Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 9: Surprise


"This is what you prepared." Lu Feng raised his eyebrows and shook her hand. "Don't be nervous for a while. Apart from my parents, there is only my brother-in-law. And... I have another surprise for you."


Mo Xiaoguo was confused, not sure what his so-called "surprise" would be, but no matter how she asked, he didn't speak anymore. Mo Xiaoguo was not a stalker at all. Seeing him stubbornly betray her, she stopped questioning him.

In half an hour's drive, we arrived at Lujia. Mo Xiaoguo obediently offered the gifts one by one. The original tension and anxiety disappeared a lot after seeing the two elders.

Su Jinxin is very enthusiastic, but Lu Zhenyu is quite decent and elegant. Now Mo Xiaoguo knew that Lu Feng's warmth was inherited from whom.

"Come on, sit down first." Su Jinxin enthusiastically took Mo Xiaoguo's hand and sat on the sofa, and asked Aunt Wu at home to cut the fruit and hand it over. "Xiaoguo, just treat this as your own home, don't be cautious. ."

"Thank you, auntie." Mo Xiaoguo relaxed a little and took a bite of the pineapple.

"How is it? Is your mother okay recently?" Su Jinxin asked with a smile, grateful for Lu Tianhui.

"My aunt is worried. My mother is not bad. I just retired recently. At dusk, I took my sister and I out for a walk, very energetic."

"Your mother is so lucky that you have given birth to your two sisters. Look at my family, where can you see Lu Feng and Lu Ying?"

As soon as Mo Xiaoguo wanted to speak, Lu Feng had already sat down and took her shoulders, "Mom, you just picked up my shortcomings when Xiaoguo came, and you were worried that you would scare people away!"

Su Jinxin smiled straight.

Lu Feng turned his face and looked at his father who was sitting aside, "Why haven't my brother-in-law arrived yet?"

"The road is a bit blocked, I have already come over. Waiting."

Lu Feng said'Oh', and said to Mo Xiaoguo, "The surprise will be here soon, wait and see."

"What kind of surprise?" Mo Xiaoguo became more and more curious.

Lu Feng just refused to say. The two were smiling, and Aunt Wu's voice came, "Mr. Madam, Shao Mu is here!"

Su Jinxin got busy, and Lu Zhenyu immediately greeted her. Lu Feng took Mo Xiaoguo and followed behind his parents, and immediately smiled and looked straight.

From the elders to the younger generations, the three of them are polite, not as familiar as their family members, but they seem a bit alienated.

Mo Xiaoguo couldn't help but wonder who came to make the Lu family like this. I want to be a real person with a face.

"Sorry, it's late." Wen Qian's voice was polite. Mo Xiaoguo couldn't help but look at it, but Lu Zhenyu in front was too high, blocking half of her sight, and only faintly saw the other's broad shoulders.

"Now the traffic is really getting jammed. I have to call Lao Li back and ask him to take care of the traffic." Lu Zhenyu said.

"Okay, don't mention this. Beicheng, come in and sit down." Su Jinxin and Lu Zhenyu both turned sideways.

Mo Xiaoguo can see the people clearly now.

I don't know if it is because the sculptural features are too exquisite, or the aura on the body is too intimidating, in short, the man in front of me is really hard to ignore.

Even if it is just standing there quietly, it is like a mountain, knowing that it is not so easy to conquer, but can't help but want to climb.

Such a man, how many women should rush to him

"Brother-in-law!" Lu Feng stepped forward and shook the man's hand.

"Congratulations." Mu Beicheng nodded faintly, with a faint smile on his charming lips.

"Thank you. By the way, let me introduce you." Lu Feng turned sideways slightly, pulling Mo Xiaoguo to the front. Her gaze was still fixed on the strange man like a demon. At this moment, when Lu Feng was tossed, she suddenly returned to her senses.

"Xiaoguo, my brother-in-law." Lu Feng said.

Mu Beicheng's sight was also looking over at this moment. Looking at the small face in front of him, he was stunned for a moment, and a dark light of surprise flashed across his well-versed eyes, his eyes darkened.

The eyes of each other met in the air, and the two did not return to their senses for a while.

Mu Beicheng is naturally because of her face. He was so shocked! People who thought they would never meet again in this life, now, unexpectedly appeared in front of him peacefully like this.

Six years have passed, and now she is no longer that little girl, but she seems to be no different from the past. How did she spend the past six years

And Mo Xiaoguo was because of his eyes. Is it my own illusion? Why does he look at himself as if they should know him

"Xiaoguo?" The atmosphere was a little strange, and Lu Feng whispered. Only then did Mo Xiaoguo realize his impoliteness, and drew the weirdness in his heart, hurriedly looked away, and smiled slightly, "Hello."

The man also slid his eyes away at the same time. She nodded lightly, her eyes were as pale as a clear spring, and she was slightly alienated, as if the surprise just now was just her illusion.

"Mu Beicheng." He introduced himself briefly.

Mo Xiaoguo bent her eyebrows and said, "Just call me Mo Xiaoguo."

Mo Xiaoguo? This is her name...

This name seems familiar.

Mu Beicheng was silent for a moment.

Lu Feng smiled and asked, "Does Brother-in-law know Xiao Guozi? The way you stare at Guo Guo just after seeing Brother-in-law, seems quite surprised."

Hearing what Lu Feng said, Mo Xiaoguo couldn't help but look at Mu Beicheng again, her eyes full of curiosity as Lu Feng's. Obviously, it was not just an illusion just now.