Muchuan and Xiang Wan

Chapter 24: restless


When Zhanse was chatting with Wang Tongsheng just now, Bai Muchuan was still listening intently.

Why did you just look at your phone and change your face

Quan Shaoteng's doubts were all explained from the "Murder God".

"Brother!" He motioned for Bai Muchuan to go to the smoking area together, and handed him a cigarette, "It's not your style to be upset about a woman!"

This straight-forward operation method is somewhat similar to Bai Muchuan's.

Bai Muchuan took the cigarette, took it to his nose, squeezed it together, and threw it back to him, "Stop talking nonsense, sew your mouth shut!"

Quan Shaoteng doesn't like this set.

He laughed, lit the cigarette, and offered it to Bai Muchuan's mouth again as if seductively. When he couldn't take a bite, he smiled, "That makes sense. It's not for women, it's for Why are you suddenly absent-minded?"

Bai Muchuan frowned.

In today's update of "Murder the Goddess", apart from demonizing the Fang Yelan policeman, Xiang Wan also wrote an additional plot, which was also the latest explanation of her story's direction.

She wrote: Ah Sheng must have something to hide. He was not caught by the police at all, but deliberately set up a trick for the police to catch him. Pretending to be arrested, and then confessing the crime, confessing to the fact of the murder, but only to protect the lover he wanted to protect in his heart—

Xiangwan also told him about this guess that day.

But no matter in the novel or in reality, she did not give an answer to this "hidden secret", but became a burden thrown to the next chapter.

"I was thinking, maybe this is a breakthrough direction."

"Oh! That's why?" Quan Shaoteng looked at him in disbelief after listening, "Xiaobai, when did you become superstitious?"

Bai Muchuan turned to him coldly, "What does this have to do with superstition?"

"This is more evil than superstition!" Quan Shaoteng lazily took a puff of cigarette, the corners of his lips curled up, and his smile was like a whirlpool that could seduce people, "Although I don't like reading novels as much as you do, I still know some .The things in this novel, time travel, fantasy, immortality, supernatural... Which one is not imagined out of thin air? You really have to take it seriously, it is easy to be known by the left and right thinking?"

Bai Muchuan gave him a cold look.


Quan Shaoteng rolled his eyelids, "A child can be taught! After all, he is not stupid."

Bai Muchuan sat down and had a sip of tea, and continued, "Can suspense be the same as crossing over and cultivating immortals? You're an amateur."

"..." Quan Shaoteng was speechless.

"And you, an amateur, like to instruct experts."

"..." Quan Shaoteng continued to shut up, with an innocent face.

Bai Muchuan smiled tepidly, "Suspense writing is actually a kind of reasoning based on the known clues of the case, which is based on facts. It is also a comprehensive analysis of factors such as human nature, social environment, and case details, and it has realistic reference significance." !"

These words...

If Xiang Wan heard it, he would stare in disbelief.

That day, Bai Muchuan told her sternly that reasoning is fiction, evidence is reality, and there is no logical relationship.

But secretly, he actually affirmed all his views on her.

Is this obviously duplicity

Of course, Bai Muchuan had never denied the consciousness of others in this matter, and continued to educate with a cold eye, "You! You are a good hand in training and catching criminals. Solve the case—hehe!"

Bai Muchuan gave him a meaningful expression of "you are still too young", then put out the cigarette in the ashtray, and walked back to the interrogation area in a leisurely manner.

It was only left to Quan Laowu alone, prettily dressed and messy in the wind—

Is Xiaobai telling him that he is not even as good as a woman

"I fork!"

trial room.

Wang Tongsheng drooped his head, mentally resisting Zhan Se's inquiry.

"I don't know, don't ask me anymore, I don't know anything, and I don't want to say anything."

Zhan Se was silent, looking at the two fingers that kept twirling under the table, "You didn't say that just now. You said you knew everything, you knew how you killed Zhao Jiahang, you knew how Er Niu died, you knew The ins and outs of the whole thing, how come you don’t know it all of a sudden?”

Being refuted by her, Wang Tongsheng raised his head abruptly, eager to defend himself, "What you said, that... I, I know!"

Zhan Se smiled slightly, "Then do you know, or don't you know?"

Wang Tongsheng's eyes darkened, and he bowed his head silently.

"You're lying!" The voice suddenly came from behind, without any emotion, it was Bai Muchuan who Wang Tongsheng was most afraid of.

That pair of cold eyes seems to be able to read the white police officer.

Wang Tongsheng didn't dare to look at him, he struggled violently in his heart, and his attempt to resist was pushed to the edge of the cliff again, and he became more excited, "I didn't lie! Officer Bai, I really didn't lie."

Bai Muchuan sat beside Zhan Se, nodded to her, and then asked Wang Tongsheng.

"You deliberately followed Xiang Wan, let her discover your whereabouts, attracted the police to arrest you, and then lied and pleaded guilty. Who are you trying to protect?"

"I didn't!" Wang Tongsheng shook his head, and wanted to defend himself, but his voice was much weaker, "I killed the person. I killed the person. Don't ask me any more. I've already pleaded guilty, isn't it okay?"

The rounds of bombing and questioning are a test of one's will.

Even if Wang Tongsheng had a strong heart, he couldn't stand it. What's more, he is not a psychologically strong person.

This roar completely exposed his inner weakness.

Bai Muchuan exchanged glances with Zhan Se, and said coldly, "Teacher Zhan, let's call it a day. I believe you already know what you want to know. It's his choice whether to tell the truth, but if it causes anything The consequences will also be borne by him."

Zhanse: "..."

She was silent for a moment and stood up slowly.

"Okay. That's it."

Wang Tongsheng was completely confused when he heard Bai Muchuan's inexplicable words.

"You... what exactly do you want?"

Bai Muchuan slightly curled his lips, "Dug out the person you want to protect, and restore the truth. Wang Tongsheng, we will not wrong a good person, nor miss a bad person. Don't worry."

Wang Tongsheng stared at him desperately.

It is not easy to find out who killed a person, but it is relatively easier to find out who a person wants to protect.

The scope of people's communication is so wide, and there are so many love, love, and friendship.

The police can dig up anything if they want to.

Wang Tongsheng had a pale face without any color, and he slumped on the chair as if he had been drained of strength.

When I walked out of the detention center, it was completely dark.

Quan Shaoteng took a deep breath and smiled happily, "Even the air in this place smells of hot pot. Xiaobai, let's go, let's start the hot pot!"

Bai Muchuan gave him a lukewarm hygienic eyeball, then turned to ask the silent Zhan Se.

"Teacher Zhan, what do you think of Wang Tongsheng?"

Zhan Se once made criminal psychological portraits in the ZMI agency, and became famous in the first battle because the images resembled the criminal himself very much. Bai Muchuan's opinion of her is more important than Quan Laowu's fallacies.

However, Zhanse hesitated for a long time.

"Your analysis just now is correct. Wang Tongsheng should not be the murderer, at least he has no subjective intention to kill. In the chat with him, I found that he did not have the hatred for the deceased Zhao Jiahang as he explained in the case. Even... in my opinion Come, with an unusual emotion like sympathy or guilt."

unusual? pity? guilt

Was it produced by killing someone, or something else

Can't guess.

Bai Muchuan called Huang He and asked him to arrange manpower to thoroughly investigate Wang Tongsheng's social network.

Of course, the focus is on his associates.

When he made arrangements, Quan Shaoteng was already impatient.

"Can you still eat this hot pot? It's a hot day, and you're going to handle the case hungry. Are you tired, Xiaobai?"

Bai Muchuan squinted at him coldly, "You who were reincarnated from starvation?"



After Bai Muchuan scoffed at Quan Shaoteng, he said to Zhan Se: "Teacher Zhan wait a moment. I'll make a call."

Before eating, he had one more important thing to do - pay for Xiangwan's computer.

Although she has written that she is a scum that is reviled by thousands of people, she still has to pay for what should be paid. Today he refused her lion's big mouth, but he was impatient to get entangled in these trivial matters, and wanted to send them away quickly before going to the detention center. But this doesn't mean that Bai Muchuan really has to forfeit even this bit of compensation.


No one heard.



Driving all the way from the detention center to Hot Pot City, Xiang Wan's cell phone was always unanswered.

Bai Muchuan was a little restless.

"Eat first, I'll come later."

He directly threw Quan Shaoteng and Zhan Se outside Hot Pot City, then turned the car around and drove towards Xiang Wan's rented house—

-----Off Topic-----

Thank you for the diamond props sent by the girls, the author is very touched, I just... want to promise it with my body!

Hey, I just don't know if anyone wants it