Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 58: Crying without tears


"Squeak—" With a loud noise, a huge bus stopped the car dangerously. The huge front of the car was only less than two inches away from her petite body.

Everyone sucked in air.

Even the driver was frightened for a while and slumped in his seat, his face pale.

Mo Xiaoguo was also shocked and gasped, tightly holding the remaining fragments in his hand. For a while, I could only stare at the front of the car in astonishment, his hands and feet soft.

In the other lane, a powerful Hummer also suddenly stopped. Because the brakes were stepped on too quickly, the man's upright body was thrown out and bounced back again.

damn it!

Is this stupid woman looking for death? !

"What are you doing? Go and die for me! Don't hit my car for bad luck!"

After returning to his soul, the bus driver poked his head out and scolded Mo Xiaoguo.


Mo Xiaoguo also recovered with lingering fears, tightly holding the broken jade bracelet, and moved to the side of the street.

The bus said a few more words before it drove away.

The field of vision in front of her gradually widened, and her gaze suddenly saw the car on the opposite side...

The huge Hummer, in the ordinary traffic, so dazzling.

Or is it…

Behind the lowered car window, the cold face was so dazzling that she couldn't ignore it.

Far away...

The two looked at each other like this.

However, in only 3 seconds, he coldly withdrew his sight. Even after a distance of a street, he can still find that there is not a trace of ripples in his eyes.

The red light flickered and the green light started. Hummer did not stop at all, dashed across the zebra crossing, and gradually moved away.

It seems that I have never seen the scene just now.

She stood blankly in the crowd.

The fragment was held in the palm of his hand, and his skin hurt, but it could not dilute the strong suffocation in the chest.

Withdrawing her gaze, frowning, staring at the bracelet anxiously, she only feels a headache.

She broke the family heirloom on the first day, how would she explain it? If she wants to divorce, what will she return to others

break off an engagement

She was taken aback.

How could I think of this

Do not! Don't think like this. People who are too greedy are annoying!

Mu Beicheng's sight lingered through the rearview mirror again.

At this point, at the peak of the traffic, she would never be seen again.

Holding the steering wheel tightly, he forced himself to look forward.

leave it!

She is so muddled and desperate, why should he care

Besides, that night each other had already made it very clear... It's over...

I really want to feel distressed. I have to pay attention to it. It is all about her marriage partner Lu Feng. What does it have to do with him

Even though I think so, but...

With a sharp squeak, the car was suddenly turned around by him, and the body had already turned its head.

There was no time to think about it, and he hurried to the platform.

When she stopped, the position where she had just stood was empty at the moment.

she left…

Mu Beicheng held the steering wheel's hand and let it go.

Leaning in the seat, his complicated gaze looked at the empty position with fascination. After a while, the car slowly slipped into the traffic flow again.

The darkness filled him down, enveloping him.

Mottled light and shadow flicked across his face, and his complexion became more and more deserted.

When Mo Xiaoguo arrived home, Mo Xiaona was sitting cross-legged on the sofa while writing her complaint, waiting for her to come back.

As soon as the door lock moved, she put the computer aside, stood up, and looked towards the hallway.

"you're back?"

Mo Xiaoguo looked around, "What about Mom? Why don't you see people?"

"Where else can I go, take a walk with the aunts downstairs, tell me to wait for you at home." Mo Xiaona stuffed a red date and took a bite, and then handed it to Mo Xiaoguo. He glanced at her and frowned, "Didn't you go to the Lu's house today? Why are you frowning? Mom specifically asked me to wait here and ask you when the Lu family will come to propose marriage."

Mo Xiaoguo chewed the red dates dullly and collapsed on the sofa.

"Sister, help me see how much this is worth." She put a lot of fragments into Mo Xiaona's hands. Mo Xiaona had a lot of knowledge outside, and she can estimate how much.

"A bunch of broken jade, why?" Mo Xiaona glanced at her disapprovingly.

"Look carefully. If it's integration, how much is it." Mo Xiaoguo barely sat up straight, staring at her fixedly.

Mo Xiaona glanced at her strangely, held the broken jade under the lamp, looked and looked at her, she was shocked first, then she was stunned and shook her head. The series of actions made Mo Xiaoguo immediately discouraged.

"Is it expensive?"

"Why is it broken? Such a good jade can sell for more than 100,000 at least!"

"More than 100,000?!" Mo Xiaoguo jumped up from the sofa, her face pale, "Sister, are you wrong?"

Mo Xiaona gave her annoyed glance, "If you don't believe me, let's just look at it. I tell you, this is my conservative estimate! The fineness worn by Sister Chen in our office last time is not as good as yours, isn't it also more than 10 years old. Ten thousand. You have to make a bigger estimate, I'm afraid there is also 200,000."

The more she said down, the more ugly Mo Xiaoguo's face became, and all her eyebrows were pulled together.

"What's the matter? What's your face?" Mo Xiaona only noticed that something was wrong with her.

"This is... the heirloom that Lu Feng's mother gave me."

Mo Xiaona was stunned for a moment, and then she was stunned, "Is it broken by you?"

"...Yes." She was crying without tears. "Looking back, her mother asked, I really don't know how to explain it. Why am I so stupid!"

She beat her forehead in annoyance. I knew it, I should have strongly rejected it at that time!

"This is really tricky!" Mo Xiaona immediately wrapped the fragments in her handkerchief. "You put it away first. If Lu Feng asked about it in the past two days, you said it was inconvenient to do things with you."

"You can hide it from the present, but you can't hide it from the future."

"We both got up early these two days and went to the flea market. If we switch to a fake one, we should hold on to it first."

Mo Xiaoguo nodded, this was the way she thought of, the only choice.

The white jade fragments were being put away, but the mobile phone suddenly rang as a text message.

Seeing the string of numbers, she hurriedly opened up.

"How was your day?"

She sighed. After she sent him the news of the engagement last time, he suddenly disappeared without a trace, thinking that he would never care about himself again.

"Very bad." Bian Bianzui, she continued: "Today I broke a very valuable and very valuable bracelet. Now I am trying to find a way to remedy it..."

While sending a message, she walked to the bedroom, but she was suddenly stopped by Mo Xiaona: "Eh, Xiao Guozi, don't go! I want to tell you something."

"What?" Mo Xiaoguo stopped and looked back at her.

"Come and sit down." Mo Xiaona moved the computer aside and patted the sofa.

Mo Xiaoguo walked over and sat down hesitantly, only to hear Mo Xiaona ask: "Hey, you Mu always broke up with his fiancée?"

She was startled.

His complexion was dim.

"Sister, why are you asking about this suddenly?"

"Isn't everyone in our office talking about this?" Mo Xiaona drew her hair pretending to be indifferent. "I recently saw Mr. Mu and felt that he was not in good spirits. If you work as a secretary for him, Can't help but ask a few more questions."

"I haven't been a secretary for him long ago." Mo Xiaoguo's voice was dark.

"What's the matter?" Mo Xiaona looked over, "When did you mention it?"

Mo Xiaoguo smiled reluctantly, "I applied for the adjustment myself. Compared to a secretary, I still like to do my own professional things."

Her face is not so good.

Mo Xiaona only thought she was still anxious about the jade bracelet, so she didn't think too much. Just said: "I don't know much about your work. However, since it is your own decision, it certainly won't be worse. It's a long time to talk, you haven't answered me yet! Are they not? Will you get married?"

"In the beginning... Maybe it was about breaking up, but..."

"But what?" Mo Xiaona asked urgently. Mo Xiaoguo looked over suspiciously, she narrowed her expression in embarrassment, and curled her lips, "Why are you hesitating?"

"I saw him at Lu's house today."

"..." Mo Xiaona was stunned for a moment without making a sound.

Mo Xiaoguo lowered her head slightly, and all the images that flashed through her mind were pictures of him and Lu Ying together.

"The two of them are family friends. I think it must not be that simple to dissolve the marriage contract. From today's situation, they... should be reconciled."

Speaking of later, a few words stiffened on his lips and became a little stiff.

"... Oh." After a while, Mo Xiaona responded lightly.

Mo Xiaoguo was also immersed in her depressed mood, and naturally did not notice Mo Xiaona's mood. He only whispered and went back to the room.

In my mouth, the taste of red dates became bitter inexplicably.

The phone rang again.

"Do you like it very much? From your fiance?"

"I don't like it very much, but I don't know how to explain it. I have to go to the flea market tomorrow morning."


Mo Xiaoguo looked at a simple word on the screen and snorted, not knowing how to return to him for a while.

I don't know if it was his own illusion. When I contacted again this time, he seemed to be as cherished as he did at the beginning, and became a little cold.

She didn't reply any more messages, put her phone under the pillow, pulled her pajamas and walked into the bathroom.

ES jewelry design studio.

"Madam, Master Mu is here." When Yu Lan was holding a magnifying glass to observe the condition of a piece of jade, the secretary came in to report.

She was surprised, "Master Mu?"

"Mom." Without waiting for the secretary to invite someone, Mu Beicheng had already come in.

Yu Lan put aside his work, ordered the secretary to make tea, and then turned to look at her son, "Nothing does not go to the Three Treasures Palace. What's the matter, talk about it. But if you want to get rid of Lu Ying's girl The marriage contract is here, so don't waste your tongue."

Yu Lan waved her hand straight, as if she hadn't discussed it, "Your mother and I can't do anything about this. You have to convince the old man at home."

"Mom, who said I was responsible for this." Mu Beicheng half-held Yu Lan's shoulders, "Don't worry, I will talk about the marriage contract with the father myself, and I won't make you embarrassed."

Yu Lan sighed, "I don't know what evil you are in. It's good. If you don't want it, just don't. Lu Ying's girl is not worse than you..."

"Mom, I don't want to talk about this today." Mu Beicheng interrupted his mother.

"Then what do you want to talk about? Talk about the person you like but won't be with her?" Yu Lan snorted, disagreeing with her face, "You young people, you are muddled! I don't understand what you are thinking. "

Mu Beicheng has a gloomy look, and he doesn't want to talk about this topic.

Only took out a photo and handed it to Yu Lan to bring the topic to business.

"What's this?" Yu Lan took the photo and glanced at it. "This thing looks familiar, where did it come from?"

"The photo was taken from Lu Ying."

"No wonder I'm familiar with it. I saw Su Jinxin wearing it before." Yu Lan handed the photo back, but Mu Beicheng didn't pick it up, just said: "Mom, if I want the same style, will it be difficult?"