Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 54: The third companion (five)


Rouran people are suspicious and cruel. This kind of suspiciousness often saves their lives, and it also easily makes them lose their chances of victory.

Rouran is a khanate. Many of them have the same ancestor as Xianbei, and they are no different from Xianbei in appearance. As a smart leader, Rouran's Great Tan Khan naturally pays great attention to spying on the military. In part, a lot of fighters who could speak the Xianbei dialect proficiently were dispatched very early to infiltrate the Northern Wei barracks.

But the most important reason why Wei is invincible in war comes from the "world military system". This well-informed and family-based recruiting method not only ensures their strong combat effectiveness, but also prevents spies from mixing in the army to a certain extent.

Almost every household in the six northern towns served military service, and there was no salary for military service. The army only provided food. This system made the Xianbei people want to fight every day, and there was no shortage of soldiers.

The spies that the Rouran people can use are nothing more than some slaves who do rough work in the barracks of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Of course, if they want to know the gossip news in the Wei army, they may also have new harvests by asking these slaves who do laundry, cook, and horses.

They desperately want all news. Will the abominable Khan of Wei come, when will it come, which way will it come, and how many people are they going to bring...

Little trash fish doesn't know these news.

And what Mulan did was to make Rouran think she was the "big fish".

This is naturally difficult in normal times. A miscellaneous general with hundreds of people, carrying weapons that he did not know where he picked up, riding a war horse that is not a good horse, and his subordinates behind him are Gao Youyou Short, old and young, they are not elite at first sight.

But what if this troop wiped out the same number of Rourans as her in one face-to-face

What if the leader of this troop wears treasure armor and rides a horse with no stray hairs, and is surrounded by burly and burly men with strong backs and waists

When Hua Mulan wore Su Hejun's treasured armor, took Chen Jie's weapon, and then rode Su Hejun's divine horse, everyone would praise "good spirit".

Rouran's troops arrived soon, and Hua Mulan took the lead by herself, with the horses behind her in a long formation, holding their bows and shoulders, waiting for the sound of the arrows.

"General Ghost Fang, that's the team!" Rouran, who reported the news, saw that most of his people in front of him were dead, and immediately glared at him, wishing he could smash his teeth into pieces!

"Report! Commanders, big and small, were shot to death by that man! All of Wei Jun's troops are elites in armor, and there are only five people who survived on our side!"

Seeing that the Lord was coming, the only remaining Rouran people immediately gathered their people and ran towards the rear.

Several of them ran extremely fast, and they were afraid that their cowardice would arouse their master's disgust, so they shouted loudly from a few feet away.

The Wei army they had surrounded before was not a mediocre person. Many people died in order to surround it. Now they were scared by the Hua army. This movement started, and there was a huge space behind them. The living target of the wise men.

When they ran to the front of your army, a good group of men and horses went straight into the dog that lost their homes.

Ghost Fang is a cronie under the account of Rouran Khan's younger brother Pi Lixian. This time, he set up an ambush outside Montenegro.

It's just that he never thought that it should be done easily, and there were many more changes.

He summoned a few very fast runners, and after asking about the situation, he swung his sword and slashed!

He heard the Rouran soldier scream "Ah", the sword that was supposed to cut his head turned into a sword in his left shoulder because of his avoidance, and a crisp sound came from his shoulder, and his whole body softened.

"It's flashing fast, no wonder he didn't die." Ghost Fang gave the Rouran soldier a disdainful look. "Since I don't want to die, then I'll leave you..."

"Come on, cut off the hands and feet of this coward and throw it out!"

He squinted his eyes, looked at Wei Jun who was waiting in front of him, and laughed.

"Hahaha, wearing a bright light armor, riding a sweaty horse, and holding a long lance, this must be a nobleman from Xianbei who came to the army to experience! Look at the warriors around him, they must be his family generals! My sons, the one in the lead is not allowed to move rashly, catch me alive, and whoever gets the armor and weapons for the rest will have it!"

The Rouran people shouted loudly, like all beasts roaring in unison, they raised their weapons and rushed forward!

Seeing the enemy blowing the horn, Hua Mulan immediately ordered the left and right to protect Hao Suhejun. Chen Jie held a long spear picked up from the battlefield, and always felt that the lightness in his hand was not the familiar touch.

But when he thought that General Hua was holding his weapon, he felt a surge of pride from the bottom of his heart!

This horse lance must be heirloom in the future!

Rouran expected that the soldiers would definitely protect the general at the head, so they swarmed up, preparing to clean up their soldiers first, and then go to catch the "big man".

Unexpectedly, Wei Jun's "big man" has always been at the forefront of the team. A long lance made it like a dragon, and countless people fell under their horses as if they were struck by lightning when they touched him. Behind him, Wei Jun's arrows seemed to have eyes, and they came towards their faces, and the people who shot them didn't dare to step forward for a while.

When the front line of the vanguard arrived, Gui Fang was terrified. He still has to catch the "big man" and go back to do meritorious deeds. He didn't dare to send someone to shoot arrows. Many people on the battlefield died of stray arrows inexplicably, so he could only keep commanding more troops to encircle.

"Catch the live ones! It's fine to cut and maim, but not to kill!"

'My ancestor, why don't you try to cut down this monster by yourself! '

A Rouran cavalryman took advantage of his martial valor and went back to ask for a reward after thinking about his "military merit". Who would have expected him to just meet this general, and he almost didn't get his face smashed by his long lance.

With a lingering fear, he looked at the spear whose hand was broken in two, and then saw the companions in front of him flying with flesh and blood, corpses lying on the ground, holding the broken spear, his hands trembled, and he rode back with a loud cry. run.

Hua Mulan had already "entered the military" at this time, and her eyes were blood red. Chen Jie, her personal soldier, never knew that her horse lance could also be turned into such a terrifying weapon.

When he saw the general swept across the lance at will, he beat those Rouran people to the point of breaking their bones. Some people wanted to sneak attack from behind, but his back seemed to have eyes, and only the lance-tailed Tie Li was used to press them down. The Rouran warrior's skull shattered immediately, and he died a moment earlier than the one in front of General Hua.

In the chaotic formation, this natural power is so mighty!

No wonder General Hua's weapon was broken so quickly. If it weren't for his horse lance being as tough as steel, it would have been broken by this time.

In the past, his weapons were damaged, and he had to look for weapons while blocking swords, spears, swords, and halberds. How strong is this martial arts

Chen Jie was a little stunned for a while.

"What a daze!"

Hua Mulan shouted, waving a long lance to lift a sneak attacking Rouran soldier several feet away.

"You are my personal soldier, why don't you want me to protect you?"

Chen Jie bit the tip of his tongue in shame, using the severe pain to throw himself away from the chaotic thoughts, and dare not break the stabbing action in his hand.

In the battle, the men and horses led by Hua Mulan actually dragged Rouran's troops back, and the sound of swords clashing could be heard all around. Just as this piece of slashing and slaughtering was happening, the sound of violent earth movement suddenly came from the left and right wings.

The sound of the ground movement was mixed with the sound of gold and iron. Hua Mulan and Su Hejun looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

The team of General Xia and other colleagues is here!

Everyone in the Wei army was waiting for this moment, and when they saw the reinforcements arrive, they cheered:

"Great Wei is mighty! Great Wei is mighty!"

The two large armies appeared in front of everyone, and they quickly changed their formations from the left and right to surround the Rouran army.

The left army carried the banner of "Xia", while the right army had a black flag embroidered with a big eagle. It was the town army general Xia Hong and the central army elite "Eagle Yang Jun".

As soon as Hua Mulan saw the army coming, she no longer wanted to fight, she turned around and immediately headed down to join the army.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Hua Mulan's subordinates can only be said to be acceptable in the army, but in terms of retreat, it is really a natural talent, which is astounding.

For a time, Hua Mulan changed from the forward position to the one who broke the back, and the back team of the people under her command changed to the front team, and they galloped west. The Rouran people still wanted to chase after them. The Yingyang Army of the Right Army also had teams who were good at shooting. They shot dead at once, and no one dared to show up again.

Hua Mulan took the remaining troops and soon joined General Xia Hong's team. Xia Hong and Rouran have been fighting for more than ten years, and they were overjoyed when they saw each other's flags.

Seeing Hua Mulan and Su Hejun galloping forward with blood-soaked bodies, getting off the saddle and returning to his life, he first praised the two with Wen Yan, and then pointed to the opponent's rear army:

"That was the general of the king's tent, Li Xian, a brutal army known as 'Ghost Fang'. Ghost Fang once invaded my Yunzhong City, slaughtered 20,000 people, and had a feud with me, the Great Wei. Whether it was captured alive Or kill it, it's a good thing for His Majesty to sacrifice the flag!"

Hua Mulan froze when she heard the words, looking at the flag that seemed to be soaked in blood, she was stunned.

Su Hejun is very happy, to be able to catch such a general for His Majesty, and it is his plan, this appearance will definitely not escape.

"General Xia, the last general wants to go with the main army to capture that ghost party alive!"

This is the first time for Mulan to fight.

"Huh? Your subordinates have just returned from fighting, and they should be tired by now. Why not take a good rest?" Xia Hong and Ying Yangjun brought nearly 10,000 people, and it was easy to surround and kill these 3,000 Rouran people. However, if you want to capture the fierce general Ghost Fang alive, I am afraid it will take some effort.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Hua Mulan, but that any exhausted army who has already smashed through a round is naturally not in a better state than a fresh army that has entered the battle.

"No, the last general didn't want to lead the army to attack." Hua Mulan knelt on one knee again under Xia Hong's horse, gritted her teeth and said, "The last general's uncle's family died in that battle in the clouds. The one who kills my uncle is Guifang's subordinate."

"The end general wants to fight with the army!"

Her father is the second child in the family, with an uncle who is very capable of fighting, and an uncle who has been in the army for a long time.

That uncle who was able to fight died in the battle to protect the city in the Cloud City when she was thirteen years old.

Xia Hong hesitated and turned his eyes to Su Hejun.

The latter nodded faintly.

"That's it, then I allow you to go out with the army!".

Hua Mulan smiled happily, stood up and walked towards her war horse.

Her personal soldier, Chen Jie, had been waiting in the distance for a long time. Seeing that her main general was ready to go, she quickly prepared to climb on the horse and follow.

"What are you doing with me? I finally got a chance to catch my breath, just rest with the other Paoze." Seeing that Chen Jie was also following, Hua Mulan glanced at him in surprise.

"Under the mark are the general's personal soldiers, and they should protect the general's safety!"

Chen Jie's eyes widened, as if he didn't believe that Hua Mulan would not allow himself to follow.

"This is dangerous, I still have the strength to fight again, you'd better..."

Seeing the blue veins appearing on Chen Jie's forehead, Hua Mulan stopped talking in surprise.

"Does the general think that we are all ordinary people, and if we go, it will only drag you down?" Chen Jie gritted his teeth, and dragged Mulan's saddle and refused to let go.

"But from the time I became a general's personal soldier, I dreamed of the day when I could follow you to 'take the head of an enemy general in the chaotic army'..."

"The sword has no eyes, I just brought you out of danger..."

Hua Mulan leaned over and watched Chen Jie's movements, but did not force her to leave.

"Even if you break your hand, lose your head, even if you use your body to block the sword for you, even if you are cut into eight pieces!"

Probably because of excitement, Chen Jie was shaking non-stop, and he couldn't even make a normal voice because of the tight muscles.

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"Although there are thousands of people, I will go too!"

For a time, Chen Jie's face strangely overlapped with A'Dan Zhiqi.

The fire chief who would smile and say, "This is the dignity of an ordinary person," seemed to come back to her in this way.

Mulan's five flavors were mixed, her heart was sour, and she threw the long lance in her hand almost to cover up her emotions.

Chen Jie hurriedly took over his horse, and despair flooded into his heart.

He has already said so, is the general still unwilling to take him...

"What are you still doing?"


Chen Jie's expression was about to cry.

"Get on the horse." Hua Mulan sighed. "With the weapons you are familiar with, you will probably have a better chance of surviving."

"I don't need you to block the sword for me..."

"Even if you're an ordinary person, don't just put death on your lips."

How can a person who can say "even if there are thousands of people, I will go too" can be an ordinary person.


That battle completely let everyone know what kind of monster Hua Mulan was.

Indomitable and inexhaustible, he is Rouran's nightmare and a "timid general" who is reviled by many behind his back.

After this war, he was a hero, a warrior in the army who captured the ghosts alive.

When Hua Mulan captured Ghost Fang, her whole body was covered in blood, and her body had more than ten wounds, both large and small, most of which were on her arms and shoulders, all of which were wounded by arrows.

And behind her the most difficult to defend, because of the cover of Chen Jie's long lance, there was not much damage.

History books always love to brag about the bravery of generals, and often use "how many heads were taken in World War I" to show off their achievements. But in fact, the war in the age of cold weapons is a very physically exhausting battle. It is common for a battle to take a day to fight.

Under such high physical strength, it is already very impressive to have more than ten heads.

Chen Jie didn't count how many people his main general had killed. From the moment he got close to himself, he didn't have time to count these things. But he knew that many of the heads of those who were too late to cut off were killed by the knife in front of him.

As Su Hejun said, this trap that cost only a few hundred soldiers left behind more than 3,000 Rouran people, and also allowed Hua Mulan, Suhejun and their subordinates to gain a lot of military merit and fast speed. of promotion.

But what is more important is the extremely small number of casualties when the Hua Family Army wins with more.

General Xia and the other head coaches were considering whether what Mulan said about "survive first, then consider killing the enemy" is also a new way to lead troops. Because the first soldiers that Mulan brought were not outstanding people, but after surviving again and again on the battlefield, their experience was enough to make up for some of their physical shortcomings. .

Because of this, Hua Mulan became famous in the battle and began to live a smooth military life in the future, and her unique training method was gradually no longer criticized by others, and more and more people wanted to join his command.

In the eyes of everyone, Chen Jie's choice, which seemed like a child's play, suddenly became the proof of his "wisdom to see a hero", enough to give him an extra talk that he could talk about repeatedly for the rest of his life.

Of course, if he hadn't been thrown out of the military account by his master again and again, I'm afraid his "wisdom" would have been more convincing.

Chen Jie is so fervently admiring his main general, even if Hua Mulan is promoted step by step to the fifth-rank Tiger Might General, and he can only be a small seventh-rank lieutenant behind him, he never feels wronged.

The most aggrieved was when he learned the true identity of "General Hua".


What a great thing to say!

What about the chest muscles!

The promised size that no one can afford, so I can only be single!

How can he see his brothers in the army in the future? .

'Sure enough, it's better for me to go to the south to be a county lieutenant or something? '

Chen Jie couldn't help shivering when he thought of the fate he might encounter.

At least survive

The author has something to say: Small Theater 1:

Of course, if they want to know the gossip news in the Wei army, they may also have new harvests by asking these slaves who do laundry, cook, and horses.

A few months later, there was a legend in the Rouran Army.

Rouran Soldier Armor: You know, General Huwei from the Wei army...

Rouran Bing B: (whispering) You can run horses under X, and a big stone will be broken in your chest!

Small Theater 2:

Everyone in the army (pinch their fists): That kid Chen Jie is back, let's see if we don't beat him to death!

There was once a share of living with a girl before us, but it was lost by a stinky boy!