Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 52: The third companion (three)


"I heard that you went to the 'Coward General' again?"

"Don't let me hear the words of 'Coward General' again!"

Chen Jie jumped up abruptly, grabbed Tong Huo's collar, pressed him hard on the tent's pillar, and warned him word by word.


Chen Jie fights and fights like a lunatic, even those who are in the same fire dare not provoke him. So a few other companions hurried over after seeing it, pulling their sleeves, pulling their sleeves, and persuading them, trying to pull Chen Jie away from this unlucky bastard.

Several companions were secretly complaining in their hearts, a young man who seemed to be quite kind, how could he change his face when he mentioned that general!

Now the centurion who brought him knew that he was thinking of General Jinhua's army, and he was always friendly to him. On the one hand, several Tonghuo praised his strength and wanted to kill the enemy with him, on the other hand, they only maintained a relationship with face because he had been thinking about "changing jobs".

I heard that Chen Jie had a bad relationship with the same fire department in the recruit camp before, but when he got here, he still looked like a firecracker, and it was just a little bit.

"He's just joking, joking, don't worry."

"General Hua would definitely not want to accept you if he knew you were fighting again."

I don't know which sentence moved Chen Jie, he gradually let go of his hand, and the companion who was holding him straightened up and immediately coughed violently.

Chen Jie used his knuckles against his throat skillfully, so he didn't dare to move at all.

Knowing that this group of companions either looked down on him or General Hua, Chen Jie cursed something in his mouth, and threw his hands out of the camp.

"Are you all right?" Seeing Chen Jie go out, a fellow spit on the ground with the fire, and turned to comfort the frightened companion.

"Cough cough, sore throat. This kid is too poisonous!"

"Don't mess with him anymore. Fight with fire and eat whips."

"Where did I provoke him! Everyone shouted like that! That cowardly guy who wasted his energy!"

"You're still yelling, don't kill me!" Tong Huo was driven crazy by this guy. "General Hua has a good temper. It's okay for you to talk behind your back. But if General Di hears you, you can only drink water for the rest of your life!"

Not one or two were knocked out by Di Yefei in the army.

Not everyone appreciates Mulan.

For this kind of guy who is "click and stop" even on the battlefield, many people will whisper behind their backs or slander in their hearts.

The content is nothing more than "what if I had that strength", or "what if I were him".

This is the dream and fairy tale of men. Just as women always fantasize about having a noble man who is madly infatuated with themselves, men will also have a daydream of "who is the hero of the world".

And the person who really has the strength they dream of is actually a guy who is so cautious.

This huge gap seems to be like watching a peerless beauty fall into the hands of a bad old man, which makes many people feel embarrassed.


Hua Mulan also didn't know why this child named Chen Jie kept wanting to join her army.

She is just a miscellaneous general, with hundreds of people, and His Majesty is coming soon, she is likely to be put into other teams to be a subordinate of a general.

No matter how you look at it, doing her part is not a promising place.

Although the number of deaths among her subordinates is the least, the number of beheadings is not too many. Anyone who wanted to make a contribution to their careers left, and she didn't stop them. Those who were left behind were those with wives and children who did not want to die, and those who were timid and cowardly in the camps were kicked out.

Di Yefei often laughed at her, saying that she was a random general who picked up junk. But she didn't feel any shame at all with these people.

If she doesn't bring it, someone will always bring it. As long as they are in the military camp for one day, they cannot escape the fate of going to the battlefield.

Although they are timid, they are not cowards. When it's time to fight, no one runs away.

No matter how many enemies they only kill, they never dodge out of battle. Having experienced the death of their companions and the pain of being injured, they cannot stop, they can only continue to move forward, otherwise they will not be able to return home.

In this army of guards, there is not only a woman like her, but also veterans in their early forties, whether it is a young man who has just entered the battlefield or a man who has a wife and children at home. Endure all the terrible things that have never been experienced in the past, just to survive tenaciously.

Isn't that brave

What's so scary about dying

What's scary is the dilemma faced even after a broken leg, no hand, and no eyes.

There is only one condition for Mulan to choose her subordinates.


Know why to live!

This young man named Chen Jie is very qualified. Even if he is not a tall Han man, he is not inferior to any Xianbei warrior, but he is not suitable for following him.

He doesn't love himself.

He believes in the belief of his fathers that they are "fighting without fear of death".

Maybe he adored her madly for some reason, but he didn't know what it meant to follow her.

On a windless day, Mulan was teaching the chorus how to shoot arrows at the school grounds.

Because the quality of her subordinates varies, she racked her brains to come up with a lot of tactics to allow them to stand on the battlefield safely, salvo is one of them.

She found that anyone who didn't want to die could learn riding well. In other words, being forced to hone is not bad. As for the skill of archery, all Xianbei military households have learned from childhood, and it is nothing more than the difference between good and bad skills.

Shooting a volley at the enemy after pulling a distance is sometimes much better than rushing in. Even if it is really time to rush to kill, firing a salvo first will weaken the enemy's combat effectiveness a lot.

"Don't think about hitting the enemy's throat, head, or anything else!" Hua Mulan pointed to the haystack and said, "Just hit the target! Under the dense arrows, there will always be a few arrows sent by God. to the place!"

Mulan's subordinates burst into laughter.

"Don't laugh! The purpose of the salvo is to suppress, we are the guards, and the main army is charging. Even if it is only us, the A and B teams will become the forward when you suppress the enemy. Before that, try to weaken the enemy as much as possible. Whether it is the head or the chest, just shoot at the position you are most confident in! Even if you miss the key point, as long as you hit the target, it will hurt, and many people will fall off their horses, that's us Opportunity!"

Mulan gave an order:

"Draw the bow 500 times a day, and control the string 100 times immediately! If you don't want to be beheaded by the enemy, you must first practice the ability to shoot the enemy off the horse!"


"If you haven't practiced riding and shooting well, just be a striker with me!" Hua Mulan laughed happily, "I think you will work hard, right?"

The subordinates laughed again.

"Okay, don't just laugh. Do you know how difficult it is for me to help you get these arrows? I've lost my face! If you can't practice it for me, I'll send you to sharpen the knives for the creepy people! "

Hua Mulan "smirked", "Anyway, there are so many in the army that they are afraid of the dead and want to be my part!"

"General Hua, I'm afraid the dead ghost is coming!" One of his subordinates responded humorously, pointing to a figure quietly appearing not far away, "The one surnamed Chen came to see you again for training!"

"Continue!" Hua Mulan instructed the left and right lieutenants to look at them and walked straight towards Chen Jie.

"Chen Jie, I told you..." Hua Mulan was about to repeat the rejection with her face down.

"General Hua! Please accept me for a few months!" Chen Jie's face was full of pleading expressions. "If you think I'm really bad, you kick me out!"

"There are too many heroes in the army, just because I tore off your leather armor, do you think I'm a man?"

When Mulan said this, she felt like a mouthful of old blood was about to spurt out.

Hua Mulan frowned a little unhappily, she felt that Chen Jie was a little dependent on her, and this made her very unhappy.

"I have already compensated you for the leather armor, and I have made it very clear that I refuse you. Even if you ask me again, I will not..."

"General Hua, you saved me!" Chen Jie interrupted Mulan's next hurtful words. "Two months ago, there was a chase for the crawly people. You took your subordinates to save us, and you returned my lance!"

Speaking of the long lance, Hua Mulan remembered it.

As for the person that day...

Who knows who is the man with blood on his face and hoarse voice

"Before I mustered up the courage to ask you for weapons, my fellow fire warned me. He said that my weapon is a rare lance that is rarely seen in the army. If you really like it, you might as well let you take it, otherwise For the sake of a lance, I'm going to cause a catastrophe and implicate them." Chen Jie gritted his teeth and said everything.

"I was scared because you didn't look like a kind general. The way you looked at me was no different from looking at my lance..."

"But you gave me back the lance and let me know that what he said was wrong."

They all felt that he was grateful and Hua Mulan returned the lance to him, but no one knew that General Hua returned at the same time, as well as his trust and gratitude to Paoze and the kindness between people.

If he didn't ask for his lance that time, he wouldn't dare to give his back to anyone again.

Chen Jie heard that this general is very powerful, and he can't help but break his own weapons. Therefore, many people joke that he holds a sword today, a knife tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, he may have picked up some kind of spear or spear somewhere.

Because of this, his virtue is even more admirable.

"General, not everyone is like you. It's fine if you call me stupid, or you dislike me. I just want to follow you!"

"I have saved a lot of people. I am a general of the army, and I was originally supposed to protect my companions." Hua Mulan's displeasure eased a little. But that wasn't enough to convince her.

"Not only that!"

Chen Jie's eyes were a little red, and his face was full of pain.

"I've also seen a lot of people who died in battle. Their belongings were all divided up. Clothes, war horses, weapons, and armor were taken away by crawly people and their own people."

"Everyone entered this camp fully armed, eager to make achievements with the weapons in their hands. But in the end, many people didn't even have anything to stand on, let alone corpses."

"I heard from others that your subordinates are dead, at least the relics will be cleaned up and sent home..."

"I just want to follow a trustworthy person! If I die in the future, my family will at least have something to see and think about the main general!"

He fell to his knees unwillingly, tears dripping down his cheeks, smearing dark brown marks on the sand.

Because of the angle, Hua Mulan didn't see his face, she just stared blankly at the dots on the ground.

She is not that great. Not so kind.

She is a woman, and once she dies, her identity will be discovered, and at that time, there will only be an infamous ending for her.

She hopes that if she is unfortunately killed in battle, her companion or subordinate is someone who will not flip her body, strip off her clothes and armor, and can maintain her last bit of dignity. For this reason, she hopes to influence the people around her through her actions, at least in terms of her attitude towards the corpses of her fellow robes, which is no different from that of crawling people or beasts.

The Xianbei people used to be tribal soldiers, and the masters of the tribal soldiers were slave owners, the great nobles in those tribes. The weapons in the hands of the tribal soldier, from the teeth to the hair and the clothes on his body are all owned by the master. After death, it is common to be cleaned and handed over to the next tribal soldier.

But now the Great Khan has established a state, and there are many ministers in the court. These adults learned the etiquette and culture of the Han people and began to change some outdated things. The military has remained the same for decades, and nothing has changed.

Hua Mulan knows that she has no ability to change anything, but if her part is used to it and her friends are used to treating others kindly, whether it is life or death, then this kindness may be able to return to herself in the future, which is enough.

She never thought that even such a small act would cause others to give up.

Is the human heart such an easy thing to get

She is ashamed.

"I'm ashamed." Hua Mulan did not laugh at Chen Jie's tears, but was rather speechless. "I'm ashamed to think of you as the kind of reckless kid who is easy to get bloody."

There are many soldiers in the army who were shocked by her great strength, and many of these people tried to join her army. At the beginning, she was accepted by anyone who worked, and she also had her own vanity.

But gradually, once they found out that they were not the kind of "heroes" in their minds, how frenzied they were at the beginning would become how disappointed and disdainful they were. After becoming a "liar", "coward" and "coward" in the eyes of others again and again, no matter how strong Hua Mulan is, she can't bear it anymore.

Sometimes she also wondered if she had so many emotions and so many disappointments because she was a woman after all.

She didn't have to care about other people's opinions, this was the path she chose.

The sadness is only a moment, and the days will continue, but when Hua Mulan accepts this "admiration" and "worship", she has to be calmer and more cautious.

After all, people are not beasts. After getting along for a while, no matter what the reason for leaving, there will always be some sadness.

What's more, most of the people who left came with the thought of "I was cheated."

Men, always like to follow heroes who can lead them to victory.

"You... what did you say?" Chen Jie raised his head, revealing a face full of tears.

Mulan stretched out her hand and motioned for him to get up.

“I have never aspired to be a hero, nor am I a warrior with ambition. I came to Montenegro because I have no elder brother, my father is sick, and I have a younger brother who can’t even hold a gun. If my father could Going into battle, it won't be me this time; if I have a brother, it won't be me."

Mulan's face was full of nostalgia.

"A general like me, are you still willing to follow?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Jie stood up straight under the strength of Hua Mulan's arm, wiped away the tears and snot on his face, and cried out in ecstasy, "Are you willing to accept me?"

"Start with my own soldiers. You're brave, but sometimes bravery doesn't come by giving up your life."

The personal soldiers are responsible for guarding the safety of the chief general, and most of them are fellow countrymen or trustworthy people of the chief general. But being a personal soldier also means that you can't fight like other soldiers, unless the commander orders, you must guard him.

Seeing that Chen Jiexiao's eyes narrowed into a line, Hua Mulan sighed.

"It's a pity to put a warrior like you by my side."

"It's not a pity, it's not a pity!" Chen Jie almost didn't dance. "I believe that a hero like you will definitely have outstanding achievements!"

"Then it's your auspicious words." As expected, everyone likes to hear good words, and Hua Mulan raised the corner of her mouth with no exception. "I will go to General Wang to ask for someone, you... just stay outside my tent."

Maybe, multiple personal soldiers, is not bad

Nice ass!

How come this guy who was still like a madman when he was training boxing and kung fu is now acting like the rhubarb in her village

Didn't you say it's better to sleep outside the tent? Why did you sneak in again? !

Seeing Chen Jie walking out with her middle clothes, Hua Mulan couldn't bear it any longer and yelled out:

"Wait! What are you doing!"

Di Ye, who had already gone to the Yulin Army, flew over but never touched her things!

Is she looking for a soldier? Not a lady!

"Me?" Chen Jie looked at Hua Mulan in confusion, "I'll do laundry for you. Have these clothes been piled there for a long time? If you don't wash them, you won't be able to change your middle clothes..."

"Put it down!" Hua Mulan took a few steps forward in a panic to grab her shirt. "I can wash myself!"

"But other generals were washed by personal soldiers. You are only me..." Chen Jie actually showed a somewhat proud expression, "Of course I will do these things. Don't be polite."

He happily hugged his clothes and lowered his head to drill out.

Thinking about it, in his opinion, rubbing the stinky socks of his master is a sign of trusting him.

"I'll say it back!" Hua Mulan grabbed his shoulder and pulled back. Chen Jie only felt a distance coming from his shoulders, and then he involuntarily fell back.


"My God!"

Chen Jie didn't forget to hold her clothes when he fell, and her middle clothes completely covered his head and face. And he was sticking his head out from a suspicious part of his trousers.

Mulan was ashamed and angry.

"General Hua, you are really strong." Chen Jie looked at the position where he fell stupidly. "But your clothes are really about to be washed, so they smell..."

He picked up the clothes and sniffed it.

"Huh? It doesn't seem to be smelly?"

"Get out!" Hua Mulan was forced by Chen Jie to finally break her power, grabbed her own robe with one hand, grabbed the front of his shirt with one hand, and threw him out of the tent.

"Don't touch my shirt next time!"

She paused and added another sentence.

"Nothing else!"

Chen Jie, who was thrown out of the tent, was a little dizzy, and the playful eyes shot by the colleagues around Hua Mulan made him flush.

He touched his hot ears and ran away.

Isn't it just washing clothes!

He would be willing to let him flush the toilet for General Hua!

Woohoo, it must be General Hua who dislikes him!

Hua Mulan, who threw Chen Jie out of the tent, was holding her t-shirt, her face was even redder than Chen Jie's.

Chen Jie got out from somewhere in her pants, and the sniffing expression kept looping in her mind.


She felt like her brain was about to break, and she slapped the tent's pillar with a slap, causing the tent to tremble wildly.

What is this called!


"I feel that after Di Yefei left, Hua Mulan was wrong." Wu Li heard the "howling" from the Hua Mulan tent next door, and nag a little uneasy with Su Hejun, who was in the same tent.

"I found such a tender-faced soldier to be a personal soldier, and he often went to the school field alone to sing. Now he throws his personal soldier out for no reason..."

"You said, the army said that Hua Mulan and Di Meiren..." He stretched out the thumbs of both hands and matched them, "Is it true?"

"Ah, what does it really matter?"

A strange smile appeared at the corner of Su Hejun's mouth.

"Anyway, Di Yefei also ran to Gaozhi."

"This is also very strange. Anyway, if His Majesty chooses Su Wei, he should choose a guy like Hua Mulan who doesn't like to fight, but likes to protect people. It's Di Yefei, that kid can't wait to gouge out if others look at him. If you lose other people's eyes, you will definitely cause trouble when you get to the side of the emperor." Wu Li smacked his lips. "The general who proposed the candidate Di Yefei probably doesn't have a clear mind, and Hua Mulan's mind is not good now."

"Really… "

Su Hejun smiled unnaturally.

and many more!

It could be so.

It can be like this!

Su Hejun's eyes suddenly widened.

Your Majesty's kind of person who likes to charge into battle, as long as Hua Mulan acts as a escort, even if she doesn't want to work hard, she must obediently show a lot of ability before she can get out!

Is he going in such a big circle for the sake of the horse

First break up a pair of "lovers" (?), then transfer the weaker one to the side of Bi, and then think of a way to make Mulan work hard for that higher position, just for the moment when they can stand side by side with Bi...

No matter how you look at it, it's a good strategy to win people's hearts, but Hua Mulan didn't show the slightest "I want to be motivated" at all.

Did Di Yefei look away

Hua Mulan empathized with that boy Chen Jie again

Oh shit!

It's enough to directly transfer Hua Mulan to the Yulin Army!

"Su He-jun, your face is twitching..." Wu Li's eyes widened. "You won't be paralyzed by the winter wind, will you?"

"Haha. No, it's just... it's just an itchy face."

Su Hejun gritted his teeth back to him.

"Even my eyebrows are shaking now..."


No matter how much Mulan regrets, people are always responsible for their own choices.

For example, every time...

"General Hua, do you want to take a bath?" Chen Jie's eyes lit up. "Would you like to mark it down to wipe your back?"

General Su Hejun's personal soldier was a scout, and liked to inquire about news. Only after chatting with him a few days ago did he find out that the personal soldiers were also responsible for preparing hot water for the master and wiping his back!

Woohoo, he is really an unqualified personal soldier!

His bath water is always mentioned by the general. General Hua also said that he used to carry all the water in the fire, and he was used to it.

When the scout knew that General Hua was going to fetch water for him, his eyes were about to bulge out!

"This general doesn't like being around in the shower." Thanks to Di Yefei, the entire battalion knew that the two people living in this tent hated physical contact with others.

"But the other soldiers..."

"I am me, they are them." Mulan reached out her hand impatiently.

Chen Jie took a few steps back, clutching his front.

He was already afraid of being lost by Hua Mulan.

"I'm not going to throw you away, give me the towel in your hand." Hua Mulan was worried that the water was cold.

It's still very cold in the morning and evening, and the water won't last long.

"Go to General Wang's side and bring me the military account of the seven hundred people under my command. I greeted him in advance. His Majesty will come to Montenegro in a few days. I'm afraid there will be a reward for meritorious deeds."

Seeing that Chen Jie still wanted to stay in this tent, she had to sacrifice "expenses".

Chen Jie got an errand and went out happily.

General Wang is very careful. When Chen Jie is going to get the military account, he will definitely ask a lot of things carefully. At that time, after grinding for half an hour, she also finished taking a bath.

Shouldn't let him live in a foreign account!

If it wasn't for the brains and blood beads that splashed all over her face today, she wouldn't be able to take a bath if it wasn't a last resort.

Hey, my skin is dark after I wash it anyway.

Looking sad.

Due to the limited time, Hua Mulan untied the single braid at the top of the head and rubbed it slightly with saponin. She has a day off every fortnight, and at this time she will also go shopping in other places, or go to the market set up by the military to buy something.

There are many cases of private transactions in the Montenegro camp, and the military does not stop it. But there are still many things that cannot be bought, for example, the middle clothes that must be sewn by the family.

In order not to let people discover her identity, the chest of her top and the crotch of her trousers are thickened. Her mother even made her a coat with a collar high enough to cover her neck.

Because of the clothes her mother made, her complexion became more and more bizarre.

It's going to be hot in the future, how are you going to spend this day

In fact, she has written to her mother many times. Since she arrived in the army, the intensive training in horseback and archery, especially the practice of archery, has made her chest almost as strong as a stone.

Also, no one would notice if she had anything like that when she was peeing.

When fighting or in the military camp, it is normal to find a small pit and grass to solve the problem. If you need a longer time, just run farther away.

Even if you are found when you squat down, people will only ask you if you want him to pick a grass leaf or find a pebble for you or something.

But her grandmother seemed to be more worried after receiving her letter, and once there were tears on the letter. So later, she stopped complaining about these little things to her family, and she could only "laugh at" the thicker pleats that her mother sewed on the crotch.

It's just a battle on the battlefield. Sometimes there are not so many things that have the best of both worlds. If the specially made clothes are torn, you still have to mend them yourself. Chen Jie is so keen on washing her clothes that she scares her a lot every time.

Several times, when she didn't pay attention, Chen Jie took the clothes away and took them to the military slaves to wash them. He wouldn't give her clothes to the military slaves to wash, but the laundry cannot be avoided from other people. The military slaves' identities are complicated, and some are also very close to their masters. After a long time, all kinds of whispering spread out.

The most outrageous is probably the title of "Giant Mulan".

Recalling what happened in the previous days, Hua Mulan had the urge to bury herself in the bathtub.

That day...

Friends Su and Jun Shen mysteriously pulled her into the corner, hesitated for a while in her inexplicable expression, but still spoke:

"Hey, brother, I heard where you are..." He squinted at the three-point position below Hua Mulan's navel, "so big that the pants are always torn, and even the patches have been applied layer after layer?"


Mulan didn't react for a while.

"A patch somewhere?"

She sews very well!

How can the patch let you see it!

"It's here..." Su Hejun suddenly stretched out his hand!

The goal - "bird eggs"!

"… ah! It hurts!"

Hua Mulan was taken aback by Su Hejun's sudden action, and when he reached out, he grabbed his arm and pulled it away.

It's better to be caught!

Di Meiren used to be attacked like this every day. One time someone pushed so hard that he couldn't get out of bed for a day. Later, she beat the man to vent his anger.

Although she didn't know if it would hurt if she was grabbed so violently, what she worried about more than the pain was the rumor that the "giant" became a "castron".

"I said, you kid, what's the matter? I don't believe that you and Di Yefei have never 'helped each other'!"

He said why Di Yefei and Hua Mulan lived in peace for so long!

It turns out he has a different ability!

"… you think too much."

Mulan frowned.

Su Hejun looked at Hua Mulan's expression as if he saw a pig climbing a tree, and let out a hiss in disbelief:

"Hey... No way? You guys don't have anything like that? I... Cough cough, that Di Meiren looks so stunning, and you are so strong..."

"I'll turn my face again." Hua Mulan glared at Su He-jun with sharp eyes, forcing him to withdraw his unruly smile.

"No wonder I have to patch, so I don't have to wash my pants for a long time, right..." He muttered.

"Speaking of which, Chen Jie and other military slaves boasted that you are unparalleled in the world. For the sake of our bloody battles, tell me a little secret..."

He winked.

"I'll treat you to roasted fat and tender roast lamb."

Mulan's whole body is not well.

She suddenly felt that if it wasn't the leather armor, but Chen Jie, it might not be too tight.

"Hey, hey, you're not so stingy, are you?"

Su Hejun is still waiting for the answer.

'If I can be regarded as unparalleled in the world, then you can be regarded as Sakuragi who attacked the city. '

He murmured in his heart, shook his head, and spit out three words.


"Fuck! You really know how to anger others!" Su Hejun suddenly collapsed. "With such a talent, why didn't you think about finding a daughter-in-law before joining the army."

Strong and upright, brawny, uh...

He glanced at Mulan's X slyly.

Maybe the hip strength is also amazing.

How could such a man be ten years old and still not married

Xianbei women worship warriors the most!

By the way, he is a broken sleeve!

No, he said again that he didn't cut his sleeves...

Obviously hugging and crying...

Su Hejun was confused by his own brain tonic.

"Then people should look at me." Seeing that Su and Jun's heads were getting closer, Hua Mulan pushed him a little further. "My family is not a wealthy family. There are too many people who are bachelors when Huaishuo is in his thirties."

Just like her, she is seventeen or eighteen years old and has not yet had a daughter's family with Guishui, and since she was an adult, many people have asked for marriage.

Boys from military families have to get military stickers before they can make a fortune. Many families are willing to marry their daughters to older ones rather than younger ones.

More Xianbei daughters are widows than to be married.

"Hey, then tell me, do you have any beautiful widow or something like that..."

"I said that you like to inquire about news in your life, can you correct it!" Hua Mulan interrupted him loudly, casting a blank eye. "It's a pity for a guy like you not to be an egret!"

Su Hejun choked on what Hua Mulan said, and touched his chin somewhat restrainedly.

"Ah, stop talking about that. Be serious."

Mulan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since you don't have that kind of relationship with Di Meiren..."

Su Hejun is a little pity.

No wonder Di Ye flew away, and Mulan had no motivation at all!

Haven't "moved", how can there be "power"!

"From tomorrow onwards, I will ask my fellow villagers and old friends to inquire about who has a beautiful and gentle girl who is not married..."

"Huh? Don't you already have a wife?"

"Of course it's not me." Su Hejun laughed, "Are you almost twenty this year? It's a pity that you haven't married at this age. The fun of a man is to conquer enemies and beauties..."

He patted Mulan on the shoulder.

The latter has been completely stupid.

"Let those beauties cry under your 'unparalleled' giant!"

The author has something to say: I finally returned to my work unit from a business trip. I sat on the familiar seat and put my hand on my beloved mechanical keyboard. Immediately, my thoughts were like a fart... Abu, my thoughts were like a fountain, and it only took three hours. Just coded 9000 words. During the period, the brain hole opened up and laughed again and again. During this period of time, the feeling of constipation while squatting in the noisy dark room of the hotel on a business trip was instantly swept away!

Hobby Chinese Network

Have fun!

My Hu Hansan is back!