Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 22: Compassionate Mulan


He Mulan hated the proposition of "choose one to die or one hundred to die".

In her many years as a police officer, she has also seen villains take hostages to demand this and that. Although she was only a forensic doctor, some poor hostages died in the end, and she was asked to investigate the cause of death.

Many family members cannot accept that their family members died because of the murderer's madness. They prefer to believe that the government is unwilling to accept the compromise of the criminals, thus forcing them to death.

In many cases, even if a compromise is accepted, the hostage may not be able to return safely.

This kind of work can sometimes make He Mulan sad for many days.

In modern times, in order to stabilize the emotions of criminals, the desire to be satisfied is naturally to be satisfied as much as possible, or to obtain some concessions in negotiations. But some wishes such as "give me 500 million" or "you will let me commit suicide" are simply incomprehensible.

Everyone knows that this is an impossible wish to grant, but there are still many people who will use the innocent as a bargaining chip, hoping that the kind-hearted "in power" or the media will satisfy this wish with a "humanitarian" spirit.

People like Lu Shuihu were immediately classified as anti-human and anti-social terrorists in He Mulan's time.

If in modern times, the lives of the common people are at least concerned by the media and the general public, then in places where information was not developed in ancient times, if the superiors deliberately concealed the news of death, it may even die in a village. In the township, the superiors said "the thieves and thieves are in chaos" and they were dismissed, and they also successfully transferred this hatred to the "thieves and thieves".

These Lushuihu people thought very well and arranged very cleverly, but they may not have understood what kind of people the "politicians" are.

He Mulan had no obligation or purpose to think carefully for both parties, but Hua Mulan's family was here.

He Mulan, who inherited everything from Mulan, had to think about her family in this body.

He Mulan didn't know what kind of person the Cui family was, nor what choice Tuoba Tao would make in the face of this kind of "kidnapping" that would go against her majesty, so she couldn't gamble.

She couldn't bet that the Cui family would "righteously kill relatives", nor that Tuoba Tao would obediently release the two eminent monks.

If it is said that she was persuaded by You Ke and came here to save Cui Lin, she initially just wanted to say something like "You let Cui Lin and leave Yucheng" after defeating Gai Wu...

Then, since Bai Ma was obviously frightened and made his plan, He Mulan quickly calculated in his mind how to stop the possible tragedy.

If you like to watch programs like "Man and Nature", you will probably know that the local area will definitely find a way to hunt and kill the kind of beast that has attacked people. Because once it has attacked people, and it is found that hunting humans is easier than hunting other animals, as long as it tastes the sweetness, it will start to attack humans frequently.

Even if humans have guns and weapons, they will not retreat.

Therefore, for animals that have attacked humans, even if they did not actually kill or eat humans, they must be hunted and killed. Otherwise that race will soon become a terrifying race, swelled into a man-eating monster that defies human abilities and living space.

As a higher animal, man is no different from these beasts under certain circumstances. If the Lushuihu people tasted the sweetness of "the court of Wei will compromise as soon as I threaten the safety of civilians", such things will become more and more frequent.

And in order to prevent the Lushuihu people from doing this kind of thing again and again, Emperor Wei is bound to send troops to completely suppress the Lushuihu people.

The Lushuihu people are not only the Gaiwu branch, including the conquered Beiliang, the number of Lushuihu is not small.

If it is said that most of the Lushuihu people in the Wei land are mercenaries, then there are many Lushuihu people who originally lived in the border of Beiliang who make a living by farming or doing small business. How innocent are these people

Just like in modern times, when there are more Islamic extremists and more terrorist attacks, many ordinary people start to fear and hate those fanatical Muslims. Emotional contamination is an unavoidable thing. He Mulan does not want to stabilize after all. The Northern Wei Dynasty evolved from a foreign war into a civil war.

She believed that "Mulan", who no longer knew where she was going, didn't want this to be the case.

He Mulan had already benefited from the blessing of Mulan's disarming and returning to the field, and began to live a peaceful life, and didn't want to wear the shirt again.

Then, this terrible trend will only come to an end if the idea of Gai Wu is completely cut off, and Lu Shuihu can taste the taste of failure before he has tasted the sweetness.

He Mulan didn't want Wu's life, nor anyone's life.

She wants everyone to live.

Gai Wu stared at He Mulan stubbornly. Such a request was tantamount to blocking many of his future paths.

"You kill me." Gai Wu gritted his teeth and said, "If I agree to such a request, any commoner with a hoe or a sickle in his hand can kill us in the future, but we can't fight back."

"I am the leader and cannot make such a decision for my people."

"You can." He Mulan smiled, "You can don't let you fall into a situation where even the common people have to fight with you with hoes and scythes.".

Until now, You Ke and the Cui family were relieved.

Cui Lin has no official position, let alone a soldier or military household. From the definition of "common people", Cui Lin is also an out-and-out "commoner".

The Lushuihu people believe in Buddhism and believe that those who die in battle or are killed in battle are "victims" and can become Buddhas on the spot.

Buddhism at this time is very flexible, just like shouting "Amitabha Buddha" in modern propaganda and burning high incense to make a wish come true. Here they are propagating the doctrines of different imperial courts, different ethnic groups, and different regions. different.

The Southern Dynasties were all Han people, and they paid attention to "benevolence and righteousness", so they preached "compassion".

In the early period of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the people fought every year, and the people lived extremely hard to bear the heavy taxes brought by the war. Buddhism preached "patience" and "death in battle to become a Buddha" in the north.

Because Buddhists often raised war orphans, taught commoners and Hu people writing and knowledge, they were even more admired by the disadvantaged.

In an age of turbulent human hearts and precarious life, all kinds of beliefs that support people's continued progress have become extremely important.

The Lushuihu people lived a more difficult life than the commoners and soldiers of the Wei Dynasty, and they valued their faith more than their lives.

If Gaiwu made the oath of "abandoning both gods and Buddhas", to the Lushuihu people, it is no different from the Han people's "no supernatural life after death" and "death without a burial place for monks".

The Lushui Hu people had Cui Lin in their hands, and their iron cavalry pointed their soldiers at the people of Yucheng. However, the local officials and government soldiers in Yucheng hardly played any role at this time. He could only passively fall into Lu Shuihu's conspiracy without moving.

The only one who can turn the tide by force is He Mulan in front of him. Or…

- Only "Mulan".

Bai Ma and the other Lushuihu people kept communicating in the Hun language. It can be seen that most of the Lushuihu people did not agree with the request of "Mulan".

Gai Wu closed his lips, keeping his usual silence.

"I can't stand it anymore..." A man's voice sounded abruptly.

After a while, a few strong men flashed out from the back of Qiuwan Temple carrying a young man in Chinese clothes with a bloody face, and the ranger behind them shouted:

"Cui Lin is here! Cui Lin is here!"

It was Gao Jinlong, the ranger leader in Liang County who said "I can't stand it anymore".

With the sound of "Cui Lin" here, the situation has reversed.

The Cui family almost watched with excitement as their son was carried out of the ruined temple.

At this moment, these rangers in sackcloth and ge shirts have become legendary figures.

Gao Jinlong asked Ranger to carry Cui Lin to Wei Jun's side, pointing at Lu Shui Hu and scolding:

"You'd better agree to General Hua's conditions and get out of Yucheng's boundaries. If a commoner dies in Yucheng, all the rangers in Wei will be chasing after you forever!"

"The boss said it well!"

"You bunch of Lu Shuihu, hurry up and get out of here!"

"It annoys us rangers. Wherever you go in the future, Dawei's troops will follow our news!"

If the words "Mulan" made Gai Wu resist, then the Ranger's memorizing "Cui Lin" made Gai Wu suspicious. The leader of the rangers here said, "I will follow your trail forever", which almost made Gai Wu gnaw his teeth.

Lu Shuihu were all cavalry, coming and going like the wind, moving erratically. Sometimes they are divided into parts, and sometimes they are divided into wholes, and as long as their employers need them, they can immediately join the battle without revealing their tracks.

The Northern Wei Dynasty was dominated by cavalry, and there were many foreign races. Horses were not a rare thing to be controlled. Some people riding horses appeared in various places.

But being targeted by the Ranger, that's not necessarily the case.

They are the best scouts and spies, watching your every move.

Seeing that Lu Shuihu was shaken at this time, He Mulan waved the "rock" in his hand and pointed at Gai Wu.

"Promise my terms, or defend your rules and die, you choose.".

Gai Wu's chin was shaking, Bai Ma's eyes were already filled with tears, and all the Lushuihu people seemed to have a shadow on their faces.

At this time, Cui Lin had been rescued. Even if they threatened the villagers with the conditions of Tu Guangyu, the town army in Liang County would not be able to let them leave.

It is not easy to go against the great Wei. They kidnapped Cui Lin and offended the Chinese dignitaries. Now, if even the folk rangers are involved, not to mention whether they can save the two eminent monks, or even survive in the future. All became difficult.

So Gai Wu spoke slowly.

"I Gai Wu, and my subordinates, will not harm the lives of any civilians in my lifetime..."

He clutched his injured waist and abdomen, inhaled, and said word by word:

"If this oath is violated, the gods and Buddhas will abandon it!"

As the word "abandoned" was uttered, Gao Jinlong let out a long sigh. The government soldiers, county magistrates, and Cui's family members present, including He Mulan, all showed a relaxed expression.

"Let your subordinates go to the countryside to send a message and release the people who are under your control..." He Mulan looked at the white horse with a stiff expression, "I'll go check it out for myself, and if there's nothing wrong with the four villages, I'll come back. "

"If your people release the people and are willing to leave Yucheng, the county magistrate will naturally release you."

She was referring to the hundreds of government soldiers who surrounded the fifty-odd cavalry.

Cui Lin was rescued, they really wanted to fight, and they were not afraid.

Gai Wu turned his head to Youke's side. Liang Jun's soldiers and cadres seemed a little unwilling.

The young magistrate nodded solemnly.

"If you let the people go and leave Yucheng, I won't let the soldiers of Yucheng embarrass you. On the court side, I will report the reasons for it. I am willing to bear all the consequences."

As soon as he said this, Bing Cao wanted to say something, but he could only shut up obediently.

Gai Wu watched You Ke for a long time, and finally gave a few words in Xiongnu language. After the white horse stomped a few times, he was reluctant to take out a small white flag from Gai Wu's arms and pointed it towards the twenty-odd. The knight Lu Shuihu waved and shouted.

The knights were obviously stunned for a while after receiving the order, and then began to reconcile with the white horse, saying a sentence to me, and to each other across the crowd.

Bai Li pointed at Hua Mulan, then pointed at Gai Wu, said a few words of Xiongnu, and waved the white flag in his hand. No matter how reluctant those knights were, they could only turn their horses and head towards the road they came from.

Whispering voices came from time to time, and no one knew what Lu Shui was talking about.

They can't understand the Xiongnu language, but some people here can understand.

Cui Lin, who had been handed over to You Ke by Ranger, leaned on her friend's arms and nodded to him.

You Ke had been with him for many years, and naturally he could see that this meant that the Lushuihu people had no problem. He sighed. He was at a loss as to where to put his hands. With red eyes, he could only comfortably help:

"Although you have suffered, you are fortunate that your life is safe. The so-called disaster is not dead, there will be future blessings..."

You Ke murmured a lot, but did not wait for Cui Lin's response. When he looked carefully, Cui Lin's eyelids, which were covered with tears and blood, had slowly closed.

It was as if he had endured so long without fainting, just to give him such a nod.

Seeing what happened here, He Mulan turned around and left almost without hesitation.

"Hua Mulan."

Gai Wu suddenly called out.

He Mulan froze suspiciously, and turned around to see what else this "defeated general" had to say.

Gai Wu didn't say anything, just threw something at Hua Mulan with an expression of severe pain.


hidden weapon!

It was almost a conditioned reflex, He Mulan quickly drew his weapon!

pat, pat.

A wooden sculpture dressed up by a Xianbei man was cut off by He Mulan's sword and scattered on the ground.

Gai Wu showed a deeply shocked expression.

He Mulan stared blankly at the wood carving on the ground, not knowing what Gai Wu meant.

This wood carving is extremely ugly, and it is completely unrecognizable. It is a work of Fauvism.

Could it be the cursed villain


She nodded to Gai Wu reservedly, put away the rock, walked over to her Yueying side and got on the horse, snorted coldly in her heart.

'Sorry, I don't believe in witchcraft at all. '.

"General Hua, you're going..." You Ke handed Cui Lin over to the Cui family and shouted at Hua Mulan.

"Go home!" He Mulan galloped away without looking back.

Where she was going first, it was self-evident.

No one would condemn her for not going to other villages first. If it were them, they would rush home as soon as possible.

You Ke was a little worried in his heart, and ordered the cavalry in the government to follow Hua Mulan on horseback. For a while, the hooves were loud, and these sons and boys chased He Mulan's figure with anxious expressions.

Speeding up.

He Mulan tapped "Yueying" with her heel.

This is a BMW who understands human nature. It sensed the owner's anxiety, and ran at the fastest speed at this time.

Lu Shuihu's white knight watched in surprise as He Mulan followed their figures and returned to Yucheng and the countryside with them. Perhaps due to the natural rivalry between the riders, these white knights also increased their speed, unwilling to fall behind the famous steed "Yueying".

hurry up!

Hurry up!

The horses' feet stretched out, pulled the ground, and then pushed back vigorously. They kept repeating this action and quickly rushed to the south of Yucheng.

The dozen or so cavalry separated on different roads and rushed to different villages. Only the white knights who were going to camp in Guo Township and the government soldiers who followed Hua Mulan to inspect the villages remained firmly behind He Mulan.

From a distance, it seemed that these knights wanted to follow in the footsteps of He Mulan, but were afraid of her majesty and had to maintain a few horses to show their respect.

Gradually, the high wall of Yingguo Township had come to He Mulan, and the figure of Father Hua suddenly entered her line of sight in an incredible way.

This old man, who often hunched his back on weekdays, actually rode a war horse and wore armor.

After stomping on the wall, the villagers in Yingguo Township, who usually only waved rakes, stood in rows to block the earth wall with long spears made of sturdy and slender bamboo and wooden poles with sharpened tops. of the various gaps.

Yingguo Township actually used this simple stomping wall to resist the cavalry of the Lushuihu people.

Tears welled up in He Mulan's eyes.

This is because of a certain emotion that only Hua Mulan should have, like a sudden, so that she almost shouted out with a crying voice:
