Muchuan and Xiang Wan

Chapter 6: visit late at night



Any sound in the quiet night is like a magic sound that guides Xiang Wan's nerves of fear.

When she heard the knock on the door, her first reaction was to grab the quilt tightly, "Who?"

No one answered.

Bai Muchuan!

How did he arrive in less than ten minutes


The door rang a second time. Taking a deep breath, Xiang Wan moved behind the door.

The cat's eyes were broken long ago, and she couldn't see outside, so she could only raise her voice, "Is it Officer Bai?"

A deep male voice sounded outside, "It's me."

Sure enough, it was him. Xiang Wan breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door.

A gust of sultry wind blew, and there was no one outside the door.

Xiang Wan's eyes widened, the dark corridor was old and damp, there were old furniture piled up in the corners, exuding a decaying musty smell, which had not been cleaned for a long time, at this moment there was a strange color, giving Xiang A strong psychological hint of terror at night.


Xiangwan's heart almost stopped beating.

She's going to close the door. At this time, I saw a person walking out of the dark stairs leading to the roof.

Black shirt, black trousers, long legs, comfortable and capable, leisurely and unrestrained, with a cold face hidden in the dark night, a pair of deep eyes swept by the light, which seems to have the effect of calming the soul.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Bai Muchuan

Xiang Wan's panic turned into suspicion, "Officer Bai, what are you doing?"

Did you scare her on purpose

When Bai Muchuan walked to the door, the light illuminated his pupils calmly and indifferently, obviously not like a person who patiently played cat and mouse games with her, "Have you packed it yet?"

Pack what

It took Xiang Wan three seconds to react.

"You want me to live at your house?"

Bai Muchuan: "You are the one who asked for police protection."

Ok! The meaning is the same.

Xiang Wan glanced at his calm and steady face, didn't ask why he was standing on the corridor leading to the rooftop, turned around and went back to the room, picked up the computer, took the pajamas and stuffed them into the backpack, and ran out at a speed faster than a rabbit. Quick, it's like a ghost is chasing her from behind.

"Let's go, I have nothing to take with me except the computer."

Bai Muchuan stood at the door and glanced into the room.

Xiang Wan realized the look in his eyes and looked back, feeling a little embarrassed.

The legendary writers are all glamorous, clean and generous, but Xiang Wan's nest is really not in good shape, especially today, when the sundries are piled up everywhere and there is no time to clean them up. At first glance, it looks like A crime scene where there was a fight.

She coughed lightly, jumped out quickly, and closed the door behind her.

As soon as the light from the door disappeared, the corridor was pitch black.

Xiang Wan stomped her foot hard, but the voice control light didn't turn on, but she stepped on something.

"Ah!" She screamed, and her arms were instantly strangled.

She shrank her body back and screamed in fright, which instantly attracted Bai Muchuan's cold snort, "There is no ghost in my heart, why are you so scared?"

Xiang Wan breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that he had stepped on Bai Muchuan's instep just now.

She attacked someone's hand during the day, and stomped on someone's foot at night, and she apologized in a helpless voice.

"Sorry, actually, I'm not that scared..."

"If you're not afraid, why do you need protection?"


Why is it so troublesome to talk to the police

Most of the authors who write romance novels are emotional, but the detectives are obviously thinking rationally, just like a math problem where one plus one must equal two, they have to figure out everything. However, Xiang Wan couldn't tell.

She sighed, "I finally found out that the author of suspense novels and the criminal police seem similar in nature, but they are basically two parallel lines, and they cannot communicate at all."

Bai Muchuan said coldly, "A good detective can write suspense novels, but an excellent suspense writer can't solve cases."

Xiang Wan: "..."

Makes sense. It is also true.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Bai Muchuan suddenly took a flashlight from his mobile phone and took a look at the shadow of the corridor, "Standing in that position, you can just see your living room."


Xiangwan's house is an old-fashioned residence.

There is a door and window Liangzi above the iron gate.

It is embedded with iron bars and glass. It is old and the glass is damaged. However, Xiang Wan is a tenant and this is the top floor. The landlord did not come to repair it. peeping.

After all, she spends less time in the living room and mostly in the bedroom.

Now that Bai Muchuan suddenly mentioned it, she became alert, "You mean someone is standing there peeking at me?"

He turned his head, "Didn't you say someone was going to murder you?"

Xiang Wan: "..."

Bai Muchuan strode downstairs, "You are safe!"

Xiang Wan: "?"

What does it mean

Does it mean that she doesn't have any valuables at home, so she won't be missed by thieves, so it's safe? Or is it that she is not good-looking and will not be missed by men, so she is safe

Soon, Xiang Wan knew why Bai Muchuan came so fast every time,

He was only one street away from her.

Of course, this is not a street in the ordinary sense.

It is a street that easily separates the poor from the rich—

Go out of the alley outside the community, walk past a bus stop, and across the street is the golden area of Jincheng Shangshui, where rich people can afford to live. The area of Lvyuan Community where Xiangwan lives is across the street across the street. The houses are relatively old and still a residential area, and even the developers can't afford to demolish them.

Bai Muchuan's family background is good, Xiang Wan is not surprised.

That seven-digit watch has already marked his class.

But when Xiang Wan really entered that high-end residential area, he really realized that he was a bold person.

How dare she make that phone call and tell Officer Bai that she asked to live in his house.

This community is very large, with mountains, rivers and man-made lakes in it. In addition to high-rise buildings, there are also small western-style buildings and villas.

Bai Muchuan's home is in the central villa in the building king's location of the community.

There is a small yard at the entrance, exquisite flower gardens, lush greenery, quiet environment, and excellent security. This is not at all like an urban residence in an international metropolis.

She rubbed her hands together, a little restrained, "Is this your home?"

Obviously nothing to talk about!

Naturally, there was no response.

At this time, a kind middle-aged woman greeted her at the door. Xiang Wan took a look, was taken aback, and immediately changed the subject to say hello respectfully.

"Hi Auntie, sorry to bother you..."

"Eh?!" The middle-aged woman was amused by her, glanced at Bai Muchuan who was standing silently beside her, and explained with a smile: "I am Mr. Xiaobai's nanny Li Ma, you can just call me Li Ma."


Another oolong.

Xiang Wan felt so stupid today.

She glanced at Bai Muchuan apologetically, but he walked in front unintentionally.

"Mother Li, get her something to eat. She's staying here tonight."

"Okay, Mr. Xiaobai." Li Ma smiled cheerfully, and greeted Xiang Wan into the room, but kept looking her up and down.

That fiery gaze revealed so much information that even Xiang Wan's dull nerves could feel it, and she felt that it was too abrupt to disturb people so easily... Then, she stood awkwardly at the door, looking at the clean floor, a little unable to get down.

Bai Muchuan went straight in, ignoring her.

Xiang Wan was even more embarrassed!

He's not actually a nasty guy. Not too enthusiastic, nor too indifferent, just enough to create a proper "please go" atmosphere for the guests.

For a moment, Xiang Wan had the urge to run away.

But the arrow is ready, Mama Li's slippers are handed to her, no matter how embarrassing she is, it is not good for her to leave at this time.

"What do you call Miss?" Li's mother is a very measured person. Unlike ordinary nanny, she is obviously the kind of woman she has seen in the world. She is well-dressed and has a good temperament, so Xiang Wan subconsciously thought that she was Bai Muchuan's mother just now. .

"My name is Xiang Wan. You can call me by my name."

"Miss Xiang. Sit on the sofa for a while."

Mama Li politely poured her a glass of water with unknown ingredients. The warm and beautiful color rippled in the gorgeous glass, as if carrying some noble attributes, attracting Xiang Wan's attention, but she couldn't drink it down.

She entered the room and lived in the house of Police Officer Bai in the name of a "witness", and all the ghosts and ghosts in the small rental house retreated.

But she was on pins and needles.

Bai Muchuan left before Mama Li finished the meal.

Then, I didn't return all night.

early morning.

Xiang Wan opened her eyes and saw an unfamiliar room. Thinking of the "shameful anecdote" last night, she felt a bit misplaced.

Who is that crazy woman

She stroked her mid-length hair, watching the sun shining into the room through the curtains, it was hot and dazzling.

The horror and fear passed, but the awkwardness and embarrassment remained.

When she went downstairs to see Li Ma who was waiting for her with breakfast, she was very embarrassed.

"Mother Li, I won't eat breakfast, I'll leave now, thank you for your hospitality."

"Ah, let's go now?" Li Ma looked at the computer bag she was carrying, "Mr. Xiaobai explained that you are not allowed to go out until he comes back—"

Xiang Wan: "..."

She is not a prisoner, so her personal freedom cannot be restricted, right

With Mama Li's kindness, Xiang Wan reluctantly ate some breakfast, and then spent five minutes pondering his words before calling Bai Muchuan.

"Hello, Officer Bai, thank you last night. Now, I won't bother you. If you need me, I'll be there..."

In order to ease the embarrassment, she tried to keep her tone relaxed and calm, but Bai Muchuan's voice tightened.


The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

He ordered coldly, "Stay at my house and don't go anywhere!"

"Huh?" Xiang Wan smiled awkwardly, "Why? Why is your family helping the poor?"

"First, your reader, Er Niu, is indeed dead."

"...?" Then who was the person she met at the entrance of the alley

"Second, there are miniature cameras on the door and window of your house, so you are not safe."

Xiang Wan was startled, her forehead exploded, but thinking about the inconvenience of living in Police Officer Bai's house, she still bite the bullet and said, "I have other things to do today..."

"What's up?"

The police really ask everything!

Xiang Wan pursed the corners of her lips, "Life is a big deal."

Bai Muchuan: "A blind date is a major event in life, so what is personal safety?"

Xiang Wan's lips trembled, "How did you know?"

It's embarrassing enough for a woman to need a blind date to find a partner, and being ridiculed by the police has trampled on her self-esteem a bit. The tone of her questioning was the sharpness of being stepped on after being disliked by the whole world.

But her strong emotions were still resolved in Bai Muchuan's businesslike tone.

"We can legally investigate you."


In other words, she is currently completely transparent in front of him

With a heavy heart, Xiang Wan squeezed the phone tightly, "Officer Bai, who is going to kill me?"

-----Off Topic-----

Er Jin needs a review. Er Jin needs a review. Er Jin needs a review. Say important things three times.

In addition, readers who have participated in the name-calling activity for the book opening, please join the "Mu Chuan Xiangwan" name-calling activity group, group number: 322108785, thank you!