Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 35: Handsome collapsed


He Mulan, who finally returned from walking the horse, frowned strangely when she saw that the three of them didn't talk to each other.

She was even more curious when she saw that He Guang was riding a horse almost in a spirited way.

She knew that the younger brother of the Hua family was a good man who would never conflict with others. A Danzhuo's character is very simple and honest, and he is also a boring gourd who can't talk nonsense.

What happened after she left to make the atmosphere like this

She rode to the side of A Danzhuo and asked him softly:

"What happened?"

"Nothing happened..." Adanzhuo was even more inexplicable than He Mulan. "I just talked about cabbage and radish, and that's it. Uncle Hua didn't even dare to speak when he saw that he couldn't even lift his head up."

Why is it sad to hear radish and cabbage

Did he miss home? Miss the cabbage radish that his grandmother made for him

He Mulan didn't know why the well-behaved He Guang suddenly turned gloomy, but she firmly believed that when such a rich boy went to the market, his mood would improve, so she didn't worry too much.

Maybe it was because a few people didn't know what to do except to travel, and soon they arrived at the place where they went to the market - Majiao Bridge.

Majiaoqiao is a place where the three towns meet, and people around will buy their products here. Because the population of Shili Baxiang near Yucheng is not large, the market in Majiaoqiao is not as complete as the market in Yucheng, but the advantage is that it is close to home and the location is good, so it maintains a small market every five days and one every seven days. The frequency of large sets.

As He Mulan said, no matter what He Guang was frustrated with, when he arrived at this place, he finally looked around curiously. On the contrary, A Danzhuo probably went to the market quite a few times, so he didn't show any curiosity.

"Uncle Hua, you didn't carry a load? Didn't you carry a small unicycle or something?" Seeing that Hua Mutuo didn't take out the unicycle from the carriage and didn't carry a load, Adanzhuo's eyes widened.

"Haha." Hua Mutuo glanced at the elder sister who was talking to He Guang not far away. "You'll find out later..."

"When you go out with my elder sister, just bring someone with you."

the other side.

"Since your cousin wants you to come out to practice, I can't spoil you." He Mulan took out a few pearls from her bosom, and these pearls were in the bag You Ke gave her.

"I'll give you these beads, and you'll give me ten pounds of salt."

"It's impossible." He Guang was not that gullible three-year-old. "Without Yanyin, who would dare to sell salt? This place is just a small market, and it's not a shop with Yanyin in Yucheng. How can you buy so much salt!"

"I can't tell, you really know a lot..." He Mulan put on a terrifying expression and said to him with a low smile, "Have you never heard that there are policies above and countermeasures below?"


"If everyone goes to Yucheng Mansion to buy salt, what do you think so many people use for salting in winter?"


He Mulan pushed him forward.

"I'll tell you, you can buy ten catties of salt in this market. But they won't sell it on the bright side."

She looked at He Guang's blank face and continued to frighten him badly.

"Although your beads are precious, they are not very popular here. You'd better go and ask around quickly. When it gets late, all the salt sellers will go home. If you can't buy them, there will be no paper tonight. Available, you can only use Adanzhuo's toilet chips..."

He Guang heard the last sentence, and immediately clenched the beads and ran into the market.

"Take one away." He Mulan breathed a sigh of relief, and gave a few more orders to the younger brother who came running over with a small basket with cloth and silk on his back.

"A-Danzhuo and He Guang both live in our house. He Guang is from that kind of background. I'm afraid he's not used to our toilet room. Go and buy them a new bucket. I'm embarrassed to carry this..."

"I know, sister, I'll go right now!" Hua Mutuo nodded, glanced left and right, and pointed strangely not far away. "Then why is Xiao Langjun of the He family talking to the aunt who sells pickles?"

"This kid is really smart..." He Mulan praised and patted her brother on the shoulder. "I'll let him buy something. If you're free, take care of him by the way."

"Sister, where are you going?"

"Don't go anywhere, go and do your..."

He Mulan squeezed his fist.

"I'm going to catch some mice.".

He Mulan noticed that from the time they arrived at Majiao Bridge, there were a few people in a bad situation.

She often comes here to buy things with Hua Mutuo, so she naturally knows what the market in Majiaoqiao is like. It is called a market here. In fact, the surrounding villagers set up a street stall in such a place with bridges and roads, or set up donkey carts and carts, and sell some daily necessities and home products.

Before they came here, she found that there were a few horses in front of them that were very slow, and it was like a coincidence that they had been marching in the direction of Majiao Bridge in front of them, and occasionally stopped at some intersections as if they were resting.

Later, she passed them by taking the opportunity to walk the horse, and while passing by, she carefully looked at them, and finally determined that they were not Han Chinese.

Hu and Han people have many habits that are different, whether it is riding a horse or controlling the strings. Ordinary people naturally couldn't see it, but Hua Mulan had been in the army for 12 years, and had seen Hu people of all races. When He Mulan saw their riding posture and the patterns on the saddle, she learned from Mulan's memory. I learned that they must not be Han Chinese in the Central Plains.

In fact, she also noticed that He Guang didn't look like a Han Chinese in some ways. But his temperament is too refined, and at first glance, he is a child who has learned Chinese characters and is well-educated. He Mulan didn't think too much about intermarriage between Han Gaomen and Xianbei people in the north.

In Yucheng, especially in the countryside of Yucheng, it may not be a big deal to see Xianbei people, but it is very suspicious to see Xianbei people wearing Han clothes or other people of the Hu ethnic group. In addition, when she passed them by, these knights all lowered their heads and didn't look at her, which made her even more suspicious.

Is it the revenge of the Lushuihu people

Or as Cui Lin said, Tuoba Tao has always sent people to stare at her to see how she is doing

No matter what it was, He Mulan didn't want to endure it.

So after passing her brother and He Guangzhi past, she pretended to be buying needles, thread and gouache and stopped at a stall, and looked at the back with the small bronze mirror on the rouge stall.

When she was sure that those people were just wandering around in the market, He Mulan dropped the bronze mirror and rushed towards the suspicious people.

Really used punch.

In just an instant, He Mulan approached them, stretched out his fist in the surprised eyes of these people, and threw a punch!


The sound of the fist hitting the flesh came out.

The man who was hit by He Mulan bowed in pain on the spot, and cried out in pain.

He Mulan restrained the man, squeezed his arm tightly with one hand, and put another hand on his neck, and asked in an extremely disgusting tone, "Who are you guys! What are you doing with us! "

He Mulan thought that these people might pretend to be stupid by acting inexplicably, they might shout to attract others' attention, or they might attack her regardless of the hostages in her hands, but she didn't expect it. This kind of…

These men actually practiced a standard military etiquette, and reported their origins in the Xianbei dialect.

"General Hua, we are the 'Egret' on the side of the emperor. We are here to monitor the movements of the Lushuihu people. It was a coincidence that we met you. Please raise your hand!"

He Mulan did lose some hostility after hearing their words, but she didn't let go of her hand, frowned and didn't speak.

The men glanced at each other helplessly, and took out a bronze medal with an egret pattern from their arms. They saw the words "Waiting for Cao XX, do not avoid strong control, Bai Liao is solemn" engraved on it, it is true It is the same as the imperial censor of the Han people.

Seeing that He Mulan was not a bad guy, she withdrew her hand, clasped her fist and said "offend".

At this time, it was the early years of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Many institutions had two systems of Xianbei and Han, and this policy was also adopted at the local level. There were both Han and Xianbei prefects, and they jointly managed the government.

During the reign of several emperors in the early Northern Wei Dynasty, although the outer dynasties also had censor desks, it was the "waiting officials" who belonged to the inner dynasties who really played a supervisory role.

Waiting officer is an official position established when Han courtiers decide their official names. Originally, this officer was the eyes and ears of the scouts of several emperors of Wei State when they were marching. The Xianbei language is called "Egret", which is taken from the meaning of "extended neck and distant view, alert and pure", and later became a first-class scout officer with an upright personality. , The astute Xianbei people served.

Since Xianbei has only language but no written characters, it would be inappropriate to directly translate it into "white egret" when Baiguan was established, so the Chinese characters were written as "waiting officials", and the yamen of waiting officials were called "waiting officials".

There are too many ethnic groups in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and there are disputes between Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. All kinds of contradictions are intricate. By the time of Tuoba Tao, the number of waiting officials increased rapidly, and they were almost distributed in every state and county. Noma, as long as he hears that there is a change in the local area and that hundreds of officials are rampant and illegal, he can ask the edict to act.

Therefore, although the officials were not high in rank, their status was not low, and He Mulan did not want to have a grudge against them.

These waiters were obviously not willing to have any disputes with Hua Mulan. Seeing that someone around had noticed them and started to approach this side, they lowered their voices and reminded He Mulan kindly, "Gai Wu's people haven't left yet. , please pay attention to the Lushuihu people!"

After they threw this sentence away, they didn't stay much, and left in a hurry.

Only the inexplicable He Mulan and the curious villagers surrounding her were left.

"This strong man, are you catching a thief?" An old lady who was leaking her words smiled and praised her. "I lost five eggs here last time, and my son insisted that I made a mistake! I just said, how could I have made a mistake? It must have been stolen by that thief. How did you let them go? , what did they steal from you?"

"..." He Mulan looked at the old grandmother and didn't know how to answer for a while, so she perfunctory: "Ah, it was a misunderstanding, they didn't steal anything."

"What are you doing to beat them if you didn't steal anything!" The old lady said that she changed her face when she changed her face. "It's also an unreasonable young man! I don't know if you want to catch a thief! How can you beat people indiscriminately!"

"That's it!"

There are more and more vassals around.

He Mulan lowered his head and left speechlessly. He really couldn't tell the truth or reason with these people.

When those villagers saw He Mulan fleeing, they were even more excited.

"I just saw that he didn't look like a serious person, he didn't buy anything, and he messed up Li Huolang's rouge gouache!"

"Looks like he's in his thirties, but he actually went to trouble with a few young men. Fortunately, they don't care. If there are a few more vicious people, even if he is from Xianbei, he is afraid that he will be beaten up. It's a meal!"

"Anti-God Evil God"

He Mulan slid down when she heard "people in their thirties" and almost burst into tears.

What an egret, it's a fool!

What are you doing dangling around beside her!

Make you suspicious!

Tomorrow, the new rumor in Yucheng will become "Middle-aged man beats innocent boy violently"!

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