Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 61: his general



So itchy.

What kind of poor paint is this

"Don't catch!"

He Mulan's raised hand was frightened by Di Yefei, and she just put it down again.

"You are now my 'Leng Yi, strong and mighty' female warrior leader. If you are used to scratching, you will make such frivolous actions as scratching your face in the public court. Wouldn't it ruin your reputation?"

His eyes were full of smiles.

"I'm not scratching your face!" He Mulan retorted in a low voice, "Where are you being frivolous? Then again, you have makeup on your face, isn't it itchy?"

I heard that the powder in ancient times was lead powder.

"It doesn't itch."

Di Yefei stubbornly returned to her.

He Mulan and Di Yefei are now being invited by the Yuan family to discuss matters in a tavern opened by the Yuan family in Datongfang, Xiangcheng.

Di Yefei had already told the Yuan family that he would not discuss matters anywhere outside the prefect's mansion. But there was news that if she went to talk in person, the shop she was interested in might be able to lower the price by a few percent.

So Di Yefei was "invited".

Di Yefei's princess of the Western Regions is really gorgeous and amazing. The prefect's wife had lived in the Western Regions, and the ladies she brought from the Western Regions seemed to have found her passion for creation in Di Yefei, whether it was eyeliner, eyebrows, red lips or ears that can be worn without ear piercings The clips are all exquisitely decorated.

They even stuck a small mole made of ruby on Di Yefei's teardrops. Every time Di Yefei looked at someone from the side, He Mulan could only echo four words in his mind:

shock. Heart. verb: move. soul.

Whether in the past or this life, He Mulan has never been "thrilling". Her beauty can only be regarded as an average person. After she becomes a forensic doctor, no man will leave a phone number even on a blind date, so He Mulan has always been curious about what it feels like to be such a beautiful girl.

She asked Di Yefei inexplicably.

"How do I know!" Di Yefei screamed fiercely!

"Don't be annoyed, don't be annoyed!" He Mulan was so frightened that she hurriedly stroked the corner of his eyes. "You yourself said that you are now thirty-four, not twenty-four. If your expression is exaggerated, you will have eye lines. You have to maintain the true color of your beauty in the Western Regions, and you can't have scary wrinkles!"

Di Yefei was blocked by He Mulan, but his breath could not be slowed down, and even his exhalation turned into a long breath in and a short breath out.

"Master, here we are!" came the voice of an egret outside the door. "Please get out of the car."


Yuan An, the housekeeper of the Yuan family who manages shops and businesses in Xiangcheng, has been waiting for the "princess" of the Western Regions for a long time at the door of "Liquor Fairy".

In the distance, he saw a wide carriage with golden patterns coming slowly from the other end of the road. Behind the carriage were several small carriages that were probably servants. Beside the main carriage were four tall and strong knights on white horses. .

The young man driving the carriage was dark-skinned, simple and honest in appearance, and the muscles of his upper arms could not be covered by the winter clothes.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of Jiuzhongxian, and two beautiful brown-haired maids and two white-skinned wrestlers got off from the car behind the main car. The wrestlers were holding a scarlet wool blanket in their hands. From the restaurant door has been paved to the main car door.

The two maids walked to the door of the restaurant, first gave Yuan An a salute, reported their identities, and asked in unskilled Chinese if they could go to the private room where the business was being discussed, and when they got a positive answer , they turned back to the car, and two maids got off. The four maids held several large boxes and entered the "Wine Fairy" first.

At this time, the four warriors of the Western Regions riding on white horses got off the saddle, three guarded the three corners of the carriage, and one was lying beside the carriage, wanting to use himself as a carriage stool.

These four warriors of the Western Regions are the four foreign soldiers of Di Yefei. At this time, it is a willingness to do this scene, and there is no such thing as humiliation or humiliation, which is just right.

A few egrets transferred by Tuoba Huang served as servants to run errands, and sat on the carriages of the carriage. When the white horse rider got off his horse, he immediately said to the main carriage:

"Master, here we are."

"Please get out of the car."

The one who jumped out of the car first was a female warrior in black clothes and black armor, with complicated patterns painted on her face. When she got out of the car, the fierce and murderous air came over her face. Yuan An just took one more look, and then The icy gaze that looked back at her was startling, and when she turned her head, her back was already wet.


Could this be a female killer

The female warrior looked around, and after confirming that it was correct, Mrs. Di Ji gave a "hmm" in the carriage.

The sound was short and soft, but Yuan An, who was bowing beside him, froze half of his body.

Then Yuan An saw a scene that he will never forget in his life.

The stunning beauty, dressed in white and wearing white feathers, appeared indifferently from the carriage, stepping on the knight's spine with an out-of-this-world attitude. The golden boots stepped on his back, as if stepping on As light as the ground.

When "she" saw Yuan An who was standing beside her, she immediately tilted her head.

"You are the head of the Yuan family?"

The voice is quite magnetic, with a strange tone from the Western Regions.

She was even taller than Yuan An who was completely straight.

Yuan An's old face became hot, and his waist bowed even more.

"Yes, little Yuan An is the head of the Yuan family in Xiangcheng."

"Come in and talk."

The knight who dismounted to make a carriage stool quickly stood up when Di Yefei walked forward with his feet on the ground. He Mulan watched him shake his heels, and his face twitched invisibly.

Although Di Yefei pretended to be a woman and looked thin and long, he was indeed a man, and the weight of his skeleton was completely incomparable to a woman's, in other words...

- Very heavy.

That soldier's backbone wasn't broken, right

It's really miserable to be Di Mei's personal soldiers. Looking at the speed at which he got up, I think he was beaten down and stepped on when he was training martial arts on weekdays.

After Yuan An and several other stewards led this legendary beauty from the Western Regions into the private room, everyone was stunned for a moment.

All the furnishings on the table were replaced with exquisite jade articles that could not be seen in Yuanjiawu. On the table was a bottle of jade wine with a slender mouth. The jade was extremely thin, bright and translucent, and the purple color inside could be vaguely seen. wine juice.

"A small country is poor and poor, but it is not as rich and powerful as the big Wei. It only produces a kind of wine called 'Beauty's Tears', which everyone likes. This time I came from the east and brought a few bottles. Since I came to a restaurant, I might as well enjoy it together." Di Ye Fei also felt heartbroken about the bottle of wine, but he still had to make a few polite words as if he didn't care much.

Beauty tears are real, jade bottle is also real.

Prefect Fei Yu really worked hard to catch up with His Royal Highness.

Yuan An was startled when he heard that it was "beautiful tears".

This wine is a special product of Shanshan Kingdom in the Western Regions. Could it be that this "princess" is actually the royal family of Shanshan Kingdom

In that case, Yuanjiawubi only sent a principal like him to discuss matters, which is really negligent!

No wonder this beauty hasn't laughed since she got off the carriage, not even a polite word.

"You, you are too polite."

Di Yefei sat in the main seat surrounded by the crowd. For this, Yuan An and several of the main directors did not dare to put a fart. He Mulan stood behind Di Yefei, holding the sword at her waist.

Her rock is a big sword, which is too representative, so at the moment she is wearing Di Yefei's sword on her waist.

"Mrs. Di Ji wants to buy the shops in the middle of the Yuan family's business in Datong Square?" Yuan An immediately brought up a topic when he saw that the atmosphere was a little stiff from Di Yefei who didn't take the initiative to speak at all.


Di Yefei continued to speak amid the surprised expressions of several stewards.

"I want to buy all your shops in Datongfang."


He Mulan listened to Di Yefei's words and was so shocked that she bit her tongue before she lost her temper.

The drama... The script is not written that way.

What if they agreed to bargain and kill Yuan Fang


Chen Jie's treatment has been significantly improved since he promised White Horse to "consider".

First of all, he moved from the utility room where he lived in the first place where he played musical instruments to a small room where he could see the light. Although he still couldn't go out of the house casually, it would be great to see the sunshine in the winter.

Secondly, Lu Shuihu people began to give him medicine.

It was a red medicated oil, and it was very cool when applied, but they quickly put a warm water bag on his rib wound, and the coolness turned into a kind of hotness, as if it could directly He burrowed into the crevices of the bones as if they had penetrated into the bones, and he could not wait to scream a few times when he was so comfortable.

He has long known that Lu Shuihu's wound medicine is very famous. These warriors who are constantly fighting can bring no food or armor, but the wound medicine is taken wherever they go.

The one who has been taking care of him is still the girl named Ru Luo Nu. From the musical instrument room to the room where he could see things, he really saw what this Rouran girl looked like.

Most of the girls Rouran have thick bones, but this one is very petite and has a beautiful face, but her face seems to have suffered from some kind of disease, and her face is full of pockmarks.

"When I was just sold here, I contracted a strange disease. I had a high fever and developed a lot of rashes. When I get better, I will have this on my face." Ru Luo Nu touched her face sadly. .

"If it wasn't for the steward here saying that I would never get it again after I got it, and I could stay to serve the sick master, I would probably have been filled in the lake in the backyard."

"So do you serve anyone who is sick here?" Chen Jie asked curiously.

"How can I have such an identity." Ruluo shook her head. "I only serve..."

She replied a little embarrassedly: "Sick girl."

Sick girl

Sure enough, this is a brothel!

Not a brothel but also a place where private prostitutes gather!

"Why are you sold to such a place?" Chen Jie sighed, "Although the Rouran people are not like the Han people in Dawei, they are at least better off than Zahu?"

"Because of the war." Ruluo answered him quite naturally, "Every time there is a war, the Rouran people in the north will rob us, and the Wei army in the south will treat us as aliens. We can’t keep sheep, and we don’t know how to farm, so we have to be vassals everywhere. Men go to war with Xianbei nobles, or repair the city wall, and girls try to go to big families to be slaves. Many Xianbei nobles like to raise Rouran girls.”

"I'm already fine. I was sold to the south. Although I got a strange disease, I didn't die. But after being sold, many of my companions starved to death because they got sick or couldn't sell it."

Ru Luo Nu's eyes glowed with water.

"Why do you want to fight? If you are defeated and surrendered, why do you want to fight? They are all the same people, so why are they divided into Rouran people, Xianbei people, Zahu people and Han people?"

"You're an adult, aren't you? Can you tell me why?"

Chen Jie rubbed his face.

At such a time, he could only think that it is fortunate that his general is not such a weak girl. His general is the kind of woman who can survive even in battle, which is really good.

It's vile, isn't it? A girl asked him tearfully why he was fighting, while he was thinking of other things.

"I have no idea."

Chen Jie remembered the rumors he heard in Yucheng.

"Not only do I not know why they are all Dawei Zimin, but there are Rouran people, Xianbei people, and Zahu people, I don't even know why this world has to distinguish between men and women. There are obviously things that men can do for women. You can do it, and what a woman can do isn’t necessarily something a man can’t do, right?”

"I... I'm not a very smart person. I've always been in the army, and I'll do whatever the general tells me to do. Wherever the commander tells us to fight, we fight wherever. What other country is it, we can't defy it. Military service means that you are not your own from now on. When you are not needed in the military, you can disarm and return to the field. "

The confusion on Chen Jie's face was even heavier than that of Ru Luo Nu.

"Why do you ask me to fight? Isn't that a question considered by the top people? You should ask a bigger adult, not someone like me who only knows how to fight."

Ruluo girl burst into laughter at Chen Jie's expression.

"Really? You don't know either. But you're willing to answer me and you don't know either. You're a good person."


"My luck seems to be very good..." Ru Luo Nu smiled so that Chen Jie ignored all the small pits on her face. "I've always met good people."

"It was the same when she was sold to the south and was almost thrown away. The steward said, 'I don't know what she's doing now, but it's probably useful.' Then I wasn't sent to be buried."

When she said that she was buried, there was a strange calmness.

"Since then, I've been taking care of girls who are afraid of other girls who have strange diseases, rashes or blisters on their bodies."

Because she also had a strange disease, she knew the panic and fear when she got sick, and she didn't think there was anything scary about these patients.

"When they asked me to take care of you, they said you were a great person who could break walls with one punch..."

Chen Jie really blushed now.

"I was so scared then. Would someone who can break a wall with one punch break my neck? If I don't take good care of me, I'll probably be beaten to death. A slave girl like me , even if I get killed, no one will say a word for me."

"Maybe I'm a bad guy!" Chen Jie started talking nonsense to cover up "break the wall with one punch". "Although you have scars on your face, you are still a woman after all. Maybe when I get better, I will start to bully you..."

"That's nothing, maybe my master will find me useful and give me to you."

Ru Luo Nu did not show fear. "I'm an ugly slave girl anyway, the kind that even the master wouldn't take me to entertain guests."

Chen Jie was silent again.

"I wouldn't do that." Many thoughts came and went in Chen Jie's mind. "I'm going to do this. Will I be skinned by someone I admire? Well, maybe I'll be beaten until I can't get out of bed in my next life."

"A person you admire? Is it a woman?"

Ru Luo Nu giggled.

Only at this time did Chen Jie feel that she was an ordinary girl with a very warm heart, not a slave or something.

"Yeah." Chen nodded. "She is the person I admire the most and is willing to give my life for."

"Ah, the woman you admire must be beautiful and of noble birth."

Ru Luo Nu's eyes darkened.

"Huh?" Chen Jie immediately realized what Ru Luonu said, and shook his head violently. "Not what you think. She's not beautiful, nor is she of noble birth."

"Isn't it because you like her?"

"If you want to say it, it's like the feeling that a bird will fly to the sky and a fish will swim in the water."

His majestic general, ah, never only shed blood, not tears.

And even if he wants to give his life for it, if she doesn't agree, it seems that even God can't accept him.

He is really an unqualified personal soldier, who has been rescued by his own master time and time again.

But it is precisely because of this that she is the most powerful and convincing person in the world, and this admiration has nothing to do with men or women.

She was his general, and he was her only personal soldier.

- His general.

This relationship is not even described by any emotion in this world.

In the past ten years or so, no matter how difficult the situation was, even if he was besieged by thousands of troops and could not escape, as long as he thought about this sentence a little, he would regain all his energy.

Just like encountering a good year in a barren landscape, you have to squeeze the marrow out of it.

As the "only" personal soldier, he was so proud that he wanted to put the "Mulan" logo on his head.

"To me, she's the bird's sky and the fish's water. It has nothing to do with gender, or the kind of 'like' you think of. Fish without water, and birds in cages, will Work hard for their own heaven and their own water. But they don't like water and heaven anymore. I am a rough person and can't speak, that's probably what it is."

Ru Luo Nv smiled slightly, not quite understanding what a woman who was "like water and sky" looked like.

"I don't quite understand it. But I'm so envious."

It must be amazing to be a woman who can be said with a smile, "I am willing to give my life for you".

"That person... how is it now? Married?"

Otherwise, why would he show such a melancholy expression

"No." Chen Jie shrugged his nose, and whispered again: "It's better not to."

He couldn't accept that his general was "married" by another person and went home.

If you want to marry, it is also his family's general!

"But no matter what, she will have a good life." Chen Jie thought of his own general who was wearing Xianbei men's clothes and said "I avenged you" through gritted teeth.

"She doesn't need anyone to 'complete' it at all."


Chen Jie's injury recovered quickly under the dual effects of Ru Luo Nu's care and Lu Shuihu's wound medicine. In addition to being a little cold and eating a little rough in prison, he was tortured a little at first, but it wasn't really that bad. horrible.

The chill in the cell was nothing compared to the overwhelming chill in the northern desert. It's just a bit cloudy and damp, and it's really cold like a knife under the Yinshan Mountain.

Once he returned to a comfortable environment, Chen Jie's body quickly recovered like a tree that finally saw the sun.

The Lushuihu people are in a hurry every day, and they don't know what they are doing. They can only see them back when the night is a little late.

Gai Wu, who had defeated him once, never saw him again. Most of the people who came were the boy named Bai Ma and the middle-aged man named Lu Nara, Lu Shuihu.

They would sometimes ask him about the battle. He was in charge of training troops both in the army and in Chen County, and he was very familiar with arranging troops. His generals have always brought cavalry, and these Lushuihu people are also mainly cavalry. Against the background of each other, when he said a few words casually, Lunaruo would show a surprised expression, and the white horse was even more from the earliest confrontation. He somewhat despised him now as a teacher.

It seems that most of the Lushuihu people only rely on their personal martial arts and past experience to fight on the battlefield, and they have no understanding of this "formation" and "battle strategy" from the Han people.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have heard how the evolution had opened his eyes so wide.

At first, Bai Ma still felt that he was nonsense. In order to exaggerate everyone's ability, he deliberately talked about the importance of "formation". Later, Chen Jie grabbed the leftover wheat rice and lined it up to show him, and he believed it with some doubt.

A few days later, White Horse ran over excitedly and told Chen Jie that the leader of Gai Wu would come to see him at night.

finally come!

Chen Jieqiang suppressed the excitement in his heart.

He has waited so many days for this moment!

The so-called moon black and high wind usually either do shameful things, or secretly see a lover. It's really embarrassing for two big men to meet each other's eyes like this.

Chen Jie couldn't show his eagerness, so he had to keep a straight face and wait for Gai Wuxian to speak.

Apparently Gai Wu thought so too, so he didn't say anything.

So the atmosphere of the whole room instantly turned into a kind of weirdness called "see who has big eyes".

The white horse, who was still waiting by the side, couldn't stand it any longer, and shouted.

"Just say it, it's killing me!"

Gai Wu glared at him, and at this step, he said to Chen Jie: "I heard from the white horse that you can train troops and have the skills of cavalry battle formation. We are very short of such capable people. Join us, whatever you want, just say it."

Chen Jie almost rolled his eyes.

What a big breath!

Wouldn't the emperor dare to speak like that

"My ability is the way to fight in the army. Training troops cost the most food and money. No matter how strong you are, you are just a mercenary. What do you want me to do with this ability? Is it possible to go to war?"

Chen Jie was startled when he saw that the white horse behind Gai Wu changed his face slightly.

"No way? Are you really going to fight?" Chen Jie couldn't hold his breath anymore. "There is no battle in the north. Who wants to hire you to fight? Liu Song? Tuyuhun?"

Today, His Majesty has swept the four kingdoms long ago, and the Great Wei has ruled the north of the Yellow River, and there is no major battle.

Rouran's occasional haunt now is also a small fight, Wei Jun doesn't need to leave the camp to scare him away first.

"If you join us, you will know." Gai Wu has been out for so many days, naturally he has other important things. "Since you have this kind of ability, you are wronged to train in the south. Now that the world is peaceful, there is no battle to fight, but you can follow us. We Lu Shuihu, all rewards and spoils, except for the leader who gets 30%, the rest All are equally divided, you help us train our troops, and my share will be divided into half, how?"

"Aren't you afraid I'm a liar?"

Is this a medical emergency? Listening to him on paper, can he be so serious

Gai Wu pouted and did not answer his words.

In a blink of an eye, Chen Jie knew what he meant by pouting.

If he really has this ability, naturally, the spoils will be divided into half. But if he is a scumbag, he will probably be kicked out soon.

"As long as you train troops, there are different tactics for different tactics. Cavalry vs infantry, cavalry vs archers, cavalry vs cavalry, it's all different. You want me to train, how do I know if I can..."

"Have you conquered the city?"

"I once fought against the country of Liang." Chen Jie remembered how many years he had fought against the country of Liang before.

"Has Zhengliang Country ever practiced a soldier?"

"Of course I have practiced."

"Twenty percent. Are you following us?"

Gai Wu added another 10% to the reward. The white horse jumped up in shock.

Chen Jie was very curious about what they were going to do.

Since he had already thought of running away when his injury was healed, he naturally promised them anything at this time.

"Okay, done!"

Chen Jie readily responded to Gai Wu.

"Am I going back to Xingcheng with you?"

"Well. But before that, we're going to spend some time in the south."

Gai Wu frowned in disgust.

"The person who responded hasn't come yet. This place is too bad. We have to endure it for a while."

Chen Jie couldn't understand what Gai Wu was saying.

Chen Jie agreed to Gai Wu's "recruitment", and Baima and Lunaruo were very happy. This made Chen Jie feel a little guilty inexplicably.

But in the blink of an eye, his guilty conscience was thrown away.

He has only one master, the general of his family. He has already given allegiance to General Hua first. If the general did not let him follow him as a family general, he would not still be fighting in the south, even if he went to help the general to feed pigs and sheep.

He couldn't hang out with them.

What's more, the general seems to hate these Lushuihu people very much.

Gai Wu and Chen Jie roughly said that they might be heading south, and before leaving, he asked him casually:

"You have conquered Liang Kingdom, do you know Hua Mulan?"

"Ah, I know." Chen Jie's expression was a little unnatural. "That's the admiral, and we little leaders only have Yuanwang's share."

"How does your ability compare to Mulan? I only ask to lead troops."

There is no need to ask about Wu Yong. This surnamed Chen can't even beat him, let alone Hua Mulan.

Haha, you know you're afraid!

Want to ask the details of my general

scare you to death!

Chen Jie put on a "feeling ashamed" look.

"This is nothing compared to it. The Tiger Ben army she brought is the elite of the army, and I am not even worthy to carry her shoes."

Gai Wu's face stiffened.

Bai Ma sucked in a breath of cold air and shouted directly:


The author has something to say: there is only one chapter today, but this chapter also has more than 7,000 words. Because today I promised the baby to go out to play.

small theater:

The system warns, the system warns, the pet you seduced already has an owner and cannot be recognized as the owner!

Gai Wu: …