Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 102: Die right


Before finding the Wang family, He Mulan made a lot of guesses.

She thought about whether the Qiulin family had some kind of disease, in order not to infect the whole village, so she could only drive them out of the village and let them fend for themselves.

Because there is no trace of people living in their residence, she can only think so.

She also wondered if the Wang family or Qiu Linbao suddenly did something to commit a crime, which caused public anger, and finally ran away from home.

But in the end, she told herself that these were all unreasonable, because military households could not leave the jurisdiction of the local military government for no reason. Even if they were sick or did something wrong, there would be a military government trial, and it was impossible to die silently.

She could only reluctantly accept everyone's words, endure full of grief and regret, and come to visit the grave of Hua Mulan's old friend.

But she never thought that the truth of the matter was a story that made her even more sad.

When Wang said "I am a sinner", what appeared in He Mulan's mind was the vulgar sentence that has been used in later generations:

-poor person must have something mean.

He Mulan was a forensic doctor and is now a hero, but she has never been a mother, so she doesn't know how many incredible things a mother's "identity" can do.

Therefore, He Mulan did not make any righteous and awe-inspiring evaluation of Wang's choice. She just sat quietly for a while, then turned her head to Qiu Linbao suddenly, and suddenly asked him:

"What about you? Since you escaped, why did you become a pirate?"

"...I..." Qiu Linbao lowered his head suddenly and whispered, "You have always sent people to deliver things before, and I am still farming at home, so from childhood to adulthood, my mother and I have enough flowers. There are still some things to save.”

"I escaped, the land at home is uncultivated, my grandmother has no way to survive, and while my grandmother is here, I don't dare to flee far, I can only wander in Shangdang. Who am I, I am afraid that I will be reported, so I can only hide it secretly."

"I used to be in the military and couldn't work, but I really lost my status, so I could only do some cheap labor."

Qiu Lin Baotu showed a kind of fate from beginning to end, and he seemed to have accepted such a fate.

"I can't earn grain and silk, my grandmother's eyes are not good, and I can't weave cloth. I can only dig some mushrooms in the mountains and hunt some wild animals to sell. However, there are few things in the mountains in winter, and I am not a hunter. It's not always rewarding. Once in the mountains, I met my current eldest brother... "

He pursed his lips, and continued after a while: "At first, it was just for them to look for the 'fat sheep'. Later, your things were never delivered. My mother said that General Hua probably heard about me. , I'm completely disappointed with us. I think about it, it's like this anyway, my grandmother is going to starve to death, and it's nothing to hold on... "


He was punched hard in the face.

The veins on A'Danzhuo's forehead twitched, and even his eyebrows stood up one by one because his eyes were so wide. He maintained the posture of punching, and rushed towards Qiu Linbao with a roar like crazy.

"I'll kill you, a guy who only makes excuses!"

Qiu Linbaotu was originally a violent person, but at this moment, he was punched in the face by this strange peer, like a beast forced into a desperate situation, and immediately fought back.

The two young men punched each other, and Qiu Linbao suddenly felt the blood throbbing frantically in his temples, his head seemed to be pressed by something and was about to burst.

He punches so hard!

This black-faced boy turned out to be using 100% of his strength to deal with him!

This made him angry and roared at once:

"What do you tube!"

"I'm going to beat you to death!" A-Danzhuo roared and threw him to the ground, "What are you talking about me? You're embarrassing us sons of military households!"

"I just lost it! I've accepted it for myself, I fuck you grandpa, why do you beat me!" Qiu Linbao's collarbone was injured by He Mulan before, and his martial arts skills were not as good as A'Danzhuo, and he was pushed down a few times by him. , even more unable to hang on in face, and desperately resisted while swearing.

"How dare you mention my grandpa? I didn't embarrass my grandpa." A Danzhuo laughed, "You fucked your grandpa!"

A-Danzhuo replied with more vulgar words than him, raising his fist and hitting again.

Wang shi was already frightened by this situation, and screamed mournfully while begging He Mulan to pull them away.

"General Hua, it's all my fault, it's all my fault! Don't let this little brother beat the leopard, beat me if you want, please pull them away!"


Hearing Wang's words, Qiu Linbaotu's face became even more ugly. He completely ignored the injury on his collarbone, and pushed his feet up, arching his waist and overturning A'Danzhuo.

The two teenagers scuffled together quickly, making the whole house a mess. Both of them were venting their emotions by fighting, first with their fists, then with their hands, and then with each other's headbutts and elbows, and He Mulan just pulled Wang Shi and took her to the side.

"They're both at a young age, so let them fight." He Mulan paid attention to the battle situation and found that A Danzhuo was still measured and didn't hit the opponent's key points, so he just pulled Wang's hand and led her Go farther.

When He Mulan pulled her hand, she realized that her palm was covered in cold sweat, and her hands and fingers were twitching strangely and unconsciously.

This made the weak woman sigh uncontrollably, and reassured her: "Don't worry, if there is any danger, I will take action."

How much does this woman care about her children? Can't even watch this kind of common fight

Looking at Leopard Tu's appearance, he should have fought a lot since he was a child.

Although Wang Shi hummed, her eyes never left her son from beginning to end. Her lips that moved like leaves in the wind, and her thin cheeks that kept shaking, had completely relieved her worry. exposed.

The fight between the two teenagers like street gangsters continued, and it was Adanzhuo who had the upper hand. Qiu Linbao suddenly didn't know whether it was because of his collarbone injury or because his skills were inferior, and he was almost pressed and beaten.

The two fought so violently that the candles lit in the room were extinguished by the fist wind. Adanzhuo and Qiulin Baotu just made muffled noises in the dark. He Mulan looked at Wang Shi who was shaking and was about to fall apart, bent down to find candles on the ground, and found a corner to continue lighting them with tinder.

The moment the flames lit up, Adanzhuo beat Qiu Linbao so suddenly that he couldn't find Beibei.

"There are thousands of military households without grandpa, why can't you just join the army!"


Adanzhuo punched him in the chest.


"Since you know that you are the son of a military household, why don't you practice martial arts from an early age, only if you are strong enough to not die!"

Adanzhuo spat at him.


"Ah! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

The most violent hatred burned in Qiu Linbaotu's heart, and one forcefully overturned Adanzhuo, stretched out his fist and slammed his temple!

"You go to me..."


A Danzhuo with a livid face stretched out his arm to block his fist, and the other hand twisted slightly at his elbow, causing him to turn over in pain.

This was a move that Mulan was proud of, and later taught it to A Danzhuo. This move can only be used by people with strong arms, otherwise, if you use your arm to block other people's fists, you will be disabled first.

"You can't kill anyone." A Danzhuo laughed at him ruthlessly, "You are just a person who lives with your head tucked in your mother's crotch all the time, and you only dare to follow a large group of people to grab the power of the chicken. "

He Mulan raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise.

She always thought that Adanzhuo had no temper and a simple and honest temperament, but it turned out that she was wrong.

When A-Danzhuo really wanted to speak out, he was really heartbroken.

"I don't want to live like this either! Who doesn't want to be a hero? Who doesn't want to be respected? Who wants to live in such an innocent and hidden way! What can I do, what can I do!" His face flushed, "What qualifications do you have to talk to me about someone like you who can follow General Hua!"


Adanzhuo punched him again.

"You have hatred in your heart."

A-Danzhuo lowered his head, grabbed Qiu Linbao's puckered collar, and pulled him to his side abruptly.

His teeth rattled, which made Wang look as if Adanzhuo would eat her son in the next moment.

"You still think that Aunt Hua prefers me? Do you still think that Aunt Hua hasn't given you anything for more than a year, so you are forcing you to be a pirate?"

At this moment, Adanzhuo really bit his heart, "You and Aunt Wang are just two strangers to Aunt Hua, you have to figure out that those things are not for you, but for your dead father. You What a shit!"

Adanzhuo suddenly didn't want to beat him, he felt that beating him would make his hands dirty.

He threw the leopard breakthrough to the ground like a broken sack, and kicked again after landing.


Qiu Linbao suddenly arched his body and screamed.

The kick hit his collarbone.

"I know you must hate me. Let me tell you, my name is Adanzhuo, and I come from the Adan family in Wuchuan. If you want to seek revenge in the future, you might as well come to me. Anyway, I think you are a fool who only dares to block the road and rob. Don't try to beat me in your life."

Adanzhuo looked at Leopard Tu, who was curling up and howling like a wild dog on the ground, and said coldly, "Your father was a famous general during his lifetime, but my father was just a little-known fire chief. My Adanzuo family has been passed down for seven generations. , a total of seventy-four men were killed in the battle, my father was killed when I was four years old, and I, like you, were raised by things sent by Aunt Hua."

Wang shi bit her lower lip and tried hard not to cry, and because He Mulan was standing by her side, she didn't even dare to go over to see where her son was hurt.

She was afraid that if she ran over, Hua Mulan would be even more disappointed with his son.

A-Danzhuo stared at Qiu Linbaotu, whose cry suddenly became smaller, and was full of contempt in his heart.

"My family accepted gifts earlier than yours. Do you know what Aunt Hua brought to my house for the first time? It's not food, it's not cloth, it's hair cut from the head of a worm."

"Our noble ladies in Xianbei like to use real hair to make high buns and braid them on their heads. Aunt Hua sometimes can't find anything valuable on the battlefield. If you want to keep food to fill your stomach to fight, you can only use the crawly people. The hair is cut off, tied into bundles, sold to artisans who go to the battlefield to collect hair, and sent to our home in exchange for food."

"Later, Aunt Hua became a centurion and then a general, and the things delivered to our house became better and better, but my grandmother and I both remember the earliest kindness that was exchanged for hair. You can grow up , relying on others to sacrifice their lives in the battlefield, what qualifications do you have to be a deserter?"

A Danzhuo gritted his teeth and said: "My grandmother has never saved anything! All the food and valuables in my family have all found a better master for me to learn martial arts. I used real swords in martial arts since elementary school. The horses I have always been war horses! My grandmother’s first request in her life was to write to Aunt Hua to find me a better martial artist to learn martial arts…”

"Who is not afraid of death? Who is willing to send his son to the battlefield? Let me ask you, have you avenged your grandfather's revenge?"

How cruel are happy people, how satisfied should they be? But do they really need nothing but satisfaction

As soon as A-Danzhuo thought that "Mulan" might be wandering around on the battlefield, in order to find trophies to send their mother and son something to live on, he couldn't help but have the urge to cry.

"I'll ask you again, you really don't know what will happen in the village if you become a deserter?"

When they obtained false happiness and tranquility, they forgot about the real life of "vocation"!

"But everyone has the right to be afraid, only you..." Adanzhuo pointed at Qiu Linbaotu, and then pointed at himself.

"...and me. Think about how we grew to be so big, only we are not qualified to escape!"

"You have been enjoying everything your father bought with his life, and now, he is dead and still protecting you!"

A'Danzhuo's eyes were fixed on the Wang family, "The living people live in the mansion prepared by the dead for the living. Mrs. Qiu Lin, he is already dead, how long will he protect you? How long will your son be kept in the grave?"

A mansion prepared by the dead for the living!

Hearing A'Danzhuo's words, Qiu Linbao suddenly felt a "hum" in his head, and cold sweat broke out involuntarily.

Regret, helplessness, shame, fear and many other emotions flooded into his heart together, and his blood was like hot boiling water, churning continuously.

It turned out that he had been living in the Yangzhai.

Live in a mansion built by countless dead people!


Qiu Linbao suddenly screamed and spat out a mouthful of blood.


Wang Shi fell to the ground softly, and almost rolled and crawled to his son's side.

"Huh? I shouldn't be hit with internal injuries."

He Mulan kept staring at A Danzhuo. She was sure that Adanzhuo didn't punch anywhere except the collarbone.

She also took a few steps forward and leaned over to Wang's side to tap Qiu Linbao's sudden pulse.

The pulse is beating very fast, it must be because of the emotional excitement.

He Mulan had only seen this kind of dramatic effect on TV dramas before. When he saw the blood stain on Qiu Linbao's chest, he only sighed.

"Hey. I really don't have anything to say." He Mulan looked at Qiu Lin Baotu, who was staring and gasping for breath, and touched his head.

"Actually, what your grandmother said is wrong. It's not her fault, but mine."

Mulan, when you were drinking cold water and sending out your own food...

When you are disarming and returning to the fields, but you don't even dare to buy a field shop...

Have you ever thought that there might be such a scene

"I sent money to everyone, but I forgot that sometimes money can't solve all problems. I don't really care about you, but just send cold treasures to your hands, as if it's already I took care of their family members for my comrades. When Ah Danzhuo's mother didn't send a letter, I even forgot that Ah Danzhuo had reached the age to learn martial arts... "

"And you... I didn't even know that you were such a person who was afraid of losing." He Mulan stroked his head, soothing his emotions.

This made his breath slower and lighter, and the blood in his eyes seemed to slowly fade away.

I am afraid of losing my mother, afraid of losing my peaceful life now, afraid of losing Mulan's trust, afraid of losing the loyalty of these "brothers" now, because I have gained too much, but I don't know what to do.

He is afraid of "losing" and being "hurt".

"However, only when everything is lost will you know the value of life and how you can survive in the world."

He Mulan thought of Zhang Li who lost everything, Chen Jie who lost his official position, and himself who came here inexplicably.

When there is nothing, you know what you can do, what to do, and why.

"I'm not blaming your mother, and I'm not blaming you. Because you've paid for the mistakes you've made, I just want to ask you..."

"Maybe die."

He Mulan didn't look at Wang Shi, just asked him.

"Do you want to go back?"

Do you want to go back

Do you want to go back

you want to go back...

What is she talking about.

Even if she is "Mulan", he cannot be exempted from his guilt.

He is a deserter and a sinner. No matter how hard his grandmother tried to say that he was "pushing to death", he couldn't hide the fact that he was really afraid.

He should reject his grandmother and persuade his grandmother, instead of despicably fleeing into the mountains and letting his mother bear the scorn and malice of the world.

What can no longer hold back and become a pirate, it's just self-defeating.

He would rather have Hua Mulan reprimand him severely, show his disappointment to him, or beat him like A Danzhuo, and don't want her to lie to him with false words.

Qiu Linbao suddenly closed his eyes, feeling that he was shaking.

"My goodness… "

When Wang Shi heard He Mulan's words, he was taken aback. She knelt on the slate of Yang Zhai, and in the mud left by A Danzhuo and Qiulin Leopard's protruding boots, she took a few steps forward with her knees and grabbed He Mulan's thigh.

"General Hua, do you mean that my son can fall back into the military again? I regret it, I really regret it. If he can fall back into the military again, I will definitely not..."

"Wang family..." He Mulan always felt that calling a woman's name by "what, what," was very insulting, but such a Wang family made her unable to say "Mrs. Qiulin".

If she could turn around like this, why would she stand here

If you can go back like this, is it still a mistake

"You're wrong, I didn't want your son to return to the military, but to let him go out as Qiulin Baotu."

He Mulan looked at Qiu Lin Baotu, who had slowly opened his eyes.

"Back to the time when it wasn't called 'Lao Qi' or 'the deserter'. Back when it was called Qiu Lin Baotu. Tell the world that you are not dead, and that you regret it and want to take on your own mistakes."

"I can't turn back the clock and I can't let you escape your mistake because it was wrong."

He Mulan turned her head slightly from the candlelight, only her cheeks were glowing red, and she couldn't see her expression at all. But everyone was sure he was smiling faintly.

She looked directly at Leopard Tu and said:

"If you want to do this, you may die, because I don't know if the military government will tie you up, or simply kill you as an example. But what do you think is the difference between living like this and dying? Do you want to try it?"

"No! No!" Wang Shi frantically shook his head, "You will die! Even if the military government doesn't kill you, those villagers will kill you! I'll go, let me go!"

The Qiulin Leopard lying on the ground raised his arms. He slowly folded his hands behind his neck and stared at the ceiling while staring blankly.

It looks like many young people who are lying in the field watching the stars.

Wang shi was still lying on the ground and howling, she began to curse the world, curse the goddamn government military system, curse why she married into the Qiulin family in the first place. She cursed why Mulan appeared after she disappeared, and why did she have to take her son, who had managed to save her life, even when she appeared...

This woman seems completely insane, she's so restless, so angry, so scared, the negativity has completely overwhelmed her, all because...

She knew what his son would choose.

she knows.

"Lying like this, I think I might as well die."

Qiu Linbao suddenly murmured as if he was suddenly talking to himself. "I am lying in my grandfather's grave, but my grandfather is peaceful, but I can't. Sometimes, I feel like my grandfather died as heroically, maybe it is the right place to die. But I have to be humble. Living like a maggot might not even have the right to lie in a grave like this..."

"Mother, I want to try turning back. If I didn't have the courage before today, no one would ask me to do it. I don't even dare to think about such a thing. This may be the only time in my life that I will look back. Here's a chance..."

Qiu Lin Leopard suddenly sat up slowly.

"General Hua, what should I do?"

Seeing his choice, He Mulan breathed a sigh of relief.

If he chooses to live stubbornly, she will completely let go of them and stop worrying about them.

"You made the right choice, don't forget who you are, so that no one can use your identity to hurt you, including yourself."

He Mulan laughed.

"Don't worry, we will always be by your side."


A big event happened in Xiaoshi Township.

The son of Qiulin Mozhen, who was buried with the ceremony of the Great General, the deserter who made all the military households in the small towns and towns grit their teeth with hatred, actually came back by himself.

The strange man who had gone door-to-door to ask where Qiu Lin's house was before, and the black-faced boy who followed him accompanied him, and began to apologize from family to family.

What's even more strange is that the daughter-in-law of the Qiulin family, who loved her son like her life and made many people sigh, actually followed Mo Zhen's son and went door to door to apologize.

When they knocked on the villager's door, what they saw was a Qiu Lin leopard with bruised nose and bloodshot eyes.

This has relieved many people from both anger and hatred...

Was it beaten by an elder


Why don't I beat you to death!

With a hot temper, he called out his family on the spot and wanted to beat him up. Qiu Lin Baotu did nothing, like a martyr, kneeling in place to bear their anger.

When the scene was too exciting, He Mulan would protect Qiu Lin Baotu so that he wouldn't be beaten to death before he could apologize.

"You still have the face to apologize! I have already sent away two sons, and now I have to send away the third one! My little grandson has just been born! Are your hearts made of iron? Not that flower Has General Mulan been taking care of you all this time? Was she blind to raise you bunch of rubbish!"

He Mulan touched her nose uncomfortably.

"Your family at least has the money to buy leather armor weapons, look at our family, our family!"

An old lady in black opened the door of her house, so that everyone could see the scene of her family's disciples.

"When I sent away the first one, I still had a leather helmet and a spear; when I sent away the second one, everything was changed to the armor that saved the boss's life, so he could only buy one for the second son. It's cheap, and my old man made the gun himself..."

The old woman wiped away her tears and wept silently: "You escaped. When my youngest son was taken away, he didn't even have a piece of cloth armor! He was going to Liangzhou border in the winter, and he didn't even have any decent weapons. Can I live? Now that I see soldiers coming to our village, I am afraid that they are here to report the funeral!”

Qiu Linbao suddenly felt that his face was no longer his own, and he even doubted why he chose to come here.

If you just want to make atonement, why not just kill yourself

What exactly did General Hua let him do this for

Can you really go back by doing this

Wang shi cried with the old woman, crying even more miserably than her. She is also a mother, and naturally knows the pain of worrying about the death of her child. As long as she thinks that the consequences of her single thought are so terrible, she can't help crying loudly.

At first, Adanzhuo acted like he was here to make soy sauce. He was still at an age when he had just established his worldview and values, and he could neither understand Wang's motherhood nor accept Qiu Linbaotu's cowardice. In his opinion, a man should die as a fire, burning both himself and his enemies.

But when he saw the old woman crying about his misfortune, he couldn't help but think of his grandmother.

If he really joined the army, would she also cry when he was not there

Do you hide in the house in fear every time you see a soldier passing by, pretending not to see it

Adanzhuo suddenly covered his mouth with his hand.

"I... it was my fault. I don't ask you to forgive me, but at least let me say 'I'm sorry'. I've..."

"Go away! Go away! I never want to see you!"

The old woman frantically picked up the rake at her hand, and smashed her head and face towards the kneeling Qiu Linbao.

He Mulan hugged the excited old lady and buried her head in her shoulders. While soothing her emotions, she directed A'Danzhuo to pull up Qiu Linbao on the ground with a wink.

Adanzhuo put down his hand covering his mouth, endured the soreness in his nose, pulled up the person on the ground, and dragged him out.

"It'll be fine. Your three sons will be fine. They still have family members, parents, and children. They will climb back when they climb." He Mulan patted her on the back, as if reading While chanting.

"What are you doing to my mother-in-law!" The old man who came from outside the yard rushed over like an angry goat. It was the old man He Mulan asked him for directions.

"I..." He Mulan looked at Qiu Lin and the others who were walking the other way, and opened his mouth stupidly: "I'm in An..."

"When I first saw you asking for directions, I knew you were not a good person! You even took advantage of the old woman! I'll beat you to death, you shameless bastard!"


He Mulan was startled, and quickly let go of the old lady and ran away.

He Mulan ran a long way in one breath, and was relieved to see that the old man behind him did not catch up. At this time, people are generally old, saying that they are old men, I am afraid they are only in their fifties, but the devastation of the years and the hardships of the world have made them transitionally stained with wind and frost.

But in the eyes of the old grandfather, his daughter-in-law is still a beauty who will be taken advantage of on the road. It is precisely because of the existence of this emotion in this world that it can be reproduced from generation to generation.

There is no difference between Xianbei and Han people on this point.

Why can't Wang Shi see through it? .

The second person Qiu Linbao went to suddenly forgave him unexpectedly and easily.

With such ease, even He Mulan was unexpected.

"My son will not die."

The middle-aged man with a resolute face said so.

"He started learning martial arts with me when he was four years old. When I got the gift and returned to my hometown, he was only so tall..." The man stretched out a hand with a gentle expression and compared his neck, "...he was already able to I'm down."

"He and I are actually waiting for the day when the military stickers are delivered to our home. It's just that the world is peaceful now, there are no more battles, and it's not that easy to make a career. I thought that the army stickers were before he married a wife and had children. will not be brought home.”

The man glanced at He Mulan, "Are you the one who came back from the battlefield, just like me?"

He Mulan nodded.

"Yes. I came back from Montenegro."

"It turns out to be the brother who resists squirming." He smiled, "Qiu Linbaotu doesn't look like his father at all. I moved here with his father. Since he was a child, I knew he couldn't be his father. A hero like that. But I didn't expect him to even be a man."

"You did the right thing. You can't let him escape. People who haven't been trained in the military don't know what 'deserting' means."

The middle-aged man looked at Qiu Linbaotu, who was kneeling on the ground, with a look of pity.

"So I forgave him. Because he will carry this terrible reputation for the rest of his life, I know what kind of torture it is, so much that I can't bear to scold him."

"Let's go. Although I don't want to beat and scold him, I can't feel better when I see him." The father sighed with a troubled sigh.

"When my son left, he had just booked a marriage with a Xianbei girl, and I don't know if this marriage will be yellow. This is the only thing I regret."

He glanced at Wang Shi.

"After this incident, our family will never marry a Chinese girl again, even if they are cut off from their children."

Wang Shi's face suddenly turned pale.

"Only my Xianbei daughter can raise a hero. Even if it's just a woman, a Xianbei daughter like Hua Mulan is not like you..."

"Mulan's mother is a Han Chinese." He Mulan suddenly interrupted him. "Hua Mulan can write Chinese characters and speak Chinese, which is an extremely honorable thing in the military. The Han people created writing, so that we Xianbei people can record history; the Han people created various weapons, so that we can use our bare hands without our bare hands. Conquest; Han officials manage the vast territory for us, so that we don't have to go all out on hunger..."

"My friend, I can't listen to you."

The man stopped, and looked at He Mulan in surprise.

"You said that Mulan's grandmother was a Han Chinese? How could it be possible?"

"Why is it impossible?" He Mulan shrugged, "That's the truth."

He Mulan did not continue arguing with him, but picked up Qiu Lin Baotu and bowed to him gratefully.

"Thank you for your tolerance, it's important to this kid. He'll pay for what he did wrong, but before that, I want him to see what he's doing wrong. Don't know that, He will never be able to become a 'man'."

"You let him see the tolerant side of men, which is very valuable."

"You're rude. I just experienced more and I've read it."

No one doesn't like to be praised, and this serious and resolute man actually shows a somewhat shy expression.

"I believe that my son will not die. He will return with military exploits and trophies, just like me back then. So..."

He glanced at the curtain of the inner room with some discomfort.

His wife was hiding behind that, reluctant to come out because she hated the group.

"Mrs. Chulin, you have to trust your son. Mothers always try their best to prevent their sons from going to dangerous places, but they want to go in there. This is an unstoppable nature."

"I… "

Wang shi bent down, almost into the soil.

"I'm sorry… "

"Please go out."

The man scratched his head. He saw that the curtain was shaking, so he couldn't help but speed up his speech.

"If I don't go out, I won't be able to go to bed tonight."


A group of people showed dumbfounded expressions.

What the hell is he talking about


"Ah, in a day's effort, I only walked two places."

He Mulan stretched and felt tired.

Everyone behind her drooped their heads and dragged their legs, and no one was as full of energy as her.

"But anyway, there was a good start at the beginning. At least one family has forgiven you, right?" He Mulan grabbed Qiu Linbao's chin and asked him to raise his head.

"Do you think this is a very shameful thing? It's a shameful thing to go to apologize, cry bitterly, ask others to forgive, and let others beat you up?"

"I… "

Qiu Linbao hesitated and couldn't open his mouth.

"They won't forgive you, and you can't forgive yourself, but at least don't be a rat hiding yourself in a hole."

"Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, maybe ten days and a half months, maybe a long time in the future, maybe it won't be long before you die, until then, you have to live like this. But at least it's your choice. of."

"Whatever you become, when you choose to take this step..."

He Mulan's voice pierced into Qiu Lin's leopard's ears as if it were floating from the sky.

"We will accompany you."

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

The man scratched his head. He saw that the curtain was shaking, so he couldn't help but speed up his speech.

"If I don't go out, I won't be able to go to bed tonight."

His wife: He is always Jacquard Mulan! Jacquard Magnolia all day long! If he likes Hua Mulan, he will go to Hua Mulan, why are you looking for me!

Husband: Do it.