Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 78: Buddha Temple Exploration


He Mulan tossed and turned and didn't sleep all night. Airan couldn't help herself because she cried, so she was afraid she wouldn't get a good night's rest. Adanzhuo has the amazing talent of being able to sleep peacefully no matter where he is and under any circumstances, but he slept the best this night.

"Airan, are you sure you want to do this?" He Mulan listened to Airan's request, "Even if I find out where Baoen Temple is, do you want to guard the empty temple alone?"

"No, I want to put Master's relics in the buddha in the temple, and then..." The light in Ai Ran's eyes dimmed a little bit. "I'm going back to the mountain."

"Since that's the case..." He Mulan thought for a while and looked at Ai Ran seriously: "Give me your master's remains, and I'll put them there for you."

"Ah?" Ai Ran seemed a little confused. "He Shizhu is going to place it for me?"

"Well. You are a novice after all. If you are caught in Baoen Temple, your life will be in danger. Besides, your skills are not as good as mine. I will sneak into the Buddhist temple quietly at night to find the Buddha and put it in there. No matter how maddened the county magistrate here is, they will not rob the relics of eminent monks. Naturally, they will not think that someone wants to sneak into the stupa. Even if I am caught..."

He Mulan scratched her face and asked Adanzhuo, "Do you think I will be dealt with with my little fame?"

"It should be..." Adanzhuo answered uncertainly.

"Tsk tsk, my old general may not be very useful. If it really doesn't work, you can go to Chen County to find Di Yefei to save me, or simply ask His Royal Highness to save me."

"…Will it be too dangerous?"

"Come on, given the level of the county magistrate here, I am afraid that if I say Di Yefei's official position, he will only dare to 'invite' me to the cell with the best conditions. I will spend a few days in prison at most. But Love Ran he's going to be caught..."

Airan's expression seemed to be moved and wanted to cry again.

He Mulan was afraid of children, and feared that people would cry. She had both love and dye, so she immediately stretched out her hands and waved: "My little master, don't cry, if you cry again, your eyes will burst. !"

He Mulan had already thought about it last night. Although they forced her into their team without asking her advice, in the end, they still respected her choice and let her go without harassing her. His family threatened each other, at least that prince was not a ruthless person.

Thinking of this, she felt a lot more comfortable.

Whether it is a prince or an emperor, for himself who does not want to honor his ancestors, or to be promoted and rich, they are nothing more than two bright symbols. In this case, even if you have contact with them, what can't you do? It's just being used.

She is not a fool. If the other party has malicious intentions, will she be fooled

"I'll go out to inquire now, and then observe the terrain. Adanzhuo, I don't know if there are any officers and soldiers in Baoen Temple. You are now bringing Airan to prepare more food and things for your road. In case I get trapped, Just set up Airan, ride my Yueying, and quickly go to the Xiang County Prefect's Mansion to find rescuers."

He Mulan straightened her clothes and decided to dress herself up as a nobleman from Xianbei before going out.

No matter how much the Xianbei people respect the Han people, after all, the Xianbei people are now in charge, and the army is full of Xianbei people who fight again. The common people have a natural awe for the Xianbei people. He Mulan reckoned that it would be difficult for an outsider to inquire about these matters, as it was at the beginning, but if Lord Xianbei came out to play and gave him some benefits, it would be much easier than when he first entered the city.

So when she put on the clothes she was wearing when she was about to meet the guests, and walked out of the door gracefully, even the little Er outside the door was much more polite to her.

Her idea was right. It only took a half a day to not only ask about Bao'en Temple, but also be led to the door of Bao'en Temple by a middle-aged man who seemed to be dissatisfied with the county magistrate.

They probably regarded her as a Xianbei nobleman who visited her in private, and the worst was bigger than the greedy magistrates here, so they insinuated her all the way to tell her about the various misfortunes of the magistrates here, how they managed to get rid of them. A good rich county has become a place that even tourist businessmen dare not step into.

Hua Mulan had been a general for so many years, and He Mulan was born in a world that was born equal. Her bearing was not comparable to the ordinary people here. It was not surprising that the people would guess like this. But the people here dared to tell the local parents and officials without knowing her identity. It can be seen that the county magistrate here has aroused the public's anger.

"Originally, there was a master of kindness in Baoen Temple, who has been teaching our poor disciples in Pinglu to learn and read, which is quite popular. There is a widow here, her husband's surname is Zhang, because her husband's family is too vicious and moved to the city, relying on Weaving alone pulled his youngest son to grow up, and later sent the child to Baoen Temple to study calligraphy.”

The middle-aged man had steady steps and strong upper arms, and what he wanted to do was to work hard. "Then the emperor ordered the monks to return to the secular world. The master of compassion was not yet fifty, and he was unwilling to return to the secular world. Live. This widow couldn't bear the suffering of her benefactor, so she secretly supported her, but she was framed by Jiang County magistrate, saying that she had an affair with Master Ciku.

"The widow was beaten to death in prison, and Widow Zhang's child went to the county to seek justice from the Xianbei prefect. Originally, if this kind of thing is really investigated, the county magistrate will also be unlucky. After the order to exterminate the Buddha, the county magistrate Jiang trembled again, and solemnly placed the Zhang family's widow in the guilt of 'covering up the monk', and went after the widow's children everywhere to destroy her family."

The middle-aged man's teeth were rattling, and his eyes were full of fierce light.

"I don't know how many things like this. Baoen Temple has received a lot of incense in the past because it is in the city, and it has been ruined the most. For example, Xulin Temple and Yuanlai Temple, one is here because there are monks from Xianbei. , an old monk over fifty years old in the monastery at least survived even though he was raided because he was far from the city..."

"No one cares? You said that the Zhang family's child went to the county to file a complaint. What happened afterward? Has he been caught? " He Mulan asked him unintentionally.

"Who cares! Magistrate Jiang has been here for seven years, longer than the prefect here. He is not a local person, and he is even more reckless when he does things. He pays enough taxes every year, and he is good at business. Don't let him come. The child disappeared after that, and I don't know if he died or ran away."

After a long sigh, the middle-aged man suddenly stopped and pointed to the door in front of him: "Look, that is Baoen Temple, and I can only take you here."

"You have this eldest brother." He Mulan cupped her hands, and gave him a box of salt from her sleeve pocket.

She had obtained a lot of salt from Gao Jinlong before, and she had plenty of salt at home, so Hua Mu got a lot of small boxes of salt and stuffed them into her package. This thing is easy to change and is not heavy. If you haven't eaten anything, you can only pass it on, and a little salt can also add some flavor.

The middle-aged man didn't open the box in person, but when he took it, he knew it was powder. Although he didn't know what it was, he left happily, leaving He Mulan to ponder over the Baoen Temple.

Everything in Bao'en Temple was robbed, but it was a good thing for her. Such an empty temple should not attract the attention of the government.

But the empty temple does not mean that it is useless. Such a large place is either a temporary shelter for rangers and homeless people, or it has been used or will be used for other purposes by the government. There were police officers patrolling the door, indicating that the prefect surnamed Jiang must still want to pay attention to this temple, and use it again.

He Mulan found out where the back door and side door of the monastery were, and then found the five-story Buddha Pagoda in the corner of the wall. Only then did she return to the inn and tell everything she knew.

When Ai Ran heard He Mulan's words, her face suddenly turned as white as golden paper, and her body trembled.

"Ciku, kindness is the name of my uncle." He swayed a few times, and fell to the ground all of a sudden. "My master said that my uncle is a person of great compassion, how could this end?"

"The evil of the county magistrate here lies in disregarding human relations and forgetting justice. You must not show your face, let alone say that you are the nephew of Master Ciku. The widow of the Zhang family died in prison, who knows what he has. What means? You are single and weak, and the world is dangerous, so it makes sense to protect yourself first." He Mulan touched Ai Ran's smooth forehead. Because no one shaves his head for many days, he can already feel the thorns in his hand, and the green stubble has grown a lot, but he didn't realize it at all, and he knew how flustered he was.

"Give me the relic at night, and I'll help you place it in the tower."

He Mulan didn't need to go into this muddy water, as long as he persuaded the little monk to go back. But after this monk went down the mountain, he just wanted to bury his master well and find a place to return to. Now that the place is gone, at least the master can "leave the leaves and return to the roots".

Just like the flower bud that Airan saw that morning, He Mulan couldn't save the dead tree that was powerless, and couldn't make the flower bud bloom, but looking at the flower bud, it was worth it to come here, always. OK

"You, how do you repay me for being so kind to me..." Ai Ran began to wipe her tears again, "I have nothing to do, and I have nothing to do for you. You have to risk me..."

"Airan, don't cry." He Mulan patted him. "You know why I should help you?"

"Because, because you have a good heart."

"Because I want to tell you that there are bad people and good people at the foot of the mountain. There are villains who take advantage of His Majesty's decrees to persecute monks, and there are enthusiastic people who are not afraid of danger and are willing to help you. You are still young, and you will have a long life in the future. Don't be like this. He was frightened by the incident, unwilling to trust anyone, and locked himself in a cage called 'Buddha'."

Airan's tears stopped, and he murmured with a red nose, "A cage?"

"You said that you were born as a monk, and there was no vulgarity to return, so you were born with subordination to reality, didn't you? Even if you want to return to the vulgarity now, it is nothing more than yielding to reality again. If you can learn to be a monk, you can learn to do it. A lay disciple. Believe me, being an ordinary person is no more difficult than being a monk, and most people are not as good as you. You are at least literate, aren't you?"

He Mulan patted Airan's shoulder. "When I send your master's remains back to the temple, you can consider taking a look at this."

"It's not a sin to be a monk, but it's not a terrible thing to be an ordinary person. Do you think I'm scary?" He Mulan asked him with a smile.

"No, although you are sometimes fierce, you are a very good person." Airan recalled He Mulan's expression when she "touched the wall".

He Mulan froze slightly and touched her nose.

"Being an ordinary person, you will meet countless people like me. Although you will also meet bad people, they will not harm you for no reason. You can understand such profound Buddhist scriptures, why can't you understand the world? It seems to me , there is no difference between them.”

"You think about it. If you still want to be a monk, Adanzhuo and I will send you back to Yunbai Mountain. If you want to try to be a person like us, we can also teach you."

"I... I'll think about it." Ai Ran unwrapped the package in her arms and handed her a palm-sized copper box. The corners of the box were rounded. It didn't look like a box, but a coffin. "This is my master's bone relic. If you think you are in danger, don't take the risk, and what about going to jail or something like that..."

He Mulan took the box and smiled.

"Ah, I haven't lived in a prison yet. Going in and living there occasionally is an experience."

Adanzhuo frowned.

But he knew that Aunt Hua had always had a lot of ideas, and he didn't persuade him any more.


The process of He Mulan slipping into Baoen Temple was extremely easy, and she entered Baoen Temple almost without resistance.

The nights in ancient times were completely different from those in modern times. If we say that there are at least street lamps or other lighting in modern times, then the dark nights in ancient times seemed to devour people, and even lanterns could not dispel much darkness.

He Mulan didn't have night vision, and she didn't carry a torch. She was able to climb over the wall in the middle of the night instead of hitting the wall, because there was a night pearl in her batch of jewels that the emperor rewarded. She had read the list of rewards. This bead is called "Suizhu", and there is only one, but it is the size of a jujube. He Mulan likes this fluorite very much, and she often takes it out to play with it. This time she went out and brought it out.

Night pearls were probably very valuable in ancient times, but He Mulan came from modern times and grew up in a place where even plastic could be made to glow. A night pearl was really nothing, and it could be used as a small light bulb that could light up your feet.

Said to be a fence, in fact, it was even taller than a human being. He Mulan kicked on the ground casually, and with his extraordinary arm strength, he did a pull-up, climbed to the fence, and jumped down.

"No wonder it was so easy to be a hero in ancient times." He Mulan glanced at the fence, "So short, where do you need light work?"

Think about the fence around your house...

cough cough. The ancient folk customs are really good.

He Mulan stumbled and smeared to find the pagoda, circled around the pagoda, and was completely dumbfounded.

"Where's the door?"

He Mulan circled around, but did not find the door.

There can be no door.

If there is no door, where will the Buddhist bones of those monks be placed!

She didn't give up, she held the luminous beads and touched it carefully again, and only then did she feel a little gap. When she leaned over to take a look, she was stunned again.

It turned out that there was no door, but the door of the Buddha was blocked by a few wooden boards. In this dark night, even with the green light of the night pearl, it was not very obvious. The door was sealed off by wooden boards. He Mulan went around in a circle, but of course he didn't find the low door.

How to do

Go or stay


"Master, did you hear anything?"

The little novice, whose hair was already two inches long, sat up suddenly and shook his master.

The monk was about thirty-one or two years old. He was lazy and had no spirit. He didn't even bother to open his eyes when he heard what the little novice said: "I didn't hear any sound."

"There is really a voice!" The novice listened carefully. "There is movement downstairs."

"It's not that the building moved, it's your heart that's moved." The middle-aged monk turned over, "We don't have much food, and now we don't know what's going on outside, and we don't know how long it will last, move less, and live longer. some."

"But Master, is there a thief?" The little novice shrank in fear. "Otherwise, is it the 'devil' that Master said?"

"Which thief came to the bungalow to steal. Are you stealing bones to make soup?" The middle-aged monk rolled his eyes. "At the same age, you are not at all as cute as my little junior brother. If a thief comes, the two of us will play dead to ensure that the thief is more afraid than us."

"Amitabha, Master, you have made a mouthful again. ... Master, are you sure?" The little novice shrank and pricked up his ears. "The uncles sealed the door tightly, even if there were thieves, they couldn't open it, right?"

He saw that such a thick board was nailed up. There are officials outside forcing, even if you want to nail it firmly, you can't get past it.

"I'm sure I'm sure... hiss, no, there is a voice." The lazy monk suddenly straightened up slightly. "Teacher, this doesn't look like a thief..."

" do I think it's a bear?".

He Mulan observed these door panels slightly, and after confirming that they were nailed into the stone wall with iron nails, she began to shake these door panels and pull them out.

If you are strong enough, you should be able to pull these door panels off without breaking the strange nails. After she finished placing the Buddha bones and came out, she went out the door again, repositioned the door panel according to the position of the pothole, and picked up a stone and nailed it back.

He Mulan stretched out her hands to hold the two sides of the board and pulled it out, because she was very careful with her force because she was afraid of breaking the board. In the silent Buddhist temple, the sound of "glam, gala" from under the buddha was very obvious, and it sounded a bit like the sound of a bone rack sitting up from a coffin.

Rao was that He Mulan didn't believe in ghosts and gods, and her heart shrank when she was frightened by this imagination, and the movements in her hands stopped.

After this pause, the silence around her was more terrifying than the sound of slamming the door panel. She took a deep breath, and while she was talking to herself to relieve the terrifying atmosphere, she concentrated on the work in her hand.

"I'm a forensic doctor, and I just look at bones and bones. What's there to be afraid of. Besides, they're all relics, not tombs, so you can't see a corpse at first sight."

"I thought I would just sneak in and deliver something and come out. At most, open a lock or something. I didn't expect to have to work hard."

"I don't know what the inside of this stupa looks like. Hey, what it looks like has nothing to do with me. It's so dark and blind, can I still go into the stupa for a day trip?"

While chatting like this, she continued to scrape the wooden boards until all the wooden boards were removed, and then she gently pushed the stone gate on the tower and got in.


"Master, Master, I don't think that downstairs is a bear..." The little novice hunched over and climbed to his master's side, "It looks like a monster."

The little novice's master was also nervous, reciting the Buddha's name over and over again in his heart, but his mouth was stubborn: "What nonsense, we have a Buddha in our hearts, and evil spirits do not invade, I don't think there are monsters coming in, but you have a demon ."

"But Master, didn't you hear the sound of mantras from below?" The little novice's butt was already leaning against his master's waist. "I also heard words like bones and bones. Is there some monster coming to steal the Buddha's bone relic?"

The sound floated up, it was the middle of the night again, and the sound was especially obvious. Before he became a monk, the little novice was also a child of an ordinary family. When I was a child, I heard stories from my mother-in-law at home. It is said that some monsters and evil spirits like to steal some Buddhist bones of monks, or the flesh of Taoists, or to increase their cultivation. , or just to bring back the soul. He was still young and he became a monk soon. He was startled at first, and he remembered all the old ghost stories when he was a child, and scared himself half to death.

"Where are the ghosts scary?" The middle-aged monk chanted the Buddha's name. "Ruo Ye, your mood is unstable, and I will punish you for reciting the Maha Prajna Paramita a hundred times for the teacher."

"Yes, Master." The little monk named Ruo Ye bit his lip and began to recite the Buddhist scriptures. "… Gakti Gakti, Para Ghat, Parasang Gak... ”

The master punished people to recite the scriptures again. He didn't even think about how many days it hasn't rained. The water is almost gone, and his mouth is dry. Do you want to drink water in the future

He also said that there is a Buddha in his heart, and evil spirits do not invade. I have a Buddha in my heart... I have a Buddha...

If there was a Buddha, he would do that kind of thing at the bottom of the tower! .

He Mulan finally broke open the door, gently pushed open the short stone door that was not one meter high, and the cat's waist got in.

For a big man of 1.7 meters like her, this Shimen is really too short. But when he thought that this was not a pagoda for people to play, but a pagoda where Buddha bones and corpses were parked, He Mulan didn't think much about it.

She was holding the night pearl, and as soon as she entered the first floor of this stupa, she was dizzy and dizzy because of the smell, and she could not wait to get out of the door.

I rub, what does it taste like!

It's like the dogs in the downstairs community all pooping at her door, and it's like passing by the lake where mussels are raised, and it's a bit like a vegetable field that has just been fertilized.

No, scarier than those!

He Mulan covered her nose, tears almost falling.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had dissected carrion, and had assisted the archaeology department of N University in conducting forensic research on ancient bones, she must have mistaken this smell for the smell of rotting corpses.

What is the situation, how can there be an unpleasant smell than the smell of rotting corpses!

In the pure land of Buddhism, even if the monks are dead, the bones of the Buddha will not stink!

He Mulan originally wanted to put the copper box somewhere on the first floor, but the smell was so disgusting, He Mulan didn't even think about it, and went to the wooden ladder in the middle of the bottom of the tower. Floor placement.

This tower is literally alive!

Why do I say this, because occasionally there is a soft touch under the feet, it is like stepping on the intestines or internal organs or something, and the feet are a little sticky when walking.

He Mulan suddenly remembered that she had played so many immortal RPG rangers, what a monster tower that can eat people is actually a monster's belly changed, some map has an illusion, in fact, there are several monsters disguised as one The map is waiting for the protagonist to step on the thunder and so on.

He Mulan originally thought that he had the divine power of Hua Mulan and his years of working experience in the modern age.

But when she was in this empty stupa, in this strange unpleasant, lingering smell that seemed to be lingering on the tip of her nose, and the terrible rattling and sticky touch when she stepped on the wooden ladder sense of walking...

He Mulan had an inexplicable urge to go to the toilet.

The author has something to say: I just got home, and there is one more update. I am coding it now, and it will be delivered at about 10 pm. Love you guys.

small theater:

He also said that there is a Buddha in his heart, and evil spirits do not invade. I have a Buddha in my heart... I have a Buddha...

If there was a Buddha, he would do that kind of thing at the bottom of the tower!

Middle-aged monk: (coughing) Don't think crooked, people only have three worries, cats and dogs still know how to stay farther away, I'm not at the bottom of the tower, can't I be on the tower