Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 94: Both are indispensable


"As soon as I entered the door and called me, I went back to the room. I told her that she didn't come out." Lu Tianhui glanced at Mo Xiaoguo's expression, and she frowned when she saw her face being frustrated.

"No." Mo Xiaoguo didn't dare to tell the truth for fear of her mother's worries, and she just downplayed, "It's just that we don't agree on small matters. As you know, we have never squatted since we were young."

in fact…

If possible, she would rather the two people be like in the past, with less unified opinions or preferences. By the way... At the point of love, it turns out to be the same person.

Lu Tianhui took her hand and sighed, "Mom will not survive for a few days, you guys..."

"Mom!" Mo Xiaoguo interrupted her words in shock.

Lu Tianhui smiled relievedly, "Don't be so nervous, life and death is a life and death, your father has been away for so many years, and there will always be loneliness alone there. I have a companion after I passed by."

Mo Xiaoguo's eyes were red, so stay away.

Under the dim light and shadow, Lu Tianhui’s soft cheeks became thinner and thinner, “If mom leaves in the future, there will only be you two sisters in this world. You are good, go and coax her in a while—you know, her temper. Come fast and go fast. Tell me well, she won't have the heart to make a tantrum with you again."

Mo Xiaoguo nodded sadly, held her hand tightly, and only endured the choking and said, "Okay, it's all about my mother. Whatever you say is what you say."

Lu Tianhui comfortably stroked her drooping hair, "This is so good... You are so good, so mom can feel at ease."

Mu Beicheng turned around to get into the car, but when he turned around, he saw a car that he couldn't be more familiar with.

The car is parked downstairs in the community, low-key and concealed. If it hadn't been for the familiar license plate from the street lights of the community, he might not have recognized it.

Shen Bu walked over, and the figure sat in the car as expected.

At this moment, he was looking up at the building in front of him. In the darkness, his eyes were as deep as the sea, and he was obviously drowning in memories that no one knew at the moment, and his expressions were full of unbearable miss and loneliness.

Following his eyes, Mu Beicheng also looked up.

That window is also familiar to him.

Knock on the car window, through the glass, he called out, "Dad."

Only then did Mu Zhigui come back to his senses, he was surprised for a moment when he saw his son, but he soon understood.

Push the car door open and ask: "Send Mo Xiaoguo back?"

"... Come to see Auntie?" Mu Beicheng got into the car.

Mu Zhigui smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Seeing his lonely expression, Mu Beicheng tilted his head back, put his hand on the back of his head, looked at the familiar window, and said, "I didn't go up?"

"You didn't go up either?"

Mu Beicheng smiled, "Dad, auntie is the one you love?"

Mu Zhigui did not answer. Maybe it's because the object of asking this sentence is the son. This question is not suitable for father and son.

Mu Beicheng disagreed, "I can tell if you don't answer. But..."

He paused, then turned his face to look at his father, "Dad, Mom is actually very nice to you. I have been with you for so many years, and the best years have been given to you. I don't know how it used to be, but now, She must be the one who loves you the most!"

Mu Zhigui looked at his son and said with emotion: "After all, you are still grown up."

"Everyone will grow up. I know the magic of love, but... sometimes family affection is also important."

Mu Zhigui nodded, seemed to agree with his son's words, and seemed to be thinking.

After a while, he turned sideways, put his elbows on the steering wheel, and stared at his son earnestly, "Mu Beicheng, your mother will never agree with you and Mo Xiaoguo. If one day there is only a relationship between family and love Choose one, how do you choose?"

Mu Beicheng shook slightly.

"Dad... I can't give up on her!" He was firm without thinking.

"Then what's your relationship with your mother?"

"Both are indispensable."

Mo Xiaoguo held a glass of lemonade in one hand and a facial mask in the other. At the door of Mo Xiaona, she hesitated before knocking.

"..." However, no voice responded to her in the room.

From the crack of the door on the ground, she could clearly see the light inside.

"Sister." She called again, "I know you are still up, let's talk about it. I know you are angry with me, I shouldn't lie to you about that, I apologize to you!"

Mo Xiaona still ignored her.

The heart sinks again and again.

Mo Xiaoguo squeezed the mask tightly, but pretended to be brisk in her tone, "Let’s make a mask together, okay? I received a wedding invitation from Lu Feng today, and he will get married in a few days. The wedding invitation or his wife personally gave me the wedding invitation. You're in front of you. You didn't see her proud look, I have to take care of it so that I won't lose her..."

If it had been in the past, Mo Xiaona had already rushed out to make suggestions and choose dresses for her when she heard this.

And at the moment...

Sure enough, there was movement in the room.

Mo Xiaoguo was overjoyed, thinking she was here to open the door for herself, but...

In the crack of the door, it was suddenly dark.

The last light in the room also went out...

Mo Xiaoguo stood there blankly, looking at the dark crack of the door, the haze in her heart also followed, pressing on her heart like a huge rock, making her breathless.

Is it true that as long as Mu Beicheng is there, the thorn between them really can't be pulled out


She is really selfish.

Mu Beicheng...

She just wanted to give up this man, it would be so painful that she couldn't breathe...

She can't do it...

She squatted at the door of Mo Xiaona stupidly, and she fell asleep like this for some time.

The next day.

Early in the morning.

Mo Xiaona opened the door and came out of the room. She was taken aback when she saw the figure squatting at the door.

The cup of lemon tea at my feet was too dark to catch my eyes, and the mask fell to the ground.

She... actually squatted here all night...

Mo Xiaona's nose was sour, and she felt sad in her heart. I don't know if it is because of Mu Beicheng or what.

He didn't wake her up, but bit her lip, avoided her, and walked out the door coldly.

Xu Lei is an absolute good person.

Seeing Mo Xiaoguo's desperate work in the company, he immediately called to report Mu Beicheng.

"You hurry down and take a look, the one in your family doesn't seem to be so normal."

"What happened?"

"Who knows? It's like this early in the morning. You quarreled?" Xu Lei asked, looking at someone outside the window who was staring at the shredder foolishly. The dark circles under the eyes make people afraid to look directly. Oh, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Over there, Mu Beicheng had already lost his voice.

After hanging up the phone, within two minutes, Mu Beicheng came down.

He glanced at Mo Xiaoguo who was standing in the corner from a distance, and ignored everyone's sights, and passed straight away.

Mo Xiaoguo was still standing in front of the paper shredder, threw a dozen papers down, and suddenly remembered that he had thrown the wrong thing, and quickly reached out to retrieve it.

This time, Mu Beicheng was very scared.

She grabbed her hand as soon as she stretched out her hand, twisted her eyebrows, and looked at her reproachfully, "What are you doing?"

Seeing him, Mo Xiaoguo was slightly surprised.

The tip of his nose was a little sour inexplicably, but he didn't dare to show it. He just said: "I just put something wrong, that thing doesn't need to be crushed."

"Just print one more copy, you can reach out to know how dangerous it is!" His face still doesn't look good, and he is a little bit trying to train her.

Mo Xiaoguo had something on his mind, and was even more uncomfortable when he was so brutal. He drooped his head, bit his lip and said nothing.

Mu Beicheng let go when he felt the eyes of other colleagues around him look over here. Looking at her aggrieved look, some of them blamed herself for being too fierce just now, her face softened a lot, and she just said: "Come to the office, I'll wait for you."

Mu Beicheng took the lead to leave.

Mo Xiaoguo went to Xu Lei's office after putting all the documents.

After knocking on the door, Mu Beicheng had opened the door from inside.

Without knowing it, he took her hand and walked directly to the lounge in the office.

Xu Lei opened his head and kindly reminded: "My bed is not bad, feel free to enjoy it."

Mo Xiaoguo's face was about to be buried in the ground.

On the door belt, Mu Beicheng glanced at her worriedly, only that the dark circles under her eyes were particularly dazzling.

"Did Auntie's illness worsen again? If this is the case, we will choose another hospital and let Auntie live in."

Mo Xiaoguo shook her head, "It's not like this."

"What happened?"

Listening to his deep voice, feeling his care and concern, Mo Xiaoguo suddenly stepped forward and gently embraced him with open arms.

Face, buried in his chest, greedily listening to his heartbeat.

The closer she gets, the more sure she is...

It's impossible to abandon him...

The importance of this person to himself may have exceeded his imagination. Abandoning him, maybe... will be more uncomfortable than cutting out your own heart, right

The soft and warm body rushed over, Mu Beicheng was stunned for a moment, and then instinctively opened his arms to embrace her tightly. The jaw was gently knocked on top of her head, caressed affectionately at the end of her hair, softly coaxing her like a child: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

She bit her lip lightly, still seemingly distressed.

Mu Beicheng patted her back comfortably, "I am here."

"My sister... I know..."

Mu Beicheng suddenly realized, but he breathed a sigh of relief. "Isn't that better? Sooner or later I should tell her clearly."

"That's right..." buried in his chest, her voice was muffled, "but, we quarreled... Maybe, she will never forgive me..."

Just holding her in this way, Mu Beicheng seemed to be able to clearly feel the haze and heaviness in her heart. He rubbed the top of her head in pity, and he did not utterly comfort him, but used his actions to convey his concerns to her.

She continued: "I feel sad. I don't want to choose between love and family. This shouldn't be an opposing multiple-choice question at all!"

"That's too right." Mu Beicheng looked down at her and smiled bitterly, "I also hate this option."


Sometimes, even if you hate it, some choices are unavoidable. Moreover, there has been a dilemma since ancient times.

Mo Xiaoguo and Mo Xiaona seemed to have a dead knot, no matter how Mo Xiaoguo wanted to resolve it, but the knot did not seem to loosen in the slightest.

Lu Tianhui also noticed something wrong between them, and asked them a few times separately, and even Xiaozhi persuaded them with emotion and reason, but after all, it didn't help.

Mu Beicheng came out of the meeting room of the law firm, looked around, and saw Mo Xiaona who was not far away, and he stopped.

Mo Xiaona also saw him.

Compared to her previous attitude, she has always avoided him intentionally or unintentionally during the recent period. Even in meetings, occasionally she really couldn't avoid it, she would sit in the last position, far away from him.

His eyes didn't dare to meet him even more.

This time, she turned around and was about to leave again. Mu Beicheng stopped her in a deep voice: "Mo Xiaona, are you free? I want to talk to you."

Although it was a questioning tone, but the tone was not acceptable.