Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 72: Chen Jie's Peach Blossom


Chen Jie is very used to Bai Ma's troubles.

He sometimes felt that this teenager might have limited success in the future, because he was too emotional and too protective of his shortcomings. As a young companion, it was a mistake for Lu Shuihu to be so arrogant to him.

Is this the time to say such things

To really investigate it, his general and Gai Wu leader should start to count the truckloads of food and the hardships he suffered in prison.

Since the grievances have been eliminated with a smile, this is a trivial matter that should not be mentioned again.

"White horse! If you are more presumptuous, I will send someone to send you back to Xingcheng!" Gai Wu was also annoyed with the arrogance of his subordinates. He knew that the white horse was not ordinary to Chen Jie, and he often came to him for advice on weekdays. Now that Chen Jie's identity is poor, he is also very sorry.

But compared to the many traitors around him who would turn against the water at any time, speaking clearly like this is the best ending.

Bai Ma said this mostly because he wanted to get his face back, but he didn't get his face, but was scolded by the leader, and Chen Jie still showed such a regretful expression, he frowned and cursed, standing angrily behind Lu Naluo. speak.

He Mulan watched the incident from the beginning to the end. It wasn't that she couldn't afford the money, but she knew that once it was done, it would be Gai Wu who would be embarrassed.

Regarding this matter, Chen Jie took a few steps forward and gave Gai Wu a heavy salute.

This made Gai Wu take a half step back, staring at Chen Jie in surprise.

"Leader Gai Wu, Chen Jie was a subordinate of General Hua one day, and he was a subordinate of General Hua in this life. You kindly solicited my kindness, and Chen Jie will never forget it. But as my general said, she did not want to let me I am charged with betraying my friends, and I do not want my generals to bear the reputation of 'the former subordinates used power for personal gain and then escaped from prison'. Therefore, I will go back to Xiang County to settle this matter..."

Chen Jie clenched his fists.

"At that time, if the leader of Gai Wu still wants to use me, I will definitely help. Just one point, I will not do things that violate Wei's law, such as robbing houses and extorting people to kill."

"Huh?" White Horse suddenly stuck out his head from behind Lunaruo.

Gai Wu was also slightly surprised, followed by joy.

He originally recruited Chen Jie to train troops for him. Besides, he never thought about letting him do anything shameful. If there is such a thing, it will not be handed over to such an outsider.

Gai Wu is not short of subordinates who can kill, what he lacks is people who can teach his subordinates how to live.

And this Chen Jie is Hua Mulan's personal soldier. With him around, will Hua Mulan still be estranged from them

"Chen Zhuangshi's statement is true?"

Gai Wu was very surprised.

"Chen Jie, do you want to go to Xingcheng in the future?" He Mulan couldn't understand his thoughts. "If you are worried that you will lose your official salary after returning to Xiangxian County, and that you will wear unlicensed clothes in the future, I can recommend you to go to the tent of some of my former colleagues, the general of Zhenxi..."

"General, I've already thought about this. I did make the wrong thing to smuggle food in private. Even if there was a reason, it was the result of my own choice. I really don't have the face to continue to be an official, let alone Implicate the general to go out and search for favors."

Chen Jie said loudly and forcefully:

"I have hands and feet, and I have a lot of skills. As long as I don't steal or rob, and rely on my own ability to eat, I will never let the general lose face!"

"Chen Jie said it well!"

"That is, where can a man not be successful!"

"Chen Jie is good, we are waiting for you in Xingcheng!"

He Mulan looked a little complicated.

Chen Jie followed her back to Xiang County, and at least one whipping would not be able to escape. As for the food and grass, she would pay to make it up, but if he made such a mistake, he would either be punished as a low-ranking official, or he would completely lose his official status and become an ordinary military household.

Now it seems that he chose the latter one.

He has no children yet. Once the army is recruited to his home, he still has to return to the battlefield, otherwise he will implicate others. Now he goes to the place where Lu Shuihu joins the "Tiantai Army". If there is no war, it will be fine. Once there is a war, maybe there will be a meeting on the battlefield in the future.

Have Chen Jie ever thought about these questions

Or does he have other self-confidence

In the end, it was she who had troubled him. If it hadn't been for her to travel through, there would be no letters for a few months, and no contact with the outside world. Maybe Chen Jie would have used Mulan's funding to buy food and winter clothes as before.

"You're also thirty years old now. I'm not in the army now, so I can't take care of you. No matter what you choose, just remember to act in the future and be worthy of your heart." He Mulan clenched her fists towards Gai Wu. . "In the future, I will rely more on the leader of Gai Wu to take care of Chen Jie."

Seeing that his general had agreed, Chen Jie immediately smiled and stood up with the help of Gai Wu. He also hugged each other and touched shoulders.

"It can be said that everyone is happy about this. General Hua, you might as well hang around with us for a while tonight. I will go to the Yuan family to ask for some good wine and food..."

"I've been out for too long, and it's inevitable that Yuan Fang will be suspicious. Now is the time when the two sides are preparing to cooperate. I have been in close contact with you, but it makes it difficult for you to do it. When things are over, it's not that the leader of Gai Wu doesn't know my family. Where are you, when your troubles subside, I welcome you to my cabins at any time!"

"Hey, you are not fake..."

"It's a long story. I'm afraid it will be a fake show in the future. But no matter what, Iron Lady will disappear from the world in the future." He Mulan's eyes darkened. "Chen Jie, I will take it away first. If Yuan Fang asks you about it, he will say that I appreciate the martial arts of this Han man, so I will take it back and take it as a subordinate."

"Why would Yuan Fang care about how many people I have..." Gai Wu waved his hands indifferently, "Since that's the case, I won't hold back anymore. The mountains are high and the rivers are long, you and I will see you in another day!"

He pulled out two small white flags from his arms, with the red "Tianwang" written in Chinese characters on them, and the Sanskrit words engraved on the flagpoles, one for He Mulan and the other for Chen Jie.

"If the two of you go to Xingcheng and take out this white flag at the Medicine Buddha Temple, someone will naturally come to greet you." Gai Wu himself felt a little strange, and sighed after handing over the flag:

"I thought that from now on I was going to meet the heroine of Dawei and become enemies. I didn't expect that the world would change, and there would be a moment of joy now. The Buddha said, 'The world is impermanent, the voice is heard, and it will arise and die.' I didn't expect it to be so effective."

He Mulan and Chen Jie took a small flag and rolled it up into their arms. He Mulan had seen the advantages and disadvantages of today's "repression of Buddhahood", so she couldn't help but ask:

"Now that His Majesty has ordered the monks to return to the secular world, is the Buddhist temple in Xingcheng not affected?"

Don't when Chen Jiezhen goes looking for it, it becomes an empty temple.

"That's your majesty, not our Lushuihu people." Gai Wu laughed disdainfully. "If you don't wear a monk's robe, as long as you have a Buddha in your heart, you will still be a monk. This is something that a government decree can resist."

He Mulan twitched the corners of his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

The Lushuihu people are so unruly, I am afraid that sooner or later they will cause disaster.

I just hope that Chen Jie can subtly influence him by his side and leave a little leeway in doing things, that is a good fate.

He Mulan led Chen Jie out of the musical instrument room. When Chen Jie was robbed from prison, he had nothing to take with him. Naturally, he didn't have anything to take with him. The two walked out step by step like this.

He Mulan's five senses were keen, and she suddenly felt a line of sight shot in their direction from behind. When she looked back quickly, she found that it was a woman who was described as ruined, looking out from behind the pillar.

Seeing that his general stopped, Chen Jie also turned around and looked over. When he found out that it was Ru Luo's daughter, his face couldn't help but turn red.

She took care of him for a long time, but now that he is leaving, he forgot to say hello to her.

The joy of the general coming to pick him up made him dizzy, and he forgot about this new friend, how could he not be ashamed

"General, do you have gold and silver on you? Can you lend me some?" Chen Jie whispered to He Mulan.

She was stunned when she heard the words, nodded, took out a few golden leaves from her sleeve pocket, and handed them to Chen Jie.

"It won't take so much. Alas, giving Jinzi may cause her trouble, but now I can't take care of that." Chen Jie muttered to himself for a long time, and only took a leaf. "General, I'll come as soon as I go, you wait for me for a moment."

"Is that your friend?"

"Well. I've been relying on her to take care of me here."

Chen Jie passed three or two steps.

He Mulan raised her eyebrows unexpectedly.

Could it be that spring is here? You can get a "girlfriend" after being kidnapped.

Too bad he's leaving soon.

"Flower... Iron Lady!" Gai Wu seemed to struggle for a long time, but he still caught up with He Mulan who was about to leave in a few steps. At this time, He Mulan was leaning against the wall, waiting for Chen Jie to come back after saying goodbye to his friends. Seeing Gai Wu coming again, he straightened up quickly.

"This is my new carving. Please take it..."

Gai Wu was quite embarrassed to send the wooden sculpture in his hand, as if he didn't have the courage to accept the fate of it being abandoned and left as soon as He Mulan took it.

He Mulan happened to have something to ask him, and quickly grabbed his wrist.

"Leader of Gai Wu, don't go, I have something to ask for."

Seeing that Gai Wu was in a hurry to leave, she could only put the wood carving into her arms, and then said to Gai Wu Zhengse who was holding his wrist: "My subordinate said that he was here for many days, thanks to a woman who took good care of him, Dare to ask the leader of Gai Wu to know her identity?"

Seeing that He Mulan didn't want to return the woodcarving, Gai Wu breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing the words, he thought for a moment, and then he knew who he was talking about: "That is Yuan Fang's slave girl, the Rouran who is in charge of chores in Yingfeng Pavilion, named It's called Ru Luo Nu."

He Mulan thought for a while, and took a piece of golden leaf that Chen Jie returned to Gai Wu: "My identity is not good, I would like to ask the leader of Gai Wu to come forward and redeem the Ruluo girl, if she has a place If you go, please give her the rest of the money and let her leave on her own. If she has nowhere to go, please Xingcheng can take her in and wait for Chen to go to Xingcheng after the festival, so that an acquaintance will take care of her."

"How can you get gold for such a trivial matter..."


Gai Wu was taken aback.

With just a turn of his mind, he took the golden leaf and carefully put it into his arms.

"This is just a trivial matter, and I will definitely handle this matter. It's just that we are likely to leave Wei land, at most a few months, or at least a month before we can return. If she really has nowhere to go, I can only do this first. Find a place to settle down, and when we return, we will take her back to Xingcheng."

"But it is arranged by the leader of Gai Wu."

Gai Wu nodded and hurried away.

'What do I do in such a hurry, I won't eat people. '

He Mulan touched his chin.

Could this leader of Lu Shuihu be a carving enthusiast

Specializing in carving cursed dolls or something


It's not actually a body doll, but because of the brutalist style of the minority, it makes her look like a voodoo doll, right

If that's the case, it would be a bit of a slap in the face.

He Mulan curiously took out the wooden carvings that Gai Wu Gang had given from her arms, but as soon as she took them out, she was shocked and crushed the head of one of them.

After looking around and finding that no one noticed, He Mulan continued to hold the severed head and the rest of her in her arms, feeling a little dazed.

Yes, the pinched off is one of them.

The wood carving is of two people. The two figures are intertwined. The thin and long-haired woman is pressed down, while the male sculpture on "her" is in a wretched and seductive posture. Lock her tightly in his arms.

When He Mulan took out the wood to carve it out, her thumb was touching the head of the figure above, so there was a tragic incident of "separation of the body and head".

Isn't this Gai Wu too unreliable

After the brutalist voodoo doll whose face can't be seen clearly, why give this kind of erotic doll again!

Could it be that the Lushuihu people express their enthusiasm like this? Give someone your own "masterpiece of art", no matter what the subject matter

The ideas of these young literary and artistic youths, she really can't figure it out for more than 1,500 years.


"Are you leaving?" Ru Luo Nu looked at Chen Jie with a bit of frustration.

"Yes, you are my master's guest and you always have to leave. But why did you follow that female warrior? Didn't you follow Lord Gaiwu?"

"I'll join them in the future. But before that, I have to do something." Chen Jiexiao's beard trembled, "As for that female warrior..."

Chen Jie turned to look at He Mulan who was taking something from Gai Wu's hand.

"That's the person I admire."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ru Luo Nu took a few hard glances.

Is this what Chen Jie admires

That... it's really different.

With his face painted like that, he couldn't tell whether he was beautiful or not.

She is really special.

"Today... Are you leaving today?"

"Yeah. What, do you want me to stay until the spring flowers bloom?"

Chen Jie laughed.

The Rouran people have a story of waiting for the spring after leaving a handsome guest in winter.

In this story, it is usually the host's daughter who falls in love with the handsome guest who has to shelter from the snow in the tent, and then waits for the next spring when the wind and snow calms down and the flowers bloom. Gone my daughter's heart. This is a widely circulated story. Xianbei and Rouran have the same origin. Chen Jie has been in Montenegro for so many years, so he naturally knows this story.

He didn't know why he made this joke out of nowhere.

Ru Luo Nu's cheeks flushed and she shook her head.

"I have no such ability."

Even the daughter of the tribe master, didn't she just let others take her heart away

Since then, there will never be a guest who treats her like an ordinary person.

"... I wish you peace and joy in the future, and no worries."

Ru Luo Nu crossed her arms, Yingying bowed down, and offered a gift to Chen Jie.

This time, Chen Jie blushed. At a loss, he picked up Ruluo Nu and stuffed her with the golden leaf in his hand.

"This... This is not a reward, but a heartfelt thanks to you. Thank you for reminding me that leader Gai Wu has a grudge against Hua Mulan, and thank you for taking care of me meticulously for so long." Chen Jiekan Ru Luo Nu, who was stunned holding the golden leaf. "Get it for yourself if you can. You're not like the other girls here. You don't belong here."

Ru Luo Nu began to sniff, and only clenched the leaf tightly.

"This is the first time someone has given me a present..."

"Uh, that's right, you can treat it as a simple gift." Chen Jie touched his head and muttered softly. "Ah, it's so easy to deliver? I thought it would take a long time to deliver wine like the third uncle."

"All in all, you must have a good time..."

His words stopped suddenly.

Because Ru Luo Nu's lips suddenly printed on his cheek.

The girl who stood on tiptoe immediately stepped back at the touch, and bowed down again, bending her waist even more this time.

"I won't use it up. It's the only thing in the world that really belongs to me, and I'll take good care of it. Redemption means nothing to me, I'll only speak Xianbei words, and there's nowhere to go, here It's already my home. If I go out, I don't even know how to survive."

Chen Jie was at a loss.

'Did my beard stick to her mouth? Oops, she knew she was going to shave the knife, she didn't even know what I looked like, did she? '

'What did she kiss me for? Do you have a crush on me? '

'Gosh, did I make it clear that I didn't mean it that way, but she didn't seem to mean it, just thanked me that way. Could it be that everyone in Yingfeng Pavilion thanked them like this? '

"I hope there is still a chance to see you, my traveler."

There was a rumbling in his head, he nodded stupidly, mechanically accepted the blessing of Ru Luo Nu, and watched her run away with tears.


What my traveler

Did he hear something outrageous

Chen Jie finished saying goodbye to Ru Luo Nu, and when he thought of "my traveler", he couldn't help but stand upright, and the whole person shivered.

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He screamed in his heart.

Shouldn't he be making that joke just now


He was struggling when he was suddenly slapped by the white horse that sprang from behind him.

"I said, can you stop being a ghost all the time? It's easy to get into trouble. If you were a vigilant expert, you might be dead by this time!"

Chen Jie and Bai Ma talked too many times in this tone, so they didn't switch over for a while.

"Do you like that Rouran girl?" Bai Ma squinted at Chen Jie. "You don't want so many orchids, you like this one..."

"White horse!"

Chen Jie frowned in displeasure and scolded.

"I'm such a disgusting mouth, you know it." Bai Ma raised his face and smiled a little to please, "I know you definitely don't like that Rouran girl, you just want to repay her favor, right?"

"Her name is Ruluo, not Rouran. I really appreciate that she has been taking care of me, so I say goodbye to her."

"Farewell to your face? Doesn't she dislike your big beard and never wash it?"

The white horse rolled his eyes.

"That's our private matter." Chen Jie touched the white horse's head. "You're still young. Don't worry about such grown-ups."

Perhaps this sentence stirred Baima's nerves and made him jump up.

"Who said I was small! I'm not small at all! Isn't it the Ruluo girl who likes you? I like you too!"

"Uh... so what... uh, I like you a lot too. You're a bit like that little cousin in my family..."

Chen Jie blinked.

"I'm not talking about liking. You said that you would return to Xingcheng. I will wait for you in Xingcheng. You can't treat me like a child next time!"

The white horse had his hands behind his back and raised his head to warn him solemnly.

"...I don't have the habit of breaking my sleeves." Chen Jie looked strange, "Although I'm still an old bachelor at 30 years old this year, I don't like men..."

"Man!" Bai Ma also leaned in and kissed Chen Jie's face, making a loud noise. "Although you are old and hypocritical, but your character is decent and you know a lot, I will continue to like you!"

Bai Ma looked at Chen Jie, who had fallen into complete chaos, and grinned with a hint of cunning:

"Do you think that only your general can dress up as a man!"

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

Chen Jie: ... General, there is a man who likes me!

He Mulan: I'm more troublesome than you (sex villain or something ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍).

One clean cut: 555555

Body Separation: 555555