Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 65: Make friends with warriors


Of course, there are no tigers around Yuan's Wubi. If there were wild tigers, such a large Wubao would not be built here.

In fact, why the tiger was in Wubi was entirely the fault of the owner.

There are a large number of orchids and female slaves in Yingfeng Pavilion, and the Yuan family owner, apart from being fresh and pampering these orchids at the beginning, most of the time they are only kept, and even used to entertain guests or win over servants. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the Y cave.

Because of this, tiger bones, tiger whips, tiger blood, and even any part of the tiger that can be used as medicine have become popular. Even Yuan Fang himself probably didn't know where the "warming" pills he took came from.

Nearby hunters and medicinal farmers all know that if there is something aphrodisiac, it can always be sold for a good price in Yuanjia Wubi, so a new way of making money will emerge as the times require.

This tiger was a live tiger obtained from Guangping County and shipped to Wubi, Yuanjia to be sold. Tiger blood is not wasted only when it is alive. Yuanjia Wubi-related stewards have done a lot of this kind of business. After a long time, they can't help but let the tiger run away.

Yuan Fang didn't have to think about how he would deal with him. Because this careless steward has been scratched by a tiger in the place where the wild goods were purchased in the West City, and the dead can no longer die.

When the tiger fled to the market, no one was killed, but there were quite a few yin-hus who were scratched or injured by stamping on each other. There are also those who are daring to hide in some houses or behind the Yuanjia soldiers to watch the fun, and convey the bravery of this female warrior of the Western Regions vividly, and even the patterns on her face have become some kind of Western Regions secret method, which can make people feel Temporarily possessed by the gods.

All in all, He Mulan felt that even the little girl who sent water to scrub her could not wait to see through her face to see if there was a Hercules hidden behind it.

"Fortunately, this dark-colored ink won't come off when exposed to water." He Mulan frowned and picked up the freshly changed clothes at hand. "What the hell is this?"

This is not her robe, but a black leather coat that is worth a lot of money at first sight. Although He Mulan herself had quite a few fur coats, most of them were obtained in the army back then. They had been wearing them for a long time, and most of them were made of fur. She had never seen a strong suit stitched together with soft leather like this.

Who sent it in

Doubt turned to doubt, her special hunting suit could no longer be worn, so she had to change the clothes inside casually, put on this black cloak made of some animal skin and go out the door.

Di Yefei had been waiting for a long time, and frowned when he saw He Mulan wearing that black fur coat.

"This Yuan Fang has such a grand style, and actually brought you a fur coat of a dark clouded leopard."

"Dark Cloud Leopard?"

"Well, a cat that looks like a leopard. Its skin can't be splashed with water, and it's also resistant to insects and ants. It's rare. I don't know how many clouded leopards have died from such a leather coat."

No anti-theft novel network

"Yuan Fang gave me this?" He Mulan touched her clothes, "Should I go back?"

"No, he has a lot of money and is stupid, you can wear it."

"Uh… "

It seems that Di Yefei is not in a good mood now.

She still shouldn't mess with him.

"Iron Chief." An egret officer in charge of investigating the news suddenly knocked on the door. "Gai Wu downstairs wants to see you."

Di Yefei and He Mulan looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Just after "Mulan beat the tiger", both Di Yefei and He Mulan just wanted to stay for a while and plan what to do next.

At this time, the master they were looking for came to the door, but He Mulan didn't know how to proceed.

"I'll go take a look." He Mulan touched the pattern on her face, and the slightly raised hand made her feel at ease, "I'll be careful, I'll say less. I'm familiar with him, maybe Chen Jie's whereabouts can be found."

Di Yefei thought for a while and nodded.

"Be careful here, don't show any flaws. Gaihu has a calm personality and is a man-machine change. I have heard of it in the Western Regions. If there is something wrong, he can't beat you anyway, just knock it down and bring it back. There are many, and the people we bring are more than enough to deflect them."

He Mulan nodded, went out of the main room of Yanfei Building, pushed the door downstairs to the courtyard, and saw Gai Wu in white clothes standing there with a pair of knives on his waist.

The last time I saw him, his ribs were knocked off by the back of her sword. It has only been more than a month, and this person has been acting as usual. This person's ability to recover is simply astounding.

Seeing He Mulan coming down, Gai Wu first showed a happy expression, and then he showed the expression of seeing a ghost.

"You're actually a woman too?"

Yuan Fang didn't know where to get this leather coat, except that her shoulders were a little wider, there was no inappropriate size. She played the role of a "female warrior" this time, and she no longer leaned on men when she was dressed. When she was fighting with tigers, her hunting suit had long been dyed and stained, and her face was covered in blood. The height is also high, and it is normal to not be able to tell whether it is a male or a female. Looking at it again at this time, it is natural to know whether it is a male or a female.

"It's actually a woman? What does that mean?"

He Mulan lowered her voice and asked him in Xianbei words in a hoarse voice.

"No, I don't mean anything. It's just that I know a heroine, and I always thought that a heroine like her would be hard to find in the world. I never imagined that there are so many things in the world that there is still another heroine who can beat a bear and kill a tiger. bit."

He Mulan just thought about it and knew who he was talking about.

Not Mulan, who else could.

Unexpectedly, he was defeated by himself and made such an oath. In the end, when talking about Hua Mulan, he was still called "hero" and "female warrior". Is it true that Lu Shuihu admires warriors by nature, or that men in this era have heroic complexes, but instead praise those who defeated them

Either way, this Gai Wu is not a scumbag.

The resentment towards him robbing and kidnapping has subsided a little bit.

Gai Wu seemed to be thinking of something sad, and after speaking, his face lost the brilliance when he first came. When he saw the precious leather coat on He Mulan's body, his expression darkened again.

Whether it is the princess of the Western Regions or the suzerain of the Yuan clan, it is either a wealthy aristocrat or a suzerain who controls the lifeblood of a place. In contrast, his Tiantai Army is just a mercenary army, and the benefits it can provide are really limited. If you want to make a solicitation, you can't even give a good dress to others.

What's more, the other party is actually a woman. Compared with the Lu Shuihu mercenaries who are running around, it is naturally more appropriate to protect the noble ladies of the Western Regions.

Such warriors may not be able to make friends, and may not even have a common topic, which is really a pity.

He thought about it again, even if he couldn't recruit, if such a talented person can make friends, he will have a new way in the future.

"This hero, the lord of the 50,000-strong Tiantai Army in Xialu Shuihu, my name is Gai Wu, I don't know your honorable name, can I make friends with one or two?"

Gai Wu behaved like Lu Shuihu met the distinguished guests and asked sincerely.

He Mulan came to find Chen Jie who had been kidnapped by them. At this time, Gai Wu was here. Whether Chen Jie was dead or alive, he would know when he came.

Thinking of this, she showed him a smile: "You call me Iron Lady, I'm just a wanderer in the Western Regions. Now I'm just a bodyguard."

The two officially exchanged names, and they were considered acquaintances. Gai Wu invited him to the place where the Lushuihu people live now. He Mulan pretended to hesitate for a while, then went back to ask "Mrs. Di Ji" for instructions, and then followed Gai Wu.

Yuan's Wubi, Xiaofeng Tower.

"You said, Gai Wu went to Yanfei Building to find Lady Tie, but Lady Tie followed him?" Yuan Fang asked his servant with a dissatisfied expression, "Isn't Lady Tie protecting Mrs. Di Ji personally? When did you meet Iron Lady?"

The servants of the Yuan family who were serving in Yan Fei's building were all eyeliners. Although there were guards and attendants of "Mrs. Di Ji" on the top of the building who could not know any news, the movement downstairs was still clear. , hurriedly replied:

"It seems that Gai Wu and Tie Niang don't know each other, just because they killed the tiger together in the morning, Gai Wu came over to make friends. Tie Niang didn't go at first, she asked Mrs. Di Ji for instructions in Yanfei Building. left later."

Tsk tsk, their suzerain is really stupid, the loyal and powerful female warrior is gone, isn't this the best time to steal incense and jade? Still need to be concerned about Mrs. Di Ji's safety

Just use a little excuse to invite the lady out, go back and forth again, cook cooked rice with raw rice, and worry that the snow lotus flower in the Western Regions can't be picked

"Didn't Gai Wu say that he caused trouble in Chen County and is not suitable to show his face? Now he is not afraid anymore."

Yuan Fang paced and muttered to himself with an angry expression.

"What did he do with Iron Lady? Could it be that he has some business to do? Yes, his people also have business in the Western Regions, so the sand thieves and horse thieves in the desert are not vegetarians..."

"No, if you're doing business, it's right to ask Mrs. Di Ji, what can I ask Lady Tie to do?"

The more he thought about it, the more irritable he became, and he turned around and asked the servant again.

"Where did the Iron Lady follow him?"

"Look at the direction..."

A strange look appeared on the servant's face.

"It seems to be the Windward Pavilion."

"Damn Gai Wu!"

Yuan Fang's face changed greatly, and he seemed to have seen the scene where Tie Niang's favorability towards him was dropping.

"Come on! Follow me to Windward Pavilion!".

For a split second, He Mulan thought she had worn it again.

Wear to the Middle East in the Middle Ages, or somewhere in Europe.

When stepping into the huge courtyard by the lake, He Mulan knew that Tuoba Huang and Di Yefei had guessed correctly again. This group of Lushuihu people wanted to hide in the Yuanjia Wubi without showing any trace, and most of them were in the backyard.

Starting from entering the lakeside road guarded by the Yuan family guards, this mysterious place "gathered with beauty" in the eyes of outsiders gradually revealed clues. From the tall buildings on the other side of the lake to the small road here, there is only an arch bridge in the middle, and there are people guarding the front and back of the bridge. The "beautiful people" who want to come to that building want to go out, unless they cross the bridge or swim.

It's just that the lake surface is clean, and there are no aquatic plants for ornamental purposes. Unless you have been diving and never surfaced, it would be futile to try to escape.

It's like a cage with canaries.

I don't know what the relationship between Gai Wu and the Yuan family is, but he was so generous to place a group of men in the place where his concubine lived.

Or was it that the fat man didn't take these concubines seriously, so he let the Lushui Hu people live in without any grudges

Thinking of this, He Mulan couldn't help frowning.

"We have something to hang around here. Because we caused trouble in Wei, we had to stay at Yuan's house, and we are also guests." Gai Wu seemed to know what she was thinking.

"Most of the orchids here are slaves, and there are orphan girls who have been repeatedly betrayed because of their outstanding beauty. In any case, in this world, being favored by a rich master and escaping this difficult world is also a kind of destination for them. .

"Do you think this destination is good?" He Mulan asked him in a hoarse voice.

"For a strange person like you, of course it's terrible. But for these women, I think it is." Gai Wu smiled self-deprecatingly. "Not to mention Orchid, even us men, in order to survive, have to betray ourselves."

Licking blood on the knife's edge, working for their employers, they're no better than a slave girl who betrays their hue. Sometimes even more despised.

They are "miscellaneous hustle" who will do anything for money. They have to sell their dignity and looks in order to live a stable life. It is so difficult to live well in this world.

So that guy Yuan Fang entertained them and asked his men to go and play with those orchid girls, but he didn't even want to take a look at them, but it was just a little sadness of "things hurt others".

However, this female warrior from the Western Regions should live by the lady's side in fine clothes and food, and with such a skill, she is afraid that she will not understand his emotion.

Sure enough, He Mulan's expression became weird when he heard Gai Wu's answer.

Are Lushuihu people so poor

In addition to performing arts, but also selling yourself

He Mulan glanced up and down at Gai Wu's body, and then thought about Di Yefei's white skin, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

No wonder he was so hungry that he had to rob food. Such a lanky and unattractive young man had to do this kind of thing in order to survive, and maybe he would drag his tired body to fight for his employer the next day...

Having said that, is the folk customs so open now

Could it be that there are also strange rich women here who propose such "business" for them to do

"It's not easy for you Lu Shuihu."

He Mulan let out a sigh.

"Those who fight to survive are great warriors."

She did not feel ashamed to do so.

All eat on their own.

Uh, although this thing is a little weird.

Hearing He Mulan complimenting her clan, Gai Wu's facial expression softened, and his face also showed a small expression.

Being able to understand her own meaning, this Iron Lady is indeed a person worth making friends with.

This mysterious warrior who doesn't seem to get along unexpectedly seems to be a person who is easy to get along with, which makes Gai Wu couldn't help but think that if he also has the opportunity to get along with Hua Mulan, it is possible to become friends too.

Just thinking of the hard work that he had worked so hard for was cut in half by Hua Mulan unceremoniously, the flame in his heart seemed to be extinguished by a basin of cold water, and the cool thing was clean.

He Mulan followed Gai Wu, whose footsteps seemed to be getting heavier, and walked into the door of Yingfeng Pavilion. He was still muttering in his heart that this leader was really emotional. As soon as he entered the door, he saw that he was sitting or lying in the spacious hall with a lazy demeanor. The orchids suddenly thought of a terrible thing.

God, Gai Wu and the others stole Chen Jie!

He's still a little handsome!

It's not what she thinks it is, is it

In the following time, Chen Jie's "exhausted" appearances after being coerced kept circling in He Mulan's mind, so that He Mulan's good impression of Gai Wusheng just now had a downward trend.

He Mulan followed Gai Wu through the bright hall, to the side of the small building, and after passing through several corridors, he finally arrived at the place where Lu Shuihu lived.

It was a sunny courtyard, located in the southeast corner of the entire Windward Pavilion, which was separated from the whole house and connected with a veranda. The sun shines straight down from the top of the head and spills into the whole yard. A group of Lushuihu people have their thick fur shirts open, exposing their belly and chest, lying lazily in one piece, with their hands on their chests and stomachs...



He Mulan took a closer look, but didn't think it was very similar.

Who is itching and rubbing



A man from Lu Shuihu rubbed a large piece of long strips on his body with the sweat from his body exposed to the sun, and sighed contentedly while rubbing it.

"It's still comfortable to bask in the sun in the south, and sweat when it's exposed to the sun... Hey, boss? This... Isn't this the warrior who fought tigers?!"

A group of Lushuihu people straightened up immediately, looked forward excitedly, and started talking in Xiongnu language.

"Which hero fighting tigers?"

"Hey, it's a woman again? Damn it, why are women so powerful now?"

"Whether she is a man or a woman, she deserves to be praised as a hero!"

A Lu Shuihu threw the black mud-like thing in his hand to the side, and walked forward enthusiastically. It's just that the dirt on his chest has only faded by half, and the exposed chest is black and white, making He Mulan's face tremble.

"This warrior, please accept our sincere welcome!"

Warrior Lu Shuihu showed a cheerful smile on his face, and reached out to hold He Mulan's hands.

"It's great that our leader can invite you here!"

"Hello everyone... ok..."

In shock, He Mulan was caught by Lu Shuihu, and it took a long time before he could utter a few more words.

"… good 'Yaxing'!"

The author has something to say: I'm too busy at work, and my neck can't stand it. I will take a day off tomorrow, and I will try to give you more fat and make up for regrets.