Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 111: Her name is Hua Mulan (Part 2)


Several clans are the main clans of the thirty-six tribes of Xianbei.

But that was fifty years ago.

Congratulations on your winning! So far, I have never drank or eaten, and I am starving to death. The writing is so touching that I burn myself to death. I will go to have a meal first, and then I will change it later. Please support the genuine version, the author also needs money to support his family!

As the Tuoba clan settled in the Central Plains, a large number of Xianbei tribes rose rapidly, and many tribes quickly declined for one reason or another. Unfortunately, several families were the fastest ones to decline.

The people of this family have a kind of cautiousness that is rare among Xianbei men. During the period of rapid expansion of the entire tribe, cautiousness has become synonymous with "timidity and cowardice".

No matter how many men and horses, how many cattle and sheep, and how many slaves a certain clan had in the past, after the establishment of the Great Wei Dynasty, they will only have less than one-tenth of the power left, and the title of being the head of the thirty-six nobles.

Several people are not the hope of this family. He is only the youngest son of several families. His mother is a tall man, not the wife of the head of the family. In the family, he has a low status and a young age. If it is not for his mother, he is still favored, I am afraid that his life is not as good as the son of ordinary people.

After gradually growing up, although the martial arts of several people are not bad, they are definitely not good. Except for food and clothing, they are not treated badly.

So when he was eighteen years old, according to the Xianbei tradition, several families gave him a suit of equipment, a BMW, a weapon, four slaves and a pile of food supplies, and they drove him to the army to seek his own future. .

In addition to his start is not too humiliating, his future future depends entirely on himself.

The military household system of Xianbei established the status of invincible and invincible in the early years of the Wei Dynasty. The military households practiced martial arts and riding skills since childhood, just to make achievements on the battlefield. In addition to the "big competition" and "challenge" systems when they first entered the military camp, which can make new military households make their way out quickly, there are also "promotion channels" specially provided for the children of big clans and descendants of strong sects.

But the homes brought by a few will be too few. Some noble children who can see the past have at least one hundred and eighty men as their personal soldiers. Sometimes the great nobles bring thousands of private soldiers to accompany the emperor on expeditions. They only bring four family slaves. Several people from the Montenegro camp were immediately thrown into the main camp of the Right Army.

The advantages that the soldiers, horses and manpower he brought with him gave him, but it only saved him the wasted time in the recruit camp. Except for this one, his path after that is no different from other military households.

If he can't figure this out, there is still a lot to be offended.

Unfortunately, several people didn't figure it out.

Newcomers who have not been trained in the boot camp usually find it difficult to have a sense of belonging to a place like the military camp. If they are from a great noble family, they would be in a good position as soon as they arrive. The sad thing is that some of them are young masters. life.

In the eyes of the same fire in the army, he is the most annoying type who, although he has no status, comes out of a big family and looks down on others.

The right army camp, in the final analysis, is a place for all kinds of fallen nobles, descendants of mixed Hu, ordinary Xianbei military households and other people who have no power and background to rely on.

Unlike the Central Army, which was full of elite aristocrats, the Left Army and Right Army were still dominated by the majority of ordinary military households. Although there were some hustlers and fallen aristocrats who had surrendered early, there were not many.

Such a guy who seems to have nothing special, just because he brought four slaves into the army, he suddenly became a "main army", five people accounted for half of the fire, and there was a particularly uncomfortable self-righteousness. .

Why didn't he go to the Chinese army to show off? What is the big head of the right army running here

In the Central Army, in front of the big clans such as He Lai and Dugu, see if he can still be a big head!


Some people grow up thinking that they are different from other children.

He will be extraordinary in the future, he has thought so since he was a child.

Even if the Xianbei people are tribal masters, their children are not spoiled, but they are richer in food and clothing than the children of the same clan slaves and generals. When he was a child, he liked to see the cattle, sheep and horses in the family, and even let the sheep, and then imagine what it would be like to be his one day.

Even in the process of herding sheep, he found that he could recognize the difference between each sheep and know the habits of each sheep. He will take the wise sheep of the flock as the first sheep, and then put the disobedient and the more disobedient together, and let them fight each other until the first sheep are separated, and then he will control them.

He is very keen on this kind of game, and likes to pretend that he is a warrior among the sheep and command the sheep to charge into battle.

Compared to learning martial arts or learning how to kill people faster, he prefers the feeling of standing behind and analyzing other people's depths and then breaking them with one force.

He even became fascinated by the art of the Han Chinese fighting. He went to learn Chinese characters by himself, and then went to the Han servants at home and asked them about the Chinese fighting.

The Han Chinese had few cavalry, most of them were city defenses and infantry, and unlike the Xianbei, they used grasslands, plains or other open areas as battlefields.

These servants don’t know much. Many Han people have always lived in the north. They don’t even speak Chinese, and only know some legends about their ancestors. But just from their mouths, several people already know the fighting arts of the Han people.

Intrigues, traps, alienation schemes, countermeasures, crossing rivers and demolition bridges, and sinking boats, compared with these, in the bedside stories of several people when they were young, the grandmother said, "Two tribes lined up on a certain grassland, and then fought until The story of the last man winning the war is simply weak.

But he had no access to any Han generals at all. It should be said that in today's Great Wei, there are no Han generals at all.

Even if there is a general who knows these things, he will only teach him his eldest brother, the heirs of several families, not such an inconspicuous child as him.

This fact made several people annoyed and saddened, but he was still a child after all, and the enthusiasm brought by his interests would make him burst into a frenzy for this "art". Although he had no military book or Han generals to teach him, he insisted Relying on your own imagination and the lambs at home, I started to practice the "art of commanding" by myself.

Such childish behavior is naturally impossible for adults to take seriously. Thinking that the power of Han officials in the court is not weak now, although the young boy who loves to play tricks likes Chinese things, it is good to learn more Chinese and Chinese characters. The father of several people It also led him to follow his interest. Sometimes he went to Pingcheng and brought him some Han books.

The more you watch, the more ambitious some people become.

What does it mean to kill the enemy! There are a lot of people in this world who kill people.

Ten thousand enemies are the real heroes!

He will be a hero like that in the future!

It's just that the wish is beautiful, and the reality is cruel.

Most of the tribes and slaves of the thirty-six tribes of Xianbei became military households after the Tuoba clan took power and established the Great Wei Dynasty.

The past of several clans was very glorious, but some of them are now in decline. They did not leave a lot of things through the constant game with Tuoba Wei like other big clans, but just maintained that they could not lose the title of "tribal master". of power.

Therefore, even the eldest brother and the tiger head of several people cannot have the luxury of mobilizing their family members to learn "the art of war", let alone a few people in the family who have never had any expectations for him.

And the ambitions of some people contradicted the mainstream Xianbei thought of "man's fame and fame", which made some family owners who originally had some ideas about him, thinking that he might be disappointed because they like Chinese and Chinese characters.

In this era, even Tuoba Tao, who is the prince, has to fight, but he just wants to hide at home and point fingers behind his servants? !

What a shame for some families.

Several people have suffered from all kinds of scorn from childhood to adulthood, and he also knows that he does not have the ability to realize his ideals at all. So when he became an adult and had to go to the army to train like his elder brother at home, he did not choose to go to the middle army where his elder brother was in to humiliate himself, but chose the right army.

People in the Right Army have low status, but they are easy to recruit.

He wants money, money, money, and manpower, and his martial arts are not bad, where can he not stand out? As long as he shakes his identity as a "several" family in a place like the Right Army where there are mixed husbands and military households, he will get a bunch of subordinates and pay his respects. At that time...

Hey Hey…


A muscular Xianbei soldier punched him and his nose bleeds.

"Fu Meng wins! Several losses! The fire chief is Fu Meng!"

i wipe...

Say goodbye to the head

A group of sons of military households who have not been taught by good teachers, how can they be so strong

Several people fell to the ground and closed their eyes weakly.

The road to self-improvement doesn't work, it seems...

Only with wisdom and perseverance.


"When I'm at home, you don't know how to eat this kind of thing..." A few people took the food from the slave and swallowed it whole with disgust.

"Eat this kind of stinky food, and make people fight!"

"Do you like it or not!" Several people glared at him furiously. "There is a guy named Hua Mulan in our army. He was once made trouble by the fire chief and didn't eat for two days. He still went into battle to kill the enemy and captured dozens of people. It's good that you can eat enough in the army. You have to suffer. No, take your slaves for a change!"

Look at his arrogant look! Who invited him!

Several homes, do not know where the turtle came from!

This is the first time that several people heard the name "Mulan".

At first he thought that this "flower" was the congratulations of "He Lai". After thinking about it carefully, if it was the He Lai family, even if it was a slave, no one would make things difficult to the point of not giving him food.

The army is not like other places, if you go to war without feeding you, it is like rushing you to die. Meeting such a fire chief can no longer be described as "bad", and can even be described as "vicious".

The next day, a few people kept their minds, and after the drill was over, they inquired about Hua Mulan with some people in the army who were a little familiar with her.

Although there are many people who do not like certain people, there are still many people who maintain a good relationship with him.

The weapons, equipment and clothing items he brought into the army were much higher than the level of many ordinary soldiers. Especially his "Cold Moon Halberd". This weapon is difficult to learn and use, and it takes a lot of blacksmith's work, so generally only wealthy people will learn it.

Not to mention his own armor and equipment, even his servants are all big-bodied, capable of fighting and loyal. Sometimes you are in danger on the battlefield, and someone with such well-equipped and guarded people around you can stretch your hand and maybe your life will be saved.

So when he went to inquire, many people told several people what they knew about Hua Mulan.

"You said that Hua Mulan? Oh, I know, the one who came out of the black camp was originally with General Tugui. After General Tugui died, the current general asked him to be under the tent. But I heard that He Tonghuo The relationship is not very good. Also, later, there is such a reputation... "

"What reputation?" Several people listened carefully.

"This Hua Mulan, how do you say it, some people say he is a coward, some people say he is a warrior. I heard that he can shoot arrows at a distance of 150 paces, and he has excellent archery skills, and he can fight. It is reasonable to say so. It's easy for a person to get ahead, but he doesn't like to fight, and he rarely pursues actively. Every time he fights with Rouran, he doesn't seem to wake up, just disperse."

The tone of the soldier who said these words to several people was also very regretful.

"Like this kind of person, the general doesn't like it, it drags down morale too much, it's like a pool of stagnant water. I heard that last time he chased deserters, he also blocked the people of the same fire to kill the slaves of the Rouran death camp, and was caught by the same fire. Lessons. Really, if I had his skills..."

The man started chattering, but several people had already wandered off to other places.

He is very good at fighting, can shoot arrows, does not take the initiative to pursue, is not aggressive, is excluded, and has no food to eat...

tsk tsk, what do you think...

So suitable for a bodyguard...

This is the loyal little brother that God arranged for him! .

The first time Hua Mulan saw several people, it was the days when she was excluded by the fire chief and couldn't even eat, and it was all because of the old days when she secretly stuffed a little food with the fire.

This aristocratic boy, who was dressed in expensive armor and had greasy hair, looked like he had gone to the wrong place, and came to find her with a large bag of grain.

"Give you this."

The man dressed as the son of Xianbei threw a pocket at her feet.

"I heard that you have been hungry all the time? It's too uncomfortable to be hungry, will you eat?"

Hua Mulan was squatting on the ground to wipe the leather armor. After hearing his words, she looked at the pocket in front of her again, and couldn't help but lowered her head and glanced at herself quickly.

Was she already so hungry that her face was yellow and her skin was thin

Hungry enough to crouch here like a beggar

"Do you feel moved? Ah, people say that heroes cherish heroes. When I think of such a warrior here hungry, I can't help but want to meddle in my own business. Are you being bullied by the same fire? I I think I still have some ability in the right army. Otherwise, I will try to get you out? If I can't get you out, then you should follow us in the next battle, the kind of fire that only knows how to frame the same fire What's there to follow, I'm all my slaves in this fire..."

Several people deliberately ignored that they were just ordinary soldiers, and that the fire was not all his slaves, and they talked in a big way.

"I brought a lot of food with me when I marched. If nothing else, at least it's not a problem to be full..."


"Your ability, coupled with my talent..."


"I can give you the armor and clothes on my slaves. I have four slaves, and they are all wearing gear made by high car blacksmiths. Those clothes of yours can only block current arrows..."


It was a lunatic.

Hua Mulan showed a clear expression and continued to lower her head to wipe her leather armor.

Is it not crazy to give up using a family slave who is loyal to oneself and recruit a person who does not know the depth and has no friendship as his subordinate

"Sword Comes"

Several people talked for a long time, but found that the person they were communicating with didn't make a sound at all. After a look, they were burying their heads in wiping their leather armor, and were not interested in his words or the grain bag.

"You... do you have bad ears?"

Several people showed a pity expression.

After Hua Mulan wiped the leather armor, she raised her head.

"who are you?"

who are you…

Who are you…

He he he he actually forgot to say who he is

Must be too nervous!

"Cough cough. I come from the tribal chief family of the thirty-six tribes of Xianbei, and I belong to several clans."

When it comes to identity, several people's faces are full of proud expressions. "I am the descendant of the tribal master. There are thousands of cattle and sheep in my family, and slaves in groups. I..."

"Shou? Is it the tribe that produced a warrior named Shoudong a hundred years ago?"

There's nothing wrong with Mulan, and she likes to support her grandfather and talk about the ancients at home. The ancestors of the Hua family were slaves of the Helai family in the thirty-six Xianbei clans, and they knew a lot about the history of the other thirty-five clans. These clans were also a great big clan a hundred years ago, but due to the extremely conservative family leaders of several generations, they gradually disappeared.

When several people heard Hua Mulan's words, they were able to call out the names of their ancestors, and immediately felt that this was the warrior God gave him.

"Yes, my ancestor is..."

"Are there still people in several homes? Didn't I hear that they were already in ruins?"


The spines of several people shrank, and the arrogance of the bastard disappeared.

"If you really belong to several families, then it's not right. Your family is not living well now, why bother to waste the food in the family." Hua Mulan stood up holding the leather armor, "You don't have to worry about me in the end. What to eat, I'll be able to cook for a while at most before I can eat again. It's you... "

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Several people followed Hua Mulan in a daze.

Mulan shook her head.

"You still have four people to support. What should you do when you run out of food? You should think more about this."

Several people stayed there until Hua Mulan left, and some of them couldn't come back to their senses.

"who are you?"

"Are there any other families?"

"Waste food at home."

"What do I do when I run out of food?"

he he he he he...

How dare he look down on him!

The man takes the credit for the battle, and when he runs out of food, of course he goes to the battle to fight and replace the enemy with his head!

This Hua Mulan is so arrogant that she can't even eat her food!

Well, is it because he is not sincere enough? The elder brother said that Han people seek talents, and sometimes they have to go three times before they can see other people's faces.

Keep trying tomorrow.

The next day, Rouran's little bunnies came to offend again.

The stretches along the Montenegro are too long, and there are many nomadic herdsmen in Chilechuan. The Rouran people are used to looting and will harass them at every turn.

People in the Montenegrin military camp often jokingly call Rouran's name "Crawly", but in fact it is a wild dog. It's okay to bully rabbits. As soon as it sees a beast, it runs away without a trace.

Several people have played against the "crawly" three times, and each time they have been chasing each other before they fight head-to-head. They are chasing each other like chasing a lost dog, except that it is a pity that they can't get heads and loot, they are very satisfied in other aspects.

Since several people already wanted Hua Mulan to "loyalty" to him, they naturally paid great attention to Hua Mulan when they came out. This man is not burly. When he goes out into battle, he hangs a longbow on his waist, carries a bow bag on his back, and holds an ordinary spear in his hand. He looks like the kind of soldier that can be seen everywhere. There is no one else at all. The kind of bravery I told him.

But once on the battlefield, Hua Mulan's aura suddenly changed.

What is meant by "fighting alone" and what is meant by "the arrows are not empty", he doesn't even need the assistance of the same fire, the Rouran who can kill alone throws away his armor and discards his armor.

You can't see the fanaticism of the Xianbei people in him, nor the stability of the Han people, as if he came to complete an errand, and he can go home after the errand is done. It will also shoot arrows to help, but it will not cut the head on the ground, nor will it follow the same fire to pursue.

"Master, you have to be careful!"

A house slave blocked the flowing arrows that had been shooting at him with a shield, and shouted loudly: "The flowing arrows are everywhere, it is very dangerous for you to be in a daze at this time!"

Ryuya doesn't have eyes. Once there was a story of one of his comrades who accidentally slipped his hand while shooting arrows and shot his own people to death. And these are not just stories. The arrows that shuttled across the battlefield are likely to hit the enemy, and they may also hit their own people if they are not careful.

"I'm not in a daze... Forget it, I can't tell with you slaves." The eyes of several people suddenly became eager.

What is a house slave, if you get such a fire!

No, if you get such a subordinate...

The archery is great, and it can be used in melee combat, without taking credit or showing off!

Some people looked frantic.

He must know what he wants!

He wants to recruit him under his command, and at worst, he wants to become a friend.

Well, men, all they want is a BMW beauty, gold and silver treasures, or to be able to flourish and honor their ancestors. Even if Mulan is no longer aggressive, she still wants to make her family feel more comfortable, right

Such a talented person, but few people find him useful, isn't it a chance given to him by God

Now, when he is about to meet a good talent, and he has a discerning eye and a pearl, he will see...

- Can his eldest brother in the Central Army sponsor a little more


"Mulan..." After noticing Hua Mulan's bravery, several people often ran into the 19th team's centennial team, chasing and blocking Hua Mulan.

Hua Mulan also doesn't know why this young master of a declining clan has been pestering her all day long. If he says he wants to recruit, this attitude is not so much recruiting his subordinates as it is full of a kind of "I appreciate you so much, kneel and lick me. Please kneel and lick me." The strange breath.

"I've made it very clear. I have no intention of being loyal to anyone or any family. It's been a long time since my Hua family has been a servant, so why should I be your family general instead of being a soldier?" The urgency of people is also very disgusting, and he blurted out:

"Your military skills are not even as high as mine!"

She had already turned the first turn, and she was not far from the second turn. But this young master didn't even kill ten enemies in one turn, but his four servants all killed a lot of enemies.

Is such a useless person really suitable to come to the army

"For things like military merit, you can't just look at the number of enemies killed." Several people didn't feel any shame at all. "I won't spend my brain on killing people like chopping melons and vegetables. I'm a general, do you understand? Arranging troops and using them like gods, that's my pursuit..."

Several people's faces flashed with confidence.

"And you are the key person in my formation..."

"The formation of four people?" Hua Mulan sighed.

How could she be entangled by a lunatic

"Uh... Although I only have four people now, there will be more people in the future. Look, although I only have four people, but I will win every battle, doesn't this show that I am very good? I said... "

"Hiding behind the servants' flags and shouting is awesome?" Hua Mulan rolled her eyes and turned away. "Even the most timid soldiers have to face the enemy head on."

"Hua Mulan, you can't look down on the commander! Although I'm not that brave, I'm really good at commanding, hey! Don't go, hey! You can't follow me, can you join the head office with me? I'm serious! Mulan, don't run away!"

Several people chased after him, but Hua Mulan was already afraid of him, and he ran so fast that he disappeared without a shadow.

"I... Ha... I..." Several people were half dead from exhaustion, and their throats were burning with pain. "This man runs faster than others no matter how he practices..."

He looked a little dejectedly in the direction Hua Mulan left.

"I'm really good at commanding.".

"Ren 1, guard the back, 2 of 3, left and right. 4, please protect me, you are a short sword, you can't attack from afar. If you are knocked off your horse, immediately retreat to the range of two and three."

Several people watched the yellow smoke billowing in front of them, and their calves were shaking. He has been in the army for several months, and he has never met a time when he and Rouran are head-to-head.

These cowards never go head-to-head with people.

Unless they find themselves vastly outnumbered by others.

Thinking of this, several people's brains hurt. No matter how he could command his slaves, there were only five of them. He rode his horse, ran towards the few companions behind him, plunged straight into them, and said quickly:

"There are a lot of people coming across..."

"Those who are not blind have seen it." A companion said angrily, "Shouldn't you hide behind the servants and tremble? What are you doing in our poor group?"

"Yellow Yanchen's head is straight up, which shows that they did not come from a long distance, otherwise their horses and bodies should be covered with dust, and the smoke and dust are scattered. In this situation, there must be an ambush by the Rouran people nearby, and we just happened to be The unfortunate one stepped on their ambush first, and the opponents are numerous, we should retreat first and wait for reinforcements."

Several people pretended not to hear his sarcasm, and spoke with a very serious attitude.

"Come on, last time you said that there is no weight on the crawling, it should be running if you want to grab a handful, and the pursuit is easy, the result? It made Laozi and brothers almost explain there!"

"That's why I said that the leader of the crow must not be an ordinary person, and he should be caught desperately and brought back for interrogation! Isn't it strange that the cowardly crawling suddenly tried his best to protect the leader!"

"Don't come here, ten of us are fighting against dozens of crawlies, and we are all desperate. Who knows who we have caught, and how many of us will die? The military exploits we have obtained are real, those are all false!"

When the fire chief said the last time, he blew his nose and stared.

"It's really not quite right this time. How about we go and notify the troops behind and ask them to come to help quickly?" Several people touched the horse's ears uneasy. The ears of the war horse kept turning, and the premonitions of animals were often greater than those of humans, and they must have sensed something was wrong.

"Who are you, and who am I? If you want to withdraw, you can withdraw yourself. I am the chief fire officer. If you want to order Quanhuo to run away without authorization, the centurion and the lieutenant will be the first to cut me off." The chief fire officer concluded him. scoffed. "You just have too many hearts, but you're just an ordinary pawn who takes care of the general's heart all day long. The lieutenant ordered us to intercept the crawly people who plundered the herdsmen here, you just obey."

Several people clenched their fists, took a deep breath, controlled their horses and left.

He could hear the voices of the same fire behind him laughing at him, sneering, and all kinds of contempt for the cowardly, cowardly and mindless people.

It shouldn't be like this.

The military life he imagined should not be like this.

He wants to prove them all wrong!

"One person, two people, three or four people, leave the team with me."

Several people looked at the team of five to six hundred people in the front, back, left and right, then looked at the dust head in the distance, and clenched their teeth.

Although his family has fallen, there are still thousands of horses raised on the grassland. He was all too familiar with Chentou when thousands of war horses galloped up. This was not the way he was sneaking south in order to kidnap the border people.

The scout hadn't come back yet, and the fire chief refused to believe his words. He couldn't persuade others, but he couldn't explain himself here.

He wants to go back to the rear and find reinforcements himself!

If he can't find reinforcements, he will go to the lieutenant general, the chief general, and others!

"Master, today's order of troops is to guard the Black Mountain Pass..." Ren Si looked at several people and found that his face was very ugly, and gradually stopped his voice.

"The Heishankou can't be kept." Several people caught their horses.

"At least hundreds of people here can't keep it!"