Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 66: Fight again


Since wearing ancient times, He Mulan's interest in finding an ancient boyfriend has dropped to a minimum.

Whether it is the memory of the Hua Mulan army, the men rubbing against each other, grinding their teeth, smelling their feet, snoring, and all kinds of weird flaws, or now Lu Shuihu people are lying here rubbing unknown things, and they still have a good reputation. It said "dry baths", and even as long as he imagined that people here use "toilet chips", He Mulan instantly lost interest in men.

And at this moment, being caught by Lu Shuihu who had just taken a "dry bath" made He Mulan speechless and choked, neither shaking his hand nor shaking back.

Fortunately, Gai Wu could see that her mood was not right, and he shouted to let all his subordinates disperse, otherwise He Mulan would be hard-pressed to protect himself if he would do something to his hand because of the sticky touch.

He Mulan followed Gai Wu into the house, and she was stunned when she entered.

Chen Jiehao was sitting in a part of the room where the sun could be exposed to the sun, with the annoying young white horse sitting at his feet. The two of them didn't know what they were talking about.

This made He Mulan, who thought that Chen Jie was trapped in the tiger's den of Longtan and tried his best to enter the Wubi of Yuanjia, was extremely surprised. In her opinion, Gai Wu and the others would arrest Chen Jie, mostly because they were chasing after him and wanted revenge, but they discovered their relationship with Chen Jie, and turned to arrest Chen Jie to threaten her.

But now, not only has Chen Jie not been abused, but he is still getting along well with the Lu Shuihu people, so how could she not be surprised

Could it be that Chen Jie is "uniquely gifted".

Or is there any other reason

Chen Jie heard from the white horse that there is a great warrior here, who can fight a fierce tiger by himself. He couldn't help but be curious and asked carefully. When he knew that he was a warrior from the Western Regions, and a tiger who could move a tiger's tail could not move, he felt a little familiar inexplicably.

He wanted to ask Bai Ma a few more questions, but there were not many rude people. He only knew that he was a guest of the master here, the guard of a wealthy female merchant in the Western Regions, who was highly skilled in martial arts and wore black clothes. Other than that, he didn't know anything about it.

While talking with Bai Ma, the room suddenly became dark. Chen Jie looked up and saw that Lu Shuihu's leader, Gai Wu, led a warrior with black lines into the room, looking at him and Bai Ma in a daze.

"Brother Gai Wu, you actually brought this hero back!" The white horse jumped up, shouted cheerfully and rushed to He Mulan's side, and saluted respectfully.

"I'm a white horse from Lu Shuihu, dare to ask the hero to accept apprentices?"

He Mulan still had an impression of this white horse's cunning and weirdness. Seeing that he was so docile at this moment, he couldn't react for a while, and was a little stunned.

It's just that her daze saw Bai Ma's eyes, which seemed to be a proof of unwillingness. Bai Ma bent for a while, and had to straighten up unwillingly.

"It turns out that the hero is not willing. Yes, I am so rashly apprentice, the hero must have doubts."

He grinned openly and laughed.

"I'm very smart! I'm also very diligent! If the hero wants to accept apprentices, remember to come to Xingcheng and find any Lu Shuihu people, just say white horse."

This is still a child.


He Mulan sighed in his heart.

"This is the son of one of my elders, and I have always treated him like a brother." Gai Wu touched the white horse's head, "We Lushuihu people are rude and straightforward people. If there is any offense, please ask Haihan."

He Mulan nodded and pointed to Chen Jie.

"Is that a Han Chinese?"

Not far away, when Chen Jie heard He Mulan's voice, and then looked at He Mulan's movements, he almost didn't jump up!

Even if he squeezed his throat to speak again, even if he had black lines painted on his face, he would still recognize his own general!

She, she, she, how did she come

Could it be that he came to rescue him? !

Chen Jie felt that his heart was so hot that it was about to jump out.

"We rescued this Han man. He is homeless. Now he is a friend of our Lushuihu people. He will follow us in the future." "Although he is a Han Chinese, his martial arts are really good, and he is also proficient in the method of battle formation. He is a rare talent."

"Such a talent..." He Mulan glanced at Chen Jie meaningfully, "Leader Gai Wu should pay attention to it. I think he seems to be injured?"

Chen Jie's tears were about to fall as he listened to his general and Gai Wu talking about some random topics.

Who wants to mix with Lu Shui Hu people! Isn't this to numb them!

The general still remembered that he was wounded, so gentle.

"It's just some minor injuries. It's no longer in the way. Thank you... Hero cares."

Chen Jie touched the beard on his face. This beard has not been shaved for so long, and it has grown so much that it covers his face.

Otherwise, let his generals see that he has been treated with delicious food, and he is not so thin that his face is yellow and skinny.

Gai Wu didn't know why Tie Niang would be interested in Chen Jie, but in the end he just concluded that he was a Han from their Lushuihuli, so he couldn't help but pay more attention.

He and He Mulan had a few polite words, then politely invited her to sit down and asked her straight to the point:

"I don't know if Iron Lady is a freelancer and is employed by Mrs. Di Ji, or is it the family of Mrs. Di Ji who can only be loyal to her?"

Mrs. Dickey

Where did the general know of his wife? In the past, there were several young ladies who expressed a good impression of his general, but they were all heartbroken...

Huh, Mrs. Dickie

Di? Westerners


"Brother Chen Jie, what's the matter with you?" Bai Ma saw Chen Jie's face flushed red and his mouth bulged, and he approached him with concern. "I had a bad stomach in the morning? Would you like me to help you go there for convenience?"

Although Iron Maiden is very powerful, Brother Chen Jie is also very powerful. If Tie Niang didn't accept him as a disciple, it would be good for Brother Chen Jie to accept him!

"No... No... I was just a little excited when I saw this heroine..." In order to hide his gaffe, Chen Jie bit his tongue so hard that it became numb, so he suppressed the smile.

What Mrs. Di Ji, I'm afraid she went to Chenxi with the general to play the role of general Di Yefei!

In terms of beauty, his family's generals are really not worth 1% of General Di's. Who is pretending to be a beauty and who is a warrior, you can easily know.

He used to make fun of him because he was the general's friend and accountant. Now that such a laughing stock is left, he dares to laugh at him again!

Seeing Chen Jie's strange face, He Mulan also guessed that Chen Jie had thought of who Mrs. Di Ji was. She felt a little funny, and her face relaxed.

"Being below is not a free body."

This is also negotiated in advance.

If it is said to be a free body, it may cause others to speculate about her identity, and even suspect that she is a team that mixed in halfway. But if you say that you are not free, the risk of identity exposure will be reduced a little.

There is an essential difference between domestic servants and free people.

"That's such a pity." Gai Wu shook his head, "Your Excellency is so strong in martial arts, it's a pity to be subordinated to a weak woman."

"Everyone has their own aspirations, and I don't think it's a pity."

He Mulan smiled lightly.

"I wonder if Tie Niang can learn about martial arts with us?" Gai Wu also wanted to know the gap between his subordinates and the masters of the world, "We Lushuihu people make a living by fighting, if we can learn more from Tie Niang's hands In the future, I will have a little more life-saving ability."

Chen Jie looked at He Mulan nervously.

He couldn't figure out what Gai Wu was trying to do. If you are willing to solicit, there is no need to make such a request.

He didn't know that Gai Wu had stopped recruiting.

The Lushuihu people have always been discriminated against by the Wei Xianbei and the Han people. They are a race like a hybrid of pigs and dogs. Ordinary experts will not accept his solicitation at all. In Lu Shuihu's team, most of them were miserable and vicious sinners who could not survive, and they were left behind in order to earn a fortune for themselves.

It is also difficult for the vicious sinners to be controlled, and Gai Wu has to "clean up" some of them every once in a while. He was forced by Hua Mulan to make such a poisonous oath again, and when he returned to Xingcheng, he was afraid that half of the people under him would be scattered.

At that time, he will probably be able to leave people like Chen Jie, but he will definitely not be able to leave strange people like Tie Niangzi. Since that's the case, it's better to let his subordinates get familiar with her, and have more incense in the future.

The so-called multiple friends have multiple ways out, and it is not without reason that Lu Shuihu Neng, who is under Gai Wu, has been receiving jobs all the time.

He Mulan also wanted to know the details of the Lushuihu people, how many people there are in the Yuan family, and what kind of skills are they? .

So she listened to Gai Wu's invitation, only hesitated for a moment, then readily accepted it.

"Okay, I will experience the ability of the Lu Shuihu people."


After a while.

"Brother Chen Jie, I didn't expect you to take us as your own even though you joined us not long ago." Seeing Chen Jie's nervous and concerned face, Bai Ma softened in his heart.

"Don't worry, that Iron Lady won't teach them a lesson. She doesn't know what our identity is here. They are here as guests, and they won't make the owner here look too ugly."

Who cares how you are!

He was worried that his general would suffer a loss!

Why doesn't she come up with all her skills

He Mulan, who had already brought down four people, was unable to express his suffering.

The Lu Shuihu people on the opposite side became more and more frustrated. Just now, they were still in the sunbathing yard, and dozens of people gathered around at once. Most of them were familiar faces He Mulan had seen. the group of people.

Although there are not many dozens of people, those who play against her are all good players, and they cannot be taken lightly.

Gai Wu had played against her, and roughly knew some of her ways. If she tried her best, she was afraid that Gai Wu would see through her identity. But Lu Shuihu is different from the rangers and the like she has faced before. She is really skilled in martial arts, and she is very experienced. She is not an opponent who can easily be defeated. Because of her restraint, the opponent is open and close. It was quite frustrating.

Gai Wu also saw that she had kept her hands, so she couldn't help jumping into the arena and rushed up with her bare hands.

"The heroine doesn't have to hold back! We Lu Shuihu people are not villains who can't afford to lose!"

Seeing that the curly-haired guy jumped off the court, He Mulan simply changed his mind.

Di Yefei also said that they are not necessarily more than his own side, the big deal is to arrest their leader and force them to submit.

When the Yuan family reacted, they were afraid that the boat was done.

Thinking of this, He Mulan not only did not avoid it, but rubbed his body up, stretched out his right arm, and grabbed his left shoulder. Gai Wu still wanted to struggle, but He Mulan just pressed down hard, and he felt that his left shoulder was like a heavy weight, and he knelt down on one knee involuntarily.

It's just that Gai Wu is not a mediocre hand, his left shoulder was controlled, so he simply used this strength to lie down, stretched out one leg and kicked He Mulan's face violently. Although it doesn't look good, it's a good move.

He didn't expect that this "Iron Lady" was Hua Mulan. There are thousands of skills in this world, and they are unpredictable, but there is only one thing.

This is a force to drop ten meetings!

He Mulan didn't care what kind of tactics he used, and she wasn't a martial arts master who was proficient in all kinds of martial arts, but when she saw Gai Wu kicking backwards, she even stretched out her right hand, grabbed his left leg, and slammed it up. The mention of it brought him up alive.

"My God!"

"Boss, you are so embarrassed!"

"Fortunately, I was only punched a few times, thank the heroine for showing mercy!"

The Lu Shuihu people, who were watching the excitement, did not notice the approaching danger. And He Mulan, who kept the gesture of raising Gai Wu with both hands, smiled strangely at Gai Wu, who showed a horrified expression.

She has to use all her strength at this moment to make him break up with his hands and feet now.

Gai Wu was shocked and inexplicable, and he was about to cry out in shock. If he hadn't wanted to save his face among his subordinates, he would have called him out at this moment.

His subordinates have never fought against Hua Mulan, but he has. Such strength, such a way of fighting the enemy, not Hua Mulan, who else

If there is another woman in this world who has the strength to grab him, he won't believe it!

Then do you want a man to live! Go home and do the laundry and cook!

It is not a problem to hold it like this all the time. This Gai Wu has long hands and feet, and it is really ugly to carry.

He Mulan thought that when a woman mentioned Gai Wu like this, he had to struggle a few times, but seeing that he was in a daze on this joint, he was also a little unhappy at the moment, and his arm shook and threw him to the ground.

Gai Wu was still shocked that Hua Mulan had come to Yuanjia Wubi, only to feel that the world suddenly turned upside down and fell to the ground in a blink of an eye.

In an instant, a warm person came close to him. He only felt that a hard object suddenly appeared in his waist and abdomen, and his hands and wrists were lifted up and fixed on the top of his head as if they were bound by iron hoops. The eyes didn't dare to look up.

In a blink of an eye, a warm palm "stroked" his neck, and the rough voice of "Iron Lady" came from above his head:

"You have been defeated, do you want to accept it?"



Gai Wu couldn't come back to his senses for a while.

Half of Hua Mulan's martial arts were learned from her father, but most of them were learned in the army. In other words, there is no gender distinction in her martial arts skills.

There are men in the army, and in order to survive in the army, Hua Mulan quickly forgot her gender opinions, and it is common for them to fight and kick others with their eyes. It's just that she always remembers that her strength is different from ordinary people, so she will learn with the army, and she will be careful when starting.

He Mulan, who inherited Mulan's complete fighting skills and body memory, instinctively chose the most beneficial and fastest way to subdue Gai Wu.

So when she made the decision that she only wanted to control the enemy and didn't want to kill, she immediately threw Gai Wu to the ground with lightning speed, and then pressed it down to the side, pressing her knees against the soft area between his waist and abdomen. , so that he cannot turn over.

Before Gai Wu could fight back, she restrained his upper body with both hands. Gai Wu was slender and his arms and wrists were very thin. When He Mulan found that one hand could hold his wrists, she separated his right hand. The palm grabbed his throat.

This time, Gai Wu's door opened wide, and his flaws were exposed. Whether it was his knees pressing down so hard that his spleen was ruptured and unable to resist, or his hand crushing his throat with force, it was a deadly move. This is also the winning method that Hua Mulan has found out after wrestling countless times in the army with warriors of all ethnic groups. He Mulan's first attempt was so smooth, and she couldn't help but feel a little excited. Looking at Gai Wu, who was already frightened, she smiled proudly. :

"You have been defeated, do you want to accept it?".

Not to mention that Gai Wu refused to accept it, all the Lu Shuihu people had already accepted it. Chen Jie was even more excited and high-five, wishing he could shout a few times.

After a silence, the applause continued. In the eyes of the other servants around Gai Wu, the leader of his own family was almost defeated in three or two moves, even faster than the last time he lost the battle with Hua Mulan, the famous female general of the Wei state.

You can tell at a glance who is better than this Iron Lady or Hua Mulan.

A few Lu Shuihu warriors who had walked under He Mulan for a quarter of an hour just now were even more proud of them. Anyway, they lost pretty well, and none of them were like the leader who was grabbed by the wrist and pressed the throat by a woman.

Gai Wu's loyal younger brother, Bai Ma, was excited that someone could finally defeat Hua Mulan's murderous weapon, and at the same time felt a little sad for Gai Wu, who was invincible in the past.

After losing twice, both times to women, Big Brother Gai Wu must have the heart to commit suicide by biting his tongue, right

When he turns around, he must do everything in his power to enlighten him.

At this moment, Gai Wu's mind was not at all about whether he would die, and he was completely unaware of He Mulan's passing killing intent.

He was about to be burned to death by the hard object around his waist and the palm of his throat.

It's hot, it's hot, why is it so hot

He should resist! He should fight to the death in order to maintain the dignity of the warrior Lu Shuihu!

Why is my body soft like mud!


He Mulan didn't know what to do either, so she had to keep this posture and think quickly.

Now that she has found Chen Jie, if Gai Wu's life is threatened, it is not impossible to rescue Chen Jie. It's just that she is now the "Iron Lady" and not Hua Mulan. As soon as she asks for Chen Jie, it is inevitable that the Lu Shuihu people will guess her thoughts, and her identity will be exposed at once.

Judging from the current situation, the head of the Yuan family obviously trusts the Lushuihu people more than their caravan from the Western Regions. If the Lushuihu and them have a dispute, it is not certain who the fat man Yuan Fang will help.

But let her just let Gai Wu go away obediently, and she felt a little pity in her heart.

The next time I can find such Gai Wu willing to fight her alone, there won't be many chances. If you want to subdue Gai Wu again, you have to knock down his gang of little brothers who are not mediocre.

While she was struggling, a loud cry suddenly came from the door.

"You...what are you all doing!"

It's Yuan Fang!

Why is he here!

He Mulan was startled, as if a basin of cold water was poured over her head, Yuan Fang couldn't come alone, there must be guards behind her, and she still wanted to hold Gai Wu back to Chen Jie, but this time it was all done. bubbles.

"Gai Wu, I respect you as a guest, but you are actually..."

Yuan Fang's face flushed with anger, and as soon as he entered the door, he glared at the two people who were sticking together because of the competition. The hand that pointed at Gai Wu and He Mulan was shaking there.

This Sect Master not only has a bad brain, but is his eyes blind

It was clearly her superior skill that suppressed Gai Wu so that he could not move. He actually thought that Gai Wu was offending her

The author has something to say: Take a day off and your neck feels much more comfortable. I'll make another update after eating, everyone remember to watch it after 8 pm!

small theater:

Yuan Fang: Gai Wu, I respect you as a guest, but you dare to seduce the woman I like!

Gai Wu: (I can't tear it apart) What is the hard object in my waist and abdomen