Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 15: My Mulan


The fourteen selected by thousands of people from the Jingzhong Suwei stayed at Hua Mulan's house for three days, and finally returned home.

These Yulin Lang, who were born rich and noble, suffered a lot during these three days.

One of Yulin Lang accidentally stepped on the moss on the roof while repairing the roof. Fortunately, He Mulan was helping the children with Fang Shi and Hua Mutuo at that time, in order not to let Yu Lin Lang fall to his death and scare the child (big fog), He Mulan stepped forward to catch the Yulin Lang, and there was no drama of "tragedy, the marriage is not the opposite."

As for how He Mulan received it and in what manner, the past is unbearable to look back on. In order not to leave a shadow on this Yulin-lang's next life, all the robes thoughtfully expressed that they had not seen it or had forgotten it. .

Other pig feeders, chicken feeders, and grinding millers will not be mentioned one by one. Anyway, they are all laborious work without any difficulty.

Although Brother Hua is very distressed that there is a Yulin Lang kindly helping to kill the chicken, but the head of the chicken was cut off, so that he did not receive the blood of the chicken, but these few days, for this man who has shouldered the burden of the family since he was a child, will be farming. , raising horses, and feeding pigs as a daily young boy, it is an incredible few days.

So that in the middle of the night, when he and Mrs Fang went to bed, they couldn't help but tell her that if he was the soldier later, he would be living such a majestic life and wearing such bright clothes.

In this regard, Fang Shi ruthlessly poured a basin of cold water on him.

"Let's talk about it when you're not afraid of death."

As for the disciples of the strong Han family, they have also learned a lot in the past few days. They are now confident that if they are down, they will not starve to death with their ability to write letters.

After all, writing letters and reciting poems and writing fu are different, especially for ordinary people who do not know the big characters and cannot understand them with a little attention to words, how to save paper and write in a simple way has become a learning.

These disciples of the northern high school gradually mastered this knowledge through the nagging of countless old ladies and grandfathers.

The biggest insight is the thoughts that fell when I was writing.

For the longing of the son who went on an expedition from afar;

The thoughts of wandering wanderers;

Thoughts on whether the married daughter is safe now;

The most beautiful and simple emotions for a loved one or a loved one...

They won't say, "If you don't see each other for one day, it's like the three moons", and they won't say something like "a gentleman is in service, so don't think about it", but their words are more touching than poems.

If these disciples of the strong sect did it reluctantly just to make a good impression on Hua Mulan at first, they have since been content with it and fully understood the meaning of "giving more than receiving".

Words, a weapon in the hands of wealthy scribes, played their role in this gentle way, soothing the hearts of those who saw it.

The disciples of these strong sects would even be curious about how those soldiers at the border and those who travelled far and wide would feel when they read the letters they wrote.

However, when He Mulan clearly showed that they had disturbed her life, these Yulin Lang had to rush back to Pingcheng.

They admired Mulan to the point that they didn't want to see her showing the slightest bit of disgust towards them.

In the early morning, the fourteen knights led their horses from the stables behind the Hua Mulan's house. He Mulan instructed the wrestlers to remove the betrothal gifts they sent from her warehouse and reload them on the carriage.

Although the Fourteen Knights agreed that they had disturbed the peace of the Hua family for so many days, these dowry gifts could be given to Mulan as a simple gift, but He Mulan had the idea of not getting paid, and she did reject them. It's a bit unethical to ask for a gift at this time, so I'm resolutely not accepting it, and the fourteen riders can only obey.

"General Hua, let's say goodbye today, I don't know when we can see each other again. I hope you won't drive me out next time we come as old friends." Dugu Nuo's eyes were red, if it wasn't for him being the man on duty in the palace, At this moment, he can't wait to build a thatched hut next to Hua's house and grind until Hua Mulan is willing to marry.

"That's natural." He Mulan smiled heartily, "Next time I come again, I will treat him with good wine and good food."

She winked at Dugu Nuo playfully.

"You have too many people here this time, so the good wine has to be saved."

Dugu Nuo had never seen this naughty side of Hua Mulan, and was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic.

"General Dugu..." He Mulan leaned into Dugu Nuo's ear and whispered in his ear.

As He Mulan approached, Dugu Nuo blushed and wanted to jump up, and after listening to He Mulan's words, he did jump up.

"I have heard that putting some vinegar in the foot bath every day can effectively prevent foot odor..."

"It's all said that it's not me!" Dugu Nuo's face turned red, "It's not me, it's not me!"

He Mulan glanced at Dugu Nuo with a half-smile but not a smile.

"Ah, it's not you. Then you can listen to it, maybe it will be used later?"

Dugu Nuo cursed in his heart that he didn't know which bastard was slandering him, and in a blink of an eye, he was surrounded by knights preparing war horses.

"What did General Hua whisper to you just now?"

"Dugu Nuo, you are so treacherous, did you betray in front of General Hua when you went to the market?"

"Agreed on a fair competition!"

What is fair competition

Whose feet are more fragrant

Dugu Nuo rolled his eyes.

The fourteen riders were quickly reorganized, and Fang Shi and Yuan Shi held newly-made noodles and boiled eggs as dry food for them on the road.

He Mulan's research was very successful. After grinding wheat flour and water, he made a kind of dead flour cake. Although he couldn't make "starter" in a hurry, the flour made from pure wheat flour was better than rye flour. many. Although these fourteen cavalrymen were from prominent backgrounds, because they often accompanied Tuoba Tao on hunting, they unexpectedly didn't pay much attention to their food.

Seeing such a parting scene, He Mulan felt a little sad in her heart.

Whether or not they came because of Tuoba Tao's instructions, their willingness to come has already expressed something moving.

Although she didn't think there was anything wrong with being single, she was grateful for everything Tuoba Tao had done for Hua Mulan from the bottom of her heart.

She is not blind. During the three days of getting along with her, she naturally felt that the fourteen soldiers in the army were handsome and tall, and they all had good personalities.

Fourteen good young people with pure hearts, this emperor Tuoba Tao, really wanted Hua Mulan to obtain "happiness" in a certain sense.

This is by no means the kind of false "happiness" that Cui Lin said for the sake of everyone in the world. If that's the case, Tuoba Tao only needs to force her to marry a young man who looks very good to outsiders. Why was it necessary to try so hard to make a "support" scene, and let them spend a few days with her naturally

For the past three days, she watched them clumsily catching chickens and feeding pigs, and going to the house to uncover the tiles.

She watched as a tall and handsome young man was splashed on the face by the spittle from an old lady's mouth, she just wiped it off silently, and continued to lower her head to rewrite the letter.

She watched Dugu Nuo pulling the stone mill like a donkey, as if she couldn't feel her teasing at all.

Such qualities are more precious than their origin and future. And she didn't believe that Tuoba Tao was so discerning, and she just picked up such a group of such outstanding young people.

But just like the fourteenth son in front of him, Hua Mulan was also He Mulan's idol. Just because Hua Mulan is He Mulan's idol, He Mulan is using the inheritance of "Mulan" cautiously and never dares to "steal" her things.

She never forgot who these people admired, loved, and wanted to marry.

She has to keep this sober at all times and not be carried away by this vanity.

So she clasped her fists at the fourteen knights in front of her, and said aloud.

She didn't say these words by herself, but through Hua Mulan's body and her mouth, she said the words that Hua Mulan has always remembered in her soul and never dared to forget.

They came for Mulan, and she felt they had to listen...

"Everyone spent three days in the humble house, and you should know that it is not easy for the common people to survive and the world is difficult. My Hua family is already a wealthy family among the common people of the Great Wei Dynasty, and I have to feed the army horses and farm the fields to feed the children of the army. Qing, I know that you are all nobles, and you may not be able to understand this kind of life..."

"In Dawei, there are more people who are not as good as my family, but they still shrink their clothes and diet, and raise Dawei's soldiers and horses, just for my Dawei to be invincible and invincible, and to save a few children from the army. Go back to the countryside and don't let the fire burn to your hometown."

"I don't understand the big truth. I just hope that you can take these people in mind when you gallop on the battlefield someday."

He Mulan knew that many of them had never experienced major wars, and even if they were like Dugu Nuo, they were all fighting on the battlefield for the glory of their family and their personal future.

For them, the battlefield is just a place for promotion, fighting for the future with their lives, that's all.

They are indeed much easier to get ahead than ordinary soldiers like Hua Mulan, who slowly slashed and slashed from the army, and it is easier to grow into a high commander. They were so blessed that they never looked down at the scenery below.

For millions of people, war is not like this.

None of them are Mulan, and there is no need to disarm and return to the field at the best age of a warrior, so the beliefs they carry in the future and the path they choose may affect more people.

"Mengjun's teachings must be kept in mind!"

Dugu Nuo responded graciously.

"Mengjun's teaching, you must guard the rest of your life!"

The Thirteen Knights shouted loudly.

Father Hua was leaning against a mulberry tree in the courtyard with a cane. When she saw her slender daughter say, "I hope you will ride the battlefield someday and think of these people", she couldn't help but duck behind the tree and wiped her tears.

He probably understood why his daughter promised him before going to war that he would return to his hometown alive if he had the chance, but he had to wait twelve years for this day.

In the past, he always thought that it was because of Mulan's amazing talent that she didn't hide her physical strength in the army as he instructed. No one is willing to let such a warrior go, so she has been challenged until now.

Now, it seems that the child voluntarily stayed in the army.

If he said that he was glad that the child who had been fighting in the battlefield returned to his hometown, the visit of the fourteen riders today gradually allowed him to touch the other side of his daughter.

Hidden under the appearance of yearning for an ordinary life, that once belonged to the extraordinary side of her daughter's heart.

He was wondering if it was because of his repeated instructions before his daughter left home that she had to give up her life in the army and return to her hometown. Mulan didn't want to change, she just wanted to return to her family with her original face, and even silently accepted many things for their feelings.

But after all, she was no longer the good daughter who would weave cloth under the window.

He once regretted that Mulan was not a boy, because in that case, the "rich" (Note 1) of the Hua family would not need to give up everything "she" had worked hard for.

But now he found he was wrong. What is the difference between a boy and a girl? Just because she's a woman, she deserves to make him even more proud.

Isn't the child who can say "I don't know the big truth, I just hope that you can ride the battlefield and think of these people", isn't he worthy of his pride

If he had been a soldier under Mulan's command, he would have been determined to fight with her on the battlefield.

Seeing that her husband was leaning against the mulberry tree, Yuan didn't move, and didn't care what her daughter was saying to those handsome young people, so she hurried to her husband's side.

"Husband, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" She wiped away his tears, not knowing what her husband was feeling.

"Baby, mother, let's not rush Mulan to get married."

Father Hua opened his red eyes and murmured, "Can't rush, can't urge."

"Huh? Why? I'm still a pity, this time there are so many good men..." Yuan shi looked at the group of knights at the door with some regret, "It's a pity that my family is just an ordinary family after all, it may not be a good thing for Mulan to climb high, I Although it's a woman's family, it still understands..."

"You don't understand..." Father Hua held up his crutches and made his back straight like a daughter's.

"How is it possible to climb high? Our Mulan is not considered a high climber when we marry anyone."

He murmured something that Yuan Shi couldn't understand.

"She had turned into a goshawk and had spread her wings. When she was flying, everyone knew it was a sin to lock her up, so she continued to fly. Now she's tired and we can't take her for granted. Swallows living under the eaves."

"Huh?" Yuan Shi was dumbfounded.

What swallows and eagles

"Let Mulan continue to live the life she wants." He paused and said those two words heavily.

"The days she 'thought'."