Muchuan and Xiang Wan

Chapter 79: Joan nose red lips


Xiang Wan felt a chill in his heart.

An unreasonable cold rolled down her spine.

Bai Muchuan came a step late!

And Cheng Zheng—

After all, he didn't listen to her advice and missed the great opportunity to stand up for Huang He.

What a pity.

At this time, Tang Yuanchu and the other two criminal policemen were already moving around the room with their police dogs.

Mei Xin looked at Cheng Zheng and Bai Muchuan, "I'm off to work."

Cheng Zheng grunted, put on medical gloves, and was about to turn around, but heard Xiang Wan suddenly shout.

"Wait! I have an idea."

Cheng Zheng turned his head and looked at her suddenly excited face with Bai Muchuan.

Xiang Wan didn't know what to think of, her eyes were wide open, and there was an inexplicable cremation in the bottom of her eyes, like a little girl who suddenly opened a Pandora's box, her excited appearance was inexplicably supernatural.

"what idea?"

Being stared at by two men like this, Xiang Wan coughed lightly and restrained his expression.

"Actually, I want to suggest Cheng Dui, can we use the ashes for inspection..."

Bai Muchuan lowered his head, propped his fingers on his temples, and did not speak.

Cheng Zheng was more straightforward: "In order to completely decompose the corpse, the temperature of the incinerator is generally around 1000 degrees. At this temperature, all organic substances will be burned, and drugs will also be decomposed... Doesn't Teacher Xiang know?"

Xiang Wan already had a problem with him not re-examining the corpse, and when he asked such a sharp question, he gave an awkward smile.

"I don't know. I haven't died before. Dui Cheng is so powerful, he knows so well."

Combining the two sentences together, it seems to be saying that someone...

Bai Muchuan snorted, "You make it sound like Captain Cheng died."

puff! Xiang Wan couldn't help laughing.

She was just hinting, but Bai Muchuan... directly expressed it.

The two sang together, their attitudes were a bit ambiguous, but Cheng Zheng's cold face showed no emotion, not even the displeasure of being squeezed out by them, and he gave Xiang Wan a calm look.

"The ashes are burnt into powder, which is of no value for inspection. I suggest to the teacher, to watch less unnutritious TV series in the future..."

Got pissed off!

I hated Cheng Zheng, an impersonal thing.

Xiang Wan rolled his eyes, very displeased with his calm and indifferent appearance.

"The unnutritious TV series at least taught me to be sympathetic. Therefore, I suggest Cheng Dui can still watch it when he has time. If he watches a lot, what if he develops a little humanity from it? It's also a good thing."

Cheng Zheng narrowed his eyes.

Xiang Wan was particularly sharp tonight.

Every sentence seems to have dissatisfaction with him.

Cheng Zheng didn't like the feeling of being confronted by her, but Bai Muchuan... obviously didn't like it even more.

Whether it is good or bad, hate or love, if you have too many emotions for a person, you will pay extra attention to this person.

Bai Muchuan glanced at Xiang Wan and patted her on the shoulder.

"Not everything can be cultivated..."

Ok? Xiang Wan was stunned for two seconds before he realized that he was echoing her that Cheng Zheng was inhuman.

She couldn't help laughing, and was about to speak, but he suddenly leaned over and lowered his voice, as if whispering to her, teasing with a half-smile: "But feelings are fine."


Can feelings be cultivated

Xiang Wan didn't think he was teasing her.

Because Cheng Zheng next to him clearly had a look of sullenness on his face, and he was obviously annoyed by Bai Muchuan.

His stalking rank was obviously much higher than Xiang Wan's.

"Did you find anything?" After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at his colleagues at work with a serious look, as if he wasn't the one who teamed up with Xiang Wan just now.

"Not yet, Team Bai." Tang Yuanchu replied.

Bai Muchuan nodded, and said to Cheng Zheng, "Go to work! Finish work early and go home, and you still have time to watch TV dramas..."

Cheng Zheng pursed his lips, looked at him, and went to work.


Looking at Bai Muchuan's serious face, Xiang Wan couldn't laugh or cry.

This guy!

She sighed in her heart.

Then, he was attracted by the police dog.

Such a handsome dog.

German shepherd, black back, big skeleton, wearing police dog clothes.

It looks serious when it works.

Well, even the way they wag their tails seems to be different from those ordinary pet dogs.

I like Xiang Wan.

Having never had a pet before, she suddenly had the idea of raising a German Shepherd.

If she had a dog like this, wouldn't she be afraid when walking that dark alley

Taking it to buy breakfast in the morning, who would dare to approach her so easily

When a person is at home, it will also accompany her, don't worry about it being betrayed, it is more obedient and sensible than a boyfriend...

She looked at it with a smile on her face, her eyes always circling the police dog.

It is in the east, so she looks east. It's on the west, so she looks west.

"Xiang Wan!" Bai Muchuan called her suddenly.

Xiang Wan let out an ah, came back to his senses, and looked at him.

Standing on Tang Yuanchu's body, Bai Muchuan stretched out his hands to her, "Come, help me."

Xiang Wan had a question mark on his face: "?"

Bai Muchuan's hands froze in the air, and his face sank, "Hurry up, it's inconvenient to work!"

He was wearing gloves, so it was inconvenient to roll up his sleeves.

But why did he call her for granted

Xiang Wan squinted her eyes and found that everyone except her seemed to have cut off their gloves.

Ok! She admitted it.

She glanced at him, and walked over to slowly roll up his sleeves for him.

Bai Muchuan looked down at her earnest little face, with a bright nose and red lips, long and curled eyelashes, and fair skin...

The distance between two people is very close.

His breath seemed to fall on her face, itching.

This feeling made Xiang Wan feel awkward and ambiguous.

call! She quickly rolled up the cuffs for him, took two steps back, like hiding from the plague, "Okay!"

Bai Muchuan frowned, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?"

"For a while, I looked at the dog and giggled, and for a while, I was nervous like a ghost."

hehe! Xiang Wan finally caught his word.

"Yeah, I smirked when I saw the dog, but I was nervous when I saw the hell."

Bai Muchuan: "..."

He pulled his face to look at her, "Believe it or not, I suddenly want to drink water, please go downstairs and help me get it?"

I rely on! Xiang Wan smiled slowly, "Believe it or not, I won't talk to you at all?"

After finishing speaking, she quickly restrained her expression, walked away with a blank face, and went to see the police dogs.

This was Xiang Wan's first close encounter with police dogs.

She thought it was a mysterious species before, and she was very curious about police dogs and how they work.

handsome! Really handsome!

She held her breath and quietly approached, wanting to take a closer look.

"Wow woof! woof woof..."

Before she could walk in front of her, the police dog suddenly barked wildly. Xiang Wan yelled in fright, and took a few steps back, his heart beating wildly.

Obediently! How fierce!

"Excuse me, I'm just looking at..."

She threw up her hands, embarrassed for interrupting someone else's work.

However, before she finished speaking, everyone became excited and walked towards the police dog...

"Xiaotian. What did you find?"

"Look, what's going on?"

The police dog wasn't biting her at all.

The place it was looking at when barking was the direction where Sun Shangli jumped off the building...

There was a huge window, framed in the wall.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense.

Xiang Wan's back stiffened, he clenched his fists nervously, and followed Bai Muchuan to the window.

"What's weird outside the window?"

Of course the police dog would not answer.

Wow! Bai Muchuan stepped forward and opened the window.

Outside is the square in front of the gate of the Imperial Palace.

The fountain is no longer open, and the sculpture of the goddess in the fountain pool is still there. The dancing posture has a kind of exaggerated beauty in the dark, but the expression on the slightly raised face seems to be mocking...

Of course, standing here, you can't see the facial expression of the goddess clearly.

But Xiang Wan remembered the appearance of the goddess, and somehow felt that she was laughing at everyone.

She thought: what was it like for Sun Shangli to stand here that night, naked on a high stool, wriggling and dancing in front of many men and women for them to watch

If the test by the technical team was correct, she was not taking drugs at the time, and her mind was clear, would her pain be clearer

Inside the window is the obscenity and depravity, while outside the window is the arrogance of the goddess.

Sun Shangli was once a radiant goddess!

Would she also feel that the Goddess was laughing at her outside the window

Then, the police broke the door, and she jumped down, right at the fountain goddess

Xiang Wan's thoughts were diverging randomly.

The brain cells are extremely active, but the whole body is chilly.

"Xiaotian! What's wrong?"

Everyone was lingering by the window, but the police dog got impatient.

It yelled "Wow", with an anxious and nervous expression, and sniffed desperately. Suddenly, it tightened the leash and rushed to the corner of the wall on the other side of the window, scratching desperately with its two front paws.

The dog's claws are a bit sharp, and the wallpaper was quickly scratched by it.


Xiang Wan's brain froze, "Could it be that there is something weird inside the wall?"

Bai Muchuan looked at it solemnly for a moment, and saw that Xiaotian had no intention of stopping at all. He walked over slowly, knelt down, patted its dog's head, stroked its fur along its back, and motioned for it to calm down, and then asked someone to put it on its head. It pulls away.

"Take the tool! Chisel the wall."

"Ah?" Tang Yuanchu's head got bigger, and he asked the same thing, "Now?"

Bai Muchuan narrowed his eyes and looked at him sideways, "Is there a problem?"

Tang Yuanchu shook his head, "No."

As a criminal police officer, there are only jobs that need to be done, and there is never a time when you should or should not work.


Tang Yuanchu thought for a while: "We have to talk to the boss and ask for permission first?"

After all, the facilities in the Imperial Palace are so expensive, so if you talk about chiseling it, it will be chiseled. Do you want to pay for it

With Huang He's matter ahead, Tang Yuanchu was more cautious in enforcing the law.

Bai Muchuan nodded approvingly, then stood up, "Chisel!"

One word, so bold.

Ok. The boss of the imperial palace is his cousin.

Tang Yuanchu remembered, and quickly went out to do errands.

After a while, the manager came up with Tang Yuanchu with tools.

He was a little nervous, "This wall, this wall, can it be chiseled?"

"It's not a load-bearing wall." Bai Muchuan glanced at him, "I'll explain to your boss, you don't have to worry about it."

"Okay, okay." The manager obviously breathed a sigh of relief and stepped aside.

However, Bai Muchuan handed the tools for digging the wall to Cheng Zheng, "This kind of technical work, let the technical team do it."


Cutting walls is not an easy job, but it is not troublesome if you have the tools.

The wallpaper was scraped off, scraped off the paint and plaster inside, and planed a little bit...

The deeper the chisel was, the bigger the chisel became, but there was nothing inside.

Xiaotian's eyes were staring at him fiercely, and he screamed more fiercely.

If it hadn't been for the leash, it would have jumped on it and bit it.

But what did it find

Police dogs cannot communicate directly with people, but they will never bark for no reason.

"Continue!" Bai Muchuan couldn't see Cheng Zheng's slow motion anymore, "Everyone chisel together!"

There is great power in numbers.

No one spoke, and everyone buried their heads in their work.

The atmosphere was cramped and tense for no reason, and the low air pressure made Xiang Wan's forehead sweat.

She held her breath and stood where she was, her eyes not blinking for a moment.

It seems that in the next second, something will be dug out of the wall...

Time passed extremely slowly.

The walls were gradually chiselled mottled and scattered.

However, there is no imaginary picture, the wall is still a wall, and there is still nothing.

"What's going on? Xiaotian?" Tang Yuanchu asked the dog.

Xiaotian kept barking, his serious dog's face showed a feeling of constipation that he wanted to say but couldn't.

"Could it be that Xiaotian is just hungry?"


Someone chuckled.

"This case is actually... I want to say, could it be that we are thinking too complicatedly?"

"… really."

"Drugs, suicide, what a simple thing..."

"Shut up!" Bai Muchuan suddenly stood up.

On his handsome face, there was a chill-like coldness.

Looking at him, Xiang Wan felt his heart in his throat.

But he turned around slowly, looked at Cheng Zheng, and pointed to the pile of walls that had been hewn out.

"Take a sample! Take it back for inspection!"

"Close the team!"

Everyone packed up their things and came down from the fifth floor.

In the hall, the manager and the waiter dutifully prepared tea and snacks.

"You police officers have worked hard, eat something before leaving."

"No need. Thank you!" Bai Muchuan took off his gloves, "Tonight, I have caused you trouble."

Most of the time, he is a well-mannered person, not the kind of arrogant and domineering dude who only respects me. Today, when they came to the Imperial Palace, they were working, but the people from the Imperial Palace accompanied them for most of the night.

"It's all right." The manager sent them out with a smile, "I hope we can resume business soon..."

Bai Muchuan glanced at him, "Rectify as required!"

"I will, I will."

The light rain has not stopped, and the air outside is much fresher than inside.

Xiang Wan stretched her waist, "Oh my god, why do I feel like I'm alive again!"

In the room on the fifth floor just now, she was still a little out of breath.

"In that room, why do I have a sense of fear of entering the murder scene?"

She asked jokingly, subconsciously aiming at the towering sculpture of a fountain goddess.

The goddess in the dark, with the same expression.

Xiang Wan's heart skipped a beat, she was a little frightened, she quickly looked away, and looked at Bai Muchuan, "I think my direct psychological reaction has reference value..."

"That's just a psychological hint you gave yourself!" Bai Muchuan snorted, "Stop self-psychological hypnosis! Otherwise, you won't be far from Zhanyuan, and sooner or later you will become a magic stick like him."


Psychological suggestion, self-hypnosis.

It seems to make sense, because she has a subconscious psychological feeling, and then she continues to strengthen this kind of thinking, and she becomes obsessed, and there is a problem with everything she sees. Just like this fountain goddess, she is actually just an ordinary sculpture, and she will also feel that her expression is scary and gloomy...

Aren't these all her own psychology

Xiang Wan took a deep breath and smiled, "Okay, this time, you're right."

Bai Muchuan glanced at her.

At this time, everyone was getting on the bus one after another.

Xiang Wan was also prepared to join him as a matter of course.

Bai Muchuan turned sideways to block the rain, and opened the car door for her.

"Let Tang Yuanchu take you back."

What about him? No need to go back

Xiang Wan thought so, but didn't ask, just smiled.


Under Bai Muchuan's order, Tang Yuanchu drove her directly to the door of the house, and did not complete the task until Fang Yuanyuan got up and opened the door.

However, Fang Yuanyuan was taken aback when she saw the back of Tang Yuanchu leaving.

"Damn it! Xiang Wan, did you make another one?"

"Hush!" Xiang Wan rushed in, wanting to cover her mouth, "Don't talk nonsense! Let people hear the joke."

"Hey, isn't that..."

"What's going on in your head?"

Kicking the door shut, Xiang Wan glared at her.

The room was filled with warm lights, and a familiar feeling came over us.

Even if it is a rental house, it is still her nest after all.

The feeling of going home made Xiang Wan heave a long sigh of relief, throw away the bag in his hand, and open his arms to hug Fang Yuanyuan.

"Honey, I'm back. Hurry up and call sister, I brought you delicious food..."

"Virtue!" Fang Yuanyuan wrinkled her nose in distaste, "Where did you get it? It smells all over your body! Go wash it off."

"Okay. Xiao Fangzi, go and put water on Ben Gong!"

"Get out!"

The two were talking and laughing, and the happy time seemed to be back again.

Xiang Wan took the snacks he brought back from Kyoto out of his bag, threw them on the coffee table, and went to wash up.

When she came out of the bathroom with her hair wrapped, she found that Fang Yuanyuan had moved all the snacks into the room, sitting cross-legged on the edge of the bed, eating bite by bite, looking quiet and haggard.

Pause to the evening.

She suddenly thought of how Fang Yuanyuan spent the past half month alone at home.

Xiang Wan frowned slightly, "Yuanyuan, haven't you eaten well recently? You've lost a lot of weight!"

Fang Yuanyuan rolled her eyelids nonchalantly, and handed her snacks, "Lose weight! It's hard for me to lose weight."

Is there such a reduction in weight loss

Xiang Wan sighed, refused the snacks, and sat on a chair to dry his hair.

"You, just toss."

The buzzing sound of the hair dryer covered Fang Yuanyuan's faint sigh.

"I didn't bother. I just sometimes... miss him."

Xiang Wan's hand holding the blower suddenly tightened, thinking of Huang He who was still in the detention center, he couldn't say what was stuck in his heart...

She stood there in a daze, and didn't realize it until her scalp was scalded.

Turning around, she looked at Fang Yuanyuan, "Don't eat. Go to sleep. Once you fall asleep, you won't think about it."

"Yeah." Fang Yuanyuan threw away the snacks, went to wash her hands and brush her teeth, and fell on the bed when she came back.

Then, he turned over and turned his back to Xiang Wan.

Night, inexplicably quiet down.

Not even the sound of the wind can take away the cool loneliness.

Xiang Wan knew that Fang Yuanyuan was not asleep, but he didn't know how to comfort her.

She dried her hair, tidied up briefly, lay down beside Fang Yuanyuan, and picked up her phone.

There was a text message half an hour ago, which was sent by Bai Muchuan.

"I'll be watching Cheng Zheng doing the inspection report at the bureau, you should go to bed early!"

Xiang Wan looked at it, word by word.

After reading it for a long time, I edited the reply content several times.

In the end, everything was deleted again, leaving only one word, "Yeah."

Long nights, no heart to sleep.

What happened tonight, the room on the fifth floor of the imperial palace, the fountain goddess looking down from the window, made Xiang Wan's thoughts a little confused.

She couldn't fall asleep, picked up her phone and started recording the plot.

Perhaps it was because of writing the book according to the script, coupled with today's speculation and experience, many stories surged in her mind like a fountain, and her hand speed could not keep up with the speed of her brain. After a brainstorm, she was confused by the stories she came up with. I was so excited that I almost thought that the imaginary case was the real case...

No, she had to write it down.

The inspiration came and I couldn't stop it.

She got up, carried the computer to the living room, sat on the sofa, and wrote this episode.

The condition is good, the writing is smooth, and it was finished after three o'clock in the morning.

Xiang Wan checked the typo, uploaded the chapter, published it, and then went back to fall asleep.

This time, I felt at ease and slept well.

In the early morning, when she was awakened by a sharp bell, she was so angry that she wanted to scold her mother.

"You'd better have something serious about murder and arson, or else..."

The person who called was Bai Muchuan. His voice was cold and dignified. "Xiang Wan" naturally brought her emotions over, "We have made a major discovery! But since you don't want to know... then, goodbye!"


Xiang Wan woke up.

However, an annoying beep came from the phone.

Bai Muchuan died!

I go! this man!

Xiang Wan scratched her hair angrily. She really didn't want to hit him, but she couldn't control her fingers.

"Officer Bai, do you have any major discoveries? Come on, tell me!"

Bai Muchuan's slow voice, with a hint of fatigue, "Huh? Are you begging me?"


This bastard!

Gritting her teeth, Xiang Wan called him softly in a voice that made her skin crawl.

"Officer Bai, please tell me quickly."


Bai Muchuan might really be disgusted.

After a long while, he let out a breath.

"It's a good thing I didn't have breakfast."

"So?" Xiang Wan raised his eyebrows.

"So, come out and eat with me. While eating, we will talk."

"That makes sense." Xiang Wan suddenly felt a little amused, "Coincidentally, I didn't have breakfast either."

She has a good schedule recently, and it's time to get up and eat at this point.

"Where are you?"

Bai Muchuan chuckled, "The canteen at the gate of your neighborhood. Come with Cheng Zheng."

Uh! Cheng Zheng is here

So they didn't sleep all night at work

Xiang Wan suddenly felt that his laughter just now had some connotation, a gloomy feeling.

Then, I heard Bai Muchuan sneer meaningfully and said, "I came here specially to try it today. How different is the breakfast here?"

Breakfast is breakfast, what's the difference

Xiang Wan felt that this guy was out of his mind.

However, seeing that they worked overtime to serve the people, she stopped hating him.

"It's actually pretty good. Wait for me, I'll be there soon!"

-----Off Topic-----

Uh, there are no chapters today, but there are actually 6,000 words. Babies, don't be disgusted...or Xiaobai will hate you, cough!

Recently, Er Jin has been suffering from insomnia, not sleeping well, and melatonin tablets are useless, so haggard, so helpless, so weak, I really need the tickets in your pockets to comfort me! Hahaha!

Bring the baby and continue to roam, go to the Yichang Three Gorges family today, yeah!