Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 66: Sweetness blooms in my heart


"I haven't had time to eat yet." She happened to be holding a bottle of vinegar in her hand. She didn't taste the taste, but poured it into the sauce plate.

Mu Beicheng's face turned black.

What is this and what

He stepped forward, took the chopsticks from her hand, and picked out the dumplings one by one out of the water with some awkward movements.

After a while, he seemed to say casually: "What Chen Jiu said just now was nonsense."

"What did he say?" Mo Xiaoguo asked knowingly, holding back a smile on her lips.

Mu Beicheng paused and turned to look at her, "You don't care at all?"

"... Huh?" She looked innocent.

Mu Beicheng suddenly felt very boring.

Ben was also worried that Chen Jiu's words would make her care. However, now it seems that I am too affectionate.

"Forget it, it's nothing." He returned the chopsticks to her hand and turned around to go out.

Looking at that figure, the smile on Mo Xiaoguo's face couldn't help but expand.

"I'm not a fool, of course I know what he said is nonsense."

Mu Beicheng turned around.

She has a bright smile and clear eyes. After a light cough, he added another sentence uncomfortably: "I believe you."

After that, he didn't dare to look at him, turned back and continued to pick dumplings'seriously'.

After eating breakfast with Mu Beicheng, Mo Xiaoguo went home. Before leaving, he took the jade bracelet away. This time, she didn't put it away again, but put it on her hand instead.

The sunlight shone on the clear jade face and reflected in her eyes, making her smile deeper. It was almost the same as the one Lu Mu gave her away, but she didn't feel heavy at all. On the contrary, there is a hint of sweetness blooming in my heart.

This is his first gift to a woman...

Pushing the door into the house, Mo Xiaoguo was still a little nervous. Although I called back last night and said it was a work problem, but last night and Mu Beicheng...

And Lu Feng hasn't officially terminated the marriage contract yet! If my mother knew what happened last night, she wouldn't know what to say about herself.


Lu Tianhui was sitting on the sofa, reading Chinese medicine books.

Hearing Mo Xiaoguo's voice, he took off his glasses and put the book aside.

"Have you had breakfast? After a busy night, do you have any sleep?" Lu Tianhui asked distressedly.

"Sleep for a while. I came back after having breakfast. Sister went to work?"

"Well. Didn't you say that you resigned, why did you go to the company to work overtime?" Lu Tianhui asked casually, and got up to pour her daughter a glass of warm water.

Because she was afraid that her mother and sister were worried, Mo Xiaoguo only dared to say that she had resigned.

"I was leaving, but there is still a very important case in the company. I want to participate." She explained, thinking about how she should tell her mother about canceling the marriage contract with Lu Feng.

However, before she had time to speak, Lu Tianhui's eyes were already on her wrist.

"Why don't you return such a valuable thing to others, but put it on?" Lu Tianhui asked, glanced at her daughter again, and handed the water over, "Don't ask Lu Feng to see it, so you don't have to make any misunderstandings. ."

"Mom..." Mo Xiaoguo lowered her head and stroked the transparent bracelet, took a deep breath, looked up at her mother's line of sight, "I don't want to marry Lu Feng..."

Obviously, she didn't expect her daughter to make such a decision. Lu Tianhui shook slightly and looked at her without speaking for a long time.

"I think clearly. Between me and Lu Feng, there is always something missing. Mom, maybe, he is not the person I want." Mo Xiaoguo's tone became firmer and firmer.

Lu Tianhui straightened her face and looked at her, "Is it because of the man last time?"

"It's not all like this." However, Mu Beicheng must be the catalyst.

"Fool, don't be fooled by the momentary feeling." Lu Tianhui's face was slightly serious, "You also said, Lu Feng may not be the person you want, which means you are not sure, he is a good one. The child is also kind and has a good temper, unlike those rich children who hold the air."


"Guo Guo, knowing that two people are together and then get married, what is the most important thing?" Lu Tianhui held her hand and looked at her solemnly.

Mo Xiaoguo didn't say anything, just waiting for her to continue.

"It's not about how vigorous you have experienced, nor is it that you can get married if you love each other with unswerving love. Often such a relationship will not come to the end, because each other is tired and tired! Can really go smoothly. The end point is a plain, long-running relationship, such as between you and Lu Feng."

Mo Xiaoguo fixedly looked at her mother.

Mother was right, Lu Feng and her were calm and stable. However, Mu Beicheng can give her a feeling of speeding up heartbeat and worrying about gains and losses.


In contrast, she is more greedy for the feeling behind.

"Mom, between you and dad... what is it?"

When talking about her dead husband, Lu Tianhui smiled lightly, "The latter. Plain, warm, and for so many years, I rarely have red faces. It's easy to live like this."

"Did you experience a vigorous love between meeting your father?"

Lu Tianhui was slightly startled.

For a moment, it was obvious that he fell into the vortex of memory, and his expression became complicated.

Mo Xiaoguo could see this subtle change clearly. So, no need to ask more, the answer is already obvious.

She stretched out her hand and shook her mother's hand, "Mom, do you regret having experienced that period of vigor?"

Lu Tianhui raised her head to meet her daughter's questioning gaze, her lips moved, after all, she was speechless, just shook her head.

Never regretted it.

Even though, that period of time had caused her to suffer from the pain.

Mo Xiaoguo smiled, "That's right. The dullness that can make people happy is also after a vigorous experience. Because of the pain and tiredness of the past, I know how to cherish it. I look forward to having a vigorous experience. Even if the future results are unsatisfactory, I, like you, will never regret it!"

There was resolute determination in her eyes.

There is also the obsession for love.

Looking at her like this, Lu Tianhui couldn't help but think of herself.


I hope my daughter's love journey will be much smoother than her.

Painfully brushed the hair on her cheek, and looked at her deeply, "Since you have figured it out clearly, then my mother will accompany you to apologize."

Mo Xiaoguo smiled.

"Mom, don't blame me, I'm relieved!" She breathed a sigh of relief, and coquettishly leaned on Lu Tianhui's shoulder.

All day long, Lu Feng was struggling.

Since Mo Xiaoguo proposed to cancel the marriage contract, he felt relieved. However, when she saw Lu Ying's desperate look, she couldn't bear it again.

After receiving the invitation call from Mo Xiaoguo, he knew that things could no longer be changed.

"Mom, Xiaoguo wants you to have dinner tomorrow. Are you free?"

At night, when Su Jinxin was sitting on the sofa watching political news, Lu Feng embraced her from behind.

"Since it was Xiao Guo's appointment, I have to take time if I don't have time. It's really rude to say that we should have invited her on the initiative. Her mother will be there too, right?"

"Yes, it will be there."

Lu Ying was coming out of the shower, wiping her hair, her eyes turned slightly when she heard what they were talking about.

Perhaps, with the participation of their parents, their wedding will not turn off

"Then I will go too tomorrow! By the way, mom, should you invite Aunt Mu?" Lu Ying suddenly proposed.

In front of Mu Beicheng’s mother, we talked about marriage. If Mo Xiaoguo is really with Mu Beicheng in the future, Yu Lan from the Mu’s family will also be the first to oppose it!

Lu Feng frowned slightly, and looked at Lu Ying disapprovingly, "Sister, this is our family's business, there is no need to mix up with outsiders."

Moreover, it is about the dissolution of the wedding, so why bother to fight.

"What outsider? You still call Mu Beicheng a brother-in-law!"

Su Jinxin didn’t know about Lu Feng and Mo Xiaoguo, and she agreed with her daughter’s idea, “There are so many people. I’ll call Yu Lan and let her spare time tomorrow night, and help me look for things. My daughter-in-law."

With that said, she got up and was going to call.

"Mom!" Lu Feng called out, but the phone rang aside suddenly. Lu Ying reached out and took it, and glanced at the name on it.

Liu Dan

"Lu Feng, call you!" She called out.

Lu Feng was about to follow his mother to catch up, Lu Ying added: "Liu Dan! When did you know this woman?"

Those two words gave Lu Feng a pause.

Instead of chasing Su Jinxin, he turned to grab the phone and said, "Give it to me."

Facing Lu Ying's probing look, he felt a little guilty.

Lu Ying just looked at him calmly, but after all, she slowly handed her phone back to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng turned his back and put the phone to his ear.

Lu Ying walked over to the sofa and sat down unintentionally, flipping through the magazine, but listening carefully with her ears up.

Is it possible that he really has an undercover agent in Mu Beicheng's company

"Lu Feng, are you really going to be engaged to Mo Xiaoguo?" Liu Dan was over there, crying, very aggrieved.

Lu Ying raised her eyebrows.

So, is this emotional involvement? Lu Feng betrayed his hue? This is hard to see.

"Liu Dan, stop messing around! As I said, we just misunderstood. Don't call me again!"

Lu Feng was very impatient.


He has answered Liu Dan's call several times.

"Lu Feng, don't be fooled by Mo Xiaoguo's appearance!" Liu Dan became more excited, and Lu Ying heard more clearly as she sat there.

"It's enough!"

"Huh! Let me tell you, Lu Feng, I have known Mo Xiaoguo for so many years, and I know all her past scandals!"

"I said it earlier, I don't want to hear this!"


Lu Ying held her breath and squeezed the magazine in her hand.

Next second...

Liu Dan's roar made her and Lu Feng both startled on the spot.

"She has been touched by countless men! Do you know it! She is too dirty to imagine! Are you sure you want to marry such a dirty woman as your wife? You can bear it, her body has been seen by countless men ?"

Both of them were stunned.

Lu Ying was the first to return to her senses.

There was a hint of surprise that couldn't be concealed in the astonished eyes.

and so…

What did she hear now

Do not! Their Lu family absolutely cannot tolerate such a woman! and…

Mu family, even more so!

Lu Feng's mind was blank for a while. Regaining consciousness, I can't help thinking of Mo Xiaoguo's painful and terrified appearance when she was approached by herself at the beginning, and remembering how she was resisted and cramped when facing an inexplicable man...

And his kiss, he asked further...

It turned out to be because of this

Because of the unbearable past, there is a strong shadow


He never thought about it.

So, how painful has she been for so many years

"You can't speak, right? Lu Feng, I didn't want you to be deceived, so I told you so much. Mo Xiaoguo, she..."

"Enough!" Lu Feng interrupted her words coldly. He couldn't understand what kind of person Mo Xiaoguo was, and he had been with him for so long. Even with such an unbearable past, but... my heart is full of pity.