muttered, "Sister Xiang Qing is obviously avoiding you!"


Young Master Lu's expression was even more ugly.

"However, it's strange to say. It stands to reason that you saved Sister Xiang Qing like this. She should be grateful to you and promised her like this? But after saving her, she returned Are you angry with you? Could it be that what you did makes her angry?"

After learning that he had rescued Xiang Qing from a man like Young Master Li, Li Wu had almost regarded him Lu Liye as a super god among men.

Therefore, for Xiang Qing's cold reaction, she said she didn't understand even more.

"Do you think she is angry with me too?"

Li Wu shrugged and nodded, "It's too obvious!"

Lu Liye really couldn't understand, "Why should you be angry?"

"Then I really don't know! But, don't you even know what she is angry about?"

Li Wu said he couldn't understand.

Lu Liye shook his head blankly.

He really didn't know what he had done to provoke that girl, so much so that she had been avoiding him intentionally or unintentionally these days.

"What do you women usually get angry with?"

Lu Liye asked Li Wu seriously and humbly learned from her.

"There are many reasons for women to be angry. Even if a man says something wrong, a woman can still be angry for a long time!"

This is true.

For this, Lu Liye expressed considerable approval.

The logic of a woman cannot be figured out and understood by ten men.

"Then a woman like Jing Xiangqing, according to your understanding, what bad things did the young master have to do to make her angry for so long?"

Lu Liye's questioning was really difficult for Li Wu.

She curled her eyebrows, touched her chin, thinking hard.

"Did Shao Li, you have been too close to other girls these days? So you were accidentally seen or discovered by Sister Xiang Qing, and then she became jealous, so she got angry??"

Li Wu glanced at Lu Liye from top to bottom in astonishment, and then quickly retreated three steps away.

It really looked like that day, as if he was afraid that he would get too close and cause some misfortune.


Lu Liye was startled by the words Li Wu.

Li Wu nodded fiercely, "Except for this, there is really nothing worthy to be angry with Sister Xiang Qing, right? She is not like the kind of person who makes trouble for a few words!"


Lu Liye glanced at Li Wu.


That woman is jealous for herself? Whose vinegar?

These days, the most women he has come into contact with is... Li Wu? ! !

That's right, sometimes when Dr. Chen happens to come over when she is away, and when someone needs a dressing change, it is Li Wu's help.

Speaking of intimacy...

Although not too close, but the distance is quite close!

But why should she be jealous?

Also, why was he inexplicably a little bit happy when he heard these two words

Lu Liye glared at Li Wu, "From today, one meter away from me!"


After Lu Liye finished speaking, he went to the study.

Sure enough, she was there.