Muchuan and Xiang Wan

Chapter 115: the unlucky dead (second update)


Upon hearing this, Bai Muchuan kicked Kong Guangming away who was entangled, and dragged Xiang Wan to follow him.

There was no light in the bedroom, only Tang Yuanchu's flashlight was shining with a faint white light. In the halo, there was a person lying on the ground with disheveled hair, and his body was tied into knots with ropes, like a huge worm. It flowed out from under his body and seeped into the soil, it was black and disgusting to see.

Bai Muchuan stepped forward slowly.

Put on the gloves, squat down, and turn the man's head.

ah! Xiang Wan was mentally prepared, but she was still taken aback.

The man's eyes were wide open, his eye sockets were bruised, his mouth was sealed tightly with tape, and he didn't move at all...

"I've taught him. Really... I've really taught him..."

At this time, Kong Guangming also walked in stunned, sobbing vaguely.

"It's the fault of the father if you don't raise him... The son's sin is the father's fault... Comrade policeman... I have already taught him a lesson, can you... let him go, please... take me away... I will go for my son Go to jail, please..."

No one answered him.

In the room, it was cold.

Bai Muchuan let go of his hand slowly, stood up and shook his head at Tang Yuanchu.

"Notify the technical team! Come to the scene!"

The deceased was none other than Kong Qingping.

He died in his bedroom at home.

When the police car entered the village, more villagers were attracted, and they gathered around the courtyard gate to watch the excitement.

Cheng Zheng led the criminal police from the two technical teams in, took pictures, and inspected the scene.

In the main room, Kong Guangming, who had been controlled by the police, was still drunk, crying loudly for a while, kneeling and kowtowing again, crying like a madman.

Such a man is definitely not suitable for interrogation.

Xiang Wan took a look at the situation and was going to chat with the villagers outside the door.

The big black dog had already squatted in the corner obediently. When it saw Xiang Wan approaching, it roared twice, was threatened by a villager, and then backed away.

Xiang Wan thanked the villager, stood beside him by the way, and asked him and the people around him casually.

"You all saw that Kong Qingping came home?"

The villagers shook their heads.

"Nobody saw him come back."

"This kid has long since disappeared. He seldom interacts with his father. I haven't seen him leave home for two or three years."

"Damn it, maybe he knew that his life was not long, so he came back and died on the roof of his house..."

No one saw him back, as they had known before.

But that's the only way to enter the village. How did he come back

surreptitiously? also possible.

Xiang Wan analyzed, thought for a while, and then asked, "Is the relationship between the Kong family father and son good?"

Villager: "What's good? Father and son quarrel when they meet, and strike at each other when they disagree. When they fight, the son is not the son, and the father is not the father. The atmosphere is smoky..."

Xiang Wan: "Did anyone hear their father and son arguing in the past two days?"

The villagers shook their heads, all expressing that they did not hear.

"If it hadn't been for Lao Kong to buy wine, we wouldn't know..."

Xiang Wan: "It's not something honorable for my son to steal and kill people. Why does he want to publicize it? It's strange!"

The villager sighed: "It's nothing strange. It's not surprising. This kid has been stealing since he was a child and didn't learn well. If he didn't look at his grandma, he would have been beaten to death... Old Kong told everyone that he had been beaten by him all his life. This son was ruined..."

"This is actually true. When Lao Kong went to jail, wasn't it because the kid stole other people's things that Lao Kong started to fight with others, and then hurt people, and he was squatting for so many years?"

Xiang Wan frowned, chatted with the villagers for a while, and went back to the house.

At this time, the site survey is almost over.

There were some snacks scattered at the door, as well as cartons of milk. The milk cartons were stained with blood. Colleagues from the technical team put them in the evidence bags one by one and carefully labeled them...

Kong Qingping's body has also been moved into the body bag, only the blood on the ground is still shocking.

Everyone was busy. Although Xiang Wan had many doubts, he still didn't ask, and could only stand on the sidelines as a bystander.

It was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night when we left Kongjia Village.

When Kong Guangming was brought into the police car, he was still crying desperately.

"Let my son go... Please... Comrade police... Let my son go... It's all my fault!"

Tang Yuanchu had already told him that his son was dead.

But Kong Guangming didn't know whether he was really drunk and passed out, or he was deliberately avoiding the facts. He didn't listen to what the police said, and only repeated that sentence when he came and went.

"It's my father's fault to raise or not to teach... I'm going to go to jail for my son..."

A police car ahead, siren blaring.

Xiang Wan and Bai Muchuan sat in the car when they came.

After a moment of silence, she turned her head to the side, saw Bai Muchuan's indifferent face, and coughed lightly.

"Have you found the doll?"

She had wanted to ask this question for a long time.

Bai Muchuan narrowed his eyes, "No."

Xiang Wan felt suffocated in his heart. Seeing his complexion, he murmured, "Then he stole the doll, where will he put it?"

Bai Muchuan didn't speak.

In the police car in front, Kong Guangming's voice was loud and loud, and he was crying endlessly, which made people feel troubled for no reason.

Is there such a confused father? His son was dead, and he didn't even know it.

Xiang Wan sighed and pondered, "Do you think that Kong Guangming may have some mental problems?"

Bai Muchuan hummed, "If there's no problem, then you don't need to take medicine."

Yes! Xiang Wan remembered how he had been buying medicine in the clinic for a long time, so he pursed his lips again and asked doubtfully, "If he is really mentally ill and kills someone, will he be sentenced?"

Bai Muchuan stared: "It depends on the specific situation!"

This is not the same as saying nothing...

Xiang Wan found that Bai Muchuan was a little absent-minded, and had no interest in continuing to discuss the case.

A dense fog on the road at night in the countryside.

The vehicle is moving very slowly, and this process is particularly tormented.

After a while, the car finally drove onto the road.

Xiang Wan breathed a sigh of relief, moved his stiff arm, and heard Bai Muchuan suddenly say to Tang Yuanchu: "Wait a minute, you send the teacher back!"

"Huh?" Knowing that they were going to fight all night tonight, Xiang Wan hurriedly shook her head, "Don't bother. You are so busy, I can join you. Besides, I'm also curious now..."

"What are you curious about?"

"Where did the doll go? Curious about Kong Qingping's death..."

Bai Muchuan frowned, "Aren't you going to write an update?"

Xiang Wan chuckled, "I can write on the team!"

Hearing what she said, Bai Muchuan didn't object any more, and said flatly, "You are bolder now."

"Huh? How to say?"

"I saw the corpse today, but I didn't cry!"

Ah! He called out in his heart, but he didn't hear it.

Xiang Wan thought about it, and smiled awkwardly, "It's good to get used to it. Maybe one day, I will dare to do an autopsy with Cheng Dui..."

She was purely joking.

But the phrase "together with Cheng Zheng" made Bai Muchuan pull his face down suddenly.

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. You can try it in a while."


no! She just said it casually!

Seeing Bai Muchuan's serious face, Xiang Wan's heart was broken.

Seeing a corpse from a distance and watching an autopsy up close are two different things, right

She is afraid!

But Bai Muchuan and Tang Yuanchu were both on the technical team, so she would be even more afraid if she didn't go.

Kong Qingping was laid flat on the cold operating platform of the technical team. Without clothes, without a trace of cover, at this moment, he is no longer a human being, but an animal for human research...

The picture was too cold, Xiang Wan turned his head away.

"Preliminary judgment, the time of death was seven o'clock in the afternoon yesterday." Cheng Zheng stood in front of the operating table, wearing a white coat and the metal texture of the operating table, with an indescribable indifference, facing the operating table expressionlessly. He didn't respond at all to the dead body on the ground, "The fatal injury was the knife in the chest. The dagger just pierced the deceased's heart, causing hemorrhage, and died because he did not receive timely medical treatment..."

"Is this dagger the weapon used to stab the security guard of Jinyi Hotel?" Tang Yuanchu asked.

"Yes." Cheng Zheng said, "The data basically match..."

"That is to say, Kong Qingping's father stabbed him with the dagger that Kong Qingping brought back?"

"No!" Cheng Zheng glanced at Bai Muchuan, "Judging from the on-site investigation, it was Kong Qingping who fell under the force of gravity when he was holding the dagger and hit the tip of the knife..."

"That's okay? Isn't it too unlucky?" Tang Yuanchu often looked like a curious baby, "Then can I understand it this way? Kong Qingping was tied up at home by his father, and his mouth was sealed with rubber so that he couldn't leave. He couldn't shout again. So he tried to save himself with a dagger, but was attacked by his father, fell to the ground and was stabbed by the dagger. And his father continued to drink... "

Cheng Zheng hesitated for a while and said, "Before that, Kong Guangming was already drunk. The attack Kong Qingping received should not have come from his father..."

Tang Yuanchu asked: "Is there any trace of a third person found at the scene?"

Cheng Zheng shook his head, "I didn't find a third person. This is also my biggest doubt."

Tang Yuanchu: "Then why are you so sure you're not Kong Qingping's father?"

Cheng Zheng: "Because there is no sober father who can watch his son being stabbed with a dagger and remain indifferent..."

"That's not necessarily true!" Bai Muchuan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly snorted, "There are many cold-blooded fathers in this world. It is not ruled out that Kong Guangming is one of them."

Cheng Zheng narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

Bai Muchuan raised his eyebrows: "Could I be wrong?"

Cheng Zheng didn't say a word, the two looked at each other, and there was a murderous look in the air.