Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 47: I'm not


Mu Beicheng didn't move, but looked at her with excitement.

She gritted her teeth, resisted her shyness, grabbed his hand and pressed it boldly on her chest.

The hot palm made her whole body hot and her mouth was a little dry.

He still didn't move, just looked at her plainly.

Her heart was tight, she bowed her head, and suddenly kissed his lips. The kiss was timid from before, and after realizing that he had no objection, she was so excited that she couldn't help herself. Fingers passed through his wet hair and hugged his head, the kiss gradually became eager

When the tip of Lu Ying's tongue touched his teeth, Mu Beicheng was still uninterested and didn't even want to continue perfunctory. This is not the taste he wants.

Frowning slightly, her cold lips moved away from her lips, and her hands were pulled away.

The rejection was too obvious, making her face pale, and then she paused, anxiously about to hug him again.

He has already removed her from her lap, stood up, and said lightly: "I'm going out to get some air, you need to rest first."

No matter the tone or demeanor, there is no ripple at all.

and so…

In his eyes, she has no attraction as a woman at all!

Such a face, such a figure, such a style, what kind of man she wants can not be, but it is...

Why does he do this to himself

Embarrassment came to my heart. Looking at his back, she chased up and asked excitedly: "Why do you never touch me? In your eyes, am I not a woman? Or... You are not a normal man at all!"

Mu Beicheng's eyes sank and stared at her coldly, "Don't mess around."

"Naughty? What am I doing?" Lu Ying laughed, and burst into tears. "You are my boyfriend. We have been together for so long, and we will get married soon, but we haven't even gotten married once. You said... It's fair to say... Don’t you? I don’t care if you have women out there. I know they’re just acting on occasion, but why can you touch them but not me?”

Mu Beicheng looked at her coldly, "Do you want to be like them?"

Lu Ying was slightly stunned.

So, does he mean that in his heart, she is more important than other women, so there is no further development


Where is Mo Xiaoguo

What is his mood for Mo Xiaoguo

Before she asked, Mu Beicheng had opened the door and walked out of the villa in his bathrobe.

Mu Beicheng walked quietly in the Bieyuan, breathing the refreshing evening breeze. He glanced at his watch indifferently, thinking of something, and frowned.

That girl Mo Xiaoguo has been soaking in the hot spring for at least three hours!

Staying in such a space for so long, are you afraid of suffocation due to lack of oxygen

Thinking of this, Mu Beicheng suddenly had a bad feeling. Without thinking about it, he strode towards the hot spring pool dedicated to women.

"Sorry, sir, we don't allow men to come in here." The waitress reminded politely.

He turned a deaf ear to it and just walked in quickly. The anxiety in my heart expanded inexplicably.

"Sir... You can't go in anymore." The other party followed up again, looking at Mu Beicheng, her cheeks made her blush and heartbeat.

Mu Beicheng still strode in, and at this moment, he can't care about anything.

"Ah... man!"

One after another screams made all the women's eyes cast on him.

At this moment, he had no time to appreciate this piece of spring light, and his searching eyes swept across his faces.


Stride in, passing by different hot spring pools.

No! still none!

This made him more upset.

He will not miss it. Even if she is hidden in the crowd, he can clearly recognize her as long as one glance!

"Sir, please go out quickly, otherwise the supervisor will deduct my money when he sees this." The waitress who followed up looked anxious.

"I'll make up for the deducted money." Mu Beicheng didn't return, he just continued to explore, "Is there any more inside?"

"Well, there is a pool inside."

Mu Beicheng frowned and couldn't help speeding up.

This pool is made of rocks and is relatively hidden. It was extremely quiet at the moment, and no human voice could be heard.

He looked over and saw a thin figure weakly leaning on the rock on the opposite bank. At this moment, her eyes were closed tightly and her face was bloodless. Obviously, he has fainted.

Suffocated breathing.

"Damn it!" Mu Beicheng cursed, ignoring his bathrobe and jumping down desperately.

The waiter was also frightened, and immediately took out the walkie-talkie to let people find a doctor.

It’s okay not to approach. As soon as he approached, Mu Beicheng realized that she not only fainted, but also...

The little face, which was originally fair and clear, was actually covered with scratches.


damn it! What happened

Why can you soak yourself in a hot spring like this

"Mo Xiaoguo!" Standing underwater, Mu Beicheng held her tightly in his arms, "Mo Xiaoguo, wake up!"

The heart is trembling.

He patted her scarred face.

She didn't move, she was so fragile that she stuck to his arms like a crystal doll.

My breathing tightened, I have never panicked like this before.

In the next second, the slender index finger pressed heavily on her without hesitation.

She frowned in pain and gasped violently.

Thank goodness!

She woke up!

Unable to breathe a sigh of relief, Mu Beicheng hugged her directly from the water and cautiously coaxed her: "Don't fall asleep, be good, I will take you to the doctor..."

Mo Xiaoguo was dazed, feeling that he was being picked up by warm arms.

She didn't know who it was, but this peace of mind and warmth inspired all her grievances.

With eyes closed, tears flowed.

The pale little mouth flicked and shattered: "I am not a junior... I am not a junior..."

Mu Beicheng was shocked.

Her whisper, tearing his heart fiercely.

Did not ask much, just took her out of the hot spring pool with a gloomy face.

"Sir, the doctor is already waiting in the lobby. May I ask which villa you live in, we..." The lobby manager hurriedly followed.

"I haven't booked a villa yet, now prepare one for us!" Mu Beicheng looked down at the little woman wearing only a swimsuit in his arms, and urged again, "Hurry up!"

"Okay, sir, right away!" The other party hurried to prepare the room, and quickly brought the doctor over with the villa key, "Sir, please go here!"

Quiet villa.

Mu Beicheng laid Mo Xiaoguo on the sofa in the lobby.

"You must first help her take off the wet clothes on her body, otherwise she will definitely catch a cold." The doctor said while opening the window of the villa for ventilation.

Looking at Mo Xiaoguo who was wearing thin clothes, Mu Beicheng immediately carried her into the bedroom downstairs.

She was groggy and unconscious.

Mu Beicheng found a chair to sit down and hugged her thin on his lap.

She is very light, light as if there is no weight, and it is even more distressing.

"Mo Xiaoguo?" He called her tentatively, her voice dull.

She ignored it.

"Can you hear me? I'm going to help you undress now." Both the doctor and the manager are men, and it is obviously too late to call the waitress over to do it for him, so he has to go to the battle himself.

Mo Xiaoguo didn't seem to hear, and the whole person was shrunk in his arms, against his soaked nightgown. It seemed that it was too cold, and his whitish lips trembled faintly.

No longer dare to hesitate, Mu Beicheng stretched out his hand neatly to pick up the swimsuit on her body.

Her skin was very cold, but it felt hot when it was burned on his fingertips. It was so hot that his fingers tremble quickly...

Her snow-white body was uncovered in front of her.

Holy and translucent, like white silk. The touch is even more beautiful than imagined.

Mu Beicheng's breathing increased, and his body reacted even more untimely.

Not daring to look any more, he put her down on the bed, and hurriedly grabbed her in a clean nightgown and wrapped her around her.

But damn, the heat on his body still hasn't diminished.

Is this girl a goblin who specializes in fascinating hearts and souls

"Sir, how's it going?" The manager's urging sounded outside the door, and Mu Beicheng recovered and pulled the quilt to cover Mo Xiaoguo. She put the clothes she changed into the bathroom, and then said, "Come in."

The doctor hurried in and rolled Mo Xiaoguo's eyelids to check carefully, "It's nothing serious, it's caused by hypoxia and excessive panic. I will prescribe some medicine and let her take it."

"Excessive panic?" Mu Beicheng's face was dark, as if a storm gathered in his eyes.

What did she experience just now

Why is she frightened? Why was it attacked

He couldn't imagine what would happen to her if he was one step late.

He glanced over the scar on that little face, "How about the wound on her face? Will it leave scars?"

"It means finger marks. I'll treat the wound first. Don't drink tea, coffee, or hot peppers these days. Take care that these usually don't leave scars."

Mu Beicheng still had a cold face and glanced at the manager, "Come out with me."

The manager followed out in fear, and could only tell all the things he had heard before.

"It is said that a young lady said that this young lady was a third party and robbed her husband. As a result, it caused public outrage. Several middle-aged women couldn't see it, so they gave this young lady to..."

Seeing Mu Beicheng's increasingly gloomy expression, the manager was frightened and dared not speak any more.

"That's how you protect the personal safety of your clients? If I don't have it tonight, is she going to lie on your rock slab overnight!"

He angrily grabbed the manager by the neckline, like a mad lion, with a raging fire in his eyes.

He could hardly imagine how this traditional and conservative girl could bear the embarrassment of being falsely accused of being a'little three'! She is so fragile, how terrified she is under everyone's encirclement and suppression!

"I'm sorry, sir, please calm down! We didn't expect such a thing to happen! I'm sorry..." the manager apologized repeatedly.

Mu Beicheng took a deep breath, his taut fingers loosened and tightened, tight and loose. After a long while, the manager was thrown away.

His emotions have never been so out of control.

After the doctor helped her take the medicine, she left.

In the bedroom, only Mu Beicheng and Mo Xiaoguo were left.

She lay quietly on the bed, obviously very restless, her eyebrows still tightly clenched, filled with pain and fear.

Mu Beicheng changed into a clean nightgown and leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window, locking her eyes tightly.

It was Lu Ying who questioned her, blamed her, and then caused public outrage

This simple little thing shouldn't bear those heavy charges.

"Um... No... I am not! I am not a junior..." With her eyes closed, she burst into tears, and waved her hands in the air indiscriminately.

It seems to be blocking the attack in the dream.

Feeling stunned, Mu Beicheng strode towards the bed. Sitting upright on the bed halfway, she embraced her restless body with one hand, and grabbed her two hands that were waving wildly with the other.

"Don't be afraid... Mo Xiaoguo, it's okay already!"