Muchuan and Xiang Wan

Chapter 71: the reason is shocking


Fang Yuanyuan was also worried about her.

"Fuck, you think I'm a god, and you can figure out who it is just by pinching your fingers?"

Xiang Wan pursed her lips, "Can't the background of the website forum check the IP address?"

Fang Yuanyuan: "Anyway, I'm not qualified to check. But I'm contacting the administrator and asking him to delete the post first..."

"No need." Xiang Wan's head hurt a little, but he replied very quickly, "Delete what? They want to mess with you, so can't you post it after deleting it? Even if the title is useless, can't they post it on a different account? No Trouble."

Fang Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment, "I don't want to delete..."

"It's nothing, the mouth grows on someone else."

"Late? Have you guessed who it is?"

Xiang Wan frowned, pondered for a moment, and replied, "Not really."

In fact, she had some thoughts in her heart. Judging from the camera angle of the photo, the person who took the photo must be in the college, and the post was posted on the internal forum of Wenquan Academy. From a large scale, it is the students of this class, from a small scale. In terms of probability... the two authors of the Academy are the most suspicious.

But there is no evidence for this kind of thing, so you can't talk nonsense.

Xiang Wan was very measured and kind.

After thinking about it, she said to Fang Yuanyuan: "I don't care what others say. Just make a fuss. If they don't know how to restrain themselves and make things too ugly, then I don't care who she is, and I will directly sue her for defamation."


Fang Yuanyuan suddenly realized, "You won't be allowed to delete the post, you won't just want to keep someone else's handle!"

"... Am I that bad?"

"Yes. Cousin, why do I think you have failed in your studies?"

Is this bad

People poured sewage on her, and she couldn't tell with her mouth covered all over, what can I do

It doesn't matter if it's a little trouble, if it's too ugly, you can only use legal weapons to protect yourself.

"Black-bellied!" Fang Yuanyuan concluded, as if suddenly enlightened, and remembered the root of the matter, "No, what people said is not true, the photo is true after all, right? Hurry up and explain, the photo Who is the man? Is it Officer Bai?"

Count her good brains.

Xiang Wan snorted, deliberately teasing her, "Guess?"

Before Fang Yuanyuan could reply, Xiang Wan's phone rang.

The person who called was the police officer she was talking about.

Xiangwan's heart was pounding and he was a little confused.

He sent himself back last night, what happened

My brain hurts!

She rubbed her forehead, and after a few seconds, she picked it up slowly, "Hello?"

Bai Muchuan's voice was slightly lowered, "Are you up? Are you okay?"

"Very good. What's the matter?"

Responding lukewarmly, Xiang Wan subconsciously imitated Bai Muchuan's attitude towards her before.

This unclear tone drew Bai Muchuan's cold snort.

"It's okay, can't I find you?"

"No." Xiang Wan's answer was ruthless, "I want to attend class, Officer Bai."

"Okay." He said, "I don't need to tell you about Huang He. Goodbye."

Huang He? I rely on!

Hey Xiang Wan, and immediately surrendered, "I was wrong, welcome to bother me! Officer Bai, I want to know."

This turn was too fast, so if I apologize, I will apologize.

Bai Muchuan let out a heck and fell silent.

Xiang Wan couldn't help urging: "Hurry up? What's going on?"

After a while, his voice came faintly, "He has not been suspended."

"Ah?" It's not that he was suspended, why did he lie to Fang Yuanyuan.

"He's in custody."

Bai Muchuan's divine addition hit Xiang Wan's heart like a heavy hammer. She was dazed by Xiang Wan, short-circuited for a moment, switched the phone to her left hand, and clicked on the chat history with Fang Yuanyuan with the mouse in her right hand.

Fang Yuanyuan was still talking to her.

Although there is no emotion in the text, compared to the two days when Huang He just left, Fang Yuanyuan is undoubtedly much better now.

Xiang Wan couldn't help but frowned, "Does the case have anything to do with him? Why are you detaining him?"

Bai Muchuan: "Serious dereliction of duty and infringement of rights, resulting in death."


For the police, this charge is big enough.

Once sitting firmly, I am afraid that I will not be able to turn over for the rest of my life.

Xiang Wan's mind was buzzing, thinking of Huang He's simple and honest smile, and his image as a policeman when they first met.

Such a policeman shouldn't be treated like this

She took a breath, "Will this... be sentenced?"

"It's still in the stage of investigation and prosecution. Bureau Wang also took his future development into consideration and didn't make it public. Not many people know about it. You keep it secret."

Confidential? Xiang Wan looked at Yuanyuan's profile picture at the top of the screen again.

"Fang Yuanyuan...can't you say that too?"

"If Huang He himself didn't say it, then don't say it. Respect his own opinion."

When Bai Muchuan said this, he pondered for a while and continued, "I'm responsible for this matter. Since I didn't buy them a drink that day, Huang He probably won't get into this trouble. At least there is no such thing as drinking and law enforcement. It will be much better. So this matter, I will not stand by."

"How are you going to help him?"

Xiang Wan's heart shivered.

The sense of panic of not being able to control the development of the situation came to my mind again, "I remember you told me the other day not to get involved in this matter, not even to write about this case..."

"But you still wrote it." Bai Muchuan suddenly laughed lowly, "You are a donkey."

"... Can you help Officer Huang?"

Bai Muchuan chuckled, "I, Bai Muchuan, can't help it, so who can?"

These words were very arrogant and in the style of police officer Bai, but Xiang Wan still felt that things were not that simple.

After all, the other person is in Kyoto, and the case happened in Jincheng, so the issue of jurisdiction is not just talk.

The phone call lasted about ten minutes, and the two of them talked about other people's affairs, and neither of them mentioned last night.

Very tacit understanding.

Inexplicable tacit understanding.

When it came to the end, it seemed that there was nothing to say, and it was normal to hang up the phone, Bai Muchuan suddenly asked again.

"Are you okay?"

Did he ask after getting drunk yesterday

In fact, Xiang Wan really wanted to ask him, if he swiped her room card last night and got her in and put her on the bed, did he stay in the dormitory for an hour.

But things were so embarrassing that she couldn't open her mouth.

Secondly, if she asks why, he must doubt why she knows, and he will have to explain again if he feels disgusted by pretending to be drunk.

Touching those things would embarrass her.

"It's all right." Xiang Wan propped his forehead and said sincerely, "Probably no one else can help Officer Huang except you."

Bai Muchuan hummed, "Don't worry, I will protect my people!"

… your people.

... Huang He is also your man

Xiang Wan wanted to complain about his territoriality, but thinking about how his domineering personality was beneficial to Huang He, he stopped being angry and actively beat him up.

"Come on! You can do it!"

Bai Muchuan was silent for two seconds, then let out a chuckle.

"I could have done it!"

Uh! This seems a bit wrong

Old driver!

Xiang Wan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and scratched the hair on his forehead, "Okay, okay, okay, you can do it. That's it, I have to code. Yesterday I stopped shifting, and all attendance is gone!"

In fact, Xiang Wan had never won the perfect attendance award.

I don't know why, but every month there is always an update, and the reason for each update is sudden, which caught her off guard...

Well, I can't stop today.

She turned off the post on the forum and tried to calm herself down.

"Xiang Wan, Xiang Wan? What are you doing?"

QQ news is here again!

The object is still square and round.

It had been a long time since Xiang Wan replied, she was a little impatient.

Send a picture with a text: "If you don't speak, you must be having sex!"

Looking at her profile picture, Xiang Wan was silent and hesitant.

It turned out that there was a reason why Huang He and Fang Yuanyuan sent those messages that day.

He knew that something happened to him, and he didn't want to delay the girl he loved, so he broke up with her in such a decisive way.

He would rather she hate him and then forget him than wait for him or feel sorry for him.

Fang Yuanyuan was right.


Xiang Wan's head hurt even more.

If Fang Yuanyuan knew that Huang He was in the detention center at the moment, would she collapse

dare not bet.

What's more, Bai Muchuan said that it should be kept secret.

It took Xiang Wan a minute to convince herself, and then she replied to Fang Yuanyuan.

"I just answered a call, I'm sorry. Also, you guessed it, the person in the photo is indeed Bai Muchuan, but nothing happened between me and him..."

"There is no silver three hundred taels here, did I say something happened to you?"


Xiang Wan looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer.

"My lord, let's stop talking, I have to type."

"No fun!" Fang Yuanyuan snorted, and suddenly said, "By the way, did you know? That Cheng Zheng went to my aunt's house for dinner again."


Xiang Wan narrowed his eyes, "Are there too many meals at Auntie's house?"

Fang Yuanyuan said: "It's so strange! My aunt invited him last time to enhance the relationship between the two of you. It's a blind date. Now that you're not in Jincheng, why did you go again? But I don't know that it was my aunt who invited him. , or he went by himself."

"You don't need to tell me these things. My lord, I won't be able to write any more if I'm distracted."

Xiang Wan really didn't want to hear it.

Sometimes, she actually has a cold-blooded side.

Only interested in what you care about people. What does the others have to do with her

"Cousin, I'm not feeling well today."

She didn't want to talk, Fang Yuanyuan suddenly sent another message, and called her cousin pitifully.

"Today... I suddenly miss him very much."

"Huh?" Xiang Wan sat quietly, watching Fang Yuanyuan talk.

"Today is his birthday. We had made an appointment to do a lot of things together today. I prepared a birthday present for him early on. I wanted to give him a surprise... Heh, tell me, why do people become so So fast? His phone has been turned off all the time, and I can't even contact him now."

Looking at the warm words, Xiang Wan seemed to see Fangyuanyuan's teary eyes.

"Don't be sad, Yuanyuan. Maybe he will come back to you."

She used maybe because she wasn't sure.

Fang Yuanyuan hates this possibility.

"Why did you tune in with him? Do you believe such perfunctory words? In fact, he said that because he made up his mind that he would never look for me again, which meant breaking up. It's just that he changed to someone who is more literary and artistic." It’s just a statement…”

Xiang Wan was speechless.

After thinking for a while, she also decided to rectify Huang He's name.

"Yuanyuan, Police Officer Huang is not that kind of person. I saw my senior sister last night. Zhan Se, I told you. She is a very powerful psychologist. She has met Officer Huang and analyzed it. This matter, she told me, Officer Huang must have a hard time."

"Difficulties? What difficulties can he have? Hehe!"

"Senior sister said that from a psychological point of view, the power of couples in love can shake mountains and seas. If there is something irresistible, they will not give up their lover easily. So, although we don't know what Police Officer Huang is for, You must trust her."

For the authority of the conclusion, she pinned the blame on Zhanse.

But Fang Yuanyuan knew her too well, and immediately discovered her abnormality.

"Xiang Wan, why do you keep talking for him today?"

"I...? I don't have one."

"Did you know something?"

Xiang Wan was taken aback.

Damn! Women are so sensitive!

"No more! I won't chat with you anymore, I need code words, don't disturb me, editor!"

Deny it.

Then, Xiang Wan ended the chat in a panic.

She can't help it. If Fang Yuanyuan continued to question her, she wondered if she could keep her mouth shut.

Sure enough, Fang Yuanyuan did not send any more messages.

Of course Xiang Wan would not know, on the other side of the screen, she was lying on the desk, tears streaming down her face...

Xiang Wan ordered a takeaway and came back. He stayed in the dormitory alone and wrote for a day.

Recently, she has updated 3,000 words every day.

Usually it can be completed in three hours, but today she wrote until five o'clock in the afternoon.

It is a painful torment to hold back when there is no state.

She thought she could look at that post calmly, but she is a mortal after all, unable to truly ignore it, and can't completely let go of those slanders hiding in dark corners...

Red sandalwood, poisonous orchid.

Two names always linger in my mind.

Which one of them is messing with her

Or both of them

Or... someone else

Xiang Wan didn't dare to guess casually.

After finishing today's chapter, she slowly clicked on that post.

-----Off Topic-----

The first watch will be delivered, and the second watch will be around six o'clock.

The Spring Festival is approaching, the children are at home on vacation, and there are a lot of things to do, so the update time is a bit magical. The little sisters are also celebrating the New Year, and it must be the same at home...

A sister asked if there will be a holiday during the Spring Festival. In principle, I will update as usual during the Spring Festival, but the number of updated words may be less. From the day after tomorrow, I will take the children out for a walk. When I go out, there are some things I can't help but control, but if it is absolutely necessary, Er Jin will not stop changing.