Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 14: Confused Mulan


He Mulan, who had bought food and daily necessities with Dugunuo, received such a "honored guest" in her main room.

Really a guest.

Different from Dugu Nuo and the Thirteen Feather Lin Lang he brought, this young man surnamed Cui Ming Linzi Huaijin exudes from head to toe "I am very expensive, my ancestors are very expensive, my parents are very expensive, my whole family is very expensive. Expensive" vibe.

Forgive the era that He Mulan came from, there were no nobles anymore, and He Mulan's identity and occupation were destined for her not to be able to see the powerful, or in other words - "the living powers".

No matter how prominent he was, how handsome he was, and how amazing his aura was, what do you think He Mulan would feel when he was put on the dissection table

Is this body expensive

But at this moment, He Mulan really felt that if she had dissected this corpse in modern times, she would have exclaimed, "Ah, this is probably the most expensive corpse I have ever dissected".

Cui Lin, wearing a scarf on her head and wearing a crane cloak, looked like a Gaoshi who came out of an ancient painting.

This man is very handsome, in addition to being handsome, there is also a refined temperament. And this man is also very aware of the advantages of his skin, and he dresses very carefully, so he must highlight every advantage of himself.

Another man who thinks he can impress Hua Mulan with his looks

According to the introduction of the county magistrate, this person is still the grandson of Cui Hao, who is now in power among the Han people. What did he come to do with Hua Mulan

Why did Dugu Nuo's group of people show disgust when they heard his name

The Yulin Lang outside the house were calling for pigs to grind the mill, sometimes mixed with the shrill cheers of little girls. In this somewhat noisy and even "noisy" environment, Cui Lin, who was alone in a room with He Mulan, could not be seen. With a somewhat emotional expression on his face, he said in a warm voice:

"Unexpectedly, General Hua is as majestic as ever, and you can let the Yulin Langs around Your Majesty feed the pigs and repair the house for you, and are willing to be servants. I am really envious."

Listen, listen, listen to this "condescending" diplomatic tone.

I really want to slap this 258,000 to 80,000 literary and artistic young man to the south wall.

"I don't know if Cui Langjun came to the humble house, what's the so-called?" He Mulan was impatient and asked him about his intentions straight to the point.

She was sure that before that, Hua Mulan had nothing to do with this person.

If there was, she would recall it as soon as she saw him.

Cui Lin was slightly taken aback.

He had never seen anyone so rude to him. In his impression, no matter what woman it is, even an old woman or a young girl, she will be very gentle when she sees him.

And he has always been observant, and he can see that this "Mulan" has no patience with him.

"Cui did not come for your past, but for your future." Cui Lin, with an inscrutable expression, smiled at the squinting Hua Mulan with a firm tone.

"General Hua, you are already in trouble."

He Mulan blinked, inexplicably feeling that these words were very familiar.

Not only is she familiar with it, but even the dress of this "celebrity" feels unusually graphic, as if she has seen it somewhere.

Suddenly, He Mulan's heart lit up!

Where did she say familiar! Isn't this a scene I often see in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which I replayed over and over every summer vacation when I was a kid!

Often when a counselor is going to fool people, he will run in front of others, pretending to say "Oh Lord/Mr. X/General X, you are in trouble!" to attract the attention of others, and then the person who was scared to death Will keep asking.

In the end, the poor bastard will be led by the nose after the strategist analyzes a situation.

As for how that poor bastard ends up in the end, it depends on whether the counselor has a conscience.

Zhuge Liang said that Sun Quan and Liu Bei would be a perfect match, but sometimes there are times when people are killed without paying for their lives.

Every time he saw this kind of scene, He Mulan wished he could take a sentence and look at the faces of those advisers.

And now, she did.

"Ah, I'm already in trouble." He Mulan nodded indifferently. "thank you, I know now."

Cui Lin was a little surprised.

He had deduced in his mind the reaction that Mulan would have countless times, including not believing what he said, or driving him out in a hurry, but none of them were like this.

-Tell him "Thank you, I understand" with the same tone as if you ate a slice of pickled melon today.

Appeared! It sure looks like constipation!

Although only for a moment.

"General Hua probably thinks that he's making a fool of himself, so he ignores it..."

"But it's not for trivial matters that come from Pingcheng all the way down the road. General Hua, Your Majesty has been..."

"Cui Langjun, I have now disarmed and returned to the field." He Mulan stared into Cui Lin's eyes, forcing him to stop the words in his mouth.

You see, Mulan is not without momentum.

"I don't know why you came to the humble house, but Cui Langjun, who has spent more than ten years in a life-and-death struggle and finally survived, said such words, this is not what a benevolent person should do. "

He Mulan knew this kind of person.

If it wasn't for the usefulness of the target they were trying to persuade, they wouldn't waste a little thought on the target.

And this kind of person would care if a disarmed female general who had nothing to do with her life would be in great trouble

Who believes

"But you are already in danger, General Hua." Cui Lin still put a polite smile on her face, "It's out of respect for heroes, so I'll let you know. But that doesn't mean others will be like me. the 'kindness'."

Cui Lin knew that Hua Mulan was very protective of him. But it doesn't matter, he is here today just to explore the bottom.

When things gradually emerged, he believed that Hua Mulan would want to know the answer from him.

"General Hua, do you think Your Majesty can tolerate so many guards and Su Wei leaving without permission? Especially everyone here is a handsome soldier with a prominent family background and a promising future?" Cui Lin's gentle voice was like a gentle rushing stream.

"You are a hero, a warrior who has served in the army for your father for 12 years and singled out the five generals of the Rouran Khan Court. The so-called times create heroes, and the Great Wei needs warriors..."

"But at this time, the hero becomes a woman."

"Generals are white-headed, and beautiful women are fading. Heroes have become the laughing stock of gossip among villagers and idlers in the countryside. How many soldiers of Great Wei will be chilled by this? How many soldiers will be born to the 'people' they protect. Shaking?"

"Fairy Wood"

"General Hua, as long as you are unhappy for one day, His Majesty will find a way to make you 'happy'. At least make you look like you should be 'happy' in the eyes of the world."

"Because I see that you are not an ordinary woman, I feel sad that you are about to fall into the shackles of worldly women. The thought of you living this kind of 'happiness' year after year Days, I will deeply feel sorry for you. Isn't this a kind of catastrophe?"

He Mulan sat upright behind the table, her face a little ugly.

All of a sudden, everything made sense.

Why do so many Yulin Lang ask Dugu Nuo about her current situation? Why do these people come all the way from Pingcheng to Liangjun in Chinese clothes and dowry gifts? ", just to complete a naive action like a "support".

At first she thought it was Mulan's unique personal charm and prestige in the army that prompted the group of soldiers to do so.

It may be the cause, but it's not just that.

If it is really a Hua Mulan who has been disheartened by the criticism from the villagers, even if she does not find a home among these soldiers, she will start to pay attention to her lifelong affairs.

In order not to worry about parents, not to worry about brothers, not to worry about the past Pao Ze.

She might be that kind of person.

It turned out that Emperor Tuoba Tao had never forgotten her.

It turns out that Mulan has risen to this level.

It turned out that they never saw her as "Mulan", but still "General Hua".

He Mulan was inexplicably blocked.

In her time, Mulan was dead, and only the legend of "joining the army for her father" existed.

Although she originally had a simple wish not to let her father die, but since she was a woman and the last woman to survive, she was destined to be extraordinary.

For the future world, Mulan, which represents a woman's self-improvement spirit, has become a "symbol", and it doesn't matter what this symbol looks like.

Who cares about the idea of a "symbol"? Symbols are what people think they are.

For the first time, He Mulan knelt down in a very upright manner after the case, and all kinds of strange thoughts appeared in her mind, so that she couldn't even be annoyed that Cui Lin finally achieved the "sensational" final goal of the counselors.

She sat on her knees for a long time as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water, not even knowing when Cui Lin left.

Cui Lin, who left Hua's house, and her friend You Ke rode on the horse. You Ke accompanied Cui Lin to stay at the door of Hua's house quietly for a while. Finally, I couldn't help but urge.

"Huai Jin, what are you looking at?"

"I'm a little regretful..." Cui Lin looked at the men who were in full swing. He believed that, apart from the emperor, there would be no second person who could command these talented people to do these things at the same time.

And this Mulan is just a name.

He didn't know the woman at all, but he took the risk anyway, with his usual confidence and ability to shake people's hearts. He is also a soldier, and he is currently fighting for the safety of the Cui family and the safety of Wei.

He wanted to press step by step, and let this woman threw herself into the court and the harem, which were more terrifying than the battlefield.

But as Mulan said, 'Speaking like this to a woman who has spent more than ten years in a life-and-death struggle and finally survived, this is not what a benevolent person should do. '

After all, Cui Lin is not the old politician of her grandfather who has been immersed in the political center of the Wei Dynasty for decades, playing with people's hearts, power and applause, so he will regret it for a moment.

However, this can only make his conscience move a little bit.

Mulan and the family and the world, who is more important and who is more important, this is really an easy choice.

What's more, Cui Lin felt that her actions might allow Mulan to live a more honorable and respectable life.

She was not an ordinary woman, she was a "fighter".

Cui Lin turned the horse's head and started to go back to Yucheng under the eyes of everyone.

Next, he just needs to wait and see the changes and slowly lure it.


in the house.

After He Mulan thought about it in a mess, she found that she had fallen into a misunderstanding.

Damn, take that sinister villain to the ditch!

She is He Mulan, not Hua Mulan!

What Tuoba Tao, what Great Wei, what family, country, world, spiritual coordinates...

About her bird thing