Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 77: Taiwu destroys the Buddha


The reason why Yueying is called "Yueying" is because it has unparalleled instant acceleration ability. This ability can often break out a powerful threat on the battlefield, so although Yueying is not the fastest, nor the strongest in endurance, it is still the BMW that many knights envy.

He Mulan rescued the little monk by virtue of the instant acceleration ability of Yueying.

"Are you sure your name is Ai Ran, not Ai Mo?"

He Mulan put the little novice off the horse and quietly waited for A Danzhuo's arrival.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! The little monk thought it was a wall..."

Every time Ai Ran said another word, He Mulan's eyebrows couldn't help twitching.

I will endure!

He didn't know I was a woman.

A man's chest is as reliable as a wall is a compliment.

"The donor helped the little monk once again, how can the little monk be grateful..." Ai Ran shyly hugged her package, "The little monk must recite the scriptures for the donor every day and pray for blessings, and may the donor receive blessings."

"You're welcome, little master." He Mulan looked at the inappropriate clothes on him, then at his bare forehead, and sighed.

"Is there no one else in your temple? You actually let a child out and run around. There is a lot of chaos down the mountain, and monks are being arrested everywhere. It's better for you to go back to the mountain."

"There's no one in our temple anymore..." Ai Ran hugged her package in a depressed mood. "My master has passed away. My brothers have already descended one by one, so I can only go to Dongping County to find my uncle."

"Then you must be unable to find it." He Mulan looked at him regretfully, "Now all the monks have returned to the secular world, and they have to change back to their secular clothes and give up their Dharma name. As long as your uncle is in the temple, Those who practiced must have been ordered to return to secular life. For monks in small mountain temples like you, it would be better if they were not found, but if they were found, they would be arrested and sent to the government to serve corvée.”

"No... it's impossible..." The little novice was dumbfounded. "How can my uncle return to the secular world? He is an eminent monk from the Western Regions!"

"Uh, then maybe I'll be sent back." He Mulan guessed. "Otherwise, you can go to the next county town and go directly to the yamen, and ask the yamen to open a document for returning to the secular world, and you can return to the secular world and live a life. I think you are still young, and you have an idea to find a copy of the monk's office. A job that can survive, even if you don’t go home, you will have a good life.”

The lives of the monks depend entirely on the support of the benefactors. Nowadays, a large number of monks and monasteries have become places such as warehouses and stables. The fields in the monks and monasteries have been reverted to the state. The monks have no one to support them.

I heard that the Buddhist temples in Pingcheng are not bad. Although the monks were all sent away and returned to secular life, the eminent monks and great virtues and the Xianbei nobles who believed in Buddhism in Pingcheng were secretly raised at home, and they were able to continue to practice and preach the Dharma. However, in places such as Yuzhou and Yanzhou in the south, if there are good men and women in the area who are willing to help and support the monks and hide the monks, these monks will inevitably fall into the situation of returning to the secular world.

"I've never been in the secular world, so how can I return to the secular world?" Ai Ran's expression was extremely terrified. "Is it possible that I have to go back to the mountains, alone with the wild beasts of the mountains?"

He Mulan was silent, unable to bear to say that if he didn't return to the custom, he was afraid that he would have to hide in the mountains to protect his identity, just like the two monks in the Dry Leaf Temple.

"Anyway, I would like to thank the donor for his kindness. The little monk wants to go to Bao'en Temple in Dongping County to inquire first. If my uncle is there, I will follow my uncle's arrangement."

Airan bowed deeply, "Dare to ask the donor's name?"

"Aunt Hua, you make me look good!"

A Danzhuo's hearty cry came from the other side of the road. He was unhappy with the drag of a packhorse, so he has only found the land until now.

"It turns out that the donor is called Huayi. I just don't know which one it is?"

The Liang County where they are located is an area where Han people gather, and most of them speak Chinese. Adanzhuo and He Mulan go out. Although they dress up as Xianbei people, they all communicate in Chinese. This little novice also uses Chinese all the time. talking.

So your name is Aunt Hua...

what aunty...

Adanzhuo froze after dismounting.

"Aunt Hua is not called Aunt Hua, Aunt Hua is called Hua..."

"My name is He Mulan." He Mulan interrupted Adanzhuo, "You are a Han Chinese, you only remember that my name is He Mulan."

Adanzhuo was stunned for a moment, but didn't say anything.

There is no difference between "Hua Mulan" and "He Mulan" in Xianbei language, only when writing Chinese characters, there is a big difference, and it's okay to use a pseudonym when going out. cheat.

"He donor, thank you for leaving me your clothes, hats, and fire and sickle." Ai Ran also bowed to Adanzhuo, "The road ahead is long, and the little monk is a step ahead."

"Aunt Hua (Xianbei language), shall we take this little novice for a ride?" A Danzhuo looked at the poor little monk with sympathy. "There is still a road in Dongping County. Airan has no horses and can't enter the city with her bare head. Let's take him a long way and send him to Dongping County and then go north."

He Mulan looked at Ai Ran with a surprised expression under the horse, the expression like being hit by gold falling from the sky made He Mulan very happy. Besides, she didn't hate this little monk, so she ordered nodded.

"You can take him, you are responsible for taking care of him." He Mulan smiled. "I'm responsible for paying."

Love dye's smile brighter.

"It turns out that the donor He used to be a general, no wonder he is so heroic and not like a mortal." Ai Ran can't ride a horse, and rides the same horse with A Danzhuo. The packhorse is a long-lasting run, but it is not good at speeding up and galloping. After being manipulated by Yueying several times, it almost hurt his hoof.

He Mulan knew that Yueying had a personality, but she didn't know that it had such a personality.

"If you're going to bully that poor Thomas again, I'll push your head to the ground, believe it or not?"

"Hey hey hey hey!"

"Hey, it's useless! You're not on the battlefield now, and I'm not here anymore, we all have to get used to it, you know? You're a warhorse that's not a warhorse now, and I'm also a general who doesn't need to fight anymore. You always have to learn Group."

"Hey hee hee hee..."

"Damn it! Yueying, stop me! That packhorse's leg will be pulled, it will be pulled!... What are you crazy!"

After experiencing Yueying's "strong non-cooperation", the poor workhorse was still tied behind A Danzhuo's horse, and avoided Yueying far away. As soon as Yueying approached, he would have the urge to turn around and run away.

Ai Ran was placed in front of He Mulan, and Yue Ying reluctantly accepted this decision. Fortunately, he didn't go crazy and threw Ai Ran down, otherwise He Mulan would definitely put it on the ground and "educate" it well. .

Ai Ran is a very obedient and obedient young man, probably because of chronic malnutrition, he hardly has much flesh on his body. When leaning on He Mulan, He Mulan can see the outline of his thin shoulders, and then think about those in future generations. The monks with square heads and big ears, He Mulan couldn't help but ask him:

"What do you eat in the mountains?"

"There are two acres of land in the temple, and some corn and vegetables are grown. In spring and summer, I often go to the mountains to pick some wild vegetables and mushrooms. Sometimes I can occasionally pick up some dead birds and beasts and go back to eat..."

"Huh? Aren't you allowed to eat meat?"

"Of course it is. Those who smell vegetables such as ginger and garlic are not allowed to touch the Buddhist precepts."

"...What do those have to do with birds and beasts? You can't eat meat, aren't you?" He Mulan recalled that when she was in the Dry Leaf Temple, the two monks didn't even touch the hu cakes mixed with meat oil, even if she didn't say anything. There is oil in it, and they seem to be able to detect the oily smell naturally.

Kwai Ran also said that he could occasionally pick up some dead birds and beasts to eat.

"The master you mentioned is probably a monk from the Southern Dynasty." After listening to He Mulan's description in detail, Ai Ran frowned and said, "I heard that there is indeed no meat. Most of the ascetic precepts received in the north come from the Western Regions, and there are not so many red tapes. If it is 'three clean meat', we can also eat it."

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He Mulan took out a piece of jerky from the grain bag with one hand. Now this is her favorite snack, and she takes a lot of it when she goes out. "Can you eat this?"

"You can't see killing, your ears don't hear killing, and you don't kill for yourself. These are the three pure meats, and the little monk can naturally eat them."

He Mulan swears that this little novice secretly swallowed her saliva!

"Then eat it. I'll give you something to eat."

Airan said the Buddha's name and nibbled happily like a little hamster.

No matter what religion it is, human ** can never be eliminated. When you are hungry, you need to eat, and when you are thirsty, you need to drink water. When you are malnourished, your body will naturally respond to things that can bring nutrition. Adults will be interested in women, interested in power, this is human nature.

Taoism didn't start to have the concept of "renunciation" until the emergence of Quanzhenism. Before that, Taoist priests could always marry and have children, and they did not need to become vegetarians or go extinct. They advocate a pure heart and few desires, but they mean neither greed nor extravagance, nor pursue excessive sex.

But Buddhism is a real repressive nature, and it requires abandoning one's family and children in order to "become a Buddha". For the ancient population and the reality that is bigger than everything, the ruling class will sooner or later become dissatisfied, and it is also a matter of time.

He Mulan himself had no objection to the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism, nor did he think religion was useless. But there are only so many resources, and there is always a fight.

Since there is a struggle, it means that even a high moral monk still has selfish desires and a fighting spirit.

In this case, "purity and inaction" and "all beings are equal" become a joke.

Aidan's body needs a high protein supplement, otherwise he will not grow tall, have no strength, and his body will be prone to disease. But his teachings forbid him to take the initiative to acquire these things.

It is not impossible to grow beans in the mountains, but beans are not easy to digest, and the ancients did not eat them often. They don't have this condition for making tofu, so he looks so thin that a gust of wind can blow it away.

Think about the stuttering little monk in Kuye Temple, who is also of this shape, but he does not have the bulging eyes and yellow skin caused by long-term malnutrition. He even uses Kuding instead of tea to entertain guests. They must have received very good offerings, at least they can eat enough at the temple.

Thinking of this, He Mulan's sympathy for Airan became even stronger. Seeing that his food was delicious and satisfying, she grabbed another piece of jerky and invited him to eat it.

"I ate the first piece, it was the kindness of the donor, I didn't ask you for it, so I could eat it. But the second piece of jerky was given to me by the donor when he saw that I was happy to eat it. I have already If you are full but ask for another piece, this meat is no longer 'clean meat' and I can't eat it."

Ai Ran quietly wiped her oiled hand on Yue Ying's horse's mane, then turned around apologetically and thanked He Mulan for her kindness.

"All right."

Respect the freedom of belief of others.

He Mulan had never gotten along with monks before, so he didn't know that monks were such a lovely group of people, or that Airan was such a lovely child.

There will be such an idea, and the words will come to a certain day.

A few days ago, He Mulan, Ai Ran and A Danzhuo in disguise were staying in a country house. Not far from the empty house, an old plum tree stood alone.

The plum tree that was supposed to bloom in winter was chopped to death on a certain winter thunderstorm night, leaving a trunk that was burned by the fire. When He Mulan and two children lived in his house, he sighed that it was a pity that this tree died.

When he got up early the next morning, Adanzhuo searched the house and couldn't find Ai Ran's shadow. When he ran out, he found Ai Ran standing under the tree, staring at the top of the tree with a very pious attitude.

He Mulan originally wanted to go out as soon as possible and hurry up, but found that the two children were standing together and didn't know what they were talking about, so she stopped shouting at their thoughts, and only quietly approached them, standing silently. Listen to what the hell they are saying.

"Airan, what are you doing? You won't even have to save a tree, will you?"

Adanzhuo looked up at the plum tree and found nothing special.

"No, how can I have such a skill."

Ai Ran shook her head.

"I'm looking at that branch..."

He Mulan had kindly reminded him that if she always called herself a "little monk", no matter how many fur hats she wore when she went out, it wouldn't be enough for him to hide it. Since then, Airan has also gotten used to calling herself "I".

Airan stretched out her hand and pointed to an inconspicuous corner on the side of the plum tree.

"Brother Adan, there is a flower bud there, have you seen it?"

A-Danzhuo stood on tiptoe and changed the angle, only to find the flower bud he was pointing at. This is obviously a dying flower bud. It is said to be a flower bud, but it is not much bigger than a fingernail. It is difficult to see it.

"There is one, but the tree is dead, and even if it is not burned, the flower will not bloom."

"So I'm looking at it."

Ai Ran raised her eyebrows.

"What do you see it do?"

"I'm watching it bloom."

"Flowers?" Adanzhuo scratched his head in confusion, "Where are the flowers?"

"It's in my heart."

Love dye and ten smiles.

His face is still sallow, but he can no longer make people feel pitiful and sigh.

After all, he was a boy of sixteen or seventeen, and when he put his hands together and smiled, it warmed his heart.

"Brother Adan, I don't know how long this plum tree has lived."

He looked at the small bud on the branch with a smile at the corner of his mouth, but there was something sad in his eyes. "This flower tree that has experienced wind, frost, rain and snow has brewed a lifetime of hard work, just trying to find the meaning of its existence in bloom..."

He turned his head to the side and glanced at the branch again.

"Such buds, but in the middle of the night when the trees are about to bloom, they are forever stopped at this moment by the thunder and fire. The trees are all destroyed, only a small bud is left, and they are still struggling to bloom again."

He stared at the bud for a long time.

"Even if it's just me, I want to see it more. It works so hard, how can it just disappear into this world without being seen by anyone."

"I look at it now, and it remains in my heart. It is already in full bloom in my heart."

"Brother Adan, what I see is not the dry branches, but the plum blossoms on the tree..."

Adanzhuo had a look of "are you speaking Chinese or something else why I don't understand it at all", but he is a kind child, so after being dumbfounded for a while, he nodded. .

"I seem to understand what you said, but I don't seem to understand. It sounds like a pity for this tree. Since you want to see it, I'll accompany you to see it too."

So the two children, one strong and one thin, raised their heads, looked at the empty, black and scorched branches, and stood silently for a long time.

After listening to their conversation, He Mulan held her breath and looked at the branch quietly, but she didn't know if the angle was wrong or her eyes weren't sharp enough. , had to give up, slowly backed away from their side.

She seemed to understand a little bit why even though the emperor personally ordered to suppress the Buddha, there are so many disadvantages of the ascetic that are unfavorable to the political situation, but there are still so many people who go to believe in one after another.

At that moment, even He Mulan was a little moved. For these ancients who had not been irrigated with modern "chicken soup for the soul", how mysterious and touching the words were.

You see, isn't even A-Danzhuo moved? .

On this day, the three of them ate together in a restaurant.

"Hey, do you want to use cloth instead?" Ai Ran watched He Mulan skillfully take out a bag of grain from the horse's back, exchanged for a few bowls of warm noodle soup, and ordered a few dishes of side dishes, her eyes widened. .

"Yes, you are all self-sufficient, probably haven't gone down the mountain to change things?" He Mulan said with a smile, "What should I do when there is not enough food?"

No matter how masterful monks are, they still have to eat rice.

"When there is not enough food, my master will send my third senior brother down the mountain for alms." Airan said about her senior brother with some nostalgia. "My third senior brother is very good at melting things. Every time he goes down the mountain, he can carry a lot of things back."

"... Asking for alms?" He Mulan could only think of this.

"Well, sometimes it's a bowl, sometimes it's a pocket." Airan took a sip of the noodle soup, and her throat to stomach suddenly warmed.

"We monks ask for alms, but they are not begging. We want people to give alms to establish a relationship. How can I say..."

Airan thought for a while, and said in another way:

"Look, if you and I hadn't had a 'destiny', we would have never met and would have had nothing to do with each other. The same is true of our 'beggar'. We ask for alms, and it seems that we are asking others Begging for something is actually giving others a chance to do good. When you do good to others, you will get satisfaction and joy in your heart, and you will gain more good, and this joy and good , it will bring good results to people, and let the donors also get 'karma'"

Airan held the bowl and took two small sips.

"When the rice grains and other things go into our bowl, it is not a connection between them and us, but a connection between the kindness of the donor and the good retribution to come. Isn't it a good thing? It's not a thing, but an opportunity to persuade people to do good."

"Little novice has a good eloquence." He Mulan nodded. "If Your Majesty didn't order the monks to return to the secular world, I think with your ability to beg for alms, you shouldn't starve to death."

"This is what my third senior brother said." Airan smiled, "Every time he went down the mountain, he didn't say that he was going to 'beg for alms', but said, 'I will persuade people to do good'."

"...It's a talent." He Mulan nodded. "So, in the package that you are wearing all day long, is it actually your bowl?"

It seems that the shape is really round, and it cannot be revealed in front of people.

"No." Ai Ran patted the burden on her shoulders. "This is my master."

"It turned out to be your master... Wait, what? Your master? Cough, cough, cough..."

He Mulan almost choked on the noodle soup in her mouth, "What is your master?"

Not with a head!

That's too creepy!

"Yes. It contains my master's remains. After my master passed away, I obeyed his will to transform him and bring him down the mountain. My master left his home in Baoen Temple and went to Yunbai Mountain later, according to the rules. , I will return his relic to the En Temple and put it in the Buddha."

A Danzhuo was just listening while eating, but when he heard that the package he helped to take was actually human ashes, a mouthful of noodle soup was sprayed out of his nostrils, and He Mulan, who was disgusted, almost jumped up.

"Adanzhuo, you are so disgusting!"

"I'm sorry, I'm scared..."

"It's just ashes, what's there to be scared of!"

"But Airan sometimes uses it as a pillow!"

"… "

Maybe it was You Airan who made surprising words from time to time, or maybe it was because there was a lot of things after one more person. It was not boring to stop and chase along the way. Finally, after ten days or so, they The group arrived at Pinglu in Dongping County, the destination where Airan was going.

When He Mulan and his party entered Pinglu, they quickly felt that something was wrong.

From the introduction of Ai Ran, this place is a place with a strong Buddhist style. Within one place, there are three temples: Baoen, Xulin, and Yuanlai, and there are many monks. The temple has fields to support itself and is self-sufficient. , not very bitter. The local hundreds of believers believe in Buddhism, and they often go to temples to worship Buddha and realize the meaning of Zen. The people here are mild-mannered and treat outsiders very kindly. It is a rich and prosperous county with excellent folk customs.

But when He Mulan and others entered here, they found that there were very few pedestrians on the street. Not only that, but everyone was in a hurry when walking. When they saw outsiders, they didn't even raise their heads, and hurried past.

Airan's master became a monk at Baoen Temple here, and then went out to travel. He traveled to Yunbai Mountain, and suddenly got a dream from the Buddha, saying that he needed to practice here before he could become a Buddha, so he stayed for decades. , relying on his own ability, he built a small temple in the mountain, and took in four more apprentices, named anger, greed, ignorance, and love. , talk about the truth in the Buddhist scriptures.

When He Mulan heard Ai Ran's description, she had a lot of expectations for this place, but when she got here, she found that it was completely different from what he said. Not only were there few shops on the street, but even the city gate officials were more greedy than other places. Some.

When entering the city, they can loot more than other counties.

Airan had never been to Pinglu before. He Mulan always believed that "the road is on the lips", stopped a young man on the side of the road, and asked him where the "Baoen Temple" was.

As a result, the young man glanced at them in a panic, didn't say a word, took a few steps back, turned around and ran away.

He Mulan stopped a few more times, either running away in fright, or shaking his head repeatedly saying he didn't know. After several times, He Mulan knew that something must have happened to Baoen Temple, and she stopped inquiring. She brought her two children to a larger-looking inn, and moved in first.

"He donor, but what's wrong with Baoen Temple now?" Ai Ran is not stupid. Seeing that He Mulan moved into the store first, and calmly took some jerky and chatted with the servant in the store, she knew that there was something wrong. what's wrong.

"It's not that there's something wrong with Baoen Temple." He Mulan, who came back after some inquiries, looked rather unhappy. "No, it should be said that it's not just Baoen Temple that has a problem."

Her face was full of disbelief.

"His Majesty the Emperor issued a 'decree to destroy the Buddha', which has now been passed on to Pinglu, and it has also been announced."

"What is the order to destroy the Buddha?" Adanzhuo asked in confusion, "Do you want to destroy all the Buddha statues?"

"No." He Mulan's mood became very bad. "Your Majesty has ordered that offerings to ascetic monks be prohibited, and if there is any concealment, the whole sect will be slaughtered. If the monks in wild temples do not return to the secular world, they will all be killed. Originally, monks under the age of 50 returned to secular life, and monks over 50 years old still practice in temples, but because of this, There is no way to practice properly.”

He Mulan gritted his teeth with a dark face and said, "Some yamen officials, in the name of 'searching unreturned monks', go to these Buddhist temples every now and then, and take some things with their hands. It didn't take long for them to turn into robbing, robbing. Turning into murderers, those old monks who have no support are already very pitiful, and in this way, it is impossible to even survive, and they can only find ways to survive."

"Now the monks of the three Buddhist temples have long since escaped. Anyone who goes to the three Buddhist temples at this time is almost like saying that they still believe in Buddhism, and their family may have raised monks. So when they heard me asking about Baoen Temple I was afraid of being implicated, so I ran away."

"...Destroy the Buddha?"

Tears suddenly accumulated in Airan's eyes. The tears came so violently that they wet his cheeks all at once. After being washed by the tears, the round and big black eyes looked particularly shocking.

He sniffed, and cried out unwillingly.

"But in our hearts, how can the Buddha be completely destroyed? Why are the people at the foot of the mountain so strange? Why must the things that cannot be destroyed must be destroyed?!"

It was the first time that He Mulan saw Airan break out, and she was so frightened that she stepped forward and covered his nose and mouth, for fear that the store here would hear it and something would happen.

Ai Ran sneered in He Mulan's palm for a long time, because she had to endure not to make a sound, He Mulan only felt the palm of her hand trembling, and Ai Ran's throat also made a sound similar to hiccups.

The despair that shot from Airan's eyes made He Mulan's nose feel sour, and Adanzhuo clenched his fists, not knowing what to say.

"I... I was born a Samana, what's the vulgarity?"

Ai Ran burst into tears in He Mulan's palm, and even the brilliance in her eyes disappeared little by little.

Before that, even when He Mulan saw him for the first time, he was soaked wet and shivering, but he still looked innocent. After being bullied by the city gate officials and robbed by others, he still showed a tenacious tenacity, and firmly believed that when he met his uncle, everything would be better.

He came from the mountains, studied Buddhist scriptures every day, and listened to Master's Zen, in order to realize the Dao. Suddenly, Master died, and the brothers had dispersed. He hugged Master's remains and went underground. When he got to the mountain, someone told him that the people at the foot of the mountain thought it was wrong to be a monk. He needed to return to the secular world, otherwise he would die...

He Mulan was not a monk, and she had never experienced such a complete denial, so she couldn't empathize with this child, and all the hypocritical words of comfort became pale. She could only move her palms away from his mouth and nose, pull his thin body beside her, and let him cry happily on her shoulders.

Airan learned that Baoen Temple was empty, and after the emperor issued the order to exterminate the Buddha, she almost cried out the water in her body.

He mustered up the courage to go down the mountain, and he was not without fear or terror in his heart. But he has the Buddha in his heart, has the future, and has the master's entrustment, so all this overcomes his fear and doubt, allowing him to stumble all the way through this section.

But in the end, he found that he did not find a way of life when he went down the mountain, but walked into a dead end.

He Mulan's mood was no better than Ai Ran's.

She tossed and turned on the bed for a long time and couldn't fall asleep, and the cries of Ai Ran in the daytime seemed to linger in her ears. She moved so many times that she even woke up A Danzhuo, who was in the same room.

"Aunt Hua? You haven't slept yet?"

Adanzhuo sat up in a daze, "Is there something uncomfortable?"

He Mulan bit her lip and said the depression in her heart.

"I'm wondering if it's because of me that Your Majesty issued this decree to destroy the Buddha."

"What did Aunt Hua say? You were always at home before. Did you fall asleep?"

"You do not understand… "

Tuoba Tao originally did not issue such an order. This edict was issued after Gai Wu kidnapped Cui Lin in Liang County and the county magistrate went to Beijing to explain the whole story.

Before that, Tuoba Tao had only imprisoned a few eminent monks, and wanted to use the influence of these eminent monks to force the Xianbei nobles to bow their heads and stop obstructing his decree that he wanted the world to return to the world.

Lushuihu people believe in Buddhism, and Xianbei aristocrats also generally believe in Buddhism. Kou Qianzhi's Taoism can influence the emperor and the Han literati, but it can't influence these sturdy, lifelong honors who commit suicide and kill themselves. They can hope to use the power of Buddhism to clear the battlefield. Sinful barbarians.

Even Tuoba Tao himself believed in Buddhism in his early years.

He Mulan was entrusted by You County magistrate to help You Ke rescue Cui Lin. She defeated Gai Wu, You Ke contacted Ranger and rescued Cui Lin, Gai Wu lost his wife and surrendered, and made a vow of "not to harm the common people", and led the Lushui Hu people away. go dodge.

But even so, Gai Wu must have angered the emperor.

No emperor can withstand such a threat, "if you don't listen to me, I will slaughter your people".

Gai Wu's actions not only didn't make Tuoba Tao feel jealous, but he was afraid that it would make him hate the monks even more. For the sake of his dignity and his rule, he would no longer be threatened like this. Tuoba Tao was afraid that he would move. This decree was issued only because of the heart of killing one and one hundred others.

When Cui Lin left, You Ke had visited her. From his words, it could be heard that Cui Lin's nose had almost no hope of returning to its original state. A beautiful man with a good life will turn into an ugly man with a crooked nose and a strange face in the future. For a man with strong self-esteem and self-confidence, it is really difficult to know what he will become in the future. .

And the Situ Cui Hao, who was a religious believer and wanted to put the monk to death like a tendon, would he hate the monk even more because of his grandson's affairs, and fueled the flames behind Tuoba Tao, prompting the "destroy the Buddha" It is hard not to doubt the promulgation of the decree.

If He Mulan had been complacent before, thinking that his actions had saved the people of the four townships of Liang County, and the arrogant Cui Lin who was rhetoric in front of him, then now, it was like a basin of cold water pouring down on him, letting him She was awake from head to toe.

She is not the reason for the intensification of the conflict, and she will not be restrained by this. But as He Mulan who was involved in this matter, she really had no choice but to think wildly. She even imagined the fantasy world that day when she returned home, the things Kou Qianzhi said to him.

There is also the prince Tuoba Huang, who was inexplicably taken away from his own son's favor and fell into unease day by day.

"I also thought I failed, but His Majesty is getting more and more irritable."

"...We are more and more friction... If I don't leave Pingcheng temporarily, I'm afraid that I will be used by the Xianbei nobles as a bird to resist the pressure of my father and emperor to suppress the Buddha... If I don't leave Pingcheng, I will not be far away from death. …”

Many, many facts were telling her that the monarch who had a brilliant memory and was good at admonishing Mulan was only in her thirties, and she was already like a grumpy woman with menopausal syndrome. step by step into the abyss.

And all these unreasonable changes started from the year that Mulan was disbanded and returned to the field.

Is it a hint from Kou Qianzhi's ulterior motives, or is it really related to Hua Mulan

Did her arrival really mess up the world of the Wei Dynasty, turning the situation that could have been peaceful and peaceful in the country into a crisis, and could fall into all kinds of chaos at any time

Airan's cries were still in her ears.

The desolate expression of Prince Tuoba Huang was right in front of her eyes.

The high walls of Yuanjia's Wubi, Chen Jie's worries about the Lushui Hu people, the monks who were protected but had to flee in a hurry in the Dry Leaf Temple, everything she encountered was telling He Mulan...

She can't escape.

She can dodge the gossips of the villagers, the open guns and dark arrows of the enemy, and she can even dodge the fierce slaughter of the colorful tiger...

But she couldn't escape the unease she felt when she got out of the affair.