Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 104: Foresight


Hua Mulan's reputation became louder the further north he went. This was something He Mulan slowly realized. I don't know if it's because there are more military households in the north, or it's because the people in the north are stubborn and advocating power, while the south believes in wealth and "knowledge" more.

So when He Mulan, Qiu Lin Baotu, and A Danzhuo quietly left Xiaoshi Township on horseback in the early morning, there were still many people who appeared out of nowhere early in the morning, eager to ask her to learn some tricks.

This is simply impossible in Liang County. In Liang County, Hua Mulan is a "killer maniac", a mother-in-law who can meet without a word, not to mention a challenge, even when she arrives at her door, she walks around for fear of bumping into her.

"Brother, I'm going to take the children on the road, and I'll compete again when I'm free in the future, okay?" He Mulan looked at the topless man in front of him in embarrassment, and really had no interest in dismounting to accept the challenge.

This kind of "treatment" was the first time she encountered it.

"Then you have to at least show me a hand, right?" The topless man blinked his eyes, blocking his reluctance to leave. "I have to know what it takes to be a hero in the army."

What's the matter

I can't have a big boulder in my chest in front of you!

He Mulan almost wanted to roar.

Seeing that the man was still looking at her with expectant eyes, He Mulan looked at the white gun in his hand, and immediately said to him, "Give me your gun."

Huh? Are you going to show me gunplay

I heard that the people who came back from the army are all doing very well right away!

The man immediately handed over the white gun in his hand impatiently.

He Mulan touched the gun, determined that it was not a good thing, and felt a little calmer, so she held the gun in both hands and said to the man:

"My ability is actually very simple, you see..."

She held the gun and broke it at will.

After a sour creaking sound, the white-barrel gun broke in half. He Mulan picked up the half with the gun head and handed it to the next: "Here, this half can still be used."

After taking the broken gun, the topless man silently began to close his shirt.

The others followed along to "challenge" them, staring at the half of the gun, as if looking at a child's toy.

He Mulan nodded to them with a reserved face, and rode past several men who were guarding Qiulin's door in the early morning, and went out of the village.

'What's wrong with asking you to learn, learn from others and learn from each other! Don't let you pay a little 'price', you will know that you will cause trouble everywhere in the future! '

After walking a little further, A-Danzhuo looked back curiously and found that the men were squatting on the ground trying to break the white gun, so he turned around and laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha, they are still breaking! Hahahaha!"

Aunt Hua's strength is not something ordinary people have. Even if you practice this, you won't get much effect!

He could lift more than 200 pounds of stone locks, but it was impossible for him to break the waxed gun barrel so easily.

Because of the "blocking" of these men, the next journey became a little easier. Qiu Lin Leopard was in a good mood and told He Mulan about the scenery along the way: where are the trails, where are the mountain streams, where are delicious mushrooms, where are there wolves...

"Where's the widow?" He Mulan suddenly asked aloud when she saw what he was saying. "Isn't it better to go and have a look?"


Qiu Linbao suddenly slipped off the horse and roared with red face: "I only occasionally teach her children how to learn martial arts, not the kind you think!"

"Then why do you go to her so often?"

"Because she saved my life..." Qiu Linbao suddenly climbed back to his horse. "When I just fled to the mountains, I ran out of food and didn't dare to go home. I was caught in a trap while catching pheasants and was hanged for a day and a night. If I hadn't met her to pick up firewood, I would have died. There."

It was rare for him to open his heart, and He Mulan and the others were also happy to hear his story.

"I was hanged for too long, and my blood was not smooth, and I couldn't move for several days. She gave me a smooth blood, and some physical contact was inevitable. Although she is a widow, she has a very decent style. I have always felt sorry for it. Yes, I will send it to their mother. She keeps resigning, so I will teach her son to practice martial arts and learn some self-defense skills..."

Although Qiu Lin Baotu's father went early, he was also good at martial arts. It has been a practice for military families to practice martial arts since childhood. Even if all the strong men in your family have gone, the military family around you will also take on the task of teaching, otherwise you will not be able to gain a foothold in the countryside.

So He Mulan knew that the widow, mother and son were not from Xianbei.

"She and her son are both Han Chinese?" He Mulan sighed, "What's wrong with living by the river?"

"They are all Han people. She lives in the mountains, there is a river next to her house, and she usually uses nets to catch fish. Her husband used to be a hunter, but he was stung to death by a wild bee. She and her son have been living in the mountains. I Those friends who fell weeds..." He rubbed his forehead, "they are all joking. They are also depressed on the mountain, and they like to make fun of me."

"You're going to the military mansion, but are you going to say goodbye?" He Mulan made a suggestion pretending not to care much.

Qiu Linbao glanced at He Mulan suddenly, and found that her eyes were looking straight ahead, only focusing on riding, so after hesitating for a while, she still said, "Is it alright?"

He Mulan nodded and said naturally, "Of course, this is your 'past' too."

"Then we..."

"When we get to that mountain, we will wait for you at the foot of the mountain." He Mulan interrupted him. "Go and say goodbye. If you like someone, let her wait for you for a few years; if you don't like someone, you are just grateful, and make things clear and say goodbye."

Although He Mulan wasn't a lover, he could see that Qiu Lin Baotu didn't have any intentions of that woman. If she didn't have some kind of feeling, she wouldn't be so angry when others mentioned her.

It's just that the widow and young son, no matter how you look at it, feel that the situation is similar to his family.

Is this also a form of empathy

Qiu Linbao showed a relieved expression, and then an unnatural crimson face.

"Don't General Hua think that something to be ashamed of? When I was fleeing in the mountains, I was still thinking about this kind of thing..."

"You are 20 years old this year, and an ordinary Xianbei man at this age even has children." He Mulan shook his head, "I don't think it's a shameful thing for you to do this, it's just that the woman If people don't mean that to you, you'd better not cause trouble to others."

"… Yes."

A Danzhuo seemed to understand the conversation between He Mulan and Qiu Linbao suddenly, but he seemed to understand nothing, with an envious and confused look.

The group walked for about three hours, and finally reached the bottom of the mountain, but after walking at the foot of the mountain for less than a moment, they heard a huge sound of water.

"There is a big waterfall on the other side of the mountain, and the river on the mountainside comes from this. I will hurry and return quickly. If General Hua and Brother A Dan are in a hurry to wait, you might as well go to the waterfall over there, I will wait. I'll find you over there." He stretched out his hand and pointed to a direction on his right, and after receiving He Mulan's consent, he rode away.

"Aunt Hua, is Brother Qiulin dating that widow?" A Danzhuo and He Mulan went to the waterfall and put their horses to drink water. The two took dry food and chatted by the waterfall.

"It looks like Qiu Lin's intentions, the widow is ruthless." He Mulan replied casually, "I think that Leopard Tu's mother had a great influence on him, plus the days of fleeing for his life, it was inevitable that he would be panicked. The future is embarrassing, and if such a woman appears at this time, it will always appease one or two."

"His Royal Highness has several daughters-in-law, and Qiu Linbao suddenly has a woman he admires, why can't I find a daughter-in-law?" A Shanzhuo scratched his head in distress, "I don't want the military government to match me, just casually. Bring a woman home. But no girl cares about me. If only I were as handsome as His Royal Highness."

"Haha, marrying a daughter-in-law is not just about looking at your face. You only look at your face when you marry." He Mulan laughed, "There will be good girls who will look at you, you are really excellent."

He Mulan said jokingly: "If you still can't find a daughter-in-law, I will go to Pingcheng to find the egret head and ask him to find you a daughter-in-law. He is well-informed and must know which girl is good. I will give it to you later. Check it out and marry your daughter-in-law, how about that?"

Knowing what he wants, what kind of person he wants to become, and what path he should choose to take, Adanzhuo has matured far beyond his peers.

Although he looks ordinary and has a restrained personality, from a woman's point of view, he is indeed a good-hearted man who can take responsibility and make people feel comfortable.

Those girls who only look at their faces will regret it eventually.

"Okay, Aunt Hua, it's a deal!"

"Hey, you actually agreed?" According to He Mulan's thoughts, people who met this kind of "blind date" would usually resist a few points first. How could A-Danzhuo agree so simply

"Five Dynasties Rivers, Mountains, Wind and Moon"

"If Aunt Hua thinks it's good, it must be good. Aunt Hua wants to give me a wife, that's my blessing." A Shanzhuo smiled gently.

Not only the Han people are "the life of the parents, the words of the matchmaker", among the Xianbei people, the parents' views on the daughter-in-law are also very important. He regarded Hua Mulan as "Grandpa", and naturally felt that there was nothing wrong.

"...You really know how to use a donkey to get off the slope. Okay, I'll write it down." He Mulan shook his head helplessly. "Ah, I'm really looking for things myself. By the way, what kind of girl do you like?"

The first thing that appeared in A'Danzhuo's mind was the oiran "Yueniang" from Pinglu. It was the first time he really had contact with a "mature woman", so he said without hesitation: "I want to be plump, um. , I don't like skinny. The skin should be white, the speech should be gentle, it's better not to be too petite, I'm too strong... "

White skin, soft speech, big breasts, tall stature...

I wipe!

I can't see that this kid's aesthetic is so mainstream!

She thought he would like something petite or cute!

Don't otaku like this in general

"Haha..." He Mulan laughed dryly, "Ah, with a girl like this, I will definitely let Su and Jun pay attention, pay attention..."

A Danzhuo, a teenager who was in his puberty, was already indulging in his endless imagination, and he didn't understand what He Mulan said at all.

"General Hua! Adanzhuo!"

Qiu Linbao's sudden voice suddenly came from behind them, and the two stood up and looked back.

"Come back so soon?"

Seeing his speed, He Mulan knew what the result was, and couldn't help sighing.

I saw Qiu Linbao suddenly led his horse and slowly walked over from the trail.

His eyes were a little red and swollen, and his face should have been washed with water. When the winter wind blew, the dry skin floated on his face.

He Mulan found that the leopard skin shirt he used to wear was missing, probably for this reason, so his body trembled slightly in the mountain wind. Without the leopard skin coat to set off, Qiu Linbao suddenly looked at him. It seems to have shrunk in a circle, not so burly.

"Your clothes..." He Mulan regretted that she didn't bring an extra piece of clothes out. She brought Qiu Lin Baotu to find the group of robbers, so all the valuables were placed in Qiu Lin Baotu's house, under the care of the Wang family.

"Oh, that dress..." Qiu Linbao suddenly said in a soft voice with a careless expression: "It was the one she lent me to wear when I lived in her house, and it was the dress her dead husband wore before. Now I Go say goodbye to her, and return her clothes by the way."

"It's okay to pay it back, so as not to be hurt in the future..."

He Mulan whispered, "Is your business over? We're going to Wuzhixia when we're done."

"Let's go."

Wuzhixia is the home of Qiulin Baotu's "companion".

He Mulan asked him to officially make a break with the past, and then went with her to the military mansion to "turn himself in". Qiu Lin Baotu naturally agreed, but as he got closer to the Wuzhixia Gorge, his mood became lower and lower.

Five Fingers Gorge is made up of five steep peaks, and there is a road leading to other places at the gap between each two "finger". The road between the valleys twists and turns, and He Mulan's eyes are a little dizzy. On the road, he also sees a bird of prey like the golden eagle, which he has never seen before, which is quite new.

"But the seventh is back?" The fourth and others, who were in charge of watching the wind from the tall tree between the fingers of the gorge, saw Qiu Linbao suddenly riding a horse from a distance, and immediately whistled happily, and one jumped from the tree. down.

"Where's your leopard flower coat? Did you change it out of no food?"

Qiu Linbaotu is young, with good physical fitness and some martial arts skills. He is considered to be a standout among this group of strong men. He has a ruthless personality, and although he has been here for a short time, he is highly valued by his elder brother and can convince the public.

The fourth child's mouth is the most poisonous, but his heart is not bad, and he also loves Qiu Linbaotu. Seeing that he has not gone forever, his smiling eyes narrowed.

But when he saw the two people behind Qiu Linbao suddenly stopped, he immediately stopped and shouted in doubt:

"Lao Qi, but you were caught by officers and soldiers and were coerced to find our nest?"

Didn't the two men come from the military last time? Maybe so!

Wouldn't Lao Qi be so unlucky when he returned to his hometown, was he caught

"No, fourth brother, this is my family's benefactor. I didn't recognize Mount Tai before, but I didn't recognize it until I got home!" Qiu Linbaotu tried not to look too sad, "Little brother, brother is here to say goodbye to all brothers !"

"What? Your motherfucking benefactor thinks that the old men are unworthy people, but I hope you will draw a clear line with the old men? Seventh, Big Brother treats you well on weekdays!"

The fourth child's eyes widened in disbelief, and he glared at He Mulan: "I don't believe such a coincidence in the world! Are you going to do something to our seventh!"

"I..." He Mulan ironically wanted to remind them that it was what they wanted to do to her before.

"Fourth brother, you don't need to say it, take us to see the big brother." Qiu Linbao suddenly bent over and said, "I'm sorry for you, I don't blame the benefactor."

"You... you... hey!" The fourth stomped his feet, "I don't care, you go to the big brother!"


After a while.

"Have you thought about it?" In this group, only the "eldest brother" knew about Qiu Linbao's past, and also knew that he was a "deserter", unable to work, and had no land.

"If you're not going to follow us, what will you do in the future?"

Unlike those who couldn't survive or were single, Qiu Lin Baotu used to have a very decent identity, and he never had enough food and clothing, but suddenly he became a "strong man", no matter how active he behaved, No matter how good they are, the loneliness and some incompatibility between the eyes can't be deceived.

"I want to go to the military mansion first to confess my guilt." Qiu Linbao replied to him with shame: "Because of me, many people in the village have been implicated. I am cowardly and incompetent, but I want others to take the blame for me. It's better to go to the military mansion to plead guilty, and at least live like a man."

"You actually said that being with us is a cowardice?" The fourth brother jumped up on the spot, blowing his beard and staring.

"That's right, when you and I grabbed the same piece of meat, you didn't seem to be shy!" The younger Jiu also shouted, "I only knew that you actually looked at us like this!"

"I'm not talking about you!" Qiu Linbao suddenly roared and waved his fist, "What I'm talking about is that I only know how to mess around! I only know how to survive and not starve to death!"

"So what? Being alive is more important than anything else! As long as you don't starve to death, it is more important than anything else!" The fourth brother stared at his eyes and panted heavily. Because he was too emotional, several brothers beside him held his shoulders. Afraid that he would do something impulsive.

"I used to want to stand out, not to shame my ancestors. I thought about this and that. What happened? I couldn't even feed my daughter! My daughter died of starvation in my arms!"

"Your stubborn life didn't let you starve to death, and it also supported your mother!"

"I..." Qiu Linbao suddenly lowered his head with a face of shame, "Fourth brother, you know that's not what I meant, you are always rude..."

"It's you who are ungrateful! You white-eyed wolf! We trust you so much, you say that robbery is going to be famous, that it is going to steal people with momentum, but we went with you, and you were put on the neck by that guy with a sword At that time, we bowed our heads first, but when you said you were going to leave, you patted your butt and left? Do you think we are toilet chips to wipe our butts?"

The robbers in the grotto were all angry, and the eyes of each of them looking at He Mulan became fierce.

He Mulan finally knew why Qiu Linbao was so low before the sudden suddenness.

Because the robbers here have high expectations of him.

Perhaps when he broke the jar, he even thought about making a career out of the "strong man", so he actively integrated into it, and also put into practice the heroic fantasies that those young people have.

Even robbers have a side that is unwilling to be mediocre, so when he proposes, everyone is willing to try. Perhaps it was because he appeared to be "playing seriously" and now suddenly said, "I'm not going to play anymore, I'm going to be a good child", that they were particularly angry.

But this is a problem that Qiu Lin Baotu has to face. When he chooses to "fall out of the grass and become a pirate", he must consider how to face the problems of the past if he regrets it one day. So He Mulan didn't want to stand out like he was fighting Che Shi at Qiu Lin's house, but leaned against the wall with Adanzhuo at the entrance of the grotto, watching with cold eyes how Qiu Lin Baotu responded.

"Fourth, needless to say." The boss shook his head. "If you want to leave, I won't force you to stop. But our rules here, whoever wants to do something that everyone disagrees with, has to show his ability to make everyone obey. Who doesn't agree now?"


"And I!"

"Me! I don't do it!"

Hurala la la, seven or eight people came out.

The rest of the people were either looking on from the sidelines, or they were indifferent. There was also Lao Jiu who wanted to come out and disapprove, but didn't dare to look at Qiu Linbao's protruding eyes.

"Actually, I have no objection to whether you go or stay. But I am the boss, and I want to bring my brothers to eat at the knife's edge. If the team is scattered, there is no way to bring them. You come according to the rules, if they obey, I will let them. you go."

The boss sighed.

"Why do you need to come back? If you leave quietly, we won't chase you."

The boss's seemingly unintentional words caused the seven or eight people to sigh, and there was a flash of fire in their minds.

Just a moment later, they were mad at Qiu Linbao's sudden attitude.

"I know I'm sorry everyone, I'll suffer whatever you want to do. Let's go together!" Qiu Linbao suddenly touched his collarbone and felt that it was no longer a big problem, so he said so.

"You're too crazy! You still have to deal with the eight of us!" The old six sighed, rolled up his sleeves and got on first, and he really rushed over and started beating.

In this cave, ranked by age, Lao Liu was bigger than Qiu Linbaotu, but it wasn't much bigger. As soon as he made a move, those who were bigger than Qiu Linbaotu followed suit.



"Um… "

Unexpectedly, no matter how the brothers combined their fists and feet, Qiu Linbaotu didn't fight back.

But the siege of the eight people is not a single fight. Even if they want to hide, they can't escape. The eight people beat and kicked for a while, until Qiu Linbao suddenly couldn't stand up and fell to the ground, only gritted his teeth. Tolerate.

"You fight back! You have to change your mind and start a new life, so why pretend!" Lao Liu kicked a few times, and when he was about to kick his exposed back of the head, his toes were a little off, and he kicked him on the shoulder. .

Even so, Qiu Lin Leopard made a "giggle" sound in his throat.

When He Mulan was about to kick his head, He Mulan wanted to reach out to stop him, but found that his feet were down again. He couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief and withdrew his hand.

When she retracted her hand, she found that the "boss" was also doing the same thing. He Mulan glanced at the man who looked like an old farmer in the countryside. The man also looked back, and the two looked at each other. Before He Mulan took back his gaze, he saw that he had quietly started walking towards her. .

A Danzhuo on the side watched Qiu Linbao being beaten suddenly, and couldn't help showing an anxious expression. He had accompanied him to 23 military households before, so he naturally knew how many punches and kicks he had received during this period. A-Danzhuo is a dog with a heart. Seeing that he was beaten so badly by his former companions, he couldn't bear it any longer and shouted:

"It's so shameless, eight hits one! Qiulin Baotu, I'm here to help you!"

He lifted the hem of his clothes and was about to jump into the crowd...

"A-dan, brother, don't take action!" Qiu Linbao snorted, "This is what I owe you brothers, anyway, it will be a death later, it is better to repay the past kindness here!"

"Fuck! You fucking fight back! You treat yourself as a fat sheep, and you have no meat to eat after slaughtering!" The fourth child saw that there was no good meat on his face, and he couldn't beat him with a punch. Reflexively punched the face of the old ten who was about to kick Qiu Linbao's life:

"Bah! You actually kicked there! You're really red-eyed? Why are you doing this!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic, you beat me and I beat you, my own people beat their own people, I don't know which side started to scold again, and some people who didn't participate in the chaos came over to pull and persuade...

"The people I brought are wild men with little knowledge, which will make you laugh." The eldest brother bowed his hands to He Mulan without knowing whether to laugh or cry: "My name is Hu Li, I am a few years older than them, so they don't give up their names. Big brother. Dare to ask the hero's name?"


He Mulan glanced at this wrinkled man with thick knuckles on his hands.

"A pseudonym?"

As soon as he saw He Mulan's expression, he knew that she was wrong, and he shook his head quickly: "Noye, my surname is Hu, the strength of strength is not a pseudonym, but my real name."

Seeing that he showed her by her real name, and that he wanted to stop others from kicking Qiulin's vital points, He Mulan had some appreciation for him, so she didn't use He Mulan's Chinese name to perfunctory him, and she was generous. Said: "My name is Hua Mulan."

As soon as the name of Hua Mulan came out, the man named Hu Li suddenly shrank his pupils, and said in surprise, "But Hua Mulan from Huai Shuo? The heroine who even killed seven generals..."

Although He Mulan had gradually become accustomed to being named "Mulan" in the newspapers, she still had the urge to blush whenever someone asked her where she came from with a "long-awaited" expression and tone.

But it seemed hypocritical not to respond, so He Mulan could only nodded slightly embarrassed.

Hu Li obviously didn't expect the heroine to be so "approachable" and continued to run around wearing men's clothing, but he still folded his fists and saluted: "I probably know why Leopard Tu suddenly changed his attitude, no longer cynical, go to 'Refreshed'. It turns out that you are the Hua Mulan who has been helping his family."

"Hey, you know..."

"I'm actually from Xiaoshi Township, but I've been away from home for more than ten years, and everyone has forgotten me. I occasionally go back to the countryside to see who is Qiulin Baotu, and I know who Hua Mulan is. What do you think? Am I going to pick up everyone?" Hu Li laughed, "If it wasn't for the friendship of the villagers, and I was worried that this kid would starve to death outside, I wouldn't let such a good kid from a good family become a thief."

"The leader is kind and righteous."

He Mulan praised.

"People who are affectionate and righteous do not dare to be worthy. Everyone is a desperate person who is desperate, but they are just hugging each other to keep warm. It is so difficult to live in this world, and it is not easy to live. How can you care about being affectionate and righteous? It's just I hope you all have a good time together, and you can go a little further."

Hu Li continued: "General Hua wants to take Qiu Lin to the military mansion, but is there a way to exonerate him?"


He Mulan answered him very shyly.

"Then Qiulin Leopard suddenly..." Hu Li was dumbfounded. "Hasn't General Hua been helping his family?"

"I'm helping him." He Mulan looked up at Qiu Lin Baotu. "A man does what he does and what he doesn't do. His father died early, and no one told him these things. I will teach him now."

She looked back. "He is the son of General Qiulin Mozhen, and he has the blood of a hero. If he is really willing to live and survive, he will not be moved by my few words, and he will voluntarily plead guilty."

"This is really..." Hu Li smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say.

"I've taken it, I've really taken it! I used to know that you were ruthless, but I didn't know that you were so cruel to yourself! I don't want to take the reputation of killing my brother, so I'll quit!" Boxing to the stone wall. "If you guys want to touch him again, it's just my brother, I'm welcome!"

"I've taken it too!" The fourth child was the first to stop. "Whoever touches him more, I will be welcome in the future!"

"I'm done!"

"Serve! It's really impossible to beat to death!"

A few people took it one after another, and the remaining few originally wanted to kill him, but they didn't want to offend the fourth, the tenth, and the others. Thinking that it would be no good to kill him, they scolded him. A pile of nonsense, and then leaned against the wall and said nothing.

When Adanzhuo wanted to pull Qiu Linbao suddenly from the ground, he didn't know where to put his hands, so he could only scream at the top of his voice:

"Aunt Hua, Aunt Hua, you are so strong, you hug him! I'm afraid I will land him on the ground when I reach out!"

He Mulan heard A Danzhuo's cry and walked over a few steps, but was not surprised.

Although Qiu Lin Baotu was seriously injured, he was also a martial artist, and he mostly avoided the key points, but he looked a little miserable. In addition, most of these people didn't really want to kill him, and there were very few places to bleed, all of which were flesh wounds.

However, it is true that the injury will be difficult in the short term.

He Mulan stretched out her hand, picked him up, and carried him to the dry ground in a princess-like manner, asking Adanzhuo to give him medicine first, and check the injury first. bone.

These people fought happily before, but when they really stopped, they couldn't bear it anymore when they saw Qiu Linbao's tragic appearance. The fourth child paced in place for a while, but he couldn't help it, so he shouted and rushed out of the grotto. A few more people shouted "I'm going to persuade the fourth brother", "I'm going to see what the fourth brother is doing" and so on, and they also slipped away.

Adanzhuo helped Qiu Linbaotu clean up the wound. He Mulan looked at the robber in a grotto and said aloud:

"Although Qiu Linbaotu left you all, he did something he had to do. He never said anything to you, and you have never done anything that made him want to die. Everyone has their own aspirations, and now He abides by the rules of everyone, and it can be regarded as an explanation for everyone. If we meet again in the future, I hope we can meet again and smile, and don't add evil words."

"We want you to..."


"Nosy... Lesson... Ah? Big brother, are you calling me?"

The second one was stunned.

"Forget it. The old seventh is injured like this, and he can't go down the mountain. We are going through the wind here and there, and we can't recover from the injury. You go to a stretcher, carry the second child down the mountain, and send it to a place where there are people."



Several brothers got the order and left, and thanked He Mulan.

Qiu Linbao suddenly injured his collarbone and arm bone, and he couldn't see anyone on his face or body. When a few people took the stretcher wrapped around the vine fishing net and put Qiu Linbao on the stretcher, he screamed in pain, and several brothers shed tears on the spot, scolding "Idiot, why don't you fight back?" class words.

'Certainly not fighting back. '

'I've lost someone else once and can't be a deserter anymore. I have to go out with dignity. '

Qiulin Leopard suddenly forced a smile.

They went down the mountain, and the group of robbers sent them all the way to the inhabited village before they were ready to leave. Qiu Linbao was lying on the stretcher suddenly, and bowed his hands to them. Hu Li held him down and motioned for the brothers to walk away. Then he said to Qiu Linbao who was on the ground:

"Although you were beaten and beaten to death, I still think you did the right thing."

"Brother, you..."

Hu Li glanced at Hua Mulan, hesitated for a while, and then opened his mouth:

"Just like you, I'm also an escapee from military service."

"What?" Qiu Linbao was dumbfounded.

"I am also a native of Xianbei. My original surname is Hegu. Hu is the surname used by the military mansion to remember our names. I escaped when His Majesty was recruiting troops to beg Qin State more than ten years ago. I have escaped for more than ten years. You are even more miserable. All the four members of my family died in the battlefield. When the army posted, my grandmother slammed into the wall and died. I thought at that time, what the Great Khan wants is not soldiers, but strong men, why should I bother? He gave his life and simply ran away…”

When Hu Li talked about the past, there was already a kind of calm beyond ordinary people, as if he was talking about other people's affairs.

"For so many years, I have been wandering in the mountains, taking a group of miserable people everywhere to find a way to survive. We are not like the Lushuihu people. At least we have an old nest to pick up business. The world is messy, and today we have to go to the refugees. , Tomorrow the refugees will be arrested for corvée service, and we are unwilling to be at the mercy of others.

He Mulan and A'Danzhuo looked at each other in surprise, but they didn't expect this Hu Li to be the "old-timer" of Qiu Linbaotu.

No wonder…

"That's why I said you did the right thing. If I can live again, I will not run away and go to war obediently." Hu Li's tenacity and impulse have been honed over a long period of time, but this does not mean that he The flame in his chest was extinguished, and his heart became rigid.

"I will fight bravely to kill the enemy, be loyal to the bloodline, win honor and fame, and then, step by step, I will walk to the side of that majesty..."

Hu Li began to indulge in a certain kind of fantasy. Over the past ten years, he has made countless inferences about "what if I would have been at that time", and then overturned it by himself. After thousands of times, he decided what he would do if he could go back in time.

Of course, there is no such thing as going back in time in this world. The so-called "if that year" is not just a speculation.

But relying on this kind of imagination, he just survived the long nights, the hunger and the hunger, and the days when there should have been comrades, women, and thirsty for the blood of the enemy, but there were only empty days left.

"I'll go up to that majesty and tell him..."

He smiled triumphantly at his fantasy.

"I hate him. Hate the rule of the son's death. Hate him to make my grandmother die of despair. I want to tell him that this rule has made countless people cut off their sons and grandchildren. This sin is like a curse, and it will always be punished on them..."

Hu Li stood up.

"It's a pity I can't do it. I've already escaped, and no one will give me a chance to turn back." Hu Li laughed at himself, "You're lucky, at least someone is willing to accompany you and force you to turn back..."

His peace was finally broken by a kind of envy.

"If I could go back then, at least I don't have to live a day of constant regret. Seventh, do what you want to do. At least, the result is not the worst. The worst..."

"It's me."

The author has something to say: I wrote these chapters with a bit of sadness, and the small theater can't get up. Do your best!

Mmmm, this past has begun to be relaxed and happy, and it makes everyone happy when I say it...