Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 110: She is Hua Mulan (middle)


Mulan never imagined the day when she was famous. It should be said that she never imagined that there are very few women who have become generals like her throughout the ages.

The history of the Xianbei people has disappeared in the long river of history, and even the future world has no Xianbei people. His Majesty's descendants actively chose to assimilate, so that the blood of the Xianbei people melted into the blood of the Han people from generation to generation.

He, she... may have ancestors from Xianbei.

Mulan doesn't know whether to thank her "famous" or worry about her "famous". Because it is said that she is too famous, the bright-eyed woman named Gu Qing begged the Taoist priest Henry Zhang for help, and wanted to fuse her soul body.

Yes, the Taoist priest said that he and the owner of this body are not well integrated, and there is a danger of not possessing the soul, so he has been seeing colorful colors flashing in his eyes.

This matter seemed to be easy for him. After hearing why she came here, the Taoist priest, who was already at the "Heavenly Master" level, touched his chin and frowned.

"This man is so courageous. He used the power of the whole country to build him a magic weapon that reaches the sky, but it is used to extract your soul... Is it a demon?"

"'The magic weapon that reaches the sky'?" Hua Mulan was startled, "...that's just an unbuilt Taoist temple."

"How can there be a Taoist temple that dares to set up three platforms of the sun, the moon and the stars, our Longhu Mountain is a blessed land, and we only set up a Zhaoxing platform. This is blocking your national destiny and intercepting a trace of your innate qi. The people who do this kind of thing are not the sages who want to hide from the sky and the sea, or the demons who want to use your innate energy to live forever. It's just that the innate energy itself is your own thing and coexists with your soul, that's why he did not succeed."

Henry Zhang also didn’t know what the relationship between Mulan and He Mulan was in order to have this wonderful connection. But he got him a household registration for He Mulan so that he could live in this world upright, and he was willing to give her a convenience so that the legendary heroine could live a better life.

Henry Zhang opened an altar for Mulan and made her soul return to her body. At the moment when her soul returned to her body, He Mulan's memories of the past few decades rushed in and became Mulan's things.

In this regard, Hua Mulan was much luckier than He Mulan.

The tenacious spirit that has been tempered through the battlefield made it easy for Hua Mulan to integrate He Mulan's memory. And He Mulan's ordinary and monotonous life made her mental toughness less than one-tenth of Hua Mulan's. She could only find out what she wanted to know by actively looking for it.

Every headache comes from the pain of the soul being forced to accept the memory.

Hua Mulan, who was helped by Henry Zhang, finally passed the most tormenting moment, but will she be able to adapt to the new life with memory? This is not necessarily the case.

"No... No..." Hua Mulan pushed He Mulan's elder brother He Mujun with her hand on her forehead, "Brother, can you stop watching this..."

It was because her brain was broken that she became curious and accompany her brother to watch this "The Legend of Mulan", can you... Can you not be so thunderous

"What's wrong? This shot is okay. It is said that it was shot according to historical facts. Look, it went straight to the theme at the beginning. Rouran and the Northern Wei Dynasty fought!"

He Mujun really likes watching war movies, so when he saw the war scene in the first episode, he couldn't help but feel a joy in his heart.

"The TV series doesn't procrastinate, and it's directly in the military camp from the beginning. It's already difficult for such a conscientious director... Huh? What are you doing, why is Mulan embroidering?"

The genuine Hua Mulan sitting beside him choked with old blood in his throat, unable to vomit it out for a long time.

Kekekeke, I, a good man from Wei Xianbei, rely on embroidery in exchange for peace

My Dawei and Rouran fought for 80 years, and only Rouran has always married a daughter, and we have never given a princess to us!

"Hahahahaha, did Mulan Danghuori explain it this way? Why do I think it's weird?" He Mujun picked up the remote control in confusion, feeling the urge to change the channel.

"Dad, as long as this picture of "Harmony" is embroidered, you don't have to go to war." I saw a smoky makeup woman wearing a mushroom head in the TV series, not the traditional high bun of Xianbei, bowing her head shyly, The fingers gently pulled the silk thread and began to embroider the flowers.

"Mulan, Mulan? Damn it! How did the glass of the coffee table break? When did it break! Mulan, please raise your hand, don't let the glass hurt your hand... Mulan..."

He Mujun screamed in panic.

Piss me off too!

Who is that female monster!

who is it!

She's going to tear her up! ! !

Since then, as long as others mentioned "Mulan" or "The Legend of Hua Mulan", she became anxious with others. Although she learned to use the computer with the help of Gu Qing, every time she entered the word "Mulan" in the search bar, she couldn't help but delete them again.

She not only wants to know what others say about her, but also is afraid of knowing what others say about her. She has left a illustrious reputation in history, but she is afraid that the reputation is like "The Legend of Mulan"...

Hua Mulan shivered when she thought of the black-rimmed banshee with the mushroom head.

That's it.

Let's tell the merits and demerits for posterity.

She turned off the computer.

In her dream, Hua Mulan had seen how He Mulan worked so hard to integrate into her life, so she understood and appreciated what she had done. She has always been a person who can survive in adversity. Since replacing "He Mulan", she has also begun to learn to live like her.

She began to look at the materials and books left by He Mulan, and the works of forensic medicine were deeply engraved in her mind as if they were imprinted in her mind.

The memory in her mind about how to "let the dead speak" seemed to be activated, and in an instant, the sense of accomplishment belonging to He Mulan hit her, making Hua Mulan unable to help but be stunned.

So, what she dreamed was not about ripping people to pieces, but finding the cause of death by looking for stomach contents? And those disgusting behaviors that carefully reach into other people's sex, are they actually looking for traces of men's violations

What a peculiar woman she is! Can a woman do such a job now

"Ah, you ask this. Not to mention female forensic doctors, even female police superintendents, female generals, female presidents, and there is also a very old queen in the UK. Women in this era can do a lot of things that you couldn't in your era. imaginary."

Gu Qing, who came to the He family for a visit, looked at He Mulan with admiration, "You said that my friend became you, right? Did she cry over there and want to come back?"

Ahahahaha, what can a forensic student do in ancient times!

She, a paediatrician, has come to a place where heroes are useless in ancient times!

"No, she is living a good life." Hua Mulan smiled slightly, "The hardest time has passed. When she replaced me, I had already disbanded and returned to the field, and the swords and guns were put into storage. As long as she made good use of the property I left behind, she would Had a good time.”

"Hahaha, I'm just joking, I know that He Mulan can live well anywhere." Gu Qing sighed, "She is a calm and principled person, she is more than me, thinking about going back all day long. The soft eggs at home are much more powerful."

"No, Miss Gu..." Hua Mulan closed the book in her hand. "You are a kind-hearted person who can soothe other people's souls. How can you say that you are not great when you let me 'be a human again'?"

"Ahahahaha, that's true, I'm 'Mulan''s best friend! Just thinking about it makes me feel!" Gu Qing knew that it brought back Mulan's memory, and immediately laughed and changed the topic with a gag.

'Mulan' best friend

so good.

Apart from my sister, she doesn't seem to have any female friends.

that is really good.

"Hahaha. Mulan, you and Gu Qing came out?"

He Mujun, who came home from vacation, patted the newly bought wooden table while watching TV.

Gu Qing curiously followed Hua Mulan and sat down on the sofa, looking up at the costume drama on TV.

"Brother Jun, you also like to watch costume dramas? Henry Zhang, too, sticks to the TV all day long, saying that he wants to 'experience life'. By the way, Mulan, you should actually watch more TV, this is important for understanding society Very useful, although sometimes it's not right..."

"Hahahaha, this Rouran person's collection of embroidery drawings is the same as when Party A forced Party B to change the design drawings! Hahaha, you see, Hua Mulan, Party B, was finally forced to become insane, and would rather join the army for her father! Hahahaha, Haw Haw has acted in 20 episodes, and I don't know how many more episodes I'm going to play next!"

He Mujun leaned forward and backward with a smile.

"I'll go... This is the role of Hua Mulan?" Gu Qing turned her head with wide eyes, and found that Hua Mulan's expression was calm.

A heroine indeed.

So bearable.

Look at the eyelashes of the mosquito's legs and the blood-red mouth. If it was her, she must be crazy.

“Ha, the legend, there must be some exaggeration in the legend. By the way! Now there is a great screenwriter who is also filming “Mulan”, it seems that it is called “Mulan No Longer Brother”, and Henry Zhang also made a cameo. That It’s better than this, definitely better than this!”

Gu Qing quickly comforted Mulan.

With a stiff face, Hua Mulan looked at the girl on TV who staggered and couldn't stand without just raising a saddle, and couldn't help clenching her fists slightly.

"Are you still filming Mulan?" He Mujun was watching this film just as a joke, and when he heard Gu Qing's words, he immediately murmured. "Will the subject matter of Hua Mulan be too earthy? There are too many shots of a female man joining the army or something."

"Brother Jun!"

Gu Qing's voice was several octaves higher.

"That's a heroine!"

"I know, I know, Mulan doesn't have an eldest brother." He Mujun blinked mischievously and pushed his chest forward. Seeing that his sister had not spoken, he still cared to reach out to talk to her.

"To say my sister's face is enough to play Mulan, absolutely no one can tell that she is a woman. Hahahaha, it's this breast... We have to thank my mother for giving birth to her anyway, at least like a... "

Gu Qing was frightened to death, for fear that Hua Mulan would accidentally "break the wretched He Mujun in two", and quickly pulled He Mujun back.

"Brother Jun, you don't think Mulan is a woman, you have to take into account that I am still there..."

"What about you? Oh sorry sorry, forgot you were an airport..."

"I wipe! Brother Jun, you want to die!"

In fact, Mulan didn't understand the joke "Mulan has no eldest brother" at all.

She doesn't really have a brother, but she does now.

... She turned her head to look at her brother who often talked madly, and shook her head.

It's intermittent hysteria.

Just watch TV.

"Lan Er, I love you!"

Prince Rouran on the TV hugged Mulan horizontally and circled happily by the river. Mulan on the TV leaned on his chest tenderly and said in a tone that could melt her brains : "Wu Ti, I love you too..."

Wu Ti

That 40-year-old bald Prince Rouran with a full face

quack quack quack.

"My God! How did you break the corner of the coffee table! I even bought a solid wood one!" He Mujun took his sister's hand with a distressed expression.

"Are you okay? Are you okay? I bought it for a lot of money because I was afraid the glass would cut your hand again! I rely on it! Today's profiteers will not fool me into saying that it is solid wood. Are you okay? Are you okay?"

Gu Qing looked at the corner of the heavy coffee table and took a deep breath.

Henry Zhang said that the innate qi is contained in the soul, the soul is immortal, and the breath lasts forever. Could it be that this is what he said

Mulan put away her hands as if nothing had happened, and turned off the TV.

"I'm fine. The TV show is too ugly."

"It's okay, it's okay." He Mujun breathed a sigh of relief, "What TV series? Oh, you said the legend of Mulan. I also think the filming is ridiculous, living in a military camp for 12 years, how should it be The power is infinite and the face is like a yaksha..."

quack quack quack quack.

"I..." He Mujun jumped up and dialed the phone.

"Li Yuan, what kind of furniture dealer did you introduce to me! You have the guts to say it's solid wood, and my sister broke both corners when you broke it! What oak! Come to my house and see it yourself!"

He Mujun yelled into the phone.

"It's the oak I eat it!"

The author has something to say: Because today is to complete the He Mulan Fanwai, so today is the third watch. Two extras, one main chapter.