Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 38: The second companion (1)


In fact, Hua Mutuo heard the movement outside. They were old and had poor sleep. If there was any disturbance, they would wake up, and then couldn't fall back to sleep, so Hua Mutuo didn't know how many times He Mulan had forced back "Ranger." ', but they knew it.

The two old people couldn't understand why their daughters were reluctant to spend the money to buy real estate and live a better life. In this era, all the generals who put the swords and guns in Nanshan into the warehouse, even if they were disarmed and returned to the fields, they lived a prosperous life in the fields. Although their daughters were not ascetic, they were basically no different from those of ordinary people.

That kind of attitude is like there is something great waiting for her to do, and all her property has a place where it has to go.

The Hua family doesn't know what Mulan has been through in the past few years. And from her understated description, I can't find the heroic fighting or the exhausted part of her past life.

Therefore, the old father of the Hua family refused to touch his daughter's things, and at most accepted some of the daily expenses of his daughter.

It is very difficult for his daughter to choose to marry now, and she has no children and descendants. If she spends all her money, she will not have a good life in her later years.

They are now in their fifties, at an age where half of their bodies have entered the loess, and they may die from a serious illness at any time. How long can they look after their daughter

The eldest daughter was married in Huaishuo, and the youngest son and his wife were also considered beautiful. Only this second daughter made people feel uneasy.

Father Hua is an old man with many thoughts in his heart, but he is shy about words. He knows that with his knowledge and ability, he can no longer provide any help to his daughter today. What he can do now is to pretend that he can't see anything. Can't hear, just provide all the convenience when the daughter needs help.

For example, the daughter brought back two children to support.

For example, if you hear anything in the middle of the night, pretend not to hear it.

For example...

Like your sister!

Father Hua looked at the persimmon tree he had worked so hard to plant outside the house and fell there like a wild boar, while the surrounding grass seemed to have been eaten by a hundred rabbits, and he wanted to use a cane to beat the perpetrator meal.

Have the face to make trouble, but not the face to take care of the aftermath

It's so messy, how can he pretend he doesn't know anything!

"Ha, grandpa, there were probably some wild beasts around last night... Otherwise, I'll go out with a bow and arrow to take a look. If there are wild boars or something, I'll catch them and bring you a drink!" He Mulan didn't know those If the egret is not nearby, seeing that Hua's father's face is not good, and seeing the tragic appearance of the surrounding trees, he can only find ways to make up for it.

Damn it! Last night, I just remembered to pull those bastards away, and forgot if they had made any mistakes in their tossing here before!

Are these people a tree with their heads arched? Why did the tree fall so early in the morning

It was all because it was so dark, she was there to see who was fighting!

"Forget it, they're all 'beasts', how can you have a general knowledge with them!" Father Hua said the "beasts" with aggravated gnashing of teeth. He has inconvenient legs and feet, and it is not easy to plant these persimmon trees. He has planted a lot of trees to survive. The persimmon cake can moisten the lungs.

"No, I'll ask Mutuo to go to the village tomorrow to find a dog to keep..."

"Forget it..." He Mulan remembered the "Egret" who was on duty outside at night. He had a dog at home, so everyone should not sleep at night.

"No..." He Guang, who was squatting beside him, called out in a panic, "Grandpa Hua, I'm afraid of dogs!"

Pretend, keep pretending, boy!

He Mulan turned her head and rolled her eyes.

"No, let's make some traps around here." Adanzhuo looked around. "Strange, how can there be wild boars in this place? There are no mountains and forests around..."

"Now is not the time to talk about this." He Mulan hurriedly bent over, preparing to divert the topic, "This tree will definitely not survive, I'll take it back and use it as firewood!"

"I haven't seen you for a few years. Has Hua Mulan been reduced to chopping firewood at home?" A very clear voice came over, and the shock caused by this voice to He Mulan's heart actually caused her to almost tip over in an image. land.

A-Danzhuo and the Hua family heard the sound and saw that on the road leading from the countryside to the Hua's house, a slender man on a white horse with no variegation slowly drove to the left, followed by a few horses who were obviously The entourage of home will.

"Mulan, you haven't exchanged letters for the past six months, and I'm still wondering if something happened to you. Now that I look at it, it turns out that it wasn't an accident." His clear voice came with a hint of sarcasm. "It turns out that you were addicted to raising children, and you raised two more at home, so you don't even have time to talk to your comrades in the army."

When the general walked to the side of the crowd and dismounted, He Mulan still maintained a wooden expression and posture.

This man is tall and tall, with fair and smooth skin that makes one wonder if Mulan and he are serving in the same place. Since he is an alien who has no habit of growing beards, his face is more like a powder and his lips are greased, and his slightly raised green eyes are so gorgeous that it is almost impossible to look directly at him.

As soon as He Guang saw this knight with such obvious features, he immediately knew who he was. Since he was not sure whether this person had seen him, he lowered his head slightly and did not make a sound.

Adanzhuo has a solid eye. When he saw such a beautiful woman, he couldn't help shouting:

"Aunt Hua, this aunt is wearing men's clothes like you. Is this your old friend? Aunt Hua? Huh..."

How could He Mulan hear him

She was sucked into that mysterious memory again.


Right Army, Hu Ben Camp.

In the past few decades, the right army's Huben battalion has been under the two battalions of the "Yingyang" of the central army and the "hussar" of the left army, although it is the best way for all the underprivileged children and foreign soldiers in the army to be promoted , but most of them were transferred to the Central Army and led directly by the emperor after they were promoted.

Such a camp that everyone regards as a "springboard" has become the most wanted place for warriors in the army at this time. The reason is all because the right army's Huben camp has two "military myths" that other camps are envious of.

One is the "Tiger General" Hua Mulan, who is incomparably mighty and can tear apart tigers and bears with one hand;

The second is that she looks like a fairy, and it has always been said that she is a "light car general" Di Yefei who disguises herself as a man and joins the army for her father.

Hua Mulan aside, this General Di Yefei is indeed a very interesting character.

His ancestors were businessmen from the Western Regions to the Central Plains for generations. Later, they were plundered to the Great Wei Dynasty and settled in their households. The family property was also wiped out. The whole family was first slaves, and later established princes and became tribal soldiers.

Di Yefei's father was a Gaoche man, and his mother was a white slave of Tocharo (a kind of white concubine and dance girl), who was captured by Di Yefei's father as his wife during the war.

This is an incredible thing in the eyes of later generations, but in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Xianbei people really regarded the Han people as the Gao nationality next to the Xianbei, and regarded other nationalities as "barbarians" and enslaved them. But once they belong to the "Hu clan" of the Great Wei Dynasty, they will be higher than other non-naturalized ones.

The reason why Di Ye flew to the camp in Montenegro was the same as that of many military households in the Great Wei Dynasty, because he received a military sticker from the military government that managed the military household. During the war, every time a household was recruited, only one strong man was needed. This Di Yefei would be recruited. It is said that his father was middle-aged and obese, and his younger brother was still underage, so he received the military post and came here. Soldiers in the barracks.

When Di Yefei arrived at the Montenegro camp according to the address posted by the army, he even alerted the commander of the recruits.

It's not because he is such a heroic, strong and mighty warrior, but because the officials in the military mansion in Montenegro's camp in charge of receiving military stickers were stunned to accept his stickers.

He looks so much like a woman.

Whether it is the white skin that looks like a cream that can be broken, or the cold and arrogant eyes, these soldiers who have not seen a woman in the military camp for several years are screaming in their hearts, let alone his green color. The eyes seemed to have water light at any time, and it was even more itchy.

Just his mouth, all the soldiers went crazy.

"Is it okay? If you don't accept my post, I will go home."

She is clearly a beauty in men's clothing with bright facial features like a dancer in the Western Regions, tall and thin, and unforgettable, but her mouth is a rough male voice.

"Collection, collection, collection!" The commander's eyes straightened, "Di Yefei, Gaoche Ren, nineteen years old, right? Our right income is gone!"

Even if you can't fight, it's good to adjust your mood!

Every day I look at the big guy with stubborn feet, and occasionally I have to wash my eyes, right

This Gaoche clan soldier named Di Yefei really has a knack for it. He is good at double halberds, and his horsemanship is not weak, and he can endure hardships. He has gradually become one of the most outstanding recruits in Baiying.

In addition, in order to compete with him at the beginning, most of the newcomers broke their heads, so his companions are the most courageous soldiers in the right camp, and their record has always been at the top of the white camp.

It's a pity that the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. No matter how powerful the rumors that "Di Yefei was originally a daughter" was, the friends who ate and lived with him have used various methods to find out about him. The "real body" of:

- He is indeed a feminine and beautiful man without error.

"How's it going? You're finally on the same page as that guy, is he fragrant?" A man laughed slyly. "You take advantage of other girls every day, are you not even sleeping well?"

"Go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go!" The person who was in a bad mood couldn't help but drink the truth. "Where is Di Yefei's bitch! There are also some tricks down there!"

The recruits who were trying to "eavesdrop" all showed expressions of disbelief.

"I understand, I understand, if there is a beautiful orchid sleeping beside me, I also say that she is capable..." The other soldier snickered clearly. "But next time you have to be careful with the new recruits. I heard that the Sixteenth Fire in the Black Camp is very strong. If you Bai Qi and Black Sixteen have similar military skills this time, you must fight together to enter the main army of the Right Army. what."

"Just fight. Except for Hua Mulan and Adan Zhiqi, who have been military households for generations and have practiced martial arts, the others are all farming at home. I'm afraid he will be a ball!"

"Hey, when you join the main army of the Right Army, you won't necessarily have an affair with 'Di Meiren', aren't you very disappointed?"

As soon as he said his words, the people around him laughed happily.

"Lost ass! When I think of the guy next to him missing two pieces of meat and one more piece of meat under it, I can't wait to beat him up! But when I see his face, my mother doesn't want him to fall even a hair. You said it's a wicked sect? I heard that there are all demon girls in Tocharo, but now I look at it, even men are not good birds!"

"Hahaha, then you can reminisce yourself!"

Hua Mulan has always known this "Di Meiren", and she has also heard countless military officers discussing his beauty and figure in various dark places where people can't be seen.

As for her fellow "Mo Huai'er" and others, she has always suspected that they were secretly blaspheming under the quilt at night and imagined the appearance of this "Di Meiren", otherwise they would not be "Ye Fei Ye Fei" in their sleep at night barking.

Hua Mulan had no intention of knowing whether Di Yefei was a man or a woman, and even if she was a woman, she didn't want to know him or anything. She was already annoying enough in the army. It was common for her to just wipe herself without taking a bath for more than ten days. If there were more women who bothered with how to solve personal problems, it would only make it easier to reveal her identity.

Through the various criticisms and wretched and disgusting assumptions that this "Di Yefei" encountered, Hua Mulan learned for the first time that "female disguise as a man" is not so simple, and she is very fortunate that she looks ordinary and has a good voice. It tends to be low, otherwise in the barracks of the sow race Diaochan, it can be imagined what will happen if the real sex is discovered.

The first time I saw Di Mei, who is said to be "like a fairy", was in a battle against Rouran.

When she first arrived in the army, Hua Mulan did not dare to reveal her extraordinary talent, so when chasing the Rouran people, she could neither show her martial arts nor show her extraordinary martial arts. There is no interest in cutting people's heads and going back to take credit.

I noticed Di Yefei because when there was a chaotic battle, Di Yefei was guarded by a group of warriors in the army, and the enemy was not even close to him. But the more they are protected like this, the more the enemy thinks that there are important people here. Therefore, more and more Rouran people approached there, and Mulan actually opened a gap, while Bai Ying's The edge is in jeopardy.

The battlefield was very chaotic, and no one knew what happened at the time. A Shan Zhiqi just hesitated for a while, and then took their people from the Black Battalion Sixteen Fire to go there for support.

Just like what all the enemies thought, A'Dan Zhiqi also thought that there were some great nobles or important generals of the Great Wei who were surrounded. In fact, this fire chief who was desperate for glory in his heart also had the ability to "make achievements" and "turn the tide". Dreams, and occasionally look forward to some adventures.

Mulan undeniably followed her companions and rushed over there. Huo Chang is the captain, A Shan Zhiqi is the eldest and the most experienced, just follow him forward.

When they broke out of the siege and rushed to Baiying's side, the fire of Baiying had been surrounded by four or five circles.

Some people are born with a temperament that stands out from the crowd. Even if you're bloodied, your hair is disheveled, and you're hanging out with a bunch of people, you can see that person at a glance.

Mulan is not such a person, but Di Yefei is.

"Bah! This is our warriors of the White Camp, how could you be kidnapped by you! You group of worms are like worms, even if you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want. I want you to give your comrades to you as slaves, don't let him. Delusional mother!" A Wei soldier who had lost an eye and even his war horse had fallen to his feet, but he still stood in front of his fellow robe holding a double halberd with a saber, spat and spat at the Rouran soldier on the opposite side. .

Behind him, Di Yefei, who was holding two halberds, gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "Sometimes I really want to ruin my face, so as not to implicate my brother..."

"No! We'll live by that face!"

"Di Meiren, this is not your face anymore!"

"I wipe! You kiss me before you destroy it!"

Di Yefei laughed angrily at the same fire, and his hatred and laughter even made Hua Mulan, who was a woman, have some eyes straightened, let alone other people.

"Brother Bai Ying, don't worry! Hei Sixteen is here to help!"

"Black Fourteen is here!"

"Di Meiren hold on! Remember to kiss me when you look back!"

A melee began.

Di Yefei is so famous in Baiying, not only because of his beauty, but also because of his coldness and sternness in killing people.

When he had a grim face and chopped off the heads of the Rouran people with his halberds, many of his comrades who still coveted his beauty felt the crotch of his trousers getting cold, and they didn't even dare to look over there.

"Bloody Beauty".

This was the word that came to Mulan's mind almost instantly.

'I'm a real shame for a woman. It's been almost half a year, and no one has found out that I'm a woman, and I haven't even suspected it...'

Mulan laughed at herself, but for a moment, she put this thought aside and continued to focus on the battle situation in front of her.

Although Rou Ran is superior in numbers, in terms of combat power, he is far from being an opponent of Wei Bing. Not to mention that the white camp is not a mediocre person. Those who can fight till now are all elites. The right army will not order inexperienced recruits to fight. Zi Dazhuan, the casualties are really heavy, and now I don't care why such a "stunning beauty" appeared on the battlefield.

After a battle, some comrades knelt on the ground and cut people's heads to death, while others squeezed towards Di Yefei, rushing to ask for warmth, but it's a pity that her leader, A Shan Zhiqi, was surrounded by nothing." Big Shot," while her other companions happily rummaged for loot.

Only Hua Mulan, riding her own horse, looked away from everything like a bystander, looking at Di Yefei who wanted to see but didn't dare to.

At this moment, he was squatting in front of a colleague who was hit by arrows in his abdomen and chest, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Di Meiren... Huhu... I... Hu... Am I going to die..." Di Yefei's companion had tears in his eyes, and an expression of fear or regret came to his face.

Di Yefei closed his eyes, not knowing what to answer.

"...Don't be sad. Although I was injured to save you, I don't regret it..." There was a strange noise in his throat, which was due to the air entering his lungs. "I have a last wish, huh, huh... Only you can do it for me..."

"You say it, I do it."

Di Yefei opened his eyes and promised his companion who ate and lived with him.

"I've always wanted to be with a woman... you kiss me..."

On his face, there was the playful expression that Di Yefei used to have.

In his young vitality, the number of intimacy with women is zero.

He was still at the age when he was supposed to marry a wife and have children. He had already entered the military camp and threw himself into the endless slaughter. All he saw was the yellow sand and the desert. The only people living in the same room were strong and mighty men. Where is your future, where is your daughter-in-law, and where is your future.

When Di Yefei heard his partner's request, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and then roared out in a conditioned reflex:

"What kind of kiss! Get up quickly and go back to your hometown to marry a wife! I've already undressed to meet you! It's not like you don't know that I'm a man!"

"...if only you were a woman..."

The companion's voice was barely audible.

"A woman's body... what is..."

"Luzhili? Luzhili!".

On that day, Hua Mulan's memory of seeing Di Yefei for the first time was forever frozen in the heartwarming scene of being surrounded by people with blood on her face and bright eyes, and...

—The sad silhouette of the tearful kissing his partner's forehead.

The author has something to say: I have a meeting at night. If it is not too late, there will be another update. But it must be around 11 o'clock, everyone can't wait to see it tomorrow.