Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 45: Identity exposed


"If you dislike me, you don't have to say that about yourself." When Di Yefei heard this, his face suddenly turned blue.

He Mulan didn't know why she just made a few words of self-deprecating mockery, which made Di Yefei completely cold to her.

God knows, she didn't mean to ridicule him for his high standards and being too picky.

From He Mulan's point of view, it was normal for a man with high standards, good looks, and self-motivation to not get married at the age of thirty-three or four. Her former colleagues are almost forty and many are still unmarried.

The inertia from modern times made her habitually ridiculed, but she forgot that this guy was an ancient person through and through.

I didn't realize what Di Yefei was really angry about.

"Where do I sleep tonight?"

Di Yefei gave up discussing the issue of "unevenness" with He Mulan, and switched to something realistic.

"There is only one room on my side that can live in, and it has already been given to those two little guys." He Mulan was a little troubled, "I can't let you live in an untidy room, I remember you are very clean..."

"Forget it, you live in my house!"

"..." Di Yefei's eyes suddenly appeared again. "Live in your house?"

"Well, you are now the general of Zhenxi, and it is not suitable to live in other places." He Mulan thought of it and did it, got up and prepared to go out to organize. "I'm going to make a new mattress and sheets."

"Don't be so troublesome, I came in a hurry." Di Yefei grabbed He Mulan's arm.


"No need to change, just sleep like this... let's go. No matter how simple it is, it will not be worse than when we were on the march."

It seems reasonable to think about it

"If that's the case, then I won't bother. I'll bring you some water to bathe and wash away the dust at night. It's the same as before!" He Mulan smiled brightly. "Then what about your generals and personal soldiers?"

"They don't pay much attention to it, they just need to spend the night in a place with a roof." Di Yefei tried his best to suppress the ripples in his heart. "They all brought leather pads and fleece blankets, so don't worry too much."

"Oh, then there are two other rooms in my house that don't have flat beds but only have soft seats. I'll take them to set them up.".

He Mulan pretended to be the host and guided a group of personal guards into Hua Mulan's mansion. Because it is the most traditional brick building, each room is very close to each other, and the structure is very compact.

Di Yefei watched He Mulan arrange where each of the personal soldiers would live, and then explained where there were toilets and stables in the front and back of the house, and who lived next door, and ordered the personal soldiers with a frown:

"After all, we are in someone else's house, so don't run around at night and don't come out!"


"You're too serious!" He Mulan chuckled, "You should relax, this is my house, not the military camp. You should just take it as a vacation at home and take a break for the time being."

When Di Yefei heard He Mulan's words, his brows and eyes also moved with a smile.

"Well, I see."

Di Yefei came to He Mulan to talk more about the situation in the court and a little change in the army after she returned home. Di Yefei has accumulated a wealth of contacts over the years by the emperor's side. Unlike He Mulan, who has been fighting with the emperor everywhere, many things that He Mulan did not know about were made bright by him.

"So General Xia didn't return home because of a leg injury, but because the Han faction in the army is now too powerful, and the army of the six northern towns is under pressure? Does Your Majesty care?" He Mulan's eyes widened. Xia Hong has been in the right army for fifteen years. He has always been a general of the town army. Although he has made great contributions, he has been slow to promote. He only has a salary but not a grade. Now Di Yefei actually said that there are other reasons for him to disarm and return to the field

"The Han people are in charge of the court, and the Xianbei people are in charge of the thirty-six divisions and the army. It has become a convention. Xia Hong can't be promoted, and it is normal for him to go down. Besides, he is not an ambitious general." Di Ye Fei also had a lot of sighs for the old boss.

"It's also right for you to return to your hometown as soon as possible. If you really get the official position of Shang Shulang, you will not even be left with scum in the capital."

"Uh… "

He Mulan didn't expect Di Yefei to rate Hua Mulan's political literacy so low.

Di Yefei was quite happy at Hua's house. Apart from the fact that Brother Hua looked at his face in a daze and almost hit the wall several times, he also fully realized that his behavior was wrong after being pulled back to the stove by Mr. Fang's ears.

He thoroughly reflected on his mistakes before his face was pressed into the hot water, and he was assured that the general would not be allowed to go out and be embarrassed while he was there.

Although Hua Mu also felt that this male general looked too much like the legendary dancer of the Western Regions, but his murderous aura was so intimidating that he could not give birth to any contempt. Hua's father and him drank a lot of wine with a smile, and completely admired this daughter's military comrades, and even curiously asked a lot of things about them when they were in the army.

"I... I liked to run in the tent without clothes back then." Di Yefei didn't know why such a sentence suddenly appeared. "So when I found out later that Mulan was a woman, I didn't want to go out to meet people for several days."

"It's so embarrassing."

Di Yefei's words made everyone in the room dare not open their mouths.

A-Danzhuo has begun to frantically imagine whether his father was seen by Aunt Hua when he ran bare-ass back then. He Guang covered his mouth and swallowed the soup hard.

"Don't worry, I didn't read it very carefully..." He Mulan thought about it and said honestly, "Your white skin is too dazzling, and Mulan feels inferior."

Di Yefei was dumbfounded by He Mulan's words.

He Guang had already started to nibble on the soup bowl.

"Haha, the old man is not good. It's hard to talk about this. Let's talk about other things. Does General Di have a wife and children now?" Father Hua asked with a smile.

"The wife of the younger generation died early, and he has been fighting with His Majesty all these years. He has no time to think about getting married, so he is still alone now."

"Ah... No children." Father Hua suppressed himself with that little thought.

He still didn't worry about Mulan.

Di Yefei's eyes darkened slightly.

How could he forget...

A Danzhuo is a diligent child, and he went to the kitchen to help after dinner. Although He Guang never helped with housework, he felt that his bag of beads was enough for Mulan's family for ten years, so he didn't have much anxiety.

Di Yefei was a guest from afar, and no one dared to let him do it. In addition, he also brought him along with him. Although he did not share a meal with them, it was troublesome to organize, so Hua Mulan thought about it and took him there. In the backyard, he took Yue Ying out of the stable, and went out for a jog with him, so that the family would not feel uncomfortable.

Di Yefei hadn't lived such a life for a long time. He wasn't used to it when He Mulan first returned to his hometown. It was naturally very pleasant to be able to escape the Hua family and go out alone to breathe.

When it was getting dark, He Mulan carried his bathtub out under the terrifying eyes of Di Yefei's relatives, rinsed it inside and out, and then moved him into the house.

Di Yefei didn't think there was anything strange at first, after all, when he and Hua Mulan were in the same army in the past, he almost always asked Hua Mulan for help when he took a shower.

But after a while, he suddenly remembered that Hua Mulan had already revealed her identity as a woman, and his relatives had never seen Hua Mulan!

I fuck!

They don't think they'll let a woman carry a bucket when they don't work, do they

"I'll do it myself." Di Yefei wanted to save face in front of his subordinates. "Give me the bucket in your hand, and I'll carry it to the room myself."

"Oh." He Mulan didn't force it, she reached out and handed the bucket to Di Meiren.

"Be careful, my bucket is bigger... uh... it's too late..."


Before he finished speaking, Di Yefei had already been led by the bucket full of water and staggered forward a few steps. His embarrassed head hit the edge of the bucket and grinned.

“&*… &%&¥! So hot!!”

"Is it alright..." He Mulan helped Di Yefei on the ground and looked at his wrist carefully. Fortunately, he was wearing thick winter clothes, so his wrist was not injured.

Luckily it wasn't disfigured.

"Forget it, let me do it. The water gets colder in winter."

Taking his face into consideration, she didn't say the fact that "I want you to mention that the hot water in the room has turned cold, do you still want to take a bath?", but resignedly looked at the hot water in the home yard. Water, regretfully shook his head and went back to the stove to continue pumping water.

Her brother worked so hard that he could only burn a bucket and a half at a time.

Only Di Yefei, who was standing silently in the yard, looked at the back of "Mulan" in a daze with a blue and red face.

"General, is your arm okay?" A follower ran over and cared about his boss at the risk of being scolded.

"Yes, General, how about we help General Hua to fetch water?"

"Then why are you still standing there?" Di Yefei glanced at them sideways. "When you just saw General Hua brushing the bucket, you should go up and take over!"

'It's not too shocking to forget everything! '

Several of the personal soldiers went straight to the kitchen with frowning faces.


There was almost no nightlife in ancient times. On such winter nights without air conditioning and heating, most of them chose to go to bed early after dinner. He Mulan was also used to going to bed early and getting up early, and went to bed around 8 o'clock in the evening. I woke up early in the morning and couldn't sleep.

Anything that smells chicken and dances is forced!

After He Mulan cleaned up the house, Di Yefei, who had finished bathing and dressing, finally waited for this terrifying moment.


Di Yefei helped He Mulan in and out, and put the tub and wooden bucket in the place where the sundries were kept outside the house. When everything was cleaned up and wanted to go back to the house, Di Yefei suddenly seemed to be ordered by someone. The acupoints are average, and the last leg can't step out.

"Isn't that a bit bad? I didn't know it before, but now I already know that you are a woman... "

"You said that you don't dislike it during the day. I really don't have a place for you to live here. My younger brother and sister live in the big house over there. It's not appropriate for you to rest." He Mulan thought that Di Yefei was still polite. , laughed boldly, pushed open the door with one hand, patted his shoulder again, and pushed him in.

"You can spend the night here in peace."

Di Yefei didn't know what happened, and he suddenly became embarrassed, but at this time he was pushed into the room, and he was half pushed.

She kindly invited me.

Xianbei women really dare to love and hate.

I can't beat her again.

"Hmm... It doesn't seem like there's anything missing." He Mulan glanced at the room with satisfaction.

Although Di Yefei politely requested that the sheets and pillows not need to be changed, He Mulan thought about it later and ran back to the room to find Hua Mu and asked for an unused pillow.

She sometimes drools when she is sound asleep. If "Mulan" still wants to make a good impression in front of this former friend, she can't let Di Yefei turn her head and smell something she shouldn't smell.

Otherwise, the image of the idol will be completely ruined by her.

He Mulan walked to the "floor shop" under Di Yefei's deep eyes, and bent down...

Picked up another pillow.

"Okay, I've settled for you. I'll spend the night in my grandpa's house." He Mulan smiled and hugged the pillow. "have a good dream."

After she finished speaking, in Di Yefei's unbelievable eyes, Shi Shiran left. When he left, he did not forget to close the door for him intimately.

Well, I'm really a good Chinese roommate.

Give up your room and bed to old friends, and go to your parents' house to build the floor or something...

She is so considerate!

Huh? what sound

Di Yefei won't fall in his own room and fall on the case, right? .

The main flower house.

It's not only Hua Mulan's house who is quiet and unintentional to sleep in the dead of night, but Hua's father and Hua's mother couldn't sleep for a long time because of another incredible guest from her daughter.

In addition, He Mulan gave up her house to Di Yefei, but she ran over to live in the side room, so the two old people were naturally aggrieved for their daughter.

These people came to visit, and none of them greeted them in advance.

Although none of their family members are careful people, such a move has indeed caused a lot of trouble to his family.

"Mulan, that general of Zhenxi, will you also live here in the future?"

Both Fang and Yuan have complained in front of the current head of the Hua family, so the old man had to ask a few more questions.

There were originally six people in the family. Although Hua's father was not good enough, he still managed to do some small things. He Mulan also helped with strength work at home, but because of the younger brother Hua, he didn't do much.

Later, He Guang and A Danzhuo came, and the days were a bit burdensome. Not to mention that Fang Shi is still pregnant, so she can't be too tired.

Now that Di Yefei brought five or six people over, the Hua family suddenly became cramped just like the original Fourteen Feather Lin Lang came to ask for a kiss. After all, his family is not a big family. Although there are some empty houses, no one lives in it on weekdays. It is normal to have a lot of dust and a musty smell, so he can't entertain guests.

Shi Yu Linlang still set up his own tent, these people just lived in like this, and it was fine for a day or two. If they wanted to stay permanently, they had to clean the house.

"Probably not. There are many affairs in the northwest, and Di Yefei won't be here for too long." He Mulan lives in the flower parents' compartment tonight, with only a layer of curtains in the middle, so just speak loudly. You can hear it all around.

"That's fine, otherwise there won't be enough food for the winter, but it's not easy to buy at this time... "

In the twelfth lunar month, every household is preparing for the new year, and basically they will not go out again.

"Grandpa, don't worry too much, my daughter knows." He Mulan sighed. She has to take full responsibility for not sending things to A Shanzhuo according to Hua Mulan's habit, nor sending letters to her comrades in the army, which caused everyone to come to her door.

Although she inherited everything from Mulan, she stubbornly refused to admit that she was already Mulan, but carefully guarded her old relationship and property.

But after all, she is not Hua Mulan, not her own memory, how could she be so impressed by her own, if it wasn't for A Danzhuo and Di Ye flying over, she would not have known that the deity used to send letters and things on a regular basis.

Having said that, when she sends something out, someone has to help her deliver it, right

Who is it

"Grandpa, how long has it been since the person I sent letters and things to look for?" Her vaguest memory of Hua Mulan was the one just before she arrived, so she had to ask her father for help.

"You mean the young man surnamed Chen? It seems that he hasn't been here for more than half a year, is there something wrong?" Hua's father was mentioned by his daughter, and he immediately thought of that daughter's former lieutenant general. "Didn't you say that you are training soldiers in the Chen County in the south? Do you want to ask someone to inquire later?"

Just as He Mulan was about to say where she was going to find someone, she suddenly remembered that there were a bunch of guys with the best information outside.

Those egrets, use them if you can.


Di Yefei went from anticipation to disappointment, then from disappointment to anger into anger, that kind of annoyance and embarrassment can't be described with others at all. As long as he thinks that the bitterness, sweetness, and bitterness in his days are all his own reverie or fantasies, he can't help but have the urge to knock down the wall.

Use head.

But he knew clearly that Hua Mulan didn't mean to test the ambiguity at all.

She doesn't consider herself a woman at all!

In other words, she didn't think of herself as a man at all!

This realization made him even more angry.

Di Yefei was sulking with himself, tossing and turning on the mattress, unable to fall asleep. In the utter silence, Di Yefei vaguely heard very low voices coming from the next room, followed by very light footsteps.

This voice was all too familiar to him. When he was the resident guard beside the emperor, all the nobles who came and went wore these soft boots with deerskin soles that made no sound. Emperor Wei was a person who didn't like to make noise. He especially hated others interrupting his thoughts when he was thinking. After a long time, even a palace servant with a little savings would have to find a few pairs of deerskin-soled shoes.

When Di Yefei took a break, he also wore such shoes in his general's mansion. Although the sole is a little thin and not suitable for long walks, if you are not a frequent walker, such shoes are indeed very comfortable.

Of course, a child from an ordinary family like Adanzhuo would not wear such insufferable shoes. Whoever got up in the middle of the night, the result is self-evident.

Di Yefei remembered the little mole on the child's earlobe, and couldn't help but make a lot of dangerous guesses. These guesses couldn't keep him in the room pretending he didn't know anything, so Di Yefei got up from the warm quilt, Start to put on shoes, put on light fur and go out.

He Guang didn't go far. Di Yefei had never been a scout, and he didn't dare to follow him too close. He just remembered the direction he went out, and fell behind him far away.

'Very good, I didn't go to the toilet at the back of the house to go to the toilet, but outside the house...' Di Yefei was more certain about his guess, 'In such a cold night, he couldn't say that he came out to play with the wind. Bar? '

Di Yefei moved little by little to the remote corner in front of Mulan's house under the cover of the night and the wall. He propped up his ears and carefully stuck his head out.

Under a few mulberry trees outside the Hua's house, He Guangzheng whispered to a thin middle-aged man dressed as a commoner.

"What did you make Chadi Ye fly here during the day, is there any news?"

"... We haven't received any news from Pingcheng in the past few days. The other egrets are still investigating. If there is any news, it must be... "

In the distance, Di Yefei only saw the figures of He Guang and the middle-aged man. They carefully hid themselves in the shadow of the tree, not to mention hearing nothing, not even seeing what they were doing.

He just wanted to move on a little bit...

Two short swords were placed around his neck.

The dagger appeared silently, just like the two men dressed in Xianbei in front of him.

"you… "

"Shut up!" One of the Xianbei men opened his mouth with an ugly face, and took Di Ye to fly a few steps forward, pushing him completely in front of the egrets.

What if I wake up General Hua

Are you going to be beaten again? .

"Put down your swords, this is not a villain." He Guang's voice came softly in the night wind. "Did you recognize me? General Di?"

He came out of the shadow of the tree, his eyes full of complexity.

This general never leaves his post without permission on weekdays. If it is said that he is here specially for Hua Mulan, then the news contained in it is even more bad.

He was driven to this Liang County by his father, and has gradually moved away from the political center of Pingcheng. Now he is almost a blind man with a black eye. If something goes wrong, he will worry about it first, and he can only rely on these egrets to inquire around.

Rather than that, it's better to show your identity generously. He is a king, he is a minister, some things, it is better to ask directly.

The sword on Di Yefei's neck was removed, but the two egrets didn't dare to relax at all, holding weapons on the left and the right, vaguely guarding all the positions where Di Yefei could attack He Guang.

Di Yefei didn't step forward, just hesitated for a moment, then simply knelt down.

"Last General Di Yefei, see His Royal Highness the Prince."

"You really recognized it." He Guang sighed.

Yes, this so-called He Guang was the eldest son of Emperor Wei Tuoba Tao, Tuoba Huang who had been established as the prince since childhood.

He was given the surname of his dead mother, He, and Huang had the same origin as "Guangliang", so he changed his name to He Guang, and went south with the envoys who came to Beijing to summon Cui Jialangjun and You Ke, and waited for an opportunity to mix with Hua Mulan.

Although Di Yefei had only been in contact with the prince five or six years ago, it is very difficult for a person's face to change drastically, not to mention that Tuoba Huang has small moles on both earlobes, which is considered to be a He was a symbol of "talent and smart" since he was a child. He just looked left and right, and he had already determined his identity.

He could even imagine why He Guang came here. It's nothing more than that His Majesty couldn't use his power to make Mulan submit, so he simply started from Mulan and sent his son over.

Of course, listening to Su and Jun said that the Prince and His Majesty have more and more disagreements, and I think there is also a reason why His Majesty asked him to go out of the palace to reflect a little.

No matter which one it was, Hua Mulan was mixed in.

This made Di Yefei, who knew that Hua Mulan was finally tricked by these two, was very upset, and also understood why Su Hejun would stop talking to him, saying that he had concerns, and he couldn't say more.

He didn't need to say, as long as he came to Hua's house to warn him, he would naturally meet Prince Tuoba Huang.

Su Hejun probably thought so, so he didn't say it too clearly.

"Although you recognize me, it's better not to...".

"You guys, what are you doing over there?!" He Mulan's voice interrupted Tuoba Huang's words like a shock, and even more frightened the egrets couldn't help shivering.

Why did she come out in the middle of the night

She, she, she, she is not getting along

He Mulan, who wanted to secretly find these egrets in the middle of the night to make friends and inquire about his lieutenant general "Chen Jie", was also completely shocked when he came across such a scene.

Whether it was Di Yefei kneeling down to He Guang or the hostility of those egrets to Di Yefei, she frowned.

She wasn't afraid to wake up the Hua family at all. She was afraid that if she didn't make a sound and smashed them, this group of people would continue to keep her in the dark as a fool.

It's a pity that she still defended him so much in front of the egret!

Thinking of this, the blue veins on He Mulan's forehead bulged with her breathing. She took a deep breath and pointed at the wooden chickens who were all stunned.

"You, you, and you..." He Mulan pointed at He Guang and Di Yefei, and then pointed at a few egrets, "Give me all of them into the house..."

She clenched her fists.

"Let's have a good discussion."

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

"Shut up!" One of the Xianbei men opened his mouth with an ugly face, and took Di Ye to fly a few steps forward, pushing him completely in front of the egrets.

Egret Public: Wake up the final boss, everyone should stop living!