Muchuan and Xiang Wan

Chapter 63: the most beautiful stage


Xiang Wan returned to the gate of the community and found that he was hungry.

It would be embarrassing to say that when I came home from cooking food for others, I was hungry.

She bought a steamed stuffed bun, ignored the eyes of passers-by, lowered her head and bit into her mouth, and her eyes became foggy.

Really tasty.

Really tasty.

She sighed repeatedly.

What is happiness? There is food when you are hungry, and clothing when you are cold...

As for those spiritual pursuits, she is currently not qualified to pursue them.

To love requires ability, and to be loved requires ability.

Xiang Wan, make good money.

After eating the buns, we almost entered the community.

Xiang Wan threw the bag containing the buns into the trash can, bowed his head and walked inside.

A naive child's voice came anxiously, "Mom, mom, mom..."

The child kept calling his mother, but he didn't hear his mother's response.

Xiang Wan turned her head reflexively, and saw that it was the mother and son on the fourth floor.

The little boy grabbed his mother's hand and kept calling her. The mother walked silently, not knowing what she was thinking, and turning a deaf ear to the child's shouts.


Extraordinary attention.

Xiang Wan stopped in place, and the woman quickly walked over. Seeing her standing there, she froze for a moment, then raised her head to meet Xiang Wan's eyes.

Xiang Wan smiled, "Good morning."

The woman also smiled at her, her crooked eyes are actually pretty, but there are shallow wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, the skin seems to have not been managed for a long time, dry and yellow, and a pair of eyes are red like rabbits.

"Hi." She hesitated.

She seemed to have just cried, with a crying tone, and quickly dragged her son past Xiang Wan and entered the corridor, her back disappeared in the dark light.

Xiang Wan pursed her lips, sighed, smiled slightly, and walked slowly over.

The friendship between neighbors in the neighborhood is limited to meeting and nodding.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, who is not living with gritted teeth

Xiang Wan decided to accept Fang Yuanyuan's suggestion and stopped thinking about it.

"People who are always hovering between hesitation and longing to compete with themselves will not go far. Don't be cowardly, just do it!"

Back in the house, she boiled some water to make instant coffee, pasted such a post-it note on the desk, and turned on the MacBook Pro.

The system hadn't been activated before, so she didn't dare to use it.

Now that she is completely sure of the origin of the thing, she will no longer be hypocritical.

While activating the computer, she prepared the outline for Fang Yuanyuan's computer.

The plot of the second unit, the detailed outline she wrote first, is different from the current thinking.

So, she went online to gossip about the progress of the imperial palace case.

The speed at which news spreads in the modern networked society is astonishing.

In such a big city, the general murder case, in fact, the spread of the heat will not be so wide.

But thanks to the impeller, the case was comparable to the 720 Zhaojiahang case.

[Fountain Goddess Murder Case!]

This is a new name for netizens.

The official did not release any useful information, only saying that the deceased was initially determined to be "Sun". He was gathering with friends with Ye Lun and others. During the police inspection, he fled in fear of crime. He fell from the balcony and fell on the fountain pool. After rescue, he died today Early morning death.

Xiang Wan checked the impeller again.

Then, she discovered an event that shocked her even more.

A conspicuous headline stated that the male No. 3 impeller was included in the original cast list of the "Grey List" crew.

He played a big villain in "Grey List", which was the biggest challenge in his acting career, and he turned around with this role.

Unexpectedly, he died before leaving the teacher.

This kid is over.

When this happened, his agency went crazy.

"Grey List" is the first novel of the famous suspense master Mu Ershao, and also Mu Ershao's famous work, and it is recognized as the second-ranked work by suspense readers.

Well, the first is Mu Ershao's serial work "White List"—

In fact, Xiang Wan never understood why Er Shao Mu chose such a title.

But I just like it, I think it's compelling!

gray list. Baidu explained that it is between the blacklist and the whitelist, and it is used to explain the background program and SMTP status flag to dynamically create the blacklist and whitelist—

At that time, Xiang Wan was obsessed with Second Young Master Mu, and wanted to make a list for the first novel.

As a result, when she handed over the title of "The Pink List" to the editor, she was scolded bloody.

Change change change! Her titles are always unqualified.

The advice given to her by the editor is "the sweet wife of a wealthy family monopolizes the king's heart", "the rich and powerful few are addicted to kidnapping their wives", Su must not want it...

At that time, Xiang Wan succumbed to the hopelessness and chose the second one, but in the end, he was bloody, and finally realized that he was not the one who ate this bowl of food, so he turned his head to look at Second Young Master Mu.

"Grey List" is a big IP that has been popular for three years.

Games and anime are all very popular, and it has long been said that they will be filmed.

A well-known company, a well-known director, and a strong lineup, but the list of actors has not been finalized, and there are different opinions from the outside world.

Really impeller

Xiang Wan thought of him he saw outside the imperial palace last night.

That pair of eyes that can talk, and that flamboyant personality of acting, really fit the villain of "Grey List" so much.

Internet is very lively.

Fans of Ye Lun were cleaning the floor everywhere, saying that their idols were wronged, they were only invited to the Imperial Palace to have a party with friends, and it took less than half an hour to arrive there, and they did not participate in gatherings to take drugs at all.

Too bad the impeller wasn't hot enough.

The more violent her fans' words were, the more frenziedly they were countered by public opinion.

As a result, after being pulled down, the color of the underwear was completely black.

In the end, the fans got smarter and unified only one sentence.

"There is no news from the police, why do you say that about our wheels?"

The police really haven't heard anything yet.

Even if Xiang Wan was there at the time, he couldn't be sure that the impeller must have taken drugs.

She has Huang He's phone number, but at this time, it's inconvenient for her to disturb him, and she doesn't have the position to find out.

What writers lack most is brains.

Writing a novel is just talking nonsense with your eyes open, talking nonsense in a serious way... make it up.

So the story of her second unit began—

The case is only in the foreshadowing stage, and it is easy to write a chapter.

At about 1 noon, she uploaded 3,000 words.

It's been a few days since I stopped updating, and seeing her update, the group and the book review area are very lively.


"Hurry up and update! It's very annoying to browse every day!"

"When will the author update?"

"Master Xiang, insist on writing your own, no matter what others say."

"It's been a month, and only tens of thousands of words have been updated..."

Xiang Wan saw many familiar IDs, and there was a kind of kindness and warmth like meeting old friends.

She is not a best-selling author, so the few readers who have been with her for a long time are the motivation for her persistence.

At least, her books are still liked.

Therefore, for this love, she must return them a miracle——

Write fire texts to prove that they did not love the wrong person.


A reminder message came from the phone.

"The work "White List" you follow has been updated!"

Hey, Er Shao Mu has also been updated!

Somewhere, there seemed to be some kind of power that injected chicken blood into her nerves.

Xiang Wan suddenly became excited and stretched. She came back from the toilet and lay lazily on the bed.

Reading Mu Ershao's books has become her most extravagant enjoyment.

However, Er Shao Mu's updates are too few.

Uh! Three thousand words like her.

So, she had to turn back after reading it, and swipe it a second time...

At around seven o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Yuanyuan came back.

Not only brought back food, but also Huang He.

These two are in the most beautiful stage of their relationship - the three-month period of passionate love, wishing they could sweeten their sweetness, even if they have a little time, they want to meet quickly.

Fang Yuanyuan had been on duty all day, and Huang He was also busy with the case, but even so, he was able to find time to pick her up and send her home.

Who says time is not squeezed out

Xiang Wan laughed when he saw these two.

"Miss Yuanyuan is going to cook by herself today?"

Fang Yuanyuan was being nourished by love, her brows and eyes were filled with that kind of indescribable obsession, and she spoke in a soft voice.

"Who will cook for him? If you fall in love, you will become an old woman, and you will not be a maid in the future? Women in the new era don't like to control their husbands, let alone work in the kitchen."

Xiang Wan couldn't help laughing, "Yo, I've become a husband, and I'm thinking about the future? When will you treat me to a wedding candy!?"

With a bah, Fang Yuanyuan blushed, "Nonsense, I'll just make an analogy."

"Cough!" Seeing Fang Yuanyuan shy, Huang He hurriedly took the topic away, "That... Yuanyuan, Teacher Xiang, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"Officer Huang." Xiang Wan called to stop him.

Moisturizing her lips embarrassingly, she asked with a small smile, "Inquire about what happened last night, will it violate the rules?"

Huang He was startled, then laughed again, "That depends on what you're asking."

Xiang Wan thought about it, "Is the impeller addicted to drugs?"

Ah! Huang He laughed, "So Teacher Xiang also chases stars?"

"Oh no, I don't chase stars." Xiang Wan said, "Am I a fan of Mu Ershao? Ye Lun played an important role for him, so..."

"Understood." Huang He suddenly became happy, and even reached out to shake her hand, "I'm also a fan of the second young master, please give me some advice."

"Ha!" Xiang Wan couldn't help laughing, "It's easy to talk about."

Huang He's expression was much more relaxed. After hesitating for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly: "This impeller really hasn't taken drugs."

"Huh?" Then what did they catch last night

"Last night we arrested about 20 people on the spot. Urine tests showed that more than a dozen of them took drugs, and a few of them just drank alcohol and did not take drugs."

"That… "

"Impeller educated and released."

"Where's that woman?" Xiang Wan couldn't help poking around.

Huang He knew that she was talking about the one hanging above the goddess of the fountain.

After pondering for a while, he said apologetically, "Until the case is solved, I can't reveal more details to you... Teacher Xiang, I'm sorry."

He is a straight man!

Xiang Wan nodded repeatedly.

"I understand, I understand, Officer Huang, I am causing you trouble."

"Then I'll go first."

Huang He took two steps, then turned around and waved at Fang Yuanyuan, as if making a phone call.

"Eat more, call me if you need something."

"Oh, I got it!" Fang Yuanyuan smiled and pushed him out, "You man, you have said it many times, hurry up. I will urge you again later."

She couldn't hide the smile on her face. After Huang He left, she was still nagging in front of Xiang Wan.

"He didn't sleep last night. I told him today that he doesn't need to come to the company to pick me up, but he came here and left a lot of things behind. In the end, we met and left in a hurry. At this point Son, what do you think of the traffic jam? This man is such a stubborn donkey, he refuses to obey..."

"Pfft!" Xiang Wan folded his arms and looked at her lazily, "Are you complaining?"

"Isn't it?" Fang Yuanyuan snorted.

"You showed me a face, don't you know?"

Angered by Xiang Wan's smiling gaze, Fang Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment, but couldn't help laughing too.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I shouldn't abuse dogs..."

"It's good to know, single dogs need love, you know?" Xiang Wan hummed unhappily and turned around, "I'll code, you cook!"

"Ah!" Fang Yuanyuan looked at the bag of vegetables with a sense of desolation, "I was wrong, I will never show off again."

When Huang He left, it was like taking away Fang Yuanyuan's soul.

She came back from get off work the next day alone.

Day three, too.

Huang He is too busy, he only has time to call her, and he can no longer pick her up.

Fang Yuanyuan said it was because she didn't want to show her affection in front of Xiang Wan, but she held her phone in a daze from time to time.

Young couples in the passionate love period can't wait to be tied together all the time.

Such an abrupt separation made her heart tingle just thinking about it.

But her boyfriend is too busy, she has to be a sensible girlfriend.

There is a lot of speculation about this case, and there are mixed opinions on the Internet. Huang He has just become the acting captain and is under a lot of pressure.

"Xiang Wan, why don't you comfort me?"

Fang Yuanyuan sat on the edge of the bed and sighed a hundred and eighty times.

Xiang Wan was typing without raising her head, "I need comfort more than you."

"Don't do this." Fang Yuanyuan leaned over, "You can talk to me, I'm so lonely and cold."

"Fuck you. I'll be lonely and cold after a while? I'll be alone all day, and I'll die of the cold sooner rather than later."

"That's your own house."

"I don't have a choice, okay?" Xiang Wan rolled his eyes and curled his lips, "Isn't this what your editor wants to see? I haven't stopped updating for three days."

"Excuse me?" Fang Yuanyuan glared at her, as if suddenly remembering, "By the way, there is good news."

"Say!" Xiang Wan banged on the keyboard.

"Stop for a moment, turn your head seriously."

Xiang Wan helplessly turned around with the chair and faced her.

"Okay now, editor, you can speak."

Fang Yuanyuan sat on the edge of the bed and asked solemnly: "The website has an opportunity to go to Kyoto for training, do you want to go?"


Xiang Wan knew that the website would organize some web writers to study in some liberal arts colleges every year, but basically they only selected masters with good grades or authors with potential.

She really wanted to go, but where would she have a chance

"I can report it to you." Fang Yuanyuan blinked.

This cousin is still reliable, and she is very powerful at critical times.

"Although your book "Murder of the Goddess" is not a key work on the website, the data has risen rapidly. The most important thing is that this book is very well-known, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most widely circulated book in the online literature circle this year. I think the director will agree! You have great hopes."

"Will it be?" Xiang Wan hesitated a little, raised his eyebrows, "Does she know that you are my cousin?"

"Tch!" Fang Yuanyuan rubbed her nose and sneezed, "Do you think such a shameful thing, would I say it?"


"Yet you didn't…"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The two laughed for a while, and Xiang Wan became cheerful for no reason.

No matter which line of work you do, how can you not seek better

You can learn something from the training. She is not from a major, and she lacks a lot of hardware in writing, which needs to be learned.

The strong sense of anticipation made her almost forget about Bai Muchuan.

She suddenly wanted to laugh a little.

In fact, her so-called heartbeat is probably like that.

This is the feeling of modern people, no one is indispensable to others.

After that day, Xiang Wan never met Bai Muchuan, but met Cheng Zheng twice at the breakfast shop.

Every time he was dressed in sportswear, dressed in a simple and comfortable way, he would greet her politely without being overly enthusiastic.

Faintly, say a few words, and then leave separately.

Xiang Wan also ran into a woman on the fourth floor once.

Just like last time, she still looked very worried and her mental state was very poor.

Xiang Wan didn't know why he paid attention to her.

Maybe she has called the police for herself, maybe she looks like a person with a story, so she has a writer's natural desire to explore

On the day Xiang Wan received the call from Bai Muchuan, she just received a message from Fang Yuanyuan.

The list of training authors for the website is down.

There are three authors in total, and Xiang Wan is one of them.

Thus, Xiang Wan's joyful mood was unabashedly transmitted to Bai Muchuan through the phone line.

She smiled comfortably, as if she had never been bothered.

"Officer Bai, what can I do for you?"

Several days had passed, and the change in her mood was obvious.

Of course Bai Muchuan felt it.

He was silent for a while, then said, "I'm leaving."