Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 63: Di Yuan's first confrontation


He Mulan was very nervous.

After all, she did not graduate from the Central Academy of Drama, nor did she participate in any drama troupe or drama troupe.

So when Di Yefei and Tuoba Huang asked her to play a "Leng Yi, strong, loyal and loyal" female warrior, she could only instinctively rely on the "personal bodyguard" in all the costume dramas she had seen.

For example, Jet Li's "Zhongnanhai Bodyguard" or something.

The eyes should be sharp, the character should be restrained, and the person should be unsmiling, cautious and calm. In order to play a good female warrior, He Mulan tried her best to straighten her back when she walked.

So when she walked up to the Yuan family and asked in a hoarse voice, "My master has arrived, dare to ask who is the head of the Yuan family", the head of the Yuan family patted his heart and was speechless. Come on, He Mulan was extremely proud.

Look, although she has never been a female samurai, samurai has watched a lot. When she appeared on the stage, the head of the Yuan family, who was full of heart and fat, was shocked, right

This is the momentum!

The reaction of the head of the Yuan family was very good in dispelling the nervousness in He Mulan's heart.

Di Yefei didn't make a public appearance at the very beginning. He played the reserved and status of a wealthy female businesswoman in the Western Regions. He came out to greet each other in person in the public court, which did not fit the status of "Mrs. Di Ji".

Yuan Fang didn't know whether it was because he was fascinated or really pity the beauty. In short, he didn't seem to be dissatisfied with Di Yefei's "shelf". Instead, he personally followed Di Yefei's car and guided them. Enter Yuanjia Wubi.

When they arrived, it was already evening, the sun was starting to set, and the back was west, so the shadow was drawn very long in front of them, and under the shadow, He Mulan couldn't even get up in high spirits.

In this piece of light and shadow, He Mulan saw a fortress appear in the flat ground.

This is not like the tall city walls and gates of Xiangcheng or Yucheng, but it stands on a higher slope like a common castle in Western movies.

A wall that was so long and narrow that it was impossible to see the edge appeared in front of them. Because it was evening, the gray wall looked hazy, and the flying dust and the red sunset made the wall seem like a living creature wriggling.

Why does she have such an imagination

He Mulan took a careful look at the wall of Wu, and found that she didn't have a good impression of it.

Probably because it is a building complex that is different from all the buildings she has seen, and it reminds people of things like prisons and cells...

Yuan Fang noticed that He Mulan was carefully looking at the walls of their Yuan family, so he proudly introduced:

"This is the Wubao that our Yuan family has run for several generations. It is surrounded by layers of walls, surrounded by deep ditches and high walls. The houses are adjacent to the interior, and the shady households in the fort will live in it. High-rise towers are built in the four corners and the center. Looking at the situation of the enemy, defending against thieves, and climbing the building to see the movement around the Wubi. Hundreds of years of turmoil, my Yuan family has stood by this Wubi for a hundred years..."

He Mulan didn't show any admiration, just nodded slightly coldly.

Having seen the western kind of castles built with huge bricks and stones, the low Wubao group built with earth, bricks and stones did not make her too moved. However, "Wubi", a building complex that emerged in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and flourished in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, has been demolished or rebuilt in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. style.

To see the real Wubi, this trip is not worth it.

Yuan Fang saw that his own Wubi didn't even let the female warrior raise the corners of his eyebrows. For some reason, a burst of frustration arose in his heart. He tentatively asked:

"This... uh, what is the name of the strong female?"

Strong woman

He Mulan glanced at him with a strange expression.

"Yuan Patriarch called 'Iron Lady' next."

"It turned out to be Iron Lady, I have long admired her name!"

"...My name is not called this."

Yuan Fang was stunned by He Mulan, and almost blurted out "What's your name?"

It's just that he is the head of the Yuan family after all, but he resisted this inexplicable impulse in an instant. After thinking about it, this person is probably a visitor from the Western Regions, who can't understand the polite words of the Han people, and let them understand the Chinese language into Xianbei dialect. There is indeed a problem in communication, so I simply told her in the way of talking to the warriors at home. stand up:

"This is to praise your ability. Iron Lady is not surprised by my Yuan family Wubi. Could it be that you have been to the Wubi of other great sect masters before?"

Is he testing whether "Mrs. Di Ji" is still trying to find other suzerains to cooperate

When He Mulan heard Yuan Fang's question, she only paused slightly and then shook her head: "No. This is the first Han Chinese Wubi I saw in the Central Plains. It's just that in the West, many of them use The castle built with huge boulders is not surprising.”

Yuan Fang's mood suddenly improved, and he immediately laughed.

"Iron Lady is well-informed and admired!"

"Don't dare."

After this episode, Mrs. Di Ji's carriage and accompanying warriors and servants passed through the fort gate in the middle of the south wall and entered the vestibule of Wubi. It was probably because the head of the Yuan clan personally led the Yuan family's armored soldiers with spears at the door and did not come forward to check, but when they got to the front court, He Mulan still found that there were many armored soldiers guarding around. Row of patrols guard the vestibule security.

"Mrs. Di Ji has been on the road for a long time, and she is exhausted after thinking about it. I have sent my family to clean up the 'Yanfei Building'. You can repair it first. The family in the fort will serve you in the building. In the evening, I will be there. Nanbao has set up a banquet, and I invite everyone to come."

At this time, Di Yefei had stepped on the back of the knight and got out of the car, and the maids on the left and right carried the glazed lanterns and surrounded her Shi Shiran before Yuan Fang. After hearing Yuan Fang's arrangement, a charming smile appeared on "her"'s face:

"The Yuan family is polite, and the widow is very frightened."

Seeing the smile of "Mrs. Di Ji", Yuan Fang and all the retainers behind him couldn't help showing amazing expressions. Yuan Fang was okay, the gaffe was just a moment, and some eyes were reluctant to move from Di Yefei's face. open.

Di Yefei was a man after all, and his Adam's apple was concealed by the fox fur coat and the veil on his neck. He Mulan was worried that the group of perverts would see the flaws if they watched too much, so she hurriedly stepped forward to cover her body and clasped her fists thickly. He said: "I would like to ask the Yuan family how to arrange the guards and Chen Junjun soldiers brought here?"

This rough voice suddenly awakened everyone from the atmosphere of "beautiful under the lamp", and a few retainers frowned slightly, took a look at the "female warrior" who was more than seven feet tall, and then carefully The restrained look of contempt.

"Ah... just live with me..." Yuan Fang paused as if he was sleepwalking, "... please live in the Yanfei Building arranged by me. You don't know the layout of my Wubi, this Yanfei Building is called 'lou', In fact, it is a small castle outside, and the inside is extremely spacious, so you can rest at ease. Mr. Song Er, you lead them to the Yanfei Building."

He gave an apologetic smile.

"I still have to arrange a banquet, so go ahead."

Inside Yanfei Building.

He Mulan "escorted" Di Ye to the main room on the roof.

Di Yefei's personal soldiers stood in the corridor and guarded the stairs and the entire corridor to ensure that no stray people would enter. Several egrets advanced into the house, searched carefully in the main room, and found two copper pipes. On one side of the empty partition, he frowned and looked at Di Yefei in embarrassment.

Di Yefei pointed at the copper pipe indifferently, and shouted in a female voice: "You blocked it. This Yuan Jiawu said that he sincerely invited us to discuss cooperation, but he was doing these ghost tricks in the house. What's wrong, just pour hot water directly into it. If there is any problem, I will go and tell Patriarch Yuan."

A few egrets snickered, took out a bottle of powder from their bodies, dumped it from the two copper pipes, then found a cloth towel, blocked the copper pipe on the wall, and continued to cover it as it was. .

As for the empty partition, He Mulan reached out and patted it, and a few egrets were so frightened that they hurriedly pulled her away. If this female ancestor were to be beaten down with all her strength, the wall would be destroyed, and the politeness in face would not be maintained.

He Mulan just gestured and patted it, and it was funny to see the expressions of several egret officials so frightened, she took a few steps back and watched the changes, and said no more.

About a quarter of an hour later, Mr. Song Er asked to see Mrs. Di Ji downstairs. He Mulan personally went out to greet him and entered the top floor. The owner before the Yanfei Building used to issue orders to the servants on the ground floor, but only because he was afraid of misunderstanding by the guests, he covered it up.

So is that wall. As a master, there are always some things that you don't want people to know about. Behind this partition is the place to put important things. If Mrs. Diji was worried, he could arrange for them to change to the main room or to change the courtyard for them.

Di Yefei has already let them know that he is not a rich woman in a vase, nor is he a weak woman who can be manipulated at will. At this time, the goal has been achieved, and it will be a bit ugly if he does not give up. Therefore, she did not ask to change the room, but just expressed her understanding of Mr. Song Er's explanation and showed her "duty" as a guest.

It's just that after this, even if the Yuan family wants to do something, they will consider it a bit more.

"Do you trust Mr. Song Er's words?" Di Yefei asked He Mulan with a smile.

"Ghosts believe."

He Mulan lowered her voice, "That copper pipe is eavesdropping? The partition wall is... it's not what I think it is, right?"

She squeezed her fist in disgust.

"You're right." Di Yefei gave a clear answer. "So we have to be more careful next time. Whether it's taking a bath, wiping, or even convenience, we must pay attention. This Yuan Fang is an evil ghost, who knows what he can do."

When He Mulan thought that there might be someone who would watch someone take a shower and change clothes behind the partition wall in that inner room, she couldn't help but have the urge to slap him in front of Yuan Fang.

"I'm fine, you should be more careful." He Mulan sighed. "You look so beautiful, even if you're a... man..." She said "man" in a very low voice, "I'm afraid he will still be cold and jealous."

"It also depends on whether he has that ability."

Di Yefei raised his eyebrows.

He was less than seven feet tall, and at first glance, he looked like a frail figure who had never practiced kung fu. Killing such a man was no different from killing a chicken.

Thinking that Yuan Fang might be so lustful that he would be so rude to Di Yefei, and thus be taught by Di Yefei that he couldn't take care of himself, He Mulan burst into tears in his heart.

The journey from Xiangxian to Yuanjia Wubi was not a burden for the bodies of Di Yefei and Hua Mulan, who had been in the army for a long time, so neither of them was so tired as Yuan Fang said that they needed a "break". " to the point of.

But because of the upcoming banquet, He Mulan and Di Yefei had to make some preparations in advance.

He Mulan played the "female warrior". When the master was eating and drinking, she could only stand behind Di Yefei and watch them all eat and drink. He Mulan, who had not eaten and drank hot water for a whole day, could only take advantage of this time to fill her stomach and recharge her energy to face the various situations that might happen next.

Just because anything could happen, He Mulan simply did not allow the two children, Tuoba Huang and A Danzhuo, to come along.

Di Yefei was even harder, because it was impossible for him to go to the banquet in clothes that were on the way, so he had to freshen up and change his clothes to be more dazzling and more "dignified".

So He Mulan smiled and ate the snacks prepared by the Prefect's Mansion while expressing her opinion:

"Mmmmmm, this one looks good... which one is better with that headwear?"

"Don't scratch, don't scratch, if you scratch off the fake mole, there will be multiple white marks on your face, how ugly..."

He Mulan's schadenfreude finally made Di Yefei angry and pushed her out the door regardless of her image. He Mulan looked at the personal soldiers and egrets at the door and looked at her curiously, and immediately handed the small basket forward without shame:

"Come on, I have some cakes here, everyone, let's eat a little pad and then talk about it."

His attitude was natural, as if he was kicked out because Di Yefei couldn't eat pastries.

Several of Di Yefei's personal soldiers didn't seem to have seen their own general, and felt a little sympathetic to their own general's experience, and turned to meet the female general with a smile:

"Thank you, General... Iron Lady, the subordinates are welcome."

This scene was so busy that it was time to hold the lantern, and the maids and stewards of the Yuan family came to invite him. Di Yefei wore a grand Chinese dress, followed by He Mulan and a few personal soldiers, dressed up to attend the banquet.

Nanbao is the main fort of Yuanjia Wubi. Crown Prince Tuoba Huang and Fei Yu have studied it before. If Gai Wu and his party were really in Yuanjia Wubi, it would probably not be in Nanbao, but in Nanbao. More inner North Fort. Nanbao, as the place where Wubi's host entertains guests and handles business affairs, must have a lot of traffic and a lot of people, which is not conducive to hiding fugitives.

On the contrary, it is easier for sinners to hide in the inner courtyard, which has lost his wife and has numerous concubines but no mistress.

There are thousands of armored soldiers in this Yuanjia Wubi. Hard to break into the back house

Ha ha.

We can only see the charm of "Mrs. Di Ji".

Maybe it was because Mrs. Di Ji was a woman, or maybe she was afraid of causing Mrs. Di Ji's disgust, but this banquet was a very ordinary banquet. In addition to Di Yefei, He Mulan's side attended the meeting, as well as his entourage, personal soldiers, and guards sent by the prefectural government. On the Yuan family's side were Yuan Fang, Mr. Song Er, and the Yuan family's civil and military chief. Legend has it that I didn't see anything like "Orchid Dances".

"I heard that Mrs. Di Ji came to Xiangcheng this time to open up a trade route here, and use this place as a hub to supply rare treasures from the northern and southern regions of the Western Regions?"

After the guests were full and full of food, Yuan Fang asked Di Yefei straight to the point.

"That's right." Di Yefei said with a smile, "My husband once opened up a trade route from the Western Regions to Pingcheng, but Pingcheng is located in the northern part of the Great Wei Dynasty, and there is no big city around it. In our businessmen's opinion, it is not very good. Chen County is not the case, it is close to Songdi, Luoyang, and Chang'an, and there are roads leading to the north and the western regions. There are old people invited here, so I have the idea of operating in the south. My family members are here."

"Madam seems very satisfied with Xiang County."

"...It depends on whether the Yuan family owner is willing to give up his love and give up the shop of Datongfang to me, the widow."

"Mrs. Di Ji" smiled reservedly.

"My Yuan family does not rely on the shop in Datongfang for a living. Even if I sell it out, there is no problem. Madam is such a beautiful woman, and she is willing to operate in the south. If you can stay in Xiangxian for a long time, Xiangxian will be blessed..." Yuan Fang Also smiled back.

"It's just that my Yuan family is not short of wealth and silk, and there is no need for special products from the Western Regions. If Madam can't provide more interesting conditions for me, it will be difficult for me to give up the products of my ancestors to you."


What else could make an old woman interested!

"Your Excellency doesn't want wealth, silk and jewelry, and you don't want special products from the Western Regions..." Di Yefei held his chest, frowned, and asked embarrassingly, "Then what do you want?"

I want you, ma'am!

Yuan Fang's family generals and advisors were eager to answer for their master.

He Mulan was provoked by Di Yefei's "Xizi holding the heart" attitude, so she had to look at Yuan Fang's round face. If she didn't do this, she was afraid that she would laugh.

"What do you want..." Yuan Fang glanced at Madam Di Ji's direction seemingly inadvertently, "I don't even know myself..."

"This Sect Master, if you are teasing me, you don't have to invite me to come to Wubi and waste this great wine and food." Di Yefei's eyes narrowed, and his expression became awe-inspiring.

"As long as there is business in the world, there is always buying and selling, and there is a price. The big deal is to negotiate the price between the two parties. I thought that you invited me into the Yuan family to show your sincerity, but I didn't expect..."

"Don't worry ma'am." Yuan Fang still had that meaningful smile on his face: "Although I don't know what I want, I believe my madam will understand."

"My wife is a guest from afar, and I've been running around for another day today. Please stay here for a few days with peace of mind, and appreciate the customs and customs of my Yuanjia Wubi. I believe in my wife and the subordinates around me..."

He seemed to have thought of something good, and smiled happily.

"They'll all love it here."

"When Madam understands what kind of place the Yuanjia Wubi is, maybe she will know what I want."

If such a slippery opponent is really a wealthy female businessman from the Western Regions, she might really have a headache, and she can't wait to negotiate the business and go home immediately.

But Di Yefei and his party didn't come to talk about business, and they didn't have the "capital" to talk about business.

Those bottles of beautiful tears were borrowed from Fei Yu as Prince Tuoba Huang. One bottle was given to Yuan An as proof of identity, and the remaining bottles were given to Yuan Fang when they entered Wu as a gift.

At this time, although I don't know if Yuan Fang really liked Di Yefei and wanted to keep her down to "cultivate feelings", they just fell into the arms of a group of them.

They originally came to inquire about the reality of Yuanjia Wubi and to find Gai Wu and his party who were hiding in Yuanjiawu.

As long as Gai Wu is found, Di Yefei's five hundred army soldiers and Tuoba Huang's troops prepared not far away can cooperate with each other, arresting Yuan Fang and punishing him. Of course, I hope that the more time there is, the better.

So Di Yefei also smiled softly.

"Since Patriarch Yuan has warmly invited me, I have been a guest for a few days. I hope that in a few days, I can really know what Patriarch Yuan wants, as Patriarch Yuan said. If I still can't guess what Patriarch Yuan means, I want to come. There is no fate to cooperate, I will find someone else."

"Happy Madam!"

"Patriarch Yuan is polite."

Di Meiren's smile became brighter, and her face was so gorgeous and compelling that many of the waiters in the hall lost their minds.

Although this banquet cannot be said to be satisfactory, it can be regarded as continuing according to He Mulan's plan. That night, He Mulan didn't dare to wipe off the pattern on her face, because she couldn't find a second Tuoba Huang to repaint her, and Di Yefei didn't dare to take a bath and change clothes. There will be another eye on the wall.

The two of them just scrubbed casually, and then rested in the same room for the night.

Early the next morning, He Mulan and Di Yefei finished washing and dressing, and after having used the breakfast sent by the Yuan family, they instructed a servant of the Yuan family to visit the Wubi of the Yuan family. Send a guide.

Both He Mulan and Di Yefei thought it would be Mr. Song Er or the head of the Yuan family who would come to accompany him. It was easy for He Mulan to turn away from these people and take the egret to explore around. Can't find a way back.

Unexpectedly, they were not waiting for these servants at all, but Yuan Fang in a riding suit.

"The sect master is actually my guide?" Di Yefei showed a surprised look, "This... is this a bit..."

He and He Mulan looked at each other, and something was wrong in his heart.

With this person leading, it is very difficult to play sloppy eyes.

"Hehe, Madam is unwilling?" Yuan put down his horse, was startled when he saw Di Yefei's expression, and then laughed clearly. "Yes, Madam is a single woman now, Yuan is not married and famous, it is normal for Madam to have scruples..."

He is smart, knowing that they must have heard of his "reputation".

All of a sudden, Di Yefei and He Mulan didn't expect that this famous patriarch would actually have such a "reasonable" side, and they were a little unconvinced in their hearts.

Especially He Mulan, she didn't believe that this fat man didn't fly for Di Ye.

That remark last night was obviously meant to imply something.

This kind of old lover will definitely not hurriedly say "Do you want to open up a business route? Do you want a store? Exchange your body for me?" Such a domineering president fell in love with me.

Burning text

Sure enough, Yuan Fang changed his words.

"However, Yuan Mou and his wife are not alone in the same room. You and I are accompanied by so many family members and subordinates, and they are in this public court. Even if Yuan Mou wants to do something to his wife, he will never do anything to his wife. It will be in the eyes of all the people in the blue sky and daytime, don't you think?"

"Having said that, but I am a widow after all. It's okay to come to discuss business. It's just a matter of swimming with your arms with your Excellency..."

Di Yefei showed a troubled expression.

"What I brought with me were all the followers left by my late husband, so I had to be cautious."

Yuan Fang's face was a little awkward.

After a while, he suddenly pointed at He Mulan.

"In this case, Yuan does not force his wife to travel with me. But since Yuan has all come, he doesn't want to make a trip in vain. It is better for Yuan to lead his wife's general to walk around with her. Let's talk about the customs and customs of Yuanjiawu, and someone will tell you when your wife is happy."

Yuan Fang's smiling eyes narrowed slightly.

"In this way, even if Madam wants to visit Yuanjiawu, she still has her own person as a guide, so you are not afraid of causing misunderstandings by others. What do you think?"

He Mulan blinked inexplicably, waiting for Di Yefei's answer.

Of all the people, only she and Di Yefei knew what Chen Jie looked like, but Di Yefei didn't know what Gai Wu looked like. The investigation was originally focused on her, and it was not impossible for her to go alone.

As long as Di Yefei said yes, she would follow the suzerain.

However, Di Yefei, who was in women's clothing, just thought for a moment, and immediately responded:

"Tie Niang is just a servant. If you really want to do this, it will humiliate Yuan's identity as the head of the family. Well, since you have thought so carefully for me, it would be inhumane for me to refuse. Tie Niang, you go Bring my veil, and a few more family members to accompany me, and today I will accept the Sect Master's kindness."


He Mulan listened to Di Yefei's words and turned around to ask Egret for something.

Tsk tsk, next she has to protect Di Meiren's innocence.

Who knows if this suzerain will take advantage of Yuan Jiawu, who is traveling with him, to touch his little hands to wipe the oil or something.

A long way to go.

He Mulan glanced at Yuan's Patriarch from the corner of his eyes.

After going around in a big circle, he finally got what he wanted.

Huh? Why does this fat man look unhappy at all

Do you think there are too many light bulbs

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

Yuan Fang: I have money, money, and people. There are many brothers and sisters in the land. After three generations, I can stand the land...

He Mulan didn't show any admiration, just nodded slightly coldly.

He: It's a big village.

Yuan Fang: ... Did she not understand Xianbei